Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static bool SetOpt(PhpResource ch, CurlOption option, object value)
            PhpCurlResource curlHandle = ch as PhpCurlResource;

            if (curlHandle == null)

            bool valid = false;

            value = option.ValidateAndConvert(value, out valid);

            if (valid)
                curlHandle.Data.SetOption(option, value);
            else if (option == CurlOption.CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS)
                //ValidateAndConvert checks just for string
                // this option can be also array or object

                if (value != null && value.GetType() == typeof(PhpArray))
                    PhpArray arr  = (PhpArray)value;
                    var      form = CurlForm.Create(arr);
                    curlHandle.Data.SetOption(CurlOption.CURLOPT_HTTPPOST, form);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static CurlForm Create(PhpArray arr)
            string type = null;
            string filename;

            CurlForm form = new CurlForm();

            //go through items and if item starts with @ we have to treat it as file
            foreach (var item in arr)
                var strValue = PHP.Core.Convert.ObjectToString(item.Value);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strValue) && strValue[0] == '@')
                    int index = strValue.IndexOf(";type=");
                    if (index != -1)
                        type = strValue.Substring(index + ";type=".Length);

                    index = strValue.IndexOf(";filename=");
                    if (index != -1)
                        filename = strValue.Substring(index + ";filename=".Length);
                        //filename = Path.Combine(ScriptContext.CurrentContext.WorkingDirectory, filename);
                        //filename = Path.Combine(ScriptContext.CurrentContext.WorkingDirectory, strValue.Substring(1));
                        filename = strValue.Substring(1);

                        type != null ? type : "application/octet-stream",
                    //Code from PHP CURL extension:
                    //error = curl_formadd(&first, &last,
                    //                CURLFORM_COPYNAME, string_key,
                    //                CURLFORM_NAMELENGTH, (long)string_key_len - 1,
                    //                CURLFORM_FILENAME, filename ? filename + sizeof(";filename=") - 1 : postval,
                    //                CURLFORM_CONTENTTYPE, type ? type + sizeof(";type=") - 1 : "application/octet-stream",
                    //                CURLFORM_FILE, postval,
                    //                CURLFORM_END);
                    form.AddData(item.Key.String, item.Value);

                    //Code from PHP CURL extension:
                    //error = curl_formadd(&first, &last,
                    //                             CURLFORM_COPYNAME, string_key,
                    //                             CURLFORM_NAMELENGTH, (long)string_key_len - 1,
                    //                             CURLFORM_COPYCONTENTS, postval,
                    //                             CURLFORM_CONTENTSLENGTH, (long)Z_STRLEN_PP(current),
                    //                             CURLFORM_END);

            return form;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void UploadForm(CurlForm form)
            //Count this
            //request.ContentLength = data.Length;//this is my responsability to set

            boundary = Curl_FormBoundary();
            CurlForm.FormFileItem fileItem = null;

            /* Make the first line of the output */
            // Assignment to Request.ContentType takes care about it
            //AddFormDataStr("{0}; boundary={1}\r\n",
            //    /*custom_content_type != null ? custom_content_type :*/ "Content-Type: multipart/form-data",
            //             boundary);

            /* we DO NOT include that line in the total size of the POST, since it'll be
               part of the header! */

            foreach (var item in form.Data)

                /* boundary */
                AddFormDataf("--{0}\r\n", boundary);

                /* Maybe later this should be disabled when a custom_content_type is
                   passed, since Content-Disposition is not meaningful for all multipart
                AddFormDataf("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"");



                //TODO: we just support one file send

                if (item.GetType() == typeof(CurlForm.FormFileItem))
                    fileItem = (CurlForm.FormFileItem)item;


                    AddFormDataf(" ;filename=\"{0}\"",

                    if (fileItem.ContentType != null)
                        /* we have a specified type */
                        AddFormDataf("\r\nContent-Type: {0}",


                if (fileItem != null)

                if (item == form.Data.Last.Value) // Last item
                    /* end-boundary for everything */
                    AddFormDataf("\r\n--{0}--\r\n", boundary);



Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static CurlForm Create(PhpArray arr)
            string type = null;
            string filename;

            CurlForm form = new CurlForm();

            //go through items and if item starts with @ we have to treat it as file
            foreach (var item in arr)
                var strValue = PHP.Core.Convert.ObjectToString(item.Value);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strValue) && strValue[0] == '@')
                    int index = strValue.IndexOf(";type=");
                    if (index != -1)
                        type = strValue.Substring(index + ";type=".Length);

                    index = strValue.IndexOf(";filename=");
                    if (index != -1)
                        filename = strValue.Substring(index + ";filename=".Length);
                        //filename = Path.Combine(ScriptContext.CurrentContext.WorkingDirectory, filename);
                        //filename = Path.Combine(ScriptContext.CurrentContext.WorkingDirectory, strValue.Substring(1));
                        filename = strValue.Substring(1);

                                 type != null ? type : "application/octet-stream",
                    //Code from PHP CURL extension:
                    //error = curl_formadd(&first, &last,
                    //                CURLFORM_COPYNAME, string_key,
                    //                CURLFORM_NAMELENGTH, (long)string_key_len - 1,
                    //                CURLFORM_FILENAME, filename ? filename + sizeof(";filename=") - 1 : postval,
                    //                CURLFORM_CONTENTTYPE, type ? type + sizeof(";type=") - 1 : "application/octet-stream",
                    //                CURLFORM_FILE, postval,
                    //                CURLFORM_END);
                    form.AddData(item.Key.String, item.Value);

                    //Code from PHP CURL extension:
                    //error = curl_formadd(&first, &last,
                    //                             CURLFORM_COPYNAME, string_key,
                    //                             CURLFORM_NAMELENGTH, (long)string_key_len - 1,
                    //                             CURLFORM_COPYCONTENTS, postval,
                    //                             CURLFORM_CONTENTSLENGTH, (long)Z_STRLEN_PP(current),
                    //                             CURLFORM_END);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void UploadForm(CurlForm form)
            //Count this
            //request.ContentLength = data.Length;//this is my responsability to set

            boundary = Curl_FormBoundary();
            CurlForm.FormFileItem fileItem = null;

            /* Make the first line of the output */
            // Assignment to Request.ContentType takes care about it
            //AddFormDataStr("{0}; boundary={1}\r\n",
            //    /*custom_content_type != null ? custom_content_type :*/ "Content-Type: multipart/form-data",
            //             boundary);

            /* we DO NOT include that line in the total size of the POST, since it'll be
             * part of the header! */

            foreach (var item in form.Data)

                /* boundary */
                AddFormDataf("--{0}\r\n", boundary);

                /* Maybe later this should be disabled when a custom_content_type is
                 * passed, since Content-Disposition is not meaningful for all multipart
                 * types.
                AddFormDataf("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"");



                //TODO: we just support one file send

                if (item.GetType() == typeof(CurlForm.FormFileItem))
                    fileItem = (CurlForm.FormFileItem)item;


                    AddFormDataf(" ;filename=\"{0}\"",

                    if (fileItem.ContentType != null)
                        /* we have a specified type */
                        AddFormDataf("\r\nContent-Type: {0}",


                if (fileItem != null)

                if (item == form.Data.Last.Value) // Last item
                    /* end-boundary for everything */
                    AddFormDataf("\r\n--{0}--\r\n", boundary);


Ejemplo n.º 6
        public CURLcode SetOption(CurlOption option, object value)
            //char *argptr;
            CURLcode result = CURLcode.CURLE_OK;

            long bigsize;

            switch (option)
                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER://this option isn't in libcurl, but PHP supports it
                    returntransfer = (bool)value;

