private void openFile(byte[] input, string path, string ext) { #region Powersaves Read-Only Conversion if (input.Length == 0x10009C) // Resize to 1MB { Array.Copy(input, 0x9C, input, 0, 0x100000); Array.Resize(ref input, 0x100000); } #endregion #region Saves if (SAV6.SizeValid(input.Length) && BitConverter.ToUInt32(input, input.Length - 0x1F0) == SAV6.BEEF) openMAIN(input, path); // Verify the Data Input Size is Proper else if (input.Length == 0x100000) { if (openXOR(input, path)) // Check if we can load the save via xorpad return; // only if a save is loaded we abort if (BitConverter.ToUInt64(input, 0x10) != 0) // encrypted save { Util.Error("PKHeX only edits decrypted save files." + Environment.NewLine + "This save file is not decrypted.", path); return; } DialogResult sdr = Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, "Press Yes to load the sav at 0x3000", "Press No for the one at 0x82000"); if (sdr == DialogResult.Cancel) return; int savshift = sdr == DialogResult.Yes ? 0 : 0x7F000; byte[] psdata = input.Skip(0x5400 + savshift).Take(SAV6.SIZE_ORAS).ToArray(); if (BitConverter.ToUInt32(psdata, psdata.Length - 0x1F0) != SAV6.BEEF) Array.Resize(ref psdata, SAV6.SIZE_XY); if (BitConverter.ToUInt32(psdata, psdata.Length - 0x1F0) != SAV6.BEEF) { Util.Error("The data file is not a valid save file", path); return; } openMAIN(psdata, path); } #endregion #region PK6/EK6 else if ((input.Length == PK6.SIZE_PARTY || input.Length == PK6.SIZE_STORED) && ext != ".pgt") { // Check if Input is PKX if (new[] {".pk6", ".ek6", ".pkx", ".ekx", ""}.Contains(ext)) { // Check if Encrypted before Loading populateFields(new PK6(BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 0xC8) == 0 && BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 0x58) == 0 ? input : PKX.decryptArray(input))); } else Util.Error("Unable to recognize file." + Environment.NewLine + "Only valid .pk* .ek* .bin supported.", $"File Loaded:{Environment.NewLine}{path}"); } #endregion #region PK3/PK4/PK5 Conversion else if (new[] { PK3.SIZE_PARTY, PK3.SIZE_STORED, PK4.SIZE_PARTY, PK4.SIZE_STORED, PK5.SIZE_PARTY }.Contains(input.Length)) { if (!PKX.verifychk(input)) Util.Error("Invalid File (Checksum Error)"); try // to convert g5pkm { populateFields(Converter.ConvertPKMtoPK6(input)); } catch { populateFields(new PK6()); Util.Error("Attempted to load previous generation PKM.", "Conversion failed."); } } #endregion #region Box Data else if ((input.Length == PK6.SIZE_STORED * 30 || input.Length == PK6.SIZE_STORED * 30 * 31) && BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 4) == 0 && BitConverter.ToUInt32(input, 8) > 0) { int baseOffset = SAV.Box + PK6.SIZE_STORED * 30 * (input.Length == PK6.SIZE_STORED * 30 ? CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex : 0); for (int i = 0; i < input.Length / PK6.SIZE_STORED; i++) { byte[] data = input.Skip(PK6.SIZE_STORED * i).Take(PK6.SIZE_STORED).ToArray(); SAV.setEK6Stored(data, baseOffset + i * PK6.SIZE_STORED); } setPKXBoxes(); Util.Alert("Box Binary loaded."); } #endregion #region Battle Video else if (input.Length == 0x2E60 && BitConverter.ToUInt64(input, 0xE18) != 0 && BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 0xE12) == 0) { if (Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Load Batte Video Pokémon data to " + CB_BoxSelect.Text + "?", "The first 24 slots will be overwritten.") != DialogResult.Yes) return; DialogResult noSet = Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, "Loading overrides:", "Yes - Modify .pk6 when set to SAV" + Environment.NewLine + "No - Don't modify .pk6" + Environment.NewLine + "Cancel - Use current settings (" + (Menu_ModifyPK6.Checked ? "Yes" : "No") + ")"); bool? noSetb = noSet == DialogResult.Yes ? true : (noSet == DialogResult.No ? (bool?)false : null); for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { byte[] data = input.Skip(0xE18 + PK6.SIZE_PARTY * i + i / 6 * 8).Take(PK6.SIZE_STORED).ToArray(); int offset = SAV.Box + i*PK6.SIZE_STORED + CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex*30*PK6.SIZE_STORED; SAV.setEK6Stored(data, offset, noSetb); } setPKXBoxes(); } #endregion #region Wondercard else if ((input.Length == WC6.Size && ext == ".wc6") || (input.Length == WC6.SizeFull && ext == ".wc6full")) { if (input.Length == WC6.SizeFull) // Take bytes at end = WC6 size. input = input.Skip(WC6.SizeFull - WC6.Size).ToArray(); if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Control && SAV.PokeDex > -1) new SAV_Wondercard(input).ShowDialog(); else { PK6 pk = new WC6(input).convertToPK6(SAV); if (pk == null || pk.Species == 0 || pk.Species > 721) { Util.Error("Failed to convert Wondercard.", pk == null ? "Not a Pokémon Wondercard." : "Invalid species."); return; } populateFields(pk); } } else if (input.Length == PGF.Size && ext == ".pgf") { PK5 pk = new PGF(input).convertToPK5(SAV); if (pk == null || pk.Species == 0 || pk.Species > 721) { Util.Error("Failed to convert PGF.", pk == null ? "Not a Pokémon PGF." : "Invalid species."); return; } populateFields(Converter.ConvertPKMtoPK6(pk.Data)); } else if (input.Length == PGT.Size && ext == ".pgt") { PGT pgt = new PGT(input); PK4 pk = pgt.convertToPK4(SAV); if (pk == null || pk.Species == 0 || pk.Species > 721) { Util.Error("Failed to convert PGT.", pk == null ? "Not a Pokémon PGT." : "Invalid species."); return; } populateFields(Converter.ConvertPKMtoPK6(pk.Data)); } else if (input.Length == PCD.Size && ext == ".pcd") { PCD pcd = new PCD(input); PGT pgt = pcd.Gift; PK4 pk = pgt.convertToPK4(SAV); if (pk == null || pk.Species == 0 || pk.Species > 721) { Util.Error("Failed to convert PCD.", pk == null ? "Not a Pokémon PCD." : "Invalid species."); return; } populateFields(Converter.ConvertPKMtoPK6(pk.Data)); } #endregion else Util.Error("Attempted to load an unsupported file type/size.", $"File Loaded:{Environment.NewLine}{path}", $"File Size:{Environment.NewLine}{input.Length} bytes (0x{input.Length.ToString("X4")})"); }
