Ejemplo n.º 1
        //Tao ra link voi sensor moi
        public static List<Link> createNewLinks(List<Link> links, List<List<Sensor>> newClusters, List<Sensor> newSensors, int numCluster)
            int maxLink = numCluster * (numCluster - 1) / 2;

            List<Link> result = new List<Link>();

            foreach (Link l in links)
                if (result.Count == maxLink)

                Sensor groupFrom = groupBelongs(l.getSource(), newClusters, newSensors);
                Sensor groupDest = groupBelongs(l.getDest(), newClusters, newSensors);
                if (groupDest == null)
                Sensor nFrom = null;
                Sensor nTo = null;

                if (groupFrom.getId() != groupDest.getId())
                    nFrom = groupFrom;
                    nTo = groupDest;

                Link nlink = new Link(nFrom, nTo, "Real");

                if (result.Count == 0)
                    //foreach (Link ol in result)

                    for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
                        if (!((Link)result[i]).isSame(nlink))

                    if(!result.Contains(nlink)) {


            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public bool isSame(Link other)
     return source.getId() == other.getSource().getId() &&
         dest.getId() == other.getDest().getId();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private bool checkLinkHave(Link thisLink, List<Link> listLinks)
     bool flag = false;
     foreach (Link links in listLinks)
         if ((thisLink.getSource().getId() == links.getSource().getId()) && (thisLink.getDest().getId() == links.getDest().getId()))
             flag = true;//have this link in listLinks
     return flag;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void clustering(ClusterType type, string fname)
            #region lam clustering
            switch (type)
                #region case "DBScan": Code by Minh & V?ng
                case ClusterType.DBSCAN:
                    // Save();



                    DBScanForm dbscanForm = new DBScanForm();

                    if ((dbscanForm.EpsBox.Text == "") || (dbscanForm.PtsBox.Text == ""))

                    minPts = Int32.Parse(dbscanForm.PtsBox.Text);
                    eps = Double.Parse(dbscanForm.EpsBox.Text);
                    if (newLinks != null && newSensors != null)
                        int[] LinkFrom = new int[listLink.Count];//M?ng 1 chi?u luu các link vào
                        int[] LinkTo = new int[listLink.Count];//M?ng 1 chi?u luu các link ra
                        double[][] sensor = new double[listSensor.Count][];//M?ng 2 chi?u luu ID và t?a d? X Y và stype c?a các sensor
                        int[] LinkFromgiunguyen = new int[LinkFrom.Length];
                        int[] LinkTogiunguyen = new int[LinkTo.Length];
                        //SplashScreen.SetStatus("Please wait ... ");
                        //Clustering.dbscanClustering(listSensor, listLink, ref newSensors, ref newLinks, minPts, eps);
                        List<List<Sensor>> clusters = DBSCAN.GetClusters(listSensor, eps, minPts);
                        //Console.WriteLine("\nXu?t t?ng c?m");
                        int countcluster = 0;//d?m xem trong list clusters có bn cluster
                        for (int i = 0; i < clusters.Count; i++)
                        //T?o b?ng LinkFrom và LinkTo
                        int demLink = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < listLink.Count; i++)
                            LinkTo[i] = listLink[i].getDest().getId();
                            LinkFrom[i] = listLink[i].getSource().getId();
                            //Console.WriteLine("Link: from sensor {0} to sensor {1}\n", listLink[i].getSource().getId(), listLink[i].getDest().getId());
                        //B?ng các Sensor
                        for (int i = 0; i < listSensor.Count; i++)
                            sensor[i] = new double[8];
                            sensor[i][0] = listSensor[i].getId();//C?t 1 ID sensor
                            sensor[i][1] = listSensor[i].getX();//C?t 2 t?a d? X
                            sensor[i][2] = listSensor[i].getY();//C?t 3 t?a d? Y
                            sensor[i][3] = listSensor[i].getstype();//C?t 4 ch?a ki?u sensor (0 là source, 1 là sink, 2 là trung gian)
                            sensor[i][4] = listSensor[i].getsending_rate();//ch?a sending rate c?a sensor
                            sensor[i][5] = listSensor[i].getprocessing_rate();//ch?a processing rate c?a sensor
                            sensor[i][6] = listSensor[i].getXLabel();//X of label
                            sensor[i][7] = listSensor[i].getYLabel();//Y of label
                        int[][] cluster = new int[countcluster][];//B?ng ch?a ID các sensor trong t?ng c?m
                        int[][] sensorgiunguyen = new int[countcluster][];//Ch?a các sensor du?c gi? nguyên trong t?ng c?m
                        int[] numsensorincluster = new int[countcluster];//Th?ng kê s? lu?ng sensor trong t?ng c?m
                        for (int i = 0; i < countcluster; i++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < clusters[i].Count; j++)
                                numsensorincluster[i] += 1;
                            //MessageBox.Show("Cluster thu"+(i + 1).ToString() + "có"+numsensorincluster[i].ToString()+"sensor","Message");
                        //B?ng ch?a ID các sensor trong t?ng c?m
                        for (int i = 0; i < countcluster; i++)
                            cluster[i] = new int[numsensorincluster[i]];
                            Console.WriteLine("\nCluster {0}:", i + 1);
                            for (int j = 0; j < clusters[i].Count; j++)
                                cluster[i][j] = clusters[i][j].getId();
                                Console.WriteLine(" {0} ", cluster[i][j]);