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST:
                     * Set a custom string to use as request
                    str[(int)DupString.CUSTOMREQUEST] = value;
                    /* we don't set
                       data->set.httpreq = HTTPREQ_CUSTOM;
                       here, we continue as if we were using the already set type
                       and this just changes the actual request keyword */

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_UPLOAD:
                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_PUT:
                     * We want to sent data to the remote host. If this is HTTP, that equals
                     * using the PUT request.
                    upload = (bool)value;
                    if (upload)
                        /* If this is HTTP, PUT is what's needed to "upload" */
                        httpreq = Curl_HttpReq.PUT;
                        opt_no_body = false; /* this is implied */
                        /* In HTTP, the opposite of upload is GET (unless NOBODY is true as
                           then this can be changed to HEAD later on) */
                        httpreq = Curl_HttpReq.GET;

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION:
                     * Follow Location: header hints on a HTTP-server.
                    http_follow_location = (bool)value;

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS:
                     * The maximum amount of hops you allow curl to follow Location:
                     * headers. This should mostly be used to detect never-ending loops.
                    maxredirs = (int)value;

                    if (maxredirs > 1) // This is from php extension, not from native curl
                        http_follow_location = true;


                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_POST:
                    /* Does this option serve a purpose anymore? Yes it does, when
                       CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS isn't used and the POST data is read off the
                       callback! */
                    if ((bool)value)
                        if (httpreq != Curl_HttpReq.POST_FORM)
                            httpreq = Curl_HttpReq.POST;
                        opt_no_body = false; /* this is implied */
                        httpreq = Curl_HttpReq.GET;

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS:
                     * Like above, but use static data instead of copying it.
                    postfields = value;
                    /* Release old copied data. */
                    str[(int)DupString.COPYPOSTFIELDS] = null;
                    httpreq = Curl_HttpReq.POST;

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE:
                     * The size of the POSTFIELD data to prevent libcurl to do strlen() to
                     * figure it out. Enables binary posts.
                    bigsize = (long)value;

                    if (postfieldsize < bigsize &&
                       postfields == str[(int)DupString.COPYPOSTFIELDS])
                        /* Previous CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS is no longer valid. */
                        str[(int)DupString.COPYPOSTFIELDS] = null;
                        postfields = null;

                    postfieldsize = bigsize;

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_REFERER:
                     * String to set in the HTTP Referer: field.
                    //(MB) what is data.change structure? why it exists?
                    //if(data.change.referer_alloc) {
                    //  free(data.change.referer);
                    //  data.change.referer_alloc = FALSE;
                    str[(int)DupString.SET_REFERER] = value;

                    //data->change.referer = data->set.str[STRING_SET_REFERER];

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_USERAGENT:
                     * String to use in the HTTP User-Agent field
                    str[(int)DupString.USERAGENT] = value;

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_HEADER:
                     * Set to include the header in the general data output stream.
                    include_header = (bool)value;

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION:
                     * Set header write callback
                    fwrite_header = (PhpCallback)value;

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION:
                     * Set data write callback
                    fwrite_func = (PhpCallback)value;


                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER:
                     * Set a list with HTTP headers to use (or replace internals with)
                    headers = (PhpArray)value;

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_HTTPGET:
                     * Set to force us do HTTP GET
                    if ((bool)value)
                        httpreq = Curl_HttpReq.GET;
                        upload = false; /* switch off upload */
                        opt_no_body = false; /* this is implied */

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION:
                     * This sets a requested HTTP version to be used. The value is one of
                     * the listed enums in curl/curl.h.
                    httpversion = (CurlHttpVersion)value;

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_INFILE:
                     * FILE pointer to read the file to be uploaded from. Or possibly
                     * used as argument to the read callback.
                    infile = (PhpResource)value;
                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_INFILESIZE:
                     * If known, this should inform curl about the file size of the
                     * to-be-uploaded file.
                    infilesize = (long)value;
                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_INFILESIZE_LARGE:
                     * If known, this should inform curl about the file size of the
                     * to-be-uploaded file.
                    infilesize = (long)value;

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_URL:
                     * The URL to fetch.
                    //if(data->change.url_alloc) {
                    //  /* the already set URL is allocated, free it first! */
                    //  free(data->change.url);
                    //  data->change.url_alloc=FALSE;

                    str[(int)DupString.SET_URL] = value;

                    //data->change.url = data->set.str[STRING_SET_URL];
                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_PORT:
                     * The port number to use when getting the URL
                    useport = (int)value;
                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_TIMEOUT:
                     * The maximum time you allow curl to use for a single transfer
                     * operation.
                    timeout = (int)value * 1000;

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT:
                     * The maximum time you allow curl to use to connect.
                    connecttimeout = (int)value * 1000;

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_FILE:
                     * FILE pointer to write to or include in the data write callback
                    outfile = (PhpResource)value;


                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_PROXYPORT:
                     * Explicitly set HTTP proxy port number.
                    proxyport = (int)value;

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH:
                     * Set HTTP Authentication type BITMASK.
                        CURLhttpAuth auth = (CURLhttpAuth)value;

                        //(MB) PHP doesn't have this option although it is in curl
                        //* the DIGEST_IE bit is only used to set a special marker, for all the
                        //   rest we need to handle it as normal DIGEST */
                        //data->state.authproxy.iestyle = (bool)((auth & CURLAUTH_DIGEST_IE)?
                        //                                       TRUE:FALSE);

                        //if(auth & CURLhttpAuth.CURLAUTH_DIGEST_IE) {
                        //  auth |= CURLhttpAuth.CURLAUTH_DIGEST; /* set standard digest bit */
                        //  auth &= ~CURLhttpAuth.CURLAUTH_DIGEST_IE; /* unset ie digest bit */
                        /* switch off bits we can't support */
                        auth &= ~CURLhttpAuth.CURLAUTH_NTLM; /* no NTLM without SSL */
                        auth &= ~CURLhttpAuth.CURLAUTH_GSSNEGOTIATE; /* no GSS-Negotiate without GSSAPI or WINDOWS_SSPI */
                        //if(auth != 0)
                        //  return CURLE_NOT_BUILT_IN; /* no supported types left! */

                        proxyauth = auth;

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_PROXY:
                     * Set proxy server:port to use as HTTP proxy.
                     * If the proxy is set to "" we explicitly say that we don't want to use a
                     * proxy (even though there might be environment variables saying so).
                     * Setting it to NULL, means no proxy but allows the environment variables
                     * to decide for us.
                    str[(int)DupString.PROXY] = value;

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE:
                     * Set proxy type. HTTP/HTTP_1_0/SOCKS4/SOCKS4a/SOCKS5/SOCKS5_HOSTNAME
                    if ((CURLproxyType)proxytype != CURLproxyType.CURLPROXY_HTTP)
                        PhpException.ArgumentValueNotSupported("value", ((CURLproxyType)proxytype).ToString());

                    proxytype = (CURLproxyType)value;

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD:
                     * user:password needed to use the proxy
                        ref str[(int)DupString.PROXYUSERNAME],
                        ref str[(int)DupString.PROXYPASSWORD]);


                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_PROXYUSERNAME:
                     * authentication user name to use in the operation
                    str[(int)DupString.PROXYUSERNAME] = value;
                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_PROXYPASSWORD:
                     * authentication password to use in the operation
                    str[(int)DupString.PROXYPASSWORD] = value;

