C# (CSharp) PDFExport PDFGraphics - 2 ejemplos encontrados. Estos son los ejemplos en C# (CSharp) del mundo real mejor valorados de PDFExport.PDFGraphics extraídos de proyectos de código abierto. Puedes valorar ejemplos para ayudarnos a mejorar la calidad de los ejemplos.
Implements the IGraphics interface for the PDF-Sharp output.
Every point, path, rectangle and so on is measured in pixels. PDF doesn't know about pixels, but dots. One dot is the 72th of an inch. So one has to apply some scaling for alle drawn elements. This can be done with a call to ScaleTransform for example to get from pixel coordinates to dot coordinates. This solution has one disadvantage: There are a few points where PDF-Sharp scales from pixels to dots itself: fonts and images. If we don't care about this, all fonts and images would appear to small in the resulting PDF. The solution is to "unscale" those elements first. To do this, there are the two properties ScaleFont and ScaleImage. //We take the DPI of the screen from a Control Graphics gdiGraphics = (new Control()).CreateGraphics(); //Apply a scaling to get from pixels to dots graphics.ScaleTransform(72.0f / gdiGraphics.DpiX, 72.0f / gdiGraphics.DpiY); //Unscale the font graphics.ScaleFont = gdiGraphics.DpiY / 72.0f; //Unscale the images graphics.ScaleImage = gdiGraphics.DpiX / 72.0f; graphics.TakeInitialTransform(); Word wrap is slightly different to the GDI word wrapping. If a single word is longer than a line, GDI breaks the word and prints the rest in a new line. Here the rest isn't printed but an ellipsis is appendet to the not fitting word. The following points are on the to do list: - Clipping isn't very good right now. We should unerstand the regions. There are a few things which are not perfect and won't be changed now: - Only horizontal, vertical and diagonal gradients are drawn correctly. Thats ok since NClass dosn't use any other gradients. - Images get a gray border in pdf if they have colored (even white) pixels next to transparent pixels. A workaround is to draw them by GDI on a surface. This surface is white. This looks good until the backgound of the entity is also white. If not, images are inside a white box. - If one draws with a gradient brush and the next drawing operation uses a black brush, this drawing is done with the gradient again. That's because the brush isn't changed in pdf. This is a bug in PDFSharp.