                        //B?ng ID sensor gi? nguyên c?a t?ng c?m
                        //Gi? nguyên sink source
                        for (int i = 0; i < cluster.Length; i++)
                            sensorgiunguyen[i] = new int[numsensorincluster[i]];
                            for (int j = 0; j < cluster[i].Length; j++)
                                for (int n = 0; n < sensor.Length; n++)
                                    if (cluster[i][j] == sensor[n][0])
                                        if ((sensor[n][3] == 1) || (sensor[n][3] == 2))
                                            sensorgiunguyen[i][j] = cluster[i][j];
                                            Console.WriteLine("\ni={0}, j={1}", i, j);
                        //Gi? nguyên sensor có link di ra ho?c di vào c?m
                        #region //Gi? nguyên sensor có link di ra ho?c di vào c?m
                        Boolean flag = false;//c? ki?m tra xem m?t sensor có n?m cùng c?m v?i sensor dang xét không
                        for (int i = 0; i < cluster.Length; i++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < cluster[i].Length; j++)
                                for (int k = 0; k < LinkFrom.Length; k++)
                                    if (LinkFrom[k] == cluster[i][j])//N?u nó có du?ng ra - n?m trong b?ng from
                                        for (int n = 0; n < cluster[i].Length; n++)
                                            if (LinkTo[k] == cluster[i][n])// và n?u nó n?i d?n sensor cùng c?m
                                                flag = true;//b?t c? thành true
                                            else flag = false;
                                        if (flag == false)//n?u c? false, nghia là nó có link ra ngoài kh?i c?m dang xét
                                            sensorgiunguyen[i][j] = LinkFrom[k];//gi? nó l?i thôi
                                            LinkFromgiunguyen[k] = LinkFrom[k];
                                            LinkTogiunguyen[k] = LinkTo[k];

                                    if (LinkTo[k] == cluster[i][j])//N?u nó có du?ng vào - n?m trong b?ng to
                                        for (int n = 0; n < cluster[i].Length; n++)
                                            if (LinkFrom[k] == cluster[i][n])// và n?u nó du?c n?i t? sensor cùng c?m
                                                flag = true;//b?t c? thành true
                                            else flag = false;

                                        if (flag == false)//n?u c? false, nghia là nó có link t? sensor c?m khác link vào c?m dang xét
                                            sensorgiunguyen[i][j] = LinkTo[k];//gi? l?i nó thôi
                                            LinkFromgiunguyen[k] = LinkFrom[k];
                                            LinkTogiunguyen[k] = LinkTo[k];

                        // Create new cluster path
                        //CURRENT_PATH = ROOT_CLUSTER + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString();
                        //BCdirectoryPath = ResultdirectoryPath + @"\" + "Before_Cluster";
                        //ACdirectoryPath = ResultdirectoryPath + @"\" + "After_Cluster";
                        listPathDirectoryOpen.Add(CURRENT_PATH + AFTER_FOLDER);
                        listPathDirectoryOpen.Add(CURRENT_PATH + BEFORE_FOLDER);
                        //if (Directory.Exists(ROOT_CLUSTER + CURRENT_FOLDER))
                        //    numDir++;
                        //    ResultdirectoryPath = ResultdirectoryPath + "_(" + numDir + ")";
                        //    Directory.CreateDirectory(ResultdirectoryPath);
                        //    Directory.CreateDirectory(BCdirectoryPath);
                        //    Directory.CreateDirectory(ACdirectoryPath);
                            Directory.CreateDirectory(CURRENT_PATH + AFTER_FOLDER);
                            Directory.CreateDirectory(CURRENT_PATH + BEFORE_FOLDER);
                            Directory.CreateDirectory(CURRENT_PATH + PN_FOLDER);
                        //StatusLabel_Status.Text = "Clustering....";
                        //Log.d(TAG, ProgressBar1.Step.ToString());
                        //Xu?t XML t?ng c?m tru?c khi x? lý
                        for (int i = 0; i < cluster.Length; i++)
                            mClusterListener.onUpdateProgressbar((100 / countcluster) - 1);
                            // ProgressBar1.Value += (100 / countcluster) - 1;