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER:
                        * Enable peer SSL verifying.

                    if (((bool)value) == false)
                        PhpException.ArgumentValueNotSupported("value", false);

                    ssl.VerifyPeer = (bool)value;

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST:
                     * Enable verification of the CN contained in the peer certificate

                    if (((int)value) != 2)
                        PhpException.ArgumentValueNotSupported("value", (int)value);

                    ssl.VerifyHost = (int)value;

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_SSLCERT:
                     * String that holds file name of the SSL certificate to use
                    str[(int)DupString.CERT] = value;

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_SSLCERTPASSWD:
                     * String that holds the SSL or SSH private key password.
                    str[(int)DupString.KEY_PASSWD] = value;

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_NOBODY:
                     * Do not include the body part in the output data stream.
                    opt_no_body = (bool)value;

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH:
                     * Set HTTP Authentication type BITMASK.
                        CURLhttpAuth auth = (CURLhttpAuth)value;

                        // PHP doesn't have this option although it's in curl
                        //* the DIGEST_IE bit is only used to set a special marker, for all the
                        //   rest we need to handle it as normal DIGEST */
                        //data->state.authhost.iestyle = (bool)((auth & CURLAUTH_DIGEST_IE)?
                        //                                      TRUE:FALSE);

                        //if(auth & CURLAUTH_DIGEST_IE) {
                        //  auth |= CURLAUTH_DIGEST; /* set standard digest bit */
                        //  auth &= ~CURLAUTH_DIGEST_IE; /* unset ie digest bit */

                        /* switch off bits we can't support */
                        auth &= ~CURLhttpAuth.CURLAUTH_NTLM; /* no NTLM without SSL */
                        auth &= ~CURLhttpAuth.CURLAUTH_GSSNEGOTIATE; /* no GSS-Negotiate without GSSAPI or WINDOWS_SSPI */

                        //if(auth != null)
                        //  return CURLE_NOT_BUILT_IN; /* no supported types left! */

                        httpauth = auth;

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_USERPWD:
                     * user:password to use in the operation
                        ref str[(int)DupString.USERNAME],
                        ref str[(int)DupString.PASSWORD]);

                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_USERNAME:
                     * authentication user name to use in the operation
                    str[(int)DupString.USERNAME] = value;
                case CurlOption.CURLOPT_PASSWORD:
                     * authentication password to use in the operation
                    str[(int)DupString.PASSWORD] = value;

                  //case CURLOPT_COOKIE:
                  //  /*
                  //   * Cookie string to send to the remote server in the request.
                  //   */
                  //  result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_COOKIE],
                  //                     va_arg(param, char *));
                  //  break;

                  case CurlOption.CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE:
                     * Set cookie file to read and parse. Can be used multiple times.

                    /* append the cookie file name to the list of file names, and deal with
                         them later */
                    cookielist.Add((string) value );

                  case CurlOption.CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR:
                     * Set cookie file name to dump all cookies to when we're done.
                    str[(int)DupString.COOKIEJAR] = value;

                    // * Activate the cookie parser. This may or may not already
                    // * have been made.
                    // */
                    //data->cookies = Curl_cookie_init(data, NULL, data->cookies,
                    //                                 data->set.cookiesession);

                  case CurlOption.CURLOPT_HTTPPOST:
                     * Set to make us do HTTP POST
                    curl_httppost = value as CurlForm;
                    httpreq = Curl_HttpReq.POST_FORM;
                    opt_no_body = false; /* this is implied */

                #region UNSUPPORTED OPTIONS

                //case CurlOption.CURLOPT_CAINFO:
                //    /*
                //     * Set CA info for SSL connection. Specify file name of the CA certificate
                //     */

                //    //NOTE: Managed CURL uses CA in windows storage of certificates. It's not recommended to use this option
                //    //PhpException.Throw(PhpError.Notice,
                //    //    "For performance reasons, you shouldn't add a client certificate with CAINFO option, just add it to your certificates storage."

                //    str[(int)DupString.SSL_CAFILE] = value;
                //    break;

                //case CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT:
                //  data->set.dns_cache_timeout = va_arg(param, long);
                //  break;
                //case CURLOPT_DNS_USE_GLOBAL_CACHE:
                //  /* remember we want this enabled */
                //  long use_cache = va_arg(param, long);
                //  data->set.global_dns_cache = (bool)(0 != use_cache);
                //case CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST:
                //  /* set a list of cipher we want to use in the SSL connection */
                //  result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_SSL_CIPHER_LIST],
                //                     va_arg(param, char *));
                //  break;

                //case CURLOPT_RANDOM_FILE:
                //  /*
                //   * This is the path name to a file that contains random data to seed
                //   * the random SSL stuff with. The file is only used for reading.
                //   */
                //  result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_SSL_RANDOM_FILE],
                //                     va_arg(param, char *));
                //  break;
                //case CURLOPT_EGDSOCKET:
                //  /*
                //   * The Entropy Gathering Daemon socket pathname
                //   */
                //  result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_SSL_EGDSOCKET],
                //                     va_arg(param, char *));
                //  break;
                //case CURLOPT_MAXCONNECTS:
                //  /*
                //   * Set the absolute number of maximum simultaneous alive connection that
                //   * libcurl is allowed to have.
                //   */
                //  result = Curl_ch_connc(data, data->state.connc, va_arg(param, long));
                //  break;
                //case CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE:
                //  /*
                //   * When this transfer is done, it must not be left to be reused by a
                //   * subsequent transfer but shall be closed immediately.
                //   */
                //  data->set.reuse_forbid = (bool)(0 != va_arg(param, long));
                //  break;
                //case CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT:
                //  /*
                //   * This transfer shall not use a previously cached connection but
                //   * should be made with a fresh new connect!
                //   */
                //  data->set.reuse_fresh = (bool)(0 != va_arg(param, long));
                //  break;
                //case CURLOPT_VERBOSE:
                //  /*
                //   * Verbose means infof() calls that give a lot of information about
                //   * the connection and transfer procedures as well as internal choices.
                //   */
                //  data->set.verbose = (bool)(0 != va_arg(param, long));
                //  break;

                //case CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS:
                //  /*
                //   * Shut off the internal supported progress meter
                //   */
                //  data->set.hide_progress = (bool)(0 != va_arg(param, long));
                //  if(data->set.hide_progress)
                //    data->progress.flags |= PGRS_HIDE;
                //  else
                //    data->progress.flags &= ~PGRS_HIDE;
                //  break;

