Ejemplo n.º 1
        public SAV1(byte[] data, GameVersion versionOverride = GameVersion.Any) : base(data)
            Version = versionOverride != GameVersion.Any ? versionOverride : SaveUtil.GetIsG1SAV(data);
            if (Version == GameVersion.Invalid)

            Japanese = SaveUtil.GetIsG1SAVJ(Data);
            Offsets  = Japanese ? SAV1Offsets.JPN : SAV1Offsets.INT;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public SAV1(byte[] data = null, GameVersion versionOverride = GameVersion.Any)
            Data       = data == null ? new byte[SaveUtil.SIZE_G1RAW] : (byte[])data.Clone();
            BAK        = (byte[])Data.Clone();
            Exportable = !Data.SequenceEqual(new byte[Data.Length]);

            if (data == null)
                Version = GameVersion.RBY;
            else if (versionOverride != GameVersion.Any)
                Version = versionOverride;
                Version = SaveUtil.GetIsG1SAV(Data);
            if (Version == GameVersion.Invalid)

            Box = Data.Length;
            Array.Resize(ref Data, Data.Length + SIZE_RESERVED);
            Party = GetPartyOffset(0);

            Japanese = SaveUtil.GetIsG1SAVJ(Data);
            Personal = PersonalTable.Y;

            // Stash boxes after the save file's end.
            byte[] TempBox = new byte[SIZE_STOREDBOX];
            for (int i = 0; i < BoxCount; i++)
                if (i < BoxCount / 2)
                    Array.Copy(Data, 0x4000 + i * TempBox.Length, TempBox, 0, TempBox.Length);
                    Array.Copy(Data, 0x6000 + (i - BoxCount / 2) * TempBox.Length, TempBox, 0, TempBox.Length);
                PokemonList1 PL1 = new PokemonList1(TempBox, Japanese ? PokemonList1.CapacityType.StoredJP : PokemonList1.CapacityType.Stored, Japanese);
                for (int j = 0; j < PL1.Pokemon.Length; j++)
                    if (j < PL1.Count)
                        byte[] pkDat = new PokemonList1(PL1[j]).GetBytes();
                        pkDat.CopyTo(Data, Data.Length - SIZE_RESERVED + i * SIZE_BOX + j * SIZE_STORED);
                        byte[] pkDat = new byte[PokemonList1.GetDataLength(PokemonList1.CapacityType.Single, Japanese)];
                        pkDat.CopyTo(Data, Data.Length - SIZE_RESERVED + i * SIZE_BOX + j * SIZE_STORED);

            Array.Copy(Data, Japanese ? 0x302D : 0x30C0, TempBox, 0, TempBox.Length);
            PokemonList1 curBoxPL = new PokemonList1(TempBox, Japanese ? PokemonList1.CapacityType.StoredJP : PokemonList1.CapacityType.Stored, Japanese);

            for (int i = 0; i < curBoxPL.Pokemon.Length; i++)
                if (i < curBoxPL.Count)
                    byte[] pkDat = new PokemonList1(curBoxPL[i]).GetBytes();
                    pkDat.CopyTo(Data, Data.Length - SIZE_RESERVED + CurrentBox * SIZE_BOX + i * SIZE_STORED);
                    byte[] pkDat = new byte[PokemonList1.GetDataLength(PokemonList1.CapacityType.Single, Japanese)];
                    pkDat.CopyTo(Data, Data.Length - SIZE_RESERVED + CurrentBox * SIZE_BOX + i * SIZE_STORED);

            byte[] TempParty = new byte[PokemonList1.GetDataLength(PokemonList1.CapacityType.Party, Japanese)];
            Array.Copy(Data, Japanese ? 0x2ED5 : 0x2F2C, TempParty, 0, TempParty.Length);
            PokemonList1 partyList = new PokemonList1(TempParty, PokemonList1.CapacityType.Party, Japanese);

            for (int i = 0; i < partyList.Pokemon.Length; i++)
                if (i < partyList.Count)
                    byte[] pkDat = new PokemonList1(partyList[i]).GetBytes();
                    pkDat.CopyTo(Data, GetPartyOffset(i));
                    byte[] pkDat = new byte[PokemonList1.GetDataLength(PokemonList1.CapacityType.Single, Japanese)];
                    pkDat.CopyTo(Data, GetPartyOffset(i));

            byte[] rawDC = new byte[0x38];
            Array.Copy(Data, Japanese ? 0x2CA7 : 0x2CF4, rawDC, 0, rawDC.Length);
            byte[] TempDaycare = new byte[PokemonList1.GetDataLength(PokemonList1.CapacityType.Single, Japanese)];
            TempDaycare[0] = rawDC[0];
            Array.Copy(rawDC, 1, TempDaycare, 2 + 1 + PKX.SIZE_1PARTY + StringLength, StringLength);
            Array.Copy(rawDC, 1 + StringLength, TempDaycare, 2 + 1 + PKX.SIZE_1PARTY, StringLength);
            Array.Copy(rawDC, 1 + 2 * StringLength, TempDaycare, 2 + 1, PKX.SIZE_1STORED);
            PokemonList1 daycareList = new PokemonList1(TempDaycare, PokemonList1.CapacityType.Single, Japanese);

            daycareList.GetBytes().CopyTo(Data, GetPartyOffset(7));
            Daycare = GetPartyOffset(7);