                            DevLog.d(TAG, "Cluster " + (i + 1) + ":");
                            for (int j = 0; j < cluster[i].Length; j++)

                                //MessageBox.Show(""+cluster[i][j], "Message");
                                for (int n = 0; n < sensor.Length; n++)
                                    if (cluster[i][j] == sensor[n][0])
                                        Sensor test = new Sensor(cluster[i][j], sensor[n][1], sensor[n][2], Convert.ToInt16(sensor[n][3]), Convert.ToInt16(sensor[n][4]), Convert.ToInt16(sensor[n][5]), sensor[n][6], sensor[n][7]);
                                    if (sensorgiunguyen[i][j] == sensor[n][0])
                                        Sensor test = new Sensor(cluster[i][j], sensor[n][1], sensor[n][2], Convert.ToInt16(sensor[n][3]), Convert.ToInt16(sensor[n][4]), Convert.ToInt16(sensor[n][5]), sensor[n][6], sensor[n][7]);
                                        if (checkSensorHave(test, listSensorAfterCluster) == false)
                                for (int n = j + 1; n < cluster[i].Length; n++)
                                    for (int k = 0; k < LinkFrom.Length; k++)
                                        if ((LinkFrom[k] == cluster[i][j]) && (LinkTo[k] == cluster[i][n]))
                                            Sensor src = new Sensor(cluster[i][j]);
                                            Sensor dest = new Sensor(cluster[i][n]);
                                            Link testLink = new Link(src, dest, "Real", listLink[k].getTranfer_rate());
                                        if ((LinkFrom[k] == cluster[i][n]) && (LinkTo[k] == cluster[i][j]))
                                            Sensor src = new Sensor(cluster[i][n]);
                                            Sensor dest = new Sensor(cluster[i][j]);
                                            Link testLink = new Link(src, dest, "Real", listLink[k].getTranfer_rate());
                                        if ((LinkFrom[k] == sensorgiunguyen[i][j]) && (LinkTo[k] == sensorgiunguyen[i][n]))
                                            Sensor src = new Sensor(sensorgiunguyen[i][j]);
                                            Sensor dest = new Sensor(sensorgiunguyen[i][n]);
                                            Link testLink = new Link(src, dest, "Real", listLink[k].getTranfer_rate());
                                        if ((LinkFrom[k] == sensorgiunguyen[i][n]) && (LinkTo[k] == sensorgiunguyen[i][j]))
                                            Sensor src = new Sensor(sensorgiunguyen[i][n]);
                                            Sensor dest = new Sensor(sensorgiunguyen[i][j]);
                                            Link testLink = new Link(src, dest, "Real", listLink[k].getTranfer_rate());
                            #region //T?o link gi?
                            //T?o link gi?
                            //T?o list các sensor c?n t?o link gi?
                            List<Link> listVirtualLinkNeedCreate = new List<Link>();
                            bool flag1 = false;//c? d? ki?m tra link c?a m?i sensor d? chuy?n v? d? th? vô hu?ng

                            int[][] graphRouting = new int[listSensorBefore.Count][];
                            //Ðua v? d? th? qu?n lý b?ng m?ng 2 chi?u
                            for (int k = 0; k < listSensorBefore.Count; k++)
                                graphRouting[k] = new int[listSensorBefore.Count];
                                for (int m = 0; m < graphRouting[k].Length; m++)
                                    graphRouting[k][m] = 0;

                            for (int f = 0; f < listSensorBefore.Count; f++)
                                for (int t = 0; t < listSensorBefore.Count; t++)
                                    foreach (Link l in listLinkBefore)
                                        if ((listSensorBefore[f].getId() == l.getSource().getId()) && (listSensorBefore[t].getId() == l.getDest().getId()))
                                            //graphRouting[f][t] = TinhKhoangCach(listSensorBefore[f].getX(), listSensorBefore[f].getY(), listSensorBefore[t].getX(), listSensorBefore[t].getY());
                                            graphRouting[f][t] = 1;
                                            flag1 = true;
                                    if (flag1 == true)
                            //DFS(graphRouting);//Duy?t d? th?