                //case CURLOPT_FAILONERROR:
                //  /*
                //   * Don't output the >=300 error code HTML-page, but instead only
                //   * return error.
                //   */
                //  data->set.http_fail_on_error = (bool)(0 != va_arg(param, long));
                //  break;
                //  case CURLOPT_FILETIME:
                //    /*
                //     * Try to get the file time of the remote document. The time will
                //     * later (possibly) become available using curl_easy_getinfo().
                //     */
                //    data->set.get_filetime = (bool)(0 != va_arg(param, long));
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_FTP_CREATE_MISSING_DIRS:
                //    /*
                //     * An FTP option that modifies an upload to create missing directories on
                //     * the server.
                //     */
                //    switch(va_arg(param, long)) {
                //    case 0:
                //      data->set.ftp_create_missing_dirs = 0;
                //      break;
                //    case 1:
                //      data->set.ftp_create_missing_dirs = 1;
                //      break;
                //    case 2:
                //      data->set.ftp_create_missing_dirs = 2;
                //      break;
                //    default:
                //      /* reserve other values for future use */
                //      result = CURLE_UNKNOWN_OPTION;
                //      break;
                //    }
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_SERVER_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT:
                //    /*
                //     * Option that specifies how quickly an server response must be obtained
                //     * before it is considered failure. For pingpong protocols.
                //     */
                //    data->set.server_response_timeout = va_arg( param , long ) * 1000;
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_TFTP_BLKSIZE:
                //    /*
                //     * TFTP option that specifies the block size to use for data transmission
                //     */
                //    data->set.tftp_blksize = va_arg(param, long);
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_DIRLISTONLY:
                //    /*
                //     * An option that changes the command to one that asks for a list
                //     * only, no file info details.
                //     */
                //    data->set.ftp_list_only = (bool)(0 != va_arg(param, long));
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_APPEND:
                //    /*
                //     * We want to upload and append to an existing file.
                //     */
                //    data->set.ftp_append = (bool)(0 != va_arg(param, long));
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_FTP_FILEMETHOD:
                //    /*
                //     * How do access files over FTP.
                //     */
                //    data->set.ftp_filemethod = (curl_ftpfile)va_arg(param, long);
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_NETRC:
                //    /*
                //     * Parse the $HOME/.netrc file
                //     */
                //    data->set.use_netrc = (enum CURL_NETRC_OPTION)va_arg(param, long);
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_NETRC_FILE:
                //    /*
                //     * Use this file instead of the $HOME/.netrc file
                //     */
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_NETRC_FILE],
                //                       va_arg(param, char *));
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_TRANSFERTEXT:
                //    /*
                //     * This option was previously named 'FTPASCII'. Renamed to work with
                //     * more protocols than merely FTP.
                //     *
                //     * Transfer using ASCII (instead of BINARY).
                //     */
                //    data->set.prefer_ascii = (bool)(0 != va_arg(param, long));
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_TIMECONDITION:
                //    /*
                //     * Set HTTP time condition. This must be one of the defines in the
                //     * curl/curl.h header file.
                //     */
                //    data->set.timecondition = (curl_TimeCond)va_arg(param, long);
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_TIMEVALUE:
                //    /*
                //     * This is the value to compare with the remote document with the
                //     * method set with CURLOPT_TIMECONDITION
                //     */
                //    data->set.timevalue = (time_t)va_arg(param, long);
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_SSLVERSION:
                //    /*
                //     * Set explicit SSL version to try to connect with, as some SSL
                //     * implementations are lame.
                //     */
                //    data->set.ssl.version = va_arg(param, long);
                //    break;

                //#ifndef CURL_DISABLE_HTTP
                //  case CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER:
                //    /*
                //     * Switch on automatic referer that gets set if curl follows locations.
                //     */
                //    data->set.http_auto_referer = (bool)(0 != va_arg(param, long));
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_ENCODING:
                //    /*
                //     * String to use at the value of Accept-Encoding header.
                //     *
                //     * If the encoding is set to "" we use an Accept-Encoding header that
                //     * encompasses all the encodings we support.
                //     * If the encoding is set to NULL we don't send an Accept-Encoding header
                //     * and ignore an received Content-Encoding header.
                //     *
                //     */
                //    argptr = va_arg(param, char *);
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_ENCODING],
                //                       (argptr && !*argptr)?
                //                       (char *) ALL_CONTENT_ENCODINGS: argptr);
                //    break;

                //case CURLOPT_UNRESTRICTED_AUTH:
                //  /*
                //   * Send authentication (user+password) when following locations, even when
                //   * hostname changed.
                //   */
                //  data->set.http_disable_hostname_check_before_authentication =
                //    (bool)(0 != va_arg(param, long));
                //  break;

                //case CURLOPT_POSTREDIR:
                //  /*
                //   * Set the behaviour of POST when redirecting
                //   * CURL_REDIR_GET_ALL - POST is changed to GET after 301 and 302
                //   * CURL_REDIR_POST_301 - POST is kept as POST after 301
                //   * CURL_REDIR_POST_302 - POST is kept as POST after 302
                //   * CURL_REDIR_POST_ALL - POST is kept as POST after 301 and 302
                //   * other - POST is kept as POST after 301 and 302
                //   */
                //  long postRedir = va_arg(param, long);
                //  data->set.post301 = (bool)((postRedir & CURL_REDIR_POST_301)?TRUE:FALSE);
                //  data->set.post302 = (bool)((postRedir & CURL_REDIR_POST_302)?TRUE:FALSE);

                //case CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS:
                //  /*
                //   * A string with POST data. Makes curl HTTP POST. Even if it is NULL.
                //   * If needed, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE must have been set prior to
                //   *  CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS and not altered later.
                //   */
                //  argptr = va_arg(param, char *);

                //  if(!argptr || data->set.postfieldsize == -1)
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_COPYPOSTFIELDS], argptr);
                //  else {
                //    /*
                //     *  Check that requested length does not overflow the size_t type.
                //     */

                //    if((data->set.postfieldsize < 0) ||
                //       ((sizeof(curl_off_t) != sizeof(size_t)) &&
                //        (data->set.postfieldsize > (curl_off_t)((size_t)-1))))
                //      result = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
                //    else {
                //      char * p;

                //      (void) setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_COPYPOSTFIELDS], NULL);

                //      /* Allocate even when size == 0. This satisfies the need of possible
                //         later address compare to detect the COPYPOSTFIELDS mode, and
                //         to mark that postfields is used rather than read function or
                //         form data.
                //      */
                //      p = malloc((size_t)(data->set.postfieldsize?
                //                          data->set.postfieldsize:1));

                //      if(!p)
                //        result = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
                //      else {
                //        if(data->set.postfieldsize)
                //          memcpy(p, argptr, (size_t)data->set.postfieldsize);

                //        data->set.str[STRING_COPYPOSTFIELDS] = p;
                //      }
                //    }
                //  }

                //  data->set.postfields = data->set.str[STRING_COPYPOSTFIELDS];
                //  data->set.httpreq = HTTPREQ_POST;
                //  break;

                //case CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE_LARGE:
                //  /*
                //   * The size of the POSTFIELD data to prevent libcurl to do strlen() to
                //   * figure it out. Enables binary posts.
                //   */
                //  bigsize = va_arg(param, curl_off_t);

                //  if(data->set.postfieldsize < bigsize &&
                //     data->set.postfields == data->set.str[STRING_COPYPOSTFIELDS]) {
                //    /* Previous CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS is no longer valid. */
                //    (void) setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_COPYPOSTFIELDS], NULL);
                //    data->set.postfields = NULL;
                //  }

                //  data->set.postfieldsize = bigsize;
                //  break;

                //case CURLOPT_HTTP200ALIASES:
                //  /*
                //   * Set a list of aliases for HTTP 200 in response header
                //   */
                //  data->set.http200aliases = va_arg(param, struct curl_slist *);
                //  break;

                //#if !(CURL_DISABLE_COOKIES)
                //  case CURLOPT_COOKIE:
                //    /*
                //     * Cookie string to send to the remote server in the request.
                //     */
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_COOKIE],
                //                       va_arg(param, char *));
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION:
                //    /*
                //     * Set this option to TRUE to start a new "cookie session". It will
                //     * prevent the forthcoming read-cookies-from-file actions to accept
                //     * cookies that are marked as being session cookies, as they belong to a
                //     * previous session.
                //     *
                //     * In the original Netscape cookie spec, "session cookies" are cookies
                //     * with no expire date set. RFC2109 describes the same action if no
                //     * 'Max-Age' is set and RFC2965 includes the RFC2109 description and adds
                //     * a 'Discard' action that can enforce the discard even for cookies that
                //     * have a Max-Age.
                //     *
                //     * We run mostly with the original cookie spec, as hardly anyone implements
                //     * anything else.
                //     */
                //    data->set.cookiesession = (bool)(0 != va_arg(param, long));
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_COOKIELIST:
                //    argptr = va_arg(param, char *);