private LegalityCheck verifyLevel() { WC6 MatchedWC6 = EncounterMatch as WC6; if (MatchedWC6 != null && MatchedWC6.Level != pk6.Met_Level) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Met Level does not match Wonder Card level.")); } int lvl = pk6.CurrentLevel; if (lvl < pk6.Met_Level) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Current level is below met level.")); } if ((pk6.WasEgg || EncounterMatch == null) && !Legal.getEvolutionValid(pk6)) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Level is below evolution requirements.")); } if (lvl > pk6.Met_Level && lvl > 1 && lvl != 100 && pk6.EXP == PKX.getEXP(pk6.Stat_Level, pk6.Species)) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Fishy, "Current experience matches level threshold.")); } return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Valid, "Current level is not below met level.")); }
public void setWC6(WC6 wc6, int index) { if (WondercardData < 0) { return; } if (index < 0 || index > 24) { return; } wc6.Data.CopyTo(Data, WondercardData + index * WC6.Size); for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { if (BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, WondercardData + i * WC6.Size) == 0) { for (int j = i + 1; j < 24 - i; j++) // Shift everything down { Array.Copy(Data, WondercardData + j * WC6.Size, Data, WondercardData + (j - 1) * WC6.Size, WC6.Size); } } } Edited = true; }
// String Creation private string getWCDescriptionString(byte[] data) { WC6 wc = new WC6(data); if (wc.CardID == 0) { return("Empty Slot. No data!"); } string s = $"Card #: {wc.CardID.ToString("0000")} - {wc.CardTitle.Trim()}" + Environment.NewLine; switch (wc.CardType) { case 1: s += "Item: " + Main.itemlist[wc.Item] + Environment.NewLine + "Quantity: " + wc.Quantity; return(s); case 0: s += $"{Main.specieslist[wc.Species]} @ {Main.itemlist[wc.HeldItem]} --- {wc.OT} - {wc.TID.ToString("00000")}/{wc.SID.ToString("00000")}" + Environment.NewLine + $"{Main.movelist[wc.Move1]} / {Main.movelist[wc.Move2]} / {Main.movelist[wc.Move3]} / {Main.movelist[wc.Move4]}" + Environment.NewLine; return(s); default: s += "Unknown Wonder Card Type!"; return(s); } }
private void loadwcdata() { if (wc6 == null) { return; } try { if (wc6.GiftUsed && DialogResult.Yes == Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Wonder Card is marked as USED and will not be able to be picked up in-game.", "Do you want to remove the USED flag so that it is UNUSED?")) { wc6.GiftUsed = false; } RTB.Text = wc6.Description; PB_Preview.Image = wc6.Preview; } catch (Exception e) { Util.Error("Loading of data failed... is this really a Wonder Card?", e.ToString()); wc6 = new WC6(); RTB.Clear(); } }
private void populateWClist() { for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { WC6 wc = SAV.getWC6(i); pba[i].Image = wc.CardID == 0 ? null : wc.Preview; } }
// Wonder Card RW (window<->sav) private void clickView(object sender, EventArgs e) { sender = ((sender as ToolStripItem)?.Owner as ContextMenuStrip)?.SourceControl ?? sender as PictureBox; int index = Array.IndexOf(pba, sender); setBackground(index, Properties.Resources.slotView); wc6 = SAV.getWC6(index); loadwcdata(); }
private void L_QR_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt) { byte[] data = Util.getQRData(); if (data == null) { return; } if (data.Length != WC6.Size) { Util.Alert("Decoded data not 0x108 bytes.", $"QR Data Size: 0x{data.Length.ToString("X")}"); } else { try { wc6 = new WC6(data); loadwcdata(); } catch { Util.Alert("Error loading wondercard data."); } } } else { if (wc6.Data.SequenceEqual(new byte[wc6.Data.Length])) { Util.Alert("No wondercard data found in loaded slot!"); return; } if (wc6.Item == 726 && wc6.IsItem) { Util.Alert("Eon Ticket Wonder Cards will not function properly", "Inject to the save file instead."); return; } // Prep data byte[] wcdata = wc6.Data; // Ensure size Array.Resize(ref wcdata, WC6.Size); // Setup QR const string server = ""; Image qr = Util.getQRImage(wcdata, server); if (qr == null) { return; } string desc = wc6.Description; new QR(qr, PB_Preview.Image, desc, "", "", "PKHeX Wonder Card @").ShowDialog(); } }
private void pbBoxSlot_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Control || ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt || ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift || ModifierKeys == (Keys.Control | Keys.Alt)) { switch (ModifierKeys) { case Keys.Control: clickView(sender, e); break; case Keys.Shift: clickSet(sender, e); break; case Keys.Alt: clickDelete(sender, e); break; } return; } PictureBox pb = (PictureBox)(sender); if (pb.Image == null) { return; } if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left || e.Clicks != 1) { return; } int index = Array.FindIndex(pba, p => p.Name == (sender as PictureBox).Name); wc_slot = index; // Create Temp File to Drag Cursor.Current = Cursors.Hand; // Prepare Data byte[] dragdata = sav.Skip(Main.SAV.WondercardData + WC6.Size * index).Take(WC6.Size).ToArray(); WC6 card = new WC6(dragdata); string filename = Util.CleanFileName(card.CardID.ToString("0000") + " - " + card.CardTitle + ".wc6"); // Make File string newfile = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Util.CleanFileName(filename)); try { File.WriteAllBytes(newfile, dragdata); DoDragDrop(new DataObject(DataFormats.FileDrop, new[] { newfile }), DragDropEffects.Move); } catch (ArgumentException x) { Util.Error("Drag & Drop Error:", x.ToString()); } File.Delete(newfile); wc_slot = -1; }