                            //Xét di?u ki?n d? t?o link gi?
                            bool flag4 = false;
                            for (int f = 0; f < listSensorAfter.Count; f++)
                                for (int t = 0; t < listSensorAfter.Count; t++)
                                    if (f == t)
                                    foreach (Link l in listLinkAfter)
                                        if ((listSensorAfter[f].getId() == l.getSource().getId()) && (listSensorAfter[t].getId() == l.getDest().getId()))
                                            flag4 = true;
                                        if ((listSensorAfter[t].getId() == l.getSource().getId()) && (listSensorAfter[f].getId() == l.getDest().getId()))
                                            flag4 = true;
                                    if (flag4 == true)
                                        flag4 = false;
                                    if (listSensorAfter[t].getstype() == 1)//1 là src - To đến src
                                    if (listSensorAfter[f].getstype() == 2)//2 là sink - sink To ra
                                    Link virtuallink = new Link(listSensorAfter[f], listSensorAfter[t], "Virtual");
                            //for (int test = 0; test < listVirtualLinkNeedCreate.Count; test++)

                            //    //MessageBox.Show("Src: " + listVirtualLinkNeedCreate[test].getSource().getId() + " - dest: " + listVirtualLinkNeedCreate[test].getDest().getId(), "msg");
                            //string[][] Pathfull = new string[listVirtualLinkNeedCreate.Count][];
                            for (int test = 0; test < listVirtualLinkNeedCreate.Count; test++)
                                DevLog.d(TAG, "Link need create: " + listVirtualLinkNeedCreate[test].getSource().getId() + " _ " + listVirtualLinkNeedCreate[test].getDest().getId());
                            int from = 0;
                            int to = 0;
                            bool flag2 = false;
                            bool flag3 = false;
                            //int countVirtualLink = 0;
                            //truy?n các c?p c?n t?o link gi? vào.
                            for (int g = 0; g < listVirtualLinkNeedCreate.Count; g++)
                                DevLog.d(TAG, "Src: " + listVirtualLinkNeedCreate[g].getSource().getId() + " - dest: " + listVirtualLinkNeedCreate[g].getDest().getId());
                                for (int index = 0; index < listSensorBefore.Count; index++)
                                    if (listVirtualLinkNeedCreate[g].getSource().getId() == listSensorBefore[index].getId())
                                        flag2 = true;
                                        from = index;
                                    else if (listVirtualLinkNeedCreate[g].getDest().getId() == listSensorBefore[index].getId())
                                        flag3 = true;
                                        to = index;
                                    if (flag2 && flag3)
                                if (flag2 && flag3)
                                    flag2 = false;
                                    flag3 = false;
                                    DevLog.d(TAG, "=======START========");
                                    //string temp11 = "";
                                    //for (int list = 0; list < listSensorAfter.Count; list++)

                                    //    temp11 += listSensorAfter[list].getId();
                                    //    temp11 += ", ";

                                    //MessageBox.Show("list Sensor gi? nguyên: " + temp11, "msg");
                                    path = "";
                                    PathID = "";
                                    Dem_path = 0;
                                    DevLog.d(TAG, "Checking...from_to: " + from + " _ " + to);
                                    //MessageBox.Show("Path from " + from + " to " + to, "msg");
                                    //PrintPath(from, to);//hàm in ra du?ng di
                                    //if (dijkstra(from, to, graphRouting) == true)//hàm ktra t? from d?n to có du?ng di không
                                    if (FindAllPath(from, to, graphRouting) == true)
                                        //MessageBox.Show("Path: " + path, "msg");