                //    if(argptr == NULL)
                //      break;

                //    if(Curl_raw_equal(argptr, "ALL")) {
                //      /* clear all cookies */
                //      Curl_cookie_clearall(data->cookies);
                //      break;
                //    }
                //    else if(Curl_raw_equal(argptr, "SESS")) {
                //      /* clear session cookies */
                //      Curl_cookie_clearsess(data->cookies);
                //      break;
                //    }
                //    else if(Curl_raw_equal(argptr, "FLUSH")) {
                //      /* flush cookies to file */
                //      Curl_flush_cookies(data, 0);
                //      break;
                //    }

                //    if(!data->cookies)
                //      /* if cookie engine was not running, activate it */
                //      data->cookies = Curl_cookie_init(data, NULL, NULL, TRUE);

                //    argptr = strdup(argptr);
                //    if(!argptr) {
                //      result = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
                //      break;
                //    }

                //    if(checkprefix("Set-Cookie:", argptr))
                //      /* HTTP Header format line */
                //      Curl_cookie_add(data, data->cookies, TRUE, argptr + 11, NULL, NULL);

                //    else
                //      /* Netscape format line */
                //      Curl_cookie_add(data, data->cookies, FALSE, argptr, NULL, NULL);

                //    free(argptr);
                //    break;
                //#endif /* CURL_DISABLE_COOKIES */

                //#endif   /* CURL_DISABLE_HTTP */

                //#if !CURL_DISABLE_PROXY

                //case CurlOption.CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL:
                //    /*
                //     * Tunnel operations through the proxy instead of normal proxy use
                //     */
                //    tunnel_thru_httpproxy = (bool)value;
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_PROXY_TRANSFER_MODE:
                //    /*
                //     * set transfer mode (;type=<a|i>) when doing FTP via an HTTP proxy
                //     */
                //    switch (va_arg(param, long)) {
                //    case 0:
                //      data->set.proxy_transfer_mode = FALSE;
                //      break;
                //    case 1:
                //      data->set.proxy_transfer_mode = TRUE;
                //      break;
                //    default:
                //      /* reserve other values for future use */
                //      result = CURLE_UNKNOWN_OPTION;
                //      break;
                //    }
                //    break;
                //#endif   /* CURL_DISABLE_PROXY */

                //#if HAVE_GSSAPI || USE_WINDOWS_SSPI
                //  case CURLOPT_SOCKS5_GSSAPI_SERVICE:
                //    /*
                //     * Set gssapi service name
                //     */
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_SOCKS5_GSSAPI_SERVICE],
                //                       va_arg(param, char *));
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_SOCKS5_GSSAPI_NEC:
                //    /*
                //     * set flag for nec socks5 support
                //     */
                //    data->set.socks5_gssapi_nec = (bool)(0 != va_arg(param, long));
                //    break;

                //case CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER:
                //  /*
                //   * Custom pointer to pass the header write callback function
                //   */
                //  data->set.writeheader = (void *)va_arg(param, void *);
                //  break;
                //case CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER:
                //  /*
                //   * Error buffer provided by the caller to get the human readable
                //   * error string in.
                //   */
                //  data->set.errorbuffer = va_arg(param, char *);
                //  break;

                //case CURLOPT_FTPPORT:
                //  /*
                //   * Use FTP PORT, this also specifies which IP address to use
                //   */
                //  result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_FTPPORT],
                //                     va_arg(param, char *));
                //  data->set.ftp_use_port = (bool)(NULL != data->set.str[STRING_FTPPORT]);
                //  break;

                //case CURLOPT_FTP_USE_EPRT:
                //  data->set.ftp_use_eprt = (bool)(0 != va_arg(param, long));
                //  break;

                //case CURLOPT_FTP_USE_EPSV:
                //  data->set.ftp_use_epsv = (bool)(0 != va_arg(param, long));
                //  break;

                //case CURLOPT_FTP_USE_PRET:
                //  data->set.ftp_use_pret = (bool)(0 != va_arg(param, long));
                //  break;

                //case CURLOPT_FTP_SSL_CCC:
                //  data->set.ftp_ccc = (curl_ftpccc)va_arg(param, long);
                //  break;

                //case CURLOPT_FTP_SKIP_PASV_IP:
                //  /*
                //   * Enable or disable FTP_SKIP_PASV_IP, which will disable/enable the
                //   * bypass of the IP address in PASV responses.
                //   */
                //  data->set.ftp_skip_ip = (bool)(0 != va_arg(param, long));
                //  break;

                //case CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT:
                //  /*
                //   * The low speed limit that if transfers are below this for
                //   * CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME, the transfer is aborted.
                //   */
                //  data->set.low_speed_limit=va_arg(param, long);
                //  break;
                //case CURLOPT_MAX_SEND_SPEED_LARGE:
                //  /*
                //   * When transfer uploads are faster then CURLOPT_MAX_SEND_SPEED_LARGE
                //   * bytes per second the transfer is throttled..
                //   */
                //  data->set.max_send_speed=va_arg(param, curl_off_t);
                //  break;
                //case CURLOPT_MAX_RECV_SPEED_LARGE:
                //  /*
                //   * When receiving data faster than CURLOPT_MAX_RECV_SPEED_LARGE bytes per
                //   * second the transfer is throttled..
                //   */
                //  data->set.max_recv_speed=va_arg(param, curl_off_t);
                //  break;
                //case CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME:
                //  /*
                //   * The low speed time that if transfers are below the set
                //   * CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT during this time, the transfer is aborted.
                //   */
                //  data->set.low_speed_time=va_arg(param, long);
                //  break;

                //case CurlOption.CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS:
                //  data.set.timeout = (long)value;
                //  break;

                //case CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS:
                //  data->set.connecttimeout = va_arg(param, long);
                //  break;

                //  case CURLOPT_POSTQUOTE:
                //    /*
                //     * List of RAW FTP commands to use after a transfer
                //     */
                //    data->set.postquote = va_arg(param, struct curl_slist *);
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_PREQUOTE:
                //    /*
                //     * List of RAW FTP commands to use prior to RETR (Wesley Laxton)
                //     */
                //    data->set.prequote = va_arg(param, struct curl_slist *);
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_QUOTE:
                //    /*
                //     * List of RAW FTP commands to use before a transfer
                //     */
                //    data->set.quote = va_arg(param, struct curl_slist *);
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_RESOLVE:
                //    /*
                //     * List of NAME:[address] names to populate the DNS cache with
                //     * Prefix the NAME with dash (-) to _remove_ the name from the cache.
                //     *
                //     * Names added with this API will remain in the cache until explicitly
                //     * removed or the handle is cleaned up.
                //     *
                //     * This API can remove any name from the DNS cache, but only entries
                //     * that aren't actually in use right now will be pruned immediately.
                //     */
                //    data->set.resolve = va_arg(param, struct curl_slist *);
                //    data->change.resolve = data->set.resolve;
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION:
                //    /*
                //     * Progress callback function
                //     */
                //    data->set.fprogress = va_arg(param, curl_progress_callback);
                //    if(data->set.fprogress)
                //      data->progress.callback = TRUE; /* no longer internal */
                //    else
                //      data->progress.callback = FALSE; /* NULL enforces internal */

