Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to convert table definitions from another database format to the data format supported by the destination database class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableDefs">Object containing the list of table definitions to be converted.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationDatabase">Database object pointing to database that will define converted table definitions.</param>
        /// <param name="newSchemaName">Specify a new schema (owner) name for the tables when they are recreated in the database managed by the current instance.</param>
        /// <returns>Object containing the list of table definitions after they have been converted to match the data formats of the current instance.</returns>
        public PFList <PFTableDef> ConvertTableDefs(PFList <PFTableDef> tableDefs, IDatabaseProvider destinationDatabase, string newSchemaName)
            PFList <PFTableDef> newTableDefs = new PFList <PFTableDef>();
            PFTableDef          tabDef       = null;
            string tabName            = string.Empty;
            string schemaName         = string.Empty;
            string tabCreateStatement = string.Empty;


            while ((tabDef = tableDefs.NextItem) != null)
                string     tabDefXmlString = tabDef.ToXmlString();
                PFTableDef newTabDef       = PFTableDef.LoadFromXmlString(tabDefXmlString);

                tabName    = destinationDatabase.RebuildFullTableName(tabDef, newSchemaName);
                schemaName = String.IsNullOrEmpty(newSchemaName) == false ? newSchemaName : tabDef.TableOwner;
                newTabDef.TableObject.TableName = tabName;
                tabCreateStatement             = destinationDatabase.BuildTableCreateStatement(newTabDef.TableObject);
                newTabDef.DbPlatform           = destinationDatabase.DbPlatform;
                newTabDef.DbConnectionString   = destinationDatabase.ConnectionString;
                newTabDef.TableOwner           = schemaName;
                newTabDef.TableFullName        = tabName;
                newTabDef.TableCreateStatement = tabCreateStatement;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the table create statements contained in the provided tableDefs object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceDatabase">Database containing source tables..</param>
        /// <param name="tableIncludePatterns">Wildard pattern to use when selecting which tables to include. Specify * or null or empty string for pattern to include all tables.</param>
        /// <param name="tableExcludePatterns">Wildard pattern to use when selecting which tables to exclude. Specify * for pattern to exclude all tables. Specify null or empty string to exclude no tables.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationDatabase">Database were data will be copied to..</param>
        /// <param name="newSchemaName">Schema to use for identifying the destination tables.</param>
        /// <param name="dropBeforeCreate">If true and table already exists, table will be dropped and then recreated using the table definition in the supplied PFTableDefs list. If false, table create step is bypassed if table already exists.</param>
        /// <returns>Number of tables created.</returns>
        /// <remarks>Include and exclude patterns are the same as Windows File wildcards. * specifies zero or more characters. ? specifies one character.</remarks>
        public PFList <TableCopyDetails> CopyTableDataFromTableDefs(IDatabaseProvider sourceDatabase, string[] tableIncludePatterns, string[] tableExcludePatterns,
                                                                    IDatabaseProvider destinationDatabase, string newSchemaName, bool dropBeforeCreate)
            PFList <TableCopyDetails> tableCopyLog = new PFList <TableCopyDetails>();
            PFTableDef td              = null;
            string     sqlStatement    = string.Empty;
            string     selectStatement = "select * from <TableName>";
            string     newTableName    = string.Empty;
            string     tdToXml         = string.Empty;
            PFTableDef newTd           = null;

            PFList <PFTableDef> tableDefs  = sourceDatabase.GetTableList(tableIncludePatterns, tableExcludePatterns);
            DataTable           sourceData = null;


            while ((td = tableDefs.NextItem) != null)
                newTableName = td.TableName;
                tdToXml      = td.ToXmlString();
                newTd        = PFTableDef.LoadFromXmlString(tdToXml);

                if (newSchemaName.Trim().Length > 0)
                    newTd.TableObject.TableName = newSchemaName + "." + newTableName;
                    newTd.TableObject.TableName = newTableName;
                newTd.TableFullName = newTd.TableObject.TableName;
                newTd.TableOwner    = newSchemaName;
                newTd.TableName     = newTableName;

                if (destinationDatabase.TableExists(newSchemaName, newTableName) && dropBeforeCreate)
                    destinationDatabase.DropTable(newSchemaName, newTableName);

                if (destinationDatabase.TableExists(newSchemaName, newTableName) == false)
                    sqlStatement = destinationDatabase.BuildTableCreateStatement(newTd.TableObject);
                    destinationDatabase.RunNonQuery(sqlStatement, CommandType.Text);

                TableCopyDetails tcdetails = new TableCopyDetails();
                tcdetails.sourceTableName      = td.TableFullName;
                tcdetails.destinationTableName = newTd.TableFullName;
                tcdetails.numSourceRows        = -1;
                tcdetails.numRowsCopied        = -1;
                    sqlStatement            = selectStatement.Replace("<TableName>", td.TableObject.TableName);
                    sourceData              = sourceDatabase.RunQueryDataTable(sqlStatement, CommandType.Text);
                    sourceData.TableName    = newTd.TableObject.TableName;
                    tcdetails.numSourceRows = sourceData.Rows.Count;
                    if (sourceData.Rows.Count > 0)
                        tcdetails.numRowsCopied = sourceData.Rows.Count;
                        tcdetails.result        = TableCopyResult.Success;
                        tcdetails.messages      = string.Empty;
                        tcdetails.numRowsCopied = 0;
                        tcdetails.result        = TableCopyResult.Alert;
                        tcdetails.messages      = "The were no rows in the source table.";
                catch (System.Exception ex)
                    _msg.Length = 0;
                    _msg.Append("Attempt to copy ");
                    _msg.Append(" to ");
                    _msg.Append(" failed. Error message: ");
                    tcdetails.messages      = _msg.ToString();
                    tcdetails.numRowsCopied = -1;
                    tcdetails.result        = TableCopyResult.Failure;


                newTd      = null;
                sourceData = null;