                                        //In ra t?t c? du?ng di
                                        double newTransfer;
                                        int dem_path_valid = Dem_path;//s? du?ng di h?p l?
                                        double[] delayRate = new double[Dem_path];
                                        char[] c = new char[] { ';' };
                                        string[] s1 = path.Split(c, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                        //Chuy?n các du?ng di index thành du?ng di d?ng ID
                                        ConvertPathID(s1, listSensorBefore);
                                        //MessageBox.Show("Path ID: " + PathID, "msg");
                                        //xét t?ng du?ng di có th?a di?u ki?n t?o link gi? không
                                        //string[] s2 = PathID.Split(c, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                        //for (int k = 0; k < s2.Length; k++)
                                        //    string temp = "";
                                        //    temp += s2[k];
                                        //    char[] d = new char[] { '-' };
                                        //    string[] temp_path = temp.Split(d, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                        //for (int z = 1; z < temp_path.Length - 1; z++)//ph?n t? d?u và cu?i luôn là 2 sensor du?c gi? l?i sau khi cluster
                                        //    for (int p = 0; p < listSensorAfter.Count; p++)
                                        //    {
                                        //        if (temp_path[z] == listSensorAfter[p].getId().ToString())
                                        //        {
                                        //            dem_path_valid--;//có b?t k? sensor nào du?c gi? l?i thì du?ng di dó b? b?
                                        //            //MessageBox.Show("Path not valid: " + temp, "Msg");
                                        //            //MessageBox.Show("path valid to break: " + dem_path_valid, "Msg");
                                        //            break;
                                        //        }
                                        //    }
                                        //    break;
                                        //if (dem_path_valid != 0)
                                        //MessageBox.Show("path valid: " + dem_path_valid, "Msg");
                                        graphRouting[from][to] = 1;
                                        newTransfer = DelayTime(PathID, listSensorBefore, listLinkBefore);
                                        Link createVirtualLink = new Link(listSensorBefore[from], listSensorBefore[to], "Virtual", Convert.ToInt16(newTransfer));
                                        if (checkLinkHave(createVirtualLink, listLinkAfter) == false)
                                            DevLog.d(TAG, "Link created: " + createVirtualLink.getSource().getId() + " _ " + createVirtualLink.getDest().getId());
                                            DevLog.d(TAG, "=======END========");

                                        path = "";
                                        PathID = "";
                                        Dem_path = 0;
                                        DevLog.d(TAG, "Checking...to_from: " + to + " _ " + from);
                                        //MessageBox.Show("Path from " + to + " to " + from, "msg");
                                        //if (dijkstra(to, from, graphRouting) == true)
                                        if (FindAllPath(to, from, graphRouting) == true)
                                            //MessageBox.Show("Path: " + path, "msg");

                                            //In ra t?t c? du?ng di
                                            double newTransfer;
                                            int dem_path_valid = Dem_path;//s? du?ng di h?p l?
                                            double[] delayRate = new double[Dem_path];
                                            char[] c = new char[] { ';' };
                                            string[] s1 = path.Split(c, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                            //Chuy?n các du?ng di index thành du?ng di d?ng ID
                                            ConvertPathID(s1, listSensorBefore);
                                            //MessageBox.Show("Path ID: " + PathID, "msg");
                                            //xét t?ng du?ng di có th?a di?u ki?n t?o link gi? không
                                            //string[] s2 = PathID.Split(c, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                            //for (int k = 0; k < s2.Length; k++)
                                            //    string temp = "";
                                            //    temp += s2[k];
                                            //    char[] d = new char[] { '-' };
                                            //    string[] temp_path = temp.Split(d, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                            //for (int z = 1; z < temp_path.Length - 1; z++)//ph?n t? d?u và cu?i luôn là 2 sensor du?c gi? l?i sau khi cluster
                                            //    for (int p = 0; p < listSensorAfter.Count; p++)
                                            //    {
                                            //        if (temp_path[z] == listSensorAfter[p].getId().ToString())
                                            //        {
                                            //            dem_path_valid--;//có b?t k? sensor nào du?c gi? l?i thì du?ng di dó b? b?
                                            //            //MessageBox.Show("Path not valid: " + temp, "Msg");
                                            //            //MessageBox.Show("path valid to break: " + dem_path_valid, "Msg");
                                            //            break;
                                            //        }
                                            //    }
                                            //    break;
                                            //if (dem_path_valid != 0)
                                            //MessageBox.Show("path valid: " + dem_path_valid, "Msg");
                                            graphRouting[to][from] = 1;
                                            newTransfer = DelayTime(PathID, listSensorBefore, listLinkBefore);
                                            Link createVirtualLink = new Link(listSensorBefore[to], listSensorBefore[from], "Virtual", Convert.ToInt16(newTransfer));
                                            if (checkLinkHave(createVirtualLink, listLinkAfter) == false)
                                                DevLog.d(TAG, "Link created: " + createVirtualLink.getSource().getId() + " _ " + createVirtualLink.getDest().getId());
                                                DevLog.d(TAG, "=======END========");