            // Enable Pokedex editing
            PokeDex = 0;

            if (!Exportable)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public SAV1(byte[] data = null, GameVersion versionOverride = GameVersion.Any)
            Data       = data ?? new byte[SaveUtil.SIZE_G1RAW];
            BAK        = (byte[])Data.Clone();
            Exportable = !IsRangeEmpty(0, Data.Length);

            if (versionOverride != GameVersion.Any)
                Version = versionOverride;
            else if (data == null)
                Version = GameVersion.RBY;
                Version = SaveUtil.GetIsG1SAV(Data);
            if (Version == GameVersion.Invalid)

            Japanese = SaveUtil.GetIsG1SAVJ(Data);
            Offsets  = Japanese ? SAV1Offsets.JPN : SAV1Offsets.INT;

            // see if RBY can be differentiated
            if (Starter != 0 && versionOverride != GameVersion.Any)
                Version = Yellow ? GameVersion.YW : GameVersion.RB;

            Box = Data.Length;
            Array.Resize(ref Data, Data.Length + SIZE_RESERVED);
            Party = GetPartyOffset(0);

            Personal = Version == GameVersion.Y ? PersonalTable.Y : PersonalTable.RB;

            // Stash boxes after the save file's end.
            int stored   = SIZE_STOREDBOX;
            int baseDest = Data.Length - SIZE_RESERVED;
            var capacity = Japanese ? PokeListType.StoredJP : PokeListType.Stored;

            for (int i = 0; i < BoxCount; i++)
                int ofs     = GetBoxRawDataOffset(i);
                var box     = GetData(ofs, stored);
                var boxDest = baseDest + (i * SIZE_BOX);
                var boxPL   = new PokeList1(box, capacity, Japanese);
                for (int j = 0; j < boxPL.Pokemon.Length; j++)
                    var dest  = boxDest + (j * SIZE_STORED);
                    var pkDat = (j < boxPL.Count)
                        ? new PokeList1(boxPL[j]).Write()
                        : new byte[PokeList1.GetDataLength(PokeListType.Single, Japanese)];
                    pkDat.CopyTo(Data, dest);

            var current  = GetData(Offsets.CurrentBox, SIZE_STOREDBOX);
            var curBoxPL = new PokeList1(current, capacity, Japanese);

            for (int i = 0; i < curBoxPL.Pokemon.Length; i++)
                var dest  = Data.Length - SIZE_RESERVED + (CurrentBox * SIZE_BOX) + (i * SIZE_STORED);
                var pkDat = i < curBoxPL.Count
                    ? new PokeList1(curBoxPL[i]).Write()
                    : new byte[PokeList1.GetDataLength(PokeListType.Single, Japanese)];
                pkDat.CopyTo(Data, dest);

            var party   = GetData(Offsets.Party, SIZE_STOREDPARTY);
            var partyPL = new PokeList1(party, PokeListType.Party, Japanese);

            for (int i = 0; i < partyPL.Pokemon.Length; i++)
                var dest  = GetPartyOffset(i);
                var pkDat = i < partyPL.Count
                    ? new PokeList1(partyPL[i]).Write()
                    : new byte[PokeList1.GetDataLength(PokeListType.Single, Japanese)];
                pkDat.CopyTo(Data, dest);

            byte[] rawDC = new byte[0x38];
            Array.Copy(Data, Offsets.Daycare, rawDC, 0, rawDC.Length);
            byte[] TempDaycare = new byte[PokeList1.GetDataLength(PokeListType.Single, Japanese)];
            TempDaycare[0] = rawDC[0];
            Array.Copy(rawDC, 1, TempDaycare, 2 + 1 + PKX.SIZE_1PARTY + StringLength, StringLength);
            Array.Copy(rawDC, 1 + StringLength, TempDaycare, 2 + 1 + PKX.SIZE_1PARTY, StringLength);
            Array.Copy(rawDC, 1 + (2 * StringLength), TempDaycare, 2 + 1, PKX.SIZE_1STORED);
            PokeList1 daycareList = new PokeList1(TempDaycare, PokeListType.Single, Japanese);

            daycareList.Write().CopyTo(Data, GetPartyOffset(7));
            Daycare = GetPartyOffset(7);

            EventFlag = Offsets.EventFlag;

            // Enable Pokedex editing
            PokeDex = 0;

            if (!Exportable)