                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_PROGRESSDATA:
                //    /*
                //     * Custom client data to pass to the progress callback
                //     */
                //    data->set.progress_client = va_arg(param, void *);
                //    break;

                //#ifndef CURL_DISABLE_PROXY

                //  case CURLOPT_NOPROXY:
                //    /*
                //     * proxy exception list
                //     */
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_NOPROXY],
                //                       va_arg(param, char *));
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_RANGE:
                //    /*
                //     * What range of the file you want to transfer
                //     */
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_SET_RANGE],
                //                       va_arg(param, char *));
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM:
                //    /*
                //     * Resume transfer at the give file position
                //     */
                //    data->set.set_resume_from = va_arg(param, long);
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM_LARGE:
                //    /*
                //     * Resume transfer at the give file position
                //     */
                //    data->set.set_resume_from = va_arg(param, curl_off_t);
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_DEBUGFUNCTION:
                //    /*
                //     * stderr write callback.
                //     */
                //    data->set.fdebug = va_arg(param, curl_debug_callback);
                //    /*
                //     * if the callback provided is NULL, it'll use the default callback
                //     */
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_DEBUGDATA:
                //    /*
                //     * Set to a void * that should receive all error writes. This
                //     * defaults to CURLOPT_STDERR for normal operations.
                //     */
                //    data->set.debugdata = va_arg(param, void *);
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_STDERR:
                //    /*
                //     * Set to a FILE * that should receive all error writes. This
                //     * defaults to stderr for normal operations.
                //     */
                //    data->set.err = va_arg(param, FILE *);
                //    if(!data->set.err)
                //      data->set.err = stderr;
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION:
                //    /*
                //     * Set data write callback
                //     */
                //    data->set.fwrite_func = va_arg(param, curl_write_callback);
                //    if(!data->set.fwrite_func) {
                //      data->set.is_fwrite_set = 0;
                //      /* When set to NULL, reset to our internal default function */
                //      data->set.fwrite_func = (curl_write_callback)fwrite;
                //    }
                //    else
                //      data->set.is_fwrite_set = 1;
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_READFUNCTION:
                //    /*
                //     * Read data callback
                //     */
                //    data->set.fread_func = va_arg(param, curl_read_callback);
                //    if(!data->set.fread_func) {
                //      data->set.is_fread_set = 0;
                //      /* When set to NULL, reset to our internal default function */
                //      data->set.fread_func = (curl_read_callback)fread;
                //    }
                //    else
                //      data->set.is_fread_set = 1;
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_SEEKFUNCTION:
                //    /*
                //     * Seek callback. Might be NULL.
                //     */
                //    data->set.seek_func = va_arg(param, curl_seek_callback);
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_SEEKDATA:
                //    /*
                //     * Seek control callback. Might be NULL.
                //     */
                //    data->set.seek_client = va_arg(param, void *);
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_CONV_FROM_NETWORK_FUNCTION:
                //    /*
                //     * "Convert from network encoding" callback
                //     */
                //    data->set.convfromnetwork = va_arg(param, curl_conv_callback);
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_CONV_TO_NETWORK_FUNCTION:
                //    /*
                //     * "Convert to network encoding" callback
                //     */
                //    data->set.convtonetwork = va_arg(param, curl_conv_callback);
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_CONV_FROM_UTF8_FUNCTION:
                //    /*
                //     * "Convert from UTF-8 encoding" callback
                //     */
                //    data->set.convfromutf8 = va_arg(param, curl_conv_callback);
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_IOCTLFUNCTION:
                //    /*
                //     * I/O control callback. Might be NULL.
                //     */
                //    data->set.ioctl_func = va_arg(param, curl_ioctl_callback);
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_IOCTLDATA:
                //    /*
                //     * I/O control data pointer. Might be NULL.
                //     */
                //    data->set.ioctl_client = va_arg(param, void *);
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE:
                //    /*
                //     * String that holds file type of the SSL certificate to use
                //     */
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_CERT_TYPE],
                //                       va_arg(param, char *));
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_SSLKEY:
                //    /*
                //     * String that holds file name of the SSL key to use
                //     */
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_KEY],
                //                       va_arg(param, char *));
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_SSLKEYTYPE:
                //    /*
                //     * String that holds file type of the SSL key to use
                //     */
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_KEY_TYPE],
                //                       va_arg(param, char *));
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_SSLENGINE:
                //    /*
                //     * String that holds the SSL crypto engine.
                //     */
                //    argptr = va_arg(param, char *);
                //    if(argptr && argptr[0])
                //      result = Curl_ssl_set_engine(data, argptr);
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_SSLENGINE_DEFAULT:
                //    /*
                //     * flag to set engine as default.
                //     */
                //    result = Curl_ssl_set_engine_default(data);
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_CRLF:
                //    /*
                //     * Kludgy option to enable CRLF conversions. Subject for removal.
                //     */
                //    data->set.crlf = (bool)(0 != va_arg(param, long));
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_INTERFACE:
                //    /*
                //     * Set what interface or address/hostname to bind the socket to when
                //     * performing an operation and thus what from-IP your connection will use.
                //     */
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_DEVICE],
                //                       va_arg(param, char *));
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_LOCALPORT:
                //    /*
                //     * Set what local port to bind the socket to when performing an operation.
                //     */
                //    data->set.localport = curlx_sltous(va_arg(param, long));
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_LOCALPORTRANGE:
                //    /*
                //     * Set number of local ports to try, starting with CURLOPT_LOCALPORT.
                //     */
                //    data->set.localportrange = curlx_sltosi(va_arg(param, long));
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_KRBLEVEL:
                //    /*
                //     * A string that defines the kerberos security level.
                //     */
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_KRB_LEVEL],
                //                       va_arg(param, char *));
                //    data->set.krb = (bool)(NULL != data->set.str[STRING_KRB_LEVEL]);
                //    break;

                //#ifdef USE_SSLEAY
                //    /* since these two options are only possible to use on an OpenSSL-
                //       powered libcurl we #ifdef them on this condition so that libcurls
                //       built against other SSL libs will return a proper error when trying
                //       to set this option! */
                //  case CURLOPT_SSL_CTX_FUNCTION:
                //    /*
                //     * Set a SSL_CTX callback
                //     */
                //    data->set.ssl.fsslctx = va_arg(param, curl_ssl_ctx_callback);
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_SSL_CTX_DATA:
                //    /*
                //     * Set a SSL_CTX callback parameter pointer
                //     */
                //    data->set.ssl.fsslctxp = va_arg(param, void *);
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_CERTINFO:
                //    data->set.ssl.certinfo = (bool)(0 != va_arg(param, long));
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_CAPATH:
                //    /*
                //     * Set CA path info for SSL connection. Specify directory name of the CA
                //     * certificates which have been prepared using openssl c_rehash utility.
                //     */
                //    /* This does not work on windows. */
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_SSL_CAPATH],
                //                       va_arg(param, char *));
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_CRLFILE:
                //    /*
                //     * Set CRL file info for SSL connection. Specify file name of the CRL
                //     * to check certificates revocation
                //     */
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_SSL_CRLFILE],
                //                       va_arg(param, char *));
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_ISSUERCERT:
                //    /*
                //     * Set Issuer certificate file
                //     * to check certificates issuer
                //     */
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_SSL_ISSUERCERT],
                //                       va_arg(param, char *));
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_TELNETOPTIONS:
                //    /*
                //     * Set a linked list of telnet options
                //     */
                //    data->set.telnet_options = va_arg(param, struct curl_slist *);
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE:
                //    /*
                //     * The application kindly asks for a differently sized receive buffer.
                //     * If it seems reasonable, we'll use it.
                //     */
                //    data->set.buffer_size = va_arg(param, long);

                //    if((data->set.buffer_size> (BUFSIZE -1 )) ||
                //       (data->set.buffer_size < 1))
                //      data->set.buffer_size = 0; /* huge internal default */

                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL:
                //    /*
                //     * The application asks not to set any signal() or alarm() handlers,
                //     * even when using a timeout.
                //     */
                //    data->set.no_signal = (bool)(0 != va_arg(param, long));
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_SHARE:
                //  {
                //    struct Curl_share *set;
                //    set = va_arg(param, struct Curl_share *);

                //    /* disconnect from old share, if any */
                //    if(data->share) {
                //      Curl_share_lock(data, CURL_LOCK_DATA_SHARE, CURL_LOCK_ACCESS_SINGLE);

                //      if(data->dns.hostcachetype == HCACHE_SHARED) {
                //        data->dns.hostcache = NULL;
                //        data->dns.hostcachetype = HCACHE_NONE;
                //      }

                //      if(data->share->cookies == data->cookies)
                //        data->cookies = NULL;

                //      data->share->dirty--;

                //      Curl_share_unlock(data, CURL_LOCK_DATA_SHARE);
                //      data->share = NULL;
                //    }

                //    /* use new share if it set */
                //    data->share = set;
                //    if(data->share) {

                //      Curl_share_lock(data, CURL_LOCK_DATA_SHARE, CURL_LOCK_ACCESS_SINGLE);

                //      data->share->dirty++;

                //      if(data->share->hostcache) {
                //        /* use shared host cache, first free the private one if any */
                //        if(data->dns.hostcachetype == HCACHE_PRIVATE)
                //          Curl_hash_destroy(data->dns.hostcache);

                //        data->dns.hostcache = data->share->hostcache;
                //        data->dns.hostcachetype = HCACHE_SHARED;
                //      }
                //#if !defined(CURL_DISABLE_HTTP) && !defined(CURL_DISABLE_COOKIES)
                //      if(data->share->cookies) {
                //        /* use shared cookie list, first free own one if any */
                //        if(data->cookies)
                //          Curl_cookie_cleanup(data->cookies);
                //        /* enable cookies since we now use a share that uses cookies! */
                //        data->cookies = data->share->cookies;
                //      }
                //#endif   /* CURL_DISABLE_HTTP */
                //      Curl_share_unlock(data, CURL_LOCK_DATA_SHARE);

                //    }
                //    /* check for host cache not needed,
                //     * it will be done by curl_easy_perform */
                //  }
                //  break;

                //  case CURLOPT_PRIVATE:
                //    /*
                //     * Set private data pointer.
                //     */
                //    data->set.private_data = va_arg(param, void *);
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_MAXFILESIZE:
                //    /*
                //     * Set the maximum size of a file to download.
                //     */
                //    data->set.max_filesize = va_arg(param, long);
                //    break;

                //#ifdef USE_SSL
                //  case CURLOPT_USE_SSL:
                //    /*
                //     * Make transfers attempt to use SSL/TLS.
                //     */
                //    data->set.ftp_ssl = (curl_usessl)va_arg(param, long);
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_FTPSSLAUTH:
                //    /*
                //     * Set a specific auth for FTP-SSL transfers.
                //     */
                //    data->set.ftpsslauth = (curl_ftpauth)va_arg(param, long);
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE:
                //    data->set.ipver = va_arg(param, long);
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_MAXFILESIZE_LARGE:
                //    /*
                //     * Set the maximum size of a file to download.
                //     */
                //    data->set.max_filesize = va_arg(param, curl_off_t);
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_TCP_NODELAY:
                //    /*
                //     * Enable or disable TCP_NODELAY, which will disable/enable the Nagle
                //     * algorithm
                //     */
                //    data->set.tcp_nodelay = (bool)(0 != va_arg(param, long));
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_FTP_ACCOUNT:
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_FTP_ACCOUNT],
                //                       va_arg(param, char *));
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_IGNORE_CONTENT_LENGTH:
                //    data->set.ignorecl = (bool)(0 != va_arg(param, long));
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_CONNECT_ONLY:
                //    /*
                //     * No data transfer, set up connection and let application use the socket
                //     */
                //    data->set.connect_only = (bool)(0 != va_arg(param, long));
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_FTP_ALTERNATIVE_TO_USER:
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_FTP_ALTERNATIVE_TO_USER],
                //                       va_arg(param, char *));
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_SOCKOPTFUNCTION:
                //    /*
                //     * socket callback function: called after socket() but before connect()
                //     */
                //    data->set.fsockopt = va_arg(param, curl_sockopt_callback);
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_SOCKOPTDATA:
                //    /*
                //     * socket callback data pointer. Might be NULL.
                //     */
                //    data->set.sockopt_client = va_arg(param, void *);
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_OPENSOCKETFUNCTION:
                //    /*
                //     * open/create socket callback function: called instead of socket(),
                //     * before connect()
                //     */
                //    data->set.fopensocket = va_arg(param, curl_opensocket_callback);
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_OPENSOCKETDATA:
                //    /*
                //     * socket callback data pointer. Might be NULL.
                //     */
                //    data->set.opensocket_client = va_arg(param, void *);
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_SSL_SESSIONID_CACHE:
                //    data->set.ssl.sessionid = (bool)(0 != va_arg(param, long));
                //    break;

                //#ifdef USE_LIBSSH2
                //    /* we only include SSH options if explicitly built to support SSH */
                //  case CURLOPT_SSH_AUTH_TYPES:
                //    data->set.ssh_auth_types = va_arg(param, long);
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_SSH_PUBLIC_KEYFILE:
                //    /*
                //     * Use this file instead of the $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa.pub file
                //     */
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_SSH_PUBLIC_KEY],
                //                       va_arg(param, char *));
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEYFILE:
                //    /*
                //     * Use this file instead of the $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa file
                //     */
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY],
                //                       va_arg(param, char *));
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_SSH_HOST_PUBLIC_KEY_MD5:
                //    /*
                //     * Option to allow for the MD5 of the host public key to be checked
                //     * for validation purposes.
                //     */
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_SSH_HOST_PUBLIC_KEY_MD5],
                //                       va_arg(param, char *));
                //    break;
                //#ifdef HAVE_LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_API
                //  case CURLOPT_SSH_KNOWNHOSTS:
                //    /*
                //     * Store the file name to read known hosts from.
                //     */
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_SSH_KNOWNHOSTS],
                //                       va_arg(param, char *));
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_SSH_KEYFUNCTION:
                //    /* setting to NULL is fine since the ssh.c functions themselves will
                //       then rever to use the internal default */
                //    data->set.ssh_keyfunc = va_arg(param, curl_sshkeycallback);
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_SSH_KEYDATA:
                //    /*
                //     * Custom client data to pass to the SSH keyfunc callback
                //     */
                //    data->set.ssh_keyfunc_userp = va_arg(param, void *);
                //    break;
                //#endif /* HAVE_LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_API */

                //#endif /* USE_LIBSSH2 */

                //  case CURLOPT_HTTP_TRANSFER_DECODING:
                //    /*
                //     * disable libcurl transfer encoding is used
                //     */
                //    data->set.http_te_skip = (bool)(0 == va_arg(param, long));
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_HTTP_CONTENT_DECODING:
                //    /*
                //     * raw data passed to the application when content encoding is used
                //     */
                //    data->set.http_ce_skip = (bool)(0 == va_arg(param, long));
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_NEW_FILE_PERMS:
                //    /*
                //     * Uses these permissions instead of 0644
                //     */
                //    data->set.new_file_perms = va_arg(param, long);
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_NEW_DIRECTORY_PERMS:
                //    /*
                //     * Uses these permissions instead of 0755
                //     */
                //    data->set.new_directory_perms = va_arg(param, long);
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_ADDRESS_SCOPE:
                //    /*
                //     * We always get longs when passed plain numericals, but for this value we
                //     * know that an unsigned int will always hold the value so we blindly
                //     * typecast to this type
                //     */
                //    data->set.scope = curlx_sltoui(va_arg(param, long));
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS:
                //    /* set the bitmask for the protocols that are allowed to be used for the
                //       transfer, which thus helps the app which takes URLs from users or other
                //       external inputs and want to restrict what protocol(s) to deal
                //       with. Defaults to CURLPROTO_ALL. */
                //    data->set.allowed_protocols = va_arg(param, long);
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_REDIR_PROTOCOLS:
                //    /* set the bitmask for the protocols that libcurl is allowed to follow to,
                //       as a subset of the CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS ones. That means the protocol needs
                //       to be set in both bitmasks to be allowed to get redirected to. Defaults
                //       to all protocols except FILE and SCP. */
                //    data->set.redir_protocols = va_arg(param, long);
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_MAIL_FROM:
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_MAIL_FROM],
                //                       va_arg(param, char *));
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_MAIL_RCPT:
                //    /* get a list of mail recipients */
                //    data->set.mail_rcpt = va_arg(param, struct curl_slist *);
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_RTSP_REQUEST:
                //    {
                //      /*
                //       * Set the RTSP request method (OPTIONS, SETUP, PLAY, etc...)
                //       * Would this be better if the RTSPREQ_* were just moved into here?
                //       */
                //      long curl_rtspreq = va_arg(param, long);
                //      Curl_RtspReq rtspreq = RTSPREQ_NONE;
                //      switch(curl_rtspreq) {
                //        case CURL_RTSPREQ_OPTIONS:
                //          rtspreq = RTSPREQ_OPTIONS;
                //          break;

                //        case CURL_RTSPREQ_DESCRIBE:
                //          rtspreq = RTSPREQ_DESCRIBE;
                //          break;

                //        case CURL_RTSPREQ_ANNOUNCE:
                //          rtspreq = RTSPREQ_ANNOUNCE;
                //          break;

                //        case CURL_RTSPREQ_SETUP:
                //          rtspreq = RTSPREQ_SETUP;
                //          break;

                //        case CURL_RTSPREQ_PLAY:
                //          rtspreq = RTSPREQ_PLAY;
                //          break;

                //        case CURL_RTSPREQ_PAUSE:
                //          rtspreq = RTSPREQ_PAUSE;
                //          break;

                //        case CURL_RTSPREQ_TEARDOWN:
                //          rtspreq = RTSPREQ_TEARDOWN;
                //          break;

                //        case CURL_RTSPREQ_GET_PARAMETER:
                //          rtspreq = RTSPREQ_GET_PARAMETER;
                //          break;

                //        case CURL_RTSPREQ_SET_PARAMETER:
                //          rtspreq = RTSPREQ_SET_PARAMETER;
                //          break;

                //        case CURL_RTSPREQ_RECORD:
                //          rtspreq = RTSPREQ_RECORD;
                //          break;

                //        case CURL_RTSPREQ_RECEIVE:
                //          rtspreq = RTSPREQ_RECEIVE;
                //          break;
                //        default:
                //          rtspreq = RTSPREQ_NONE;
                //      }

                //      data->set.rtspreq = rtspreq;
                //    break;
                //    }

                //  case CURLOPT_RTSP_SESSION_ID:
                //    /*
                //     * Set the RTSP Session ID manually. Useful if the application is
                //     * resuming a previously established RTSP session
                //     */
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_RTSP_SESSION_ID],
                //                       va_arg(param, char *));
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_RTSP_STREAM_URI:
                //    /*
                //     * Set the Stream URI for the RTSP request. Unless the request is
                //     * for generic server options, the application will need to set this.
                //     */
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_RTSP_STREAM_URI],
                //                       va_arg(param, char *));
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_RTSP_TRANSPORT:
                //    /*
                //     * The content of the Transport: header for the RTSP request
                //     */
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_RTSP_TRANSPORT],
                //                       va_arg(param, char *));
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_RTSP_CLIENT_CSEQ:
                //    /*
                //     * Set the CSEQ number to issue for the next RTSP request. Useful if the
                //     * application is resuming a previously broken connection. The CSEQ
                //     * will increment from this new number henceforth.
                //     */
                //    data->state.rtsp_next_client_CSeq = va_arg(param, long);
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_RTSP_SERVER_CSEQ:
                //    /* Same as the above, but for server-initiated requests */
                //    data->state.rtsp_next_client_CSeq = va_arg(param, long);
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_INTERLEAVEDATA:
                //    data->set.rtp_out = va_arg(param, void *);
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_INTERLEAVEFUNCTION:
                //    /* Set the user defined RTP write function */
                //    data->set.fwrite_rtp = va_arg(param, curl_write_callback);
                //    break;

                //  case CURLOPT_WILDCARDMATCH:
                //    data->set.wildcardmatch = (bool)(0 != va_arg(param, long));
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_CHUNK_BGN_FUNCTION:
                //    data->set.chunk_bgn = va_arg(param, curl_chunk_bgn_callback);
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_CHUNK_END_FUNCTION:
                //    data->set.chunk_end = va_arg(param, curl_chunk_end_callback);
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_FNMATCH_FUNCTION:
                //    data->set.fnmatch = va_arg(param, curl_fnmatch_callback);
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_CHUNK_DATA:
                //    data->wildcard.customptr = va_arg(param, void *);
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_FNMATCH_DATA:
                //    data->set.fnmatch_data = va_arg(param, void *);
                //    break;
                //#ifdef USE_TLS_SRP
                //  case CURLOPT_TLSAUTH_USERNAME:
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_TLSAUTH_USERNAME],
                //                       va_arg(param, char *));
                //    if (data->set.str[STRING_TLSAUTH_USERNAME] && !data->set.ssl.authtype)
                //      data->set.ssl.authtype = CURL_TLSAUTH_SRP; /* default to SRP */
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_TLSAUTH_PASSWORD:
                //    result = setstropt(&data->set.str[STRING_TLSAUTH_PASSWORD],
                //                       va_arg(param, char *));
                //    if (data->set.str[STRING_TLSAUTH_USERNAME] && !data->set.ssl.authtype)
                //      data->set.ssl.authtype = CURL_TLSAUTH_SRP; /* default to SRP */
                //    break;
                //  case CURLOPT_TLSAUTH_TYPE:
                //    if (strncmp((char *)va_arg(param, char *), "SRP", strlen("SRP")) == 0)
                //      data->set.ssl.authtype = CURL_TLSAUTH_SRP;
                //    else
                //      data->set.ssl.authtype = CURL_TLSAUTH_NONE;
                //    break;


                    /* unknown tag and its companion, just ignore: */
                    //result = CURLE_UNKNOWN_OPTION;
                    PhpException.ArgumentValueNotSupported("option", option.ToString());

            return result;