                                    #region //Ðang th? in ra du?ng di
                                    //            //Ð?m du?ng
                                    //            int demduong = 0;
                                    //            for (int b = 0; b < path.Length; b++)
                                    //            {
                                    //                //MessageBox.Show("from " + (char)path[b] + " " + from, "Message");
                                    //                if (((char)path[b]).ToString() == from.ToString())
                                    //                {
                                    //                    demduong++;
                                    //                    //MessageBox.Show("from2 " + (char)path[b] + " " + from, "Message");
                                    //                }
                                    //                //MessageBox.Show("to " + (char)path[b] + " " + to, "Message");
                                    //                else if (((char)path[b]).ToString() == to.ToString())
                                    //                {
                                    //                    demduong++;
                                    //                    //MessageBox.Show("to2 " + (char)path[b] + " " + to, "Message");
                                    //                    break;
                                    //                }
                                    //                else demduong++;
                                    //                //MessageBox.Show("mang gom: " + demduong, "Message");
                                    //            }

                                    //            //MessageBox.Show("Break r: " + demduong, "Message");
                                    //            //for (int o = 0; o < temp.Length; o++)
                                    //            //{
                                    //            //    MessageBox.Show("" + temp[o], "Message");
                                    //            //}
                                    //            //Luu du?ng di vào m?ng 2 chi?u
                                    //            Pathfull[countVirtualLink] = new string[demduong];
                                    //            int dem = 0;

                                    //            for (int e = 0; e < Pathfull[countVirtualLink].Length; e++)
                                    //            {
                                    //                while (dem < path.Length)
                                    //                {
                                    //                    if (dem == demduong)
                                    //                    {
                                    //                        break;
                                    //                    }
                                    //                    //MessageBox.Show("from " + (char)path[b] + " " + from, "Message");
                                    //                    if (((char)path[dem]).ToString() == from.ToString())
                                    //                    {
                                    //                        Pathfull[countVirtualLink][e] = ((char)path[dem]).ToString();
                                    //                        dem++;
                                    //                        break;
                                    //                        //demduong++;

                                    //                        //MessageBox.Show("from2 " + (char)path[b] + " " + from, "Message");
                                    //                    }
                                    //                    //MessageBox.Show("to " + (char)path[b] + " " + to, "Message");
                                    //                    else if (((char)path[dem]).ToString() == to.ToString())
                                    //                    {
                                    //                        Pathfull[countVirtualLink][e] = ((char)path[dem]).ToString();
                                    //                        dem++;
                                    //                        //demduong++;

                                    //                        //demduong++;
                                    //                        //MessageBox.Show("to2 " + (char)path[b] + " " + to, "Message");
                                    //                        break;
                                    //                    }
                                    //                    else
                                    //                    {
                                    //                        Pathfull[countVirtualLink][e] = ((char)path[dem]).ToString();
                                    //                        dem++;
                                    //                        break;
                                    //                        //MessageBox.Show("mang gom: " + demduong, "Message");
                                    //                    }
                                    //                }
                                    //            }

                            //Ki?m tra list link after l?n n?a
                            for (int f1 = 0; f1 < listLinkAfter.Count; f1++)
                                if (listLinkAfter[f1].getLType() == "Virtual")
                                    for (int f2 = 0; f2 < listLinkAfter.Count; f2++)
                                        if (listLinkAfter[f1].getDest().getId() == listLinkAfter[f2].getSource().getId())
                                            for (int f3 = 0; f3 < listLinkAfter.Count; f3++)
                                                if ((listLinkAfter[f1].getSource().getId() == listLinkAfter[f3].getSource().getId()) && (listLinkAfter[f2].getDest().getId() == listLinkAfter[f3].getDest().getId()))
                                                    if (listLinkAfter[f3].getLType() == "Virtual")
                                                        goto Exception_Link;
                                if (listLinkAfter[f1].getLType() == "Real")
                                    for (int f2 = 0; f2 < listLinkAfter.Count; f2++)
                                        if (listLinkAfter[f1].getDest().getId() == listLinkAfter[f2].getSource().getId())
                                            for (int f3 = 0; f3 < listLinkAfter.Count; f3++)
                                                if ((listLinkAfter[f1].getSource().getId() == listLinkAfter[f3].getSource().getId()) && (listLinkAfter[f2].getDest().getId() == listLinkAfter[f3].getDest().getId()))
                                                    if (listLinkAfter[f3].getLType() == "Virtual")
                                                        goto Exception_Link;

