Ejemplo n.º 1
        public BigIntMatrix getAndProcessRequest(BigIntMatrix[] Ms, int l0, int N, BigInteger p)
            txtLog.AppendText("---------------------------- Server Started query process --------------------------");
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            BigInteger[,] splittedList = spliteDB(l0, ll, N);

            /******* show splited list ******
             * for (long i = 0; i < splittedList.GetLength(0); i++)
             * {
             *  txtLog.AppendText(">>>>>>>>>> Splited Item({0})...", i);
             *  for (long j = 0; j < splittedList.GetLength(1); j++)
             *  {
             *      txtLog.AppendText("> Splited({0}): {1}", j, splittedList[i,j]);
             *  }
             * }
             * /*****************************/

            BigIntMatrix Mat = CreateUserQuery(Ms, splittedList, N, n, p);
            BigIntMatrix V   = new BigIntMatrix(1, 2 * N, 0);
            long         len = splittedList.GetLength(0) * splittedList.GetLength(1);

            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 2 * N; j++)
                    V.SumElement(0, j, Mat.GetElement(i, j));

            Protocol2Time = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
            //txtLog.AppendText(">>>>>>>>>> Matrix Mat: {0}", Mat.ToString());
            txtLog.AppendText(V.Modulus(p).Print("Matrix V"));
            txtLog.AppendText("---------------------------- Server Finished query process --------------------------");
        private void btnSendRequest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            BigIntMatrix V = frmParent.getAndProcessRequest(Ms, l0, N, p);

            //MessageBox.Show("Your request has been sent to the server...", "request is on going", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            txtLog.AppendText("\r\n---------------------------- Server Respond to the query ------------------------------------");
            txtLog.AppendText(V.Print("Result Vector from server"));

            //--- DePermute V ---
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();


            BigIntMatrix VPrime = Depermute(V, dePermutList, N);

            BigIntMatrix undisturbedHalf = VPrime.GetSubMatrix(0, 1, 0, N);
            //BigIntMatrix invA = A.ModInverse(p);
            //***---- BigIntMatrix invA = A.GaussJordanModInverse(p);

            BigIntMatrix resultHalf        = undisturbedHalf * invA * B % p;
            BigIntMatrix undisturbedVector = undisturbedHalf.Append(resultHalf, BigIntMatrix.AppendMode.Beside);
            BigIntMatrix ScrambledNoise    = (VPrime - undisturbedVector) % p;

            //BigIntMatrix invDelta = Delta.ModInverse(p);
            //***---- invDelta = Delta.GaussJordanModInverse(p);

            BigIntMatrix halfScrambledNoise = ScrambledNoise.GetSubMatrix(0, 1, N, N);
            BigIntMatrix unScrambledNoise   = halfScrambledNoise * invDelta % p;

            //BigInteger[] eea = MyClass.Extended_GCD(q, p);
            //---BigInteger qInv = MathClass.NumberModInverse(q, p);
            BigInteger qInv = MathClass.EEA(q, p);

            //long qInv = (long)eea[1];

            BigInteger[,] eJegon = new BigInteger[1, N];
            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                BigInteger epsilon = MathClass.mod(unScrambledNoise.GetElement(0, i), q);
                if (epsilon >= q / 2)
                    epsilon -= q;
                eJegon[0, i]  = MathClass.mod(unScrambledNoise.GetElement(0, i) - epsilon, p);
                eJegon[0, i] *= qInv;// % p;//MyClass.mod((long)eJegon[0, i] * qInv, p);

            //Matrix<double> ResultVector = Matrix<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(eJegon).Multiply(qInv).Modulus(p);
            BigIntMatrix ResultVector = new BigIntMatrix(eJegon).Modulus(p);

            BigInteger[] resVect = new BigInteger[N];
            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                resVect[i] = ResultVector.GetElement(0, i);

            BigInteger result = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                result <<= l0;
                result  += resVect[i];

            Protocol3Time = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
            txtLog.AppendText(ResultVector.Print("Obtained Result Vector"));
            txtLog.AppendText(invA.Print("Inv A"));
            txtLog.AppendText(invDelta.Print("Inv Delta"));
            txtLog.AppendText("\r\n>>>>>>>>>> Inv q = " + qInv.ToString());
            txtLog.AppendText("\r\n>>>>>>>>>> Obtained Result for index(" + i0.ToString() + "): " + result.ToString());
            txtLog.AppendText("\r\n--------------------------------------------- Timing ----------------------------------------------------");
            long totalDuration = Protocol1Time + Protocol3Time + frmParent.Protocol2Time;

            txtLog.AppendText("\r\n>>> Protocol 1 Duration: " + Protocol1Time.ToString());
            txtLog.AppendText("\r\n>>> Protocol 2 Duration: " + frmParent.Protocol2Time.ToString());
            txtLog.AppendText("\r\n>>> Protocol 3 Duration: " + Protocol3Time.ToString());
            txtLog.AppendText("\r\n>>> Total Duration: " + totalDuration.ToString());
            txtLog.AppendText("\r\n>>> Matrix Process Duration: " + MatrixProcessTime.ToString());
            txtLog.AppendText("\r\n>>> Deference check: " + (frmParent.getValueByIndex(i0) - result).ToString());
            txtLog.AppendText("\r\n--------------------------------------------- Timing ----------------------------------------------------");

            txtResult.Text     = result.ToString();
            txtReturnTime.Text = totalDuration.ToString();
            MessageBox.Show("Query process has been finished successfully...", "Query Operation", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);