private void pbBoxSlot_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Control || ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt || ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift || ModifierKeys == (Keys.Control | Keys.Alt)) { switch (ModifierKeys) { case Keys.Control: clickView(sender, e); break; case Keys.Shift: clickSet(sender, e); break; case Keys.Alt: clickDelete(sender, e); break; } return; } PictureBox pb = (PictureBox)sender; if (pb.Image == null) { return; } if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left || e.Clicks != 1) { return; } int index = Array.IndexOf(pba, sender); wc_slot = index; // Create Temp File to Drag Cursor.Current = Cursors.Hand; // Prepare Data WC6 card = SAV.getWC6(index); string filename = Util.CleanFileName($"{card.CardID.ToString("0000")} - {card.CardTitle}.wc6"); // Make File string newfile = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Util.CleanFileName(filename)); try { File.WriteAllBytes(newfile, card.Data); DoDragDrop(new DataObject(DataFormats.FileDrop, new[] { newfile }), DragDropEffects.Move); } catch (ArgumentException x) { Util.Error("Drag & Drop Error:", x.ToString()); } File.Delete(newfile); wc_slot = -1; }
private bool checkSpecialWonderCard(WC6 wc) { if (wc6.CardID == 2048 && wc.Item == 726) // Eon Ticket (OR/AS) { if (!Main.SAV.ORAS || Main.SAV.EonTicket < 0) { goto reject; } BitConverter.GetBytes(WC6.EonTicketConst).CopyTo(SAV.Data, Main.SAV.EonTicket); } return(true); reject : Util.Alert("Unable to insert the Wonder Card.", "Does this Wonder Card really belong to this game?"); return(false); }
// String Creation private string getWCDescriptionString(byte[] data) { // Load up the data according to the wiki! int cardID = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 0); if (cardID == 0) { return("Empty Slot. No data!"); } string cardname = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(data, 0x2, 0x48)); int cardtype = data[0x51]; string s = ""; s += "Card #: " + cardID.ToString("0000") + " - " + cardname + Environment.NewLine; if (cardtype == 1) // Item { int item = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 0x68); int qty = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 0x70); s += "Item: " + Main.itemlist[item] + Environment.NewLine + "Quantity: " + qty; } else if (cardtype == 0) // PKM { WC6 card = new WC6(data); s += String.Format( "{1} @ {2} --- {7} - {8}/{9}{0}" + "{3} / {4} / {5} / {6}{0}", Environment.NewLine, Main.specieslist[card.Species], Main.itemlist[card.HeldItem], Main.movelist[card.Move1], Main.movelist[card.Move2], Main.movelist[card.Move3], Main.movelist[card.Move4], card.OT, card.TID.ToString("00000"), card.SID.ToString("00000")); } else { s += "Unknown Wonder Card Type!"; } return(s); }
private void pbBoxSlot_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { int index = Array.IndexOf(pba, sender); // Hijack to the latest unfilled slot if index creates interstitial empty slots. int lastUnfilled = Array.FindIndex(pba, p => p.Image == null); if (lastUnfilled < index) { index = lastUnfilled; } // Check for In-Dropped files (PKX,SAV,ETC) if (wc_slot == -1) { string[] files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop); if (files.Length < 1 || new FileInfo(files[0]).Length != WC6.Size) { return; } WC6 wc = new WC6(File.ReadAllBytes(files[0])); SAV.setWC6(wc, index); setCardID(wc.CardID); wc6 = wc; loadwcdata(); } else // Swap Data { // Check to see if they copied beyond blank slots. if (index > Math.Max(wc_slot, lastUnfilled - 1)) { index = Math.Max(wc_slot, lastUnfilled - 1); } WC6 s1 = SAV.getWC6(index); WC6 s2 = SAV.getWC6(wc_slot); SAV.setWC6(s1, wc_slot); SAV.setWC6(s2, index); } setBackground(index, Properties.Resources.slotView); populateWClist(); }
// Wonder Card IO (.wc6<->window) private void B_Import_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog importwc6 = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = "Wonder Card|*.wc6;*.wc6full" }; if (importwc6.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } string path = importwc6.FileName; long len = new FileInfo(path).Length; if (len != WC6.Size && len != WC6.SizeFull) { Util.Error("File is not a Wonder Card:", path); return; } wc6 = new WC6(File.ReadAllBytes(path)); loadwcdata(); }
private void loadwcdata() { if (wc6 == null) return; try { if (wc6.GiftUsed && DialogResult.Yes == Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Wonder Card is marked as USED and will not be able to be picked up in-game.", "Do you want to remove the USED flag so that it is UNUSED?")) wc6.GiftUsed = false; RTB.Text = wc6.Description; PB_Preview.Image = wc6.Preview; } catch (Exception e) { Util.Error("Loading of data failed... is this really a Wonder Card?", e.ToString()); wc6 = new WC6(); RTB.Clear(); } }
private Image getWCPreviewImage(byte[] data) { Image img; WC6 wc = new WC6(data); if (wc.IsPokémon) { img = PKX.getSprite(wc.Species, wc.Form, wc.Gender, wc.HeldItem, wc.IsEgg, wc.PIDType == 2); } else if (wc.IsItem) { img = (Image)(Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("item_" + BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 0x68)) ?? Properties.Resources.unknown); } else { img = Properties.Resources.unknown; } if (wc.GiftUsed) { img = Util.LayerImage(new Bitmap(img.Width, img.Height), img, 0, 0, 0.3); } return(img); }
private void pbBoxSlot_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Control || ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt || ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift || ModifierKeys == (Keys.Control | Keys.Alt)) { switch (ModifierKeys) { case Keys.Control: clickView(sender, e); break; case Keys.Shift: clickSet(sender, e); break; case Keys.Alt: clickDelete(sender, e); break; } return; } PictureBox pb = (PictureBox)sender; if (pb.Image == null) return; if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left || e.Clicks != 1) return; int index = Array.IndexOf(pba, sender); wc_slot = index; // Create Temp File to Drag Cursor.Current = Cursors.Hand; // Prepare Data byte[] dragdata = sav.Skip(Main.SAV.WondercardData + WC6.Size * index).Take(WC6.Size).ToArray(); WC6 card = new WC6(dragdata); string filename = Util.CleanFileName($"{card.CardID.ToString("0000")} - {card.CardTitle}.wc6"); // Make File string newfile = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Util.CleanFileName(filename)); try { File.WriteAllBytes(newfile, dragdata); DoDragDrop(new DataObject(DataFormats.FileDrop, new[] { newfile }), DragDropEffects.Move); } catch (ArgumentException x) { Util.Error("Drag & Drop Error:", x.ToString()); } File.Delete(newfile); wc_slot = -1; }
private Image getWCPreviewImage(byte[] data) { Image img; WC6 wc = new WC6(data); if (wc.IsPokémon) img = PKX.getSprite(wc.Species, wc.Form, wc.Gender, wc.HeldItem, wc.IsEgg, wc.PIDType == 2); else if (wc.IsItem) img = (Image)(Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("item_" + BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 0x68)) ?? Properties.Resources.unknown); else img = Properties.Resources.unknown; if (wc.GiftUsed) img = Util.LayerImage(new Bitmap(img.Width, img.Height), img, 0, 0, 0.3); return img; }
// String Creation private string getWCDescriptionString(byte[] data) { WC6 wc = new WC6(data); if (wc.CardID == 0) return "Empty Slot. No data!"; string s = $"Card #: {wc.CardID.ToString("0000")} - {wc.CardTitle.Trim()}" + Environment.NewLine; switch (wc.CardType) { case 1: s += "Item: " + Main.itemlist[wc.Item] + Environment.NewLine + "Quantity: " + wc.Quantity; return s; case 0: s += $"{Main.specieslist[wc.Species]} @ {Main.itemlist[wc.HeldItem]} --- {wc.OT} - {wc.TID.ToString("00000")}/{wc.SID.ToString("00000")}" + Environment.NewLine + $"{Main.movelist[wc.Move1]} / {Main.movelist[wc.Move2]} / {Main.movelist[wc.Move3]} / {Main.movelist[wc.Move4]}" + Environment.NewLine; return s; default: s += "Unknown Wonder Card Type!"; return s; } }
private void pbBoxSlot_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { int index = Array.IndexOf(pba, sender); // Hijack to the latest unfilled slot if index creates interstitial empty slots. int lastUnfilled = Array.FindIndex(pba, p => p.Image == null); if (lastUnfilled < index) index = lastUnfilled; // Check for In-Dropped files (PKX,SAV,ETC) if (wc_slot == -1) { string[] files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop); if (files.Length < 1 || new FileInfo(files[0]).Length != WC6.Size) return; WC6 wc = new WC6(File.ReadAllBytes(files[0])); SAV.setWC6(wc, index); setCardID(wc.CardID); wc6 = wc; loadwcdata(); } else // Swap Data { // Check to see if they copied beyond blank slots. if (index > Math.Max(wc_slot, lastUnfilled - 1)) index = Math.Max(wc_slot, lastUnfilled - 1); WC6 s1 = SAV.getWC6(index); WC6 s2 = SAV.getWC6(wc_slot); SAV.setWC6(s1, wc_slot); SAV.setWC6(s2, index); } setBackground(index, Properties.Resources.slotView); populateWClist(); }
private LegalityCheck verifyRibbons() { if (!Encounter.Valid) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Valid, "Skipped Ribbon check due to other check being invalid.")); } List <string> missingRibbons = new List <string>(); List <string> invalidRibbons = new List <string>(); // Check Event Ribbons bool[] EventRib = { pk6.RIB2_6, pk6.RIB2_7, pk6.RIB3_0, pk6.RIB3_1, pk6.RIB3_2, pk6.RIB3_3, pk6.RIB3_4, pk6.RIB3_5, pk6.RIB3_6, pk6.RIB3_7, pk6.RIB4_0, pk6.RIB4_1, pk6.RIB4_2, pk6.RIB4_3, pk6.RIB4_4 }; WC6 MatchedWC6 = EncounterMatch as WC6; if (MatchedWC6 != null) // Wonder Card { bool[] wc6rib = { MatchedWC6.RIB0_3, MatchedWC6.RIB0_4, MatchedWC6.RIB0_5, MatchedWC6.RIB0_6, MatchedWC6.RIB1_5, MatchedWC6.RIB1_6, MatchedWC6.RIB0_7, MatchedWC6.RIB1_1, MatchedWC6.RIB1_2, MatchedWC6.RIB1_3, MatchedWC6.RIB1_4, MatchedWC6.RIB0_0, MatchedWC6.RIB0_1, MatchedWC6.RIB0_2, MatchedWC6.RIB1_0 }; for (int i = 0; i < EventRib.Length; i++) { if (EventRib[i] ^ wc6rib[i]) // Mismatch { (wc6rib[i] ? missingRibbons : invalidRibbons).Add(EventRibName[i]); } } } else if (EncounterType == typeof(EncounterLink)) { // No Event Ribbons except Classic (unless otherwise specified, ie not for Demo) for (int i = 0; i < EventRib.Length; i++) { if (i != 4 && EventRib[i]) { invalidRibbons.Add(EventRibName[i]); } } if (EventRib[4] ^ ((EncounterLink)EncounterMatch).Classic) { (EventRib[4] ? invalidRibbons : missingRibbons).Add(EventRibName[4]); } } else // No ribbons { for (int i = 0; i < EventRib.Length; i++) { if (EventRib[i]) { invalidRibbons.Add(EventRibName[i]); } } } // Unobtainable ribbons for Gen6 Origin if (pk6.RIB0_1) { invalidRibbons.Add("GBA Champion"); // RSE HoF } if (pk6.RIB0_2) { invalidRibbons.Add("Sinnoh Champ"); // DPPt HoF } if (pk6.RIB2_2) { invalidRibbons.Add("Artist"); // RSE Master Rank Portrait } if (pk6.RIB2_4) { invalidRibbons.Add("Record"); // Unobtainable } if (pk6.RIB2_5) { invalidRibbons.Add("Legend"); // HGSS Defeat Red @ Mt.Silver } if (pk6.Memory_ContestCount > 0) { invalidRibbons.Add("Contest Memory"); // Gen3/4 Contest } if (pk6.Memory_BattleCount > 0) { invalidRibbons.Add("Battle Memory"); // Gen3/4 Battle } if (missingRibbons.Count + invalidRibbons.Count == 0) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Valid, "All ribbons accounted for.")); } string[] result = new string[2]; if (missingRibbons.Count > 0) { result[0] = "Missing Ribbons: " + string.Join(", ", missingRibbons); } if (invalidRibbons.Count > 0) { result[1] = "Invalid Ribbons: " + string.Join(", ", invalidRibbons); } return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, string.Join(Environment.NewLine, result.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))))); }
private void tabMain_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { string[] files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop); // Check for multiple wondercards int ctr = currentSlot; if (Directory.Exists(files[0])) files = Directory.GetFiles(files[0], "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); if (files.Length == 1 && !Directory.Exists(files[0])) { string path = files[0]; // open first D&D long len = new FileInfo(path).Length; if (len != WC6.Size && len != WC6.SizeFull) { Util.Error("File is not a Wonder Card:", path); return; } byte[] newwc6 = File.ReadAllBytes(path); if (newwc6.Length == WC6.SizeFull) newwc6 = newwc6.Skip(WC6.SizeFull - WC6.Size).ToArray(); Array.Copy(newwc6, wc6.Data, newwc6.Length); loadwcdata(); return; } if (DialogResult.Yes != Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, $"Try to load {files.Length} Wonder Cards starting at Card {ctr + 1}?")) return; foreach (string file in files) { long len = new FileInfo(file).Length; if (len != WC6.Size && len != WC6.SizeFull) { Util.Error("File is not a Wonder Card:", file); continue; } // Load in WC byte[] newwc6 = File.ReadAllBytes(file); if (newwc6.Length == WC6.SizeFull) newwc6 = newwc6.Skip(WC6.SizeFull - WC6.Size).ToArray(); if (checkSpecialWonderCard(new WC6(newwc6))) { WC6 wc = new WC6(newwc6); SAV.setWC6(wc, ctr++); setCardID(wc.CardID); } if (ctr >= 24) break; } populateWClist(); }
// Wonder Card IO (.wc6<->window) private void B_Import_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog importwc6 = new OpenFileDialog {Filter = "Wonder Card|*.wc6;*.wc6full"}; if (importwc6.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return; string path = importwc6.FileName; long len = new FileInfo(path).Length; if (len != WC6.Size && len != WC6.SizeFull) { Util.Error("File is not a Wonder Card:", path); return; } wc6 = new WC6(File.ReadAllBytes(path)); loadwcdata(); }
private LegalityCheck[] verifyMoves() { int[] Moves = pk6.Moves; LegalityCheck[] res = new LegalityCheck[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { res[i] = new LegalityCheck(); } if (!pk6.Gen6) { return(res); } var validMoves = Legal.getValidMoves(pk6).ToArray(); if (pk6.Species == 235) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { res[i] = Legal.InvalidSketch.Contains(Moves[i]) ? new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid Sketch move.") : new LegalityCheck(); } } else if (CardMatch?.Count > 1) // Multiple possible WC6 matched { int[] RelearnMoves = pk6.RelearnMoves; foreach (var wc in CardMatch) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (Moves[i] == Legal.Struggle) { res[i] = new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid Move: Struggle."); } else if (validMoves.Contains(Moves[i])) { res[i] = new LegalityCheck(Severity.Valid, Moves[i] == 0 ? "Empty" : "Level-up."); } else if (RelearnMoves.Contains(Moves[i])) { res[i] = new LegalityCheck(Severity.Valid, Moves[i] == 0 ? "Empty" : "Relearn Move.") { Flag = true } } ; else if (wc.Moves.Contains(Moves[i])) { res[i] = new LegalityCheck(Severity.Valid, "Wonder Card Non-Relearn Move."); } else { res[i] = new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid Move."); } } if (res.All(r => r.Valid)) // Card matched { EncounterMatch = wc; RelearnBase = wc.RelearnMoves; } } } else { int[] RelearnMoves = pk6.RelearnMoves; WC6 MatchedWC6 = EncounterMatch as WC6; int[] WC6Moves = MatchedWC6?.Moves ?? new int[0]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (Moves[i] == Legal.Struggle) { res[i] = new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid Move: Struggle."); } else if (validMoves.Contains(Moves[i])) { res[i] = new LegalityCheck(Severity.Valid, Moves[i] == 0 ? "Empty" : "Level-up."); } else if (RelearnMoves.Contains(Moves[i])) { res[i] = new LegalityCheck(Severity.Valid, Moves[i] == 0 ? "Empty" : "Relearn Move.") { Flag = true } } ; else if (WC6Moves.Contains(Moves[i])) { res[i] = new LegalityCheck(Severity.Valid, "Wonder Card Non-Relearn Move."); } else { res[i] = new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid Move."); } } } if (Moves[0] == 0) { res[0] = new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid Move."); } if (pk6.Species == 647) // Keldeo { if (pk6.AltForm == 1 ^ pk6.Moves.Contains(548)) { res[0] = new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Secret Sword / Resolute Keldeo Mismatch."); } } // Duplicate Moves Check for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (Moves.Count(m => m != 0 && m == Moves[i]) > 1) { res[i] = new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Duplicate Move."); } } return(res); }
public void setWC6(WC6 wc6, int index) { if (WondercardData < 0) return; if (index < 0 || index > 24) return; wc6.Data.CopyTo(Data, WondercardData + index * WC6.Size); for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) if (BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, WondercardData + i * WC6.Size) == 0) for (int j = i + 1; j < 24 - i; j++) // Shift everything down Array.Copy(Data, WondercardData + j * WC6.Size, Data, WondercardData + (j - 1) * WC6.Size, WC6.Size); Edited = true; }
// String Creation private string getWCDescriptionString(byte[] data) { // Load up the data according to the wiki! int cardID = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 0); if (cardID == 0) return "Empty Slot. No data!"; string cardname = Util.TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(data, 0x2, 0x48)); int cardtype = data[0x51]; string s = ""; s += "Card #: " + cardID.ToString("0000") + " - " + cardname + Environment.NewLine; if (cardtype == 1) // Item { int item = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 0x68); int qty = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 0x70); s += "Item: " + Main.itemlist[item] + Environment.NewLine + "Quantity: " + qty; } else if (cardtype == 0) // PKM { WC6 card = new WC6(data); s += String.Format( "{1} @ {2} --- {7} - {8}/{9}{0}" + "{3} / {4} / {5} / {6}{0}", Environment.NewLine, Main.specieslist[card.Species], Main.itemlist[card.HeldItem], Main.movelist[card.Move1], Main.movelist[card.Move2], Main.movelist[card.Move3], Main.movelist[card.Move4], card.OT, card.TID.ToString("00000"), card.SID.ToString("00000")); } else s += "Unknown Wonder Card Type!"; return s; }
private LegalityCheck verifyHandlerMemories() { if (!Encounter.Valid) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Valid, "Skipped Memory check due to other check being invalid.")); } WC6 MatchedWC6 = EncounterMatch as WC6; if (MatchedWC6?.OT.Length > 0) // Has Event OT -- null propagation yields false if MatchedWC6=null { if (pk6.OT_Friendship != PKX.getBaseFriendship(pk6.Species)) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Event OT Friendship does not match base friendship.")); } if (pk6.OT_Affection != 0) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Event OT Affection should be zero.")); } if (pk6.CurrentHandler != 1) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Current handler should not be Event OT.")); } } if (!pk6.WasEvent && (pk6.HT_Name.Length == 0 || pk6.Geo1_Country == 0)) // Is not Traded { if (pk6.HT_Name.Length != 0) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "GeoLocation -- HT Name present but has no previous Country.")); } if (pk6.Geo1_Country != 0) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "GeoLocation -- Previous country of residence but no Handling Trainer.")); } if (pk6.HT_Memory != 0) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Memory -- Handling Trainer memory present but no Handling Trainer.")); } if (pk6.CurrentHandler != 0) // Badly edited; PKHeX doesn't trip this. { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Untraded -- Current handler should not be the Handling Trainer.")); } if (pk6.HT_Friendship != 0) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Untraded -- Handling Trainer Friendship should be zero.")); } if (pk6.HT_Affection != 0) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Untraded -- Handling Trainer Affection should be zero.")); } if (pk6.XY && pk6.CNTs.Any(stat => stat > 0)) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Untraded -- Contest stats on XY should be zero.")); } // We know it is untraded (HT is empty), if it must be trade evolved flag it. if (Legal.getHasTradeEvolved(pk6)) { if (pk6.Species != 350) // Milotic { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Untraded -- requires a trade evolution.")); } if (pk6.CNT_Beauty < 170) // Beauty Contest Stat Requirement { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Untraded -- Beauty is not high enough for Levelup Evolution.")); } } } else // Is Traded { if (pk6.HT_Memory == 0) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Memory -- missing Handling Trainer Memory.")); } } // Memory Checks if (pk6.IsEgg) { if (pk6.HT_Memory != 0) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Memory -- has Handling Trainer Memory.")); } if (pk6.OT_Memory != 0) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Memory -- has Original Trainer Memory.")); } } else if (EncounterType != typeof(WC6)) { if (pk6.OT_Memory == 0 ^ !pk6.Gen6) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Memory -- missing Original Trainer Memory.")); } if (!pk6.Gen6 && pk6.OT_Affection != 0) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "OT Affection should be zero.")); } } // Unimplemented: Ingame Trade Memories return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Valid, "History is valid.")); }
private bool checkSpecialWonderCard(WC6 wc) { if (wc6.CardID == 2048 && wc.Item == 726) // Eon Ticket (OR/AS) { if (!Main.SAV.ORAS || Main.SAV.EonTicket < 0) goto reject; BitConverter.GetBytes(WC6.EonTicketConst).CopyTo(SAV.Data, Main.SAV.EonTicket); } return true; reject: Util.Alert("Unable to insert the Wonder Card.", "Does this Wonder Card really belong to this game?"); return false; }
private void openFile(byte[] input, string path, string ext) { #region Powersaves Read-Only Conversion if (input.Length == 0x10009C) // Resize to 1MB { Array.Copy(input, 0x9C, input, 0, 0x100000); Array.Resize(ref input, 0x100000); } #endregion #region Saves if ((input.Length == 0x76000) && BitConverter.ToUInt32(input, 0x75E10) == 0x42454546) // ORAS openMAIN(input, path); else if ((input.Length == 0x65600) && BitConverter.ToUInt32(input, 0x65410) == 0x42454546) // XY openMAIN(input, path); // Verify the Data Input Size is Proper else if (input.Length == 0x100000) { if (openXOR(input, path)) // Check if we can load the save via xorpad return; // only if a save is loaded we abort if (BitConverter.ToUInt64(input, 0x10) != 0) // encrypted save { Util.Error("PKHeX only edits decrypted save files.", "This save file is not decrypted."); return; } DialogResult sdr = Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, "Press Yes to load the sav at 0x3000", "Press No for the one at 0x82000"); int savshift = 0; if (sdr == DialogResult.Yes) savshift += 0x7F000; if (sdr == DialogResult.Cancel) return; byte[] psdata = input.Skip(0x5400 + savshift).Take(0x76000).ToArray(); if (BitConverter.ToUInt32(psdata, psdata.Length - 0x1F0) != 0x42454546) Array.Resize(ref psdata, 0x65600); if (BitConverter.ToUInt32(psdata, psdata.Length - 0x1F0) != 0x42454546) return; openMAIN(psdata, path); } #endregion #region PK6/EK6 else if ((input.Length == PK6.SIZE_PARTY) || (input.Length == PK6.SIZE_STORED)) { // Check if Input is PKX if ((ext == ".pk6") || (ext == ".ek6") || (ext == ".pkx") || (ext == ".ekx") || (ext == ".bin") || (ext == "")) { // Check if Encrypted before Loading populateFields((BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 0xC8) == 0 && BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 0x58) == 0) ? input : PKX.decryptArray(input)); } else Util.Error("Unable to recognize file." + Environment.NewLine + "Only valid .pk* .ek* .bin supported.", String.Format("File Loaded:{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, path)); } #endregion #region PK3/PK4/PK5 else if ((input.Length == 136) || (input.Length == 220) || (input.Length == 236) || (input.Length == 100) || (input.Length == 80)) // to convert g5pkm { if (!PKX.verifychk(input)) Util.Error("Invalid File (Checksum Error)"); try // to convert g5pkm { byte[] data = Converter.ConvertPKM(input); Array.Resize(ref data, PK6.SIZE_STORED); populateFields(data); } catch { populateFields(new byte[PK6.SIZE_STORED]); Util.Error("Attempted to load previous generation PKM.", "Conversion failed."); } } #endregion #region Trade Packets else if (input.Length == 363 && BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 0x6B) == 0) { // EAD Packet of 363 length Array.Copy(input, 0x67, pk6.Data, 0, PK6.SIZE_STORED); Array.Resize(ref pk6.Data, PK6.SIZE_STORED); populateFields(pk6.Data); } else if (input.Length == 407 && BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 0x98) == 0) { // EAD Packet of 407 length Array.Copy(input, 0x93, pk6.Data, 0, PK6.SIZE_STORED); Array.Resize(ref pk6.Data, PK6.SIZE_STORED); populateFields(pk6.Data); } #endregion #region Box Data else if ((input.Length == PK6.SIZE_STORED * 30 || input.Length == PK6.SIZE_STORED * 30 * 31) && BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 4) == 0 && BitConverter.ToUInt32(input, 8) > 0) { int baseOffset = SAV.Box + PK6.SIZE_STORED * 30 * ((input.Length == PK6.SIZE_STORED * 30) ? CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex : 0); for (int i = 0; i < input.Length / PK6.SIZE_STORED; i++) { byte[] data = input.Skip(PK6.SIZE_STORED * i).Take(PK6.SIZE_STORED).ToArray(); SAV.setEK6Stored(data, baseOffset + i * PK6.SIZE_STORED); } setPKXBoxes(); Width = largeWidth; Util.Alert("Box Binary loaded."); } #endregion #region injectiondebug else if (input.Length == 0x10000) { int offset = -1; // Seek to find data start for (int i = 0; i < 0x800; i++) { byte[] data = PKX.decryptArray(input.Skip(i).Take(PK6.SIZE_STORED).ToArray()); if (PKX.getCHK(data) != BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 6)) continue; offset = i; break; } if (offset < 0) { Util.Alert(path, "Unable to read the input file; not an expected injectiondebug.bin."); return; } CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < input.Length / (9*30); i++) { byte[] data = input.Skip(offset + PK6.SIZE_STORED * i).Take(PK6.SIZE_STORED).ToArray(); SAV.setEK6Stored(data, SAV.Box + i * PK6.SIZE_STORED); } setPKXBoxes(); Width = largeWidth; Util.Alert("Injection Binary loaded."); } #endregion #region RAMSAV else if (( /*XY*/ input.Length == 0x70000 || /*ORAS*/ input.Length == 0x80000) && Path.GetFileName(path).Contains("ram")) { if (input.Length == 0x80000) // Scan for FEEB in XY location, 3DS only overwrites data if file already exists. for (int i = 0x60000; i < 0x64000; i+=4) if (BitConverter.ToUInt32(input, i) == 0x42454546) { Array.Resize(ref input, 0x70000); break; } ramsav = (byte[])input.Clone(); try { openMAIN(ram2sav.getMAIN(input), path, true); } catch { ramsav = null; } } #endregion #region Battle Video else if (input.Length == 0x2E60 && BitConverter.ToUInt64(input, 0xE18) != 0 && BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 0xE12) == 0) { if (Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Load Batte Video Pokémon data to " + CB_BoxSelect.Text + "?", "The first 24 slots will be overwritten.") != DialogResult.Yes) return; for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { byte[] data = input.Skip(0xE18 + PK6.SIZE_PARTY * i + (i / 6) * 8).Take(PK6.SIZE_STORED).ToArray(); SAV.setEK6Stored(data, SAV.Box + i*PK6.SIZE_STORED + CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex*30*PK6.SIZE_STORED); } setPKXBoxes(); Width = largeWidth; } #endregion #region Wondercard else if (input.Length == 0x108 && ext == ".wc6") if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Control) new SAV_Wondercard(input).Show(); else { PK6 pk = new WC6(input).convertToPK6(SAV); if (pk != null && pk.Species != 0) populateFields(pk.Data); } #endregion else Util.Error("Attempted to load an unsupported file type/size.", String.Format("File Loaded:{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, path), String.Format("File Size:{0}{1} bytes (0x{2})", Environment.NewLine, input.Length, input.Length.ToString("X4"))); }
private void L_QR_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt) { byte[] data = Util.getQRData(); if (data == null) return; if (data.Length != WC6.Size) { Util.Alert("Decoded data not 0x108 bytes.", $"QR Data Size: 0x{data.Length.ToString("X")}"); } else try { wc6 = new WC6(data); loadwcdata(); } catch { Util.Alert("Error loading wondercard data."); } } else { if (wc6.Data.SequenceEqual(new byte[wc6.Data.Length])) { Util.Alert("No wondercard data found in loaded slot!"); return; } if (wc6.Item == 726 && wc6.IsItem) { Util.Alert("Eon Ticket Wonder Cards will not function properly", "Inject to the save file instead."); return; } // Prep data byte[] wcdata = wc6.Data; // Ensure size Array.Resize(ref wcdata, WC6.Size); // Setup QR const string server = ""; Image qr = Util.getQRImage(wcdata, server); if (qr == null) return; string desc = wc6.Description; new QR(qr, PB_Preview.Image, desc, "", "", "PKHeX Wonder Card @").ShowDialog(); } }
private LegalityCheck verifyEncounter() { if (!pk6.Gen6) { return new LegalityCheck { Judgement = Severity.NotImplemented } } ; if (pk6.WasLink) { // Should NOT be Fateful, and should be in Database EncounterLink enc = EncounterMatch as EncounterLink; if (enc == null) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Not a valid Link gift -- unable to find matching gift.")); } if (pk6.XY && !enc.XY) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Not a valid Link gift -- can't obtain in XY.")); } if (pk6.AO && !enc.ORAS) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Not a valid Link gift -- can't obtain in ORAS.")); } if (enc.Shiny != null && (bool)enc.Shiny ^ pk6.IsShiny) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Shiny Link gift mismatch.")); } return(pk6.FatefulEncounter ? new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Not a valid Link gift -- should not be Fateful Encounter.") : new LegalityCheck(Severity.Valid, "Valid Link gift.")); } if (pk6.WasEvent || pk6.WasEventEgg) { WC6 MatchedWC6 = EncounterMatch as WC6; return(MatchedWC6 != null // Matched in RelearnMoves check. ? new LegalityCheck(Severity.Valid, $"Matches #{MatchedWC6.CardID.ToString("0000")} ({MatchedWC6.CardTitle})") : new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Not a valid Wonder Card gift.")); } EncounterMatch = null; // Reset object if (pk6.WasEgg) { // Check Hatch Locations if (pk6.Met_Level != 1) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid met level, expected 1.")); } // Check species if (Legal.NoHatchFromEgg.Contains(pk6.Species)) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Species cannot be hatched from an egg.")); } if (pk6.IsEgg) { if (pk6.Egg_Location == 30002) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Egg location shouldn't be 'traded' for an un-hatched egg.")); } if (pk6.Met_Location == 30002) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Valid, "Valid traded un-hatched egg.")); } return(pk6.Met_Location == 0 ? new LegalityCheck(Severity.Valid, "Valid un-hatched egg.") : new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid location for un-hatched egg (expected no met location).")); } if (pk6.XY) { return(Legal.ValidMet_XY.Contains(pk6.Met_Location) ? new LegalityCheck(Severity.Valid, "Valid X/Y hatched egg.") : new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid X/Y location for hatched egg.")); } if (pk6.AO) { return(Legal.ValidMet_AO.Contains(pk6.Met_Location) ? new LegalityCheck(Severity.Valid, "Valid OR/AS hatched egg.") : new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid OR/AS location for hatched egg.")); } return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Invalid location for hatched egg.")); } EncounterMatch = Legal.getValidStaticEncounter(pk6); if (EncounterMatch != null) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Valid, "Valid gift/static encounter.")); } if (Legal.getIsFossil(pk6)) { return(pk6.AbilityNumber != 4 ? new LegalityCheck(Severity.Valid, "Valid revived fossil.") : new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Hidden ability on revived fossil.")); } EncounterMatch = Legal.getValidFriendSafari(pk6); if (EncounterMatch != null) { if (pk6.Species == 670 || pk6.Species == 671) // Floette { if (pk6.AltForm % 2 != 0) // 0/2/4 { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Friend Safari: Not valid color.")); } else if (pk6.Species == 710 || pk6.Species == 711) // Pumpkaboo { if (pk6.AltForm != 1) // Average { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Friend Safari: Not average sized.")); } else if (pk6.Species == 586) // Sawsbuck { if (pk6.AltForm != 0) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Friend Safari: Not Spring form.")); } } } } return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Valid, "Valid friend safari encounter.")); } EncounterMatch = Legal.getValidWildEncounters(pk6); if (EncounterMatch != null) { return(((EncounterSlot[])EncounterMatch).Any(slot => !slot.DexNav) ? new LegalityCheck(Severity.Valid, "Valid encounter at location.") : new LegalityCheck(Severity.Valid, "Valid DexNav encounter at location.")); } EncounterMatch = Legal.getValidIngameTrade(pk6); if (EncounterMatch != null) { return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Valid, "Valid ingame trade.")); } return(new LegalityCheck(Severity.Invalid, "Not a valid encounter.")); }
private void tabMain_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { string[] files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop); // Check for multiple wondercards int ctr = currentSlot; if (Directory.Exists(files[0])) { files = Directory.GetFiles(files[0], "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); } if (files.Length == 1 && !Directory.Exists(files[0])) { string path = files[0]; // open first D&D long len = new FileInfo(path).Length; if (len != WC6.Size && len != WC6.SizeFull) { Util.Error("File is not a Wonder Card:", path); return; } byte[] newwc6 = File.ReadAllBytes(path); if (newwc6.Length == WC6.SizeFull) { newwc6 = newwc6.Skip(WC6.SizeFull - WC6.Size).ToArray(); } Array.Copy(newwc6, wc6.Data, newwc6.Length); loadwcdata(); return; } if (DialogResult.Yes != Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, $"Try to load {files.Length} Wonder Cards starting at Card {ctr + 1}?")) { return; } foreach (string file in files) { long len = new FileInfo(file).Length; if (len != WC6.Size && len != WC6.SizeFull) { Util.Error("File is not a Wonder Card:", file); continue; } // Load in WC byte[] newwc6 = File.ReadAllBytes(file); if (newwc6.Length == WC6.SizeFull) { newwc6 = newwc6.Skip(WC6.SizeFull - WC6.Size).ToArray(); } if (checkSpecialWonderCard(new WC6(newwc6))) { WC6 wc = new WC6(newwc6); SAV.setWC6(wc, ctr++); setCardID(wc.CardID); } if (ctr >= 24) { break; } } populateWClist(); }