                            //Log.d(TAG, "====START=======");
                            //Log.d(TAG, "====LIST LINK AFTER CLUSTER=======");
                            //foreach (Link l in listLinkAfterCluster)
                            //   DevLog.d(TAG, "src: " + l.getSource().getId() + " dest: " + l.getDest().getId());
                            //Log.d(TAG, "====LIST LINK AFTER=======");
                            //foreach (Link l2 in listLinkAfter)
                            //   DevLog.d(TAG, "src2: " + l2.getSource().getId() + " dest2: " + l2.getDest().getId());

                            //Log.d(TAG, "====END=======");

                            #region cmt
                            ////T?o các src sink gi? trong t?ng c?m
                            //int sourc = 0;
                            //int sink = 0;
                            ////int index_src;
                            ////int index_sink;
                            //bool flagCheck = false;
                            // * gi? nguyên source sink g?c,
                            // * n?u có source r thì các sensor khác không du?c là source,
                            // * n?u có sink r thì các sensor khác không du?c là sink,
                            // *
                            // */
                            //for (int s = 0; s < listSensorBefore.Count; s++)
                            //    if (listSensorBefore[s].getstype() == 1)
                            //    {
                            //        sourc = listSensorBefore[s].getId();
                            //        //index_src = s;
                            //        //continue;
                            //    }
                            //    if (listSensorBefore[s].getstype() == 2)
                            //    {
                            //        sink = listSensorBefore[s].getId();
                            //        //index_sink = s;
                            //        //break;
                            //    }
                            //#region //ch? có src
                            //if ((sourc != 0) && (sink == 0))//ch? có src
                            //    for (int f = 0; f < listSensorAfter.Count; f++)
                            //    {
                            //        if (listSensorAfter[f].getId() == sourc)
                            //        {
                            //            continue;
                            //        }
                            //        else
                            //        {
                            //            //T?o sink gi?
                            //            for (int t = 0; t < LinkTo.Length; t++)
                            //            {
                            //                if (LinkTo[t] == listSensorAfter[f].getId())// có link di vào
                            //                {
                            //                    for (int s = 0; s < listSensorBefore.Count; s++)
                            //                    {
                            //                        if (LinkFrom[t] == listSensorBefore[s].getId())
                            //                        {
                            //                            flagCheck = false;//link t? sensor trong c?m
                            //                            continue;
                            //                        }
                            //                        else
                            //                        {
                            //                            flagCheck = true;//link t? sensor khác c?m
                            //                            break;
                            //                        }

                            //                    }
                            //                    if (flagCheck == true)
                            //                    {
                            //                        for (int g = 0; g < listSensorBefore.Count; g++)
                            //                        {
                            //                            if (listSensorAfter[f].getId() == listSensorBefore[g].getId())
                            //                            {
                            //                                listSensorBefore[g].SType = 2;
                            //                                //MessageBox.Show("Sensor " + listSensorBefore[g].getId() + ": " + listSensorBefore[g].getstype(), "msg");
                            //                            }

                            //                        }
                            //                        flagCheck = false;
                            //                    }
                            //                }
                            //            }

                            //        }

                            //    }
                            //#region //ch? có sink
                            //if ((sourc == 0) && (sink != 0))//ch? có sink
                            //    for (int f = 0; f < listSensorAfter.Count; f++)
                            //    {
                            //        if (listSensorAfter[f].getId() == sink)
                            //        {
                            //            continue;
                            //        }
                            //        else
                            //        {
                            //            //T?o src gi?
                            //            for (int t = 0; t < LinkFrom.Length; t++)
                            //            {
                            //                if (LinkFrom[t] == listSensorAfter[f].getId())// có link di ra
                            //                {
                            //                    for (int s = 0; s < listSensorBefore.Count; s++)
                            //                    {
                            //                        if (LinkTo[t] == listSensorBefore[s].getId())
                            //                        {
                            //                            flagCheck = false;//link ra sensor trong c?m
                            //                            continue;
                            //                        }
                            //                        else
                            //                        {
                            //                            flagCheck = true;//link ra sensor khác c?m
                            //                            break;
                            //                        }
                            //                    }
                            //                    if (flagCheck == true)
                            //                    {
                            //                        for (int g = 0; g < listSensorBefore.Count; g++)
                            //                        {
                            //                            if (listSensorAfter[f].getId() == listSensorBefore[g].getId())
                            //                            {
                            //                                listSensorBefore[g].SType = 1;
                            //                                //MessageBox.Show("Sensor " + listSensorBefore[g].getId() + ": " + listSensorBefore[g].getstype(), "msg");
                            //                            }

                            //                        }
                            //                        flagCheck = false;
                            //                    }
                            //                }

                            //            }

                            //        }

                            //    }
                            //#region //không có src sink
                            //if ((sourc == 0) && (sink == 0))//không có src sink

                            #region //create virtual src & virtual sink
                            for (int g = 0; g < LinkFromgiunguyen.Length; g++)
                                //Log.d(TAG, "Link from " + LinkFromgiunguyen[g] + " to " + LinkTogiunguyen[g]);
                                if ((LinkFromgiunguyen[g] != 0) && (LinkTogiunguyen[g] != 0))
                                    //MessageBox.Show("Link from " + LinkFromgiunguyen[g] + " to " + LinkTogiunguyen[g], "msg");
                                    for (int f = 0; f < listSensorBefore.Count; f++)
                                        //create virtual sink
                                        if (listSensorBefore[f].getId() == LinkFromgiunguyen[g])
                                            for (int t = 0; t < sensor.Length; t++)
                                                if (LinkTogiunguyen[g] == sensor[t][0])
                                                    if (sensor[t][3] == 1)
                                                        //tempStype = sensor[t][3];
                                                        sensor[t][3] = 2;
                                                        Sensor virtualSink = new Sensor(LinkTogiunguyen[g], sensor[t][1], sensor[t][2], Convert.ToInt16(sensor[t][3]), Convert.ToInt16(sensor[t][4]), Convert.ToInt16(sensor[t][5]), sensor[t][6], sensor[t][7]);
                                                        if (listVirtualSink.Count == 0)
                                                        else if ((checkSensorHave(virtualSink, listVirtualSink)) == false)//check this sensor can have found in listSensorBefore return true, otherwise return false
                                                            //MessageBox.Show("list virtual from: "+listSensorBefore[f].getId() + " to sink " + virtualSink.getId(), "msg");
                                                            //MessageBox.Show("list virtual sink: " + (listVirtualSink.Contains(virtualSink)), "msg");
                                                            //sensor[t][3] = tempStype;
                                                        for (int k = 0; k < listLink.Count; k++)
                                                            if ((listLink[k].getSource().getId() == listSensorBefore[f].getId()) && (listLink[k].getDest().getId() == virtualSink.getId()))
                                                                if (checkLinkHave(listLink[k], listLinkBefore) == false)

                                        //create virtual src
                                        else if (listSensorBefore[f].getId() == LinkTogiunguyen[g])
                                            for (int t = 0; t < sensor.Length; t++)
                                                if (LinkFromgiunguyen[g] == sensor[t][0])
                                                    if (sensor[t][3] == 2)
                                                        //tempStype = sensor[t][3];
                                                        sensor[t][3] = 1;
                                                        Sensor virtualSource = new Sensor(LinkFromgiunguyen[g], sensor[t][1], sensor[t][2], Convert.ToInt16(sensor[t][3]), Convert.ToInt16(sensor[t][4]), Convert.ToInt16(sensor[t][5]), sensor[t][6], sensor[t][7]);
                                                        if (listVirtualSource.Count == 0)
                                                        else if ((checkSensorHave(virtualSource, listVirtualSource)) == false)//check this sensor can have found in listSensorBefore return true, otherwise return false
                                                            //MessageBox.Show("list virtual from src: " + listSensorBefore[f].getId() + " to " + virtualSource.getId(), "msg");
                                                            //MessageBox.Show("list virtual src: " + (listVirtualSource.Contains(virtualSource)), "msg");
                                                            //sensor[t][3] = tempStype;
                                                        for (int k = 0; k < listLink.Count; k++)
                                                            if ((listLink[k].getSource().getId() == virtualSource.getId()) && (listLink[k].getDest().getId() == listSensorBefore[f].getId()))
                                                                if (checkLinkHave(listLink[k], listLinkBefore) == false)

                            DevLog.d(TAG, "=======LIST VIRTUAL SRC=====");
                            foreach (Sensor src in listVirtualSource)
                                DevLog.d(TAG, "src: " + src.getId());
                            DevLog.d(TAG, "=======LIST VIRTUAL SINK=====");
                            foreach (Sensor sink in listVirtualSink)
                                DevLog.d(TAG, "sink: " + sink.getId());
                            //create one new virtual src & virtual sink
                            DevLog.d(TAG, "=======NEW VIRTUAL SRC=====");
                            int newIDSrc = maxIDSensor(listVirtualSource);//ID of Src have maxSending & minProcessing
                            DevLog.d(TAG, "=======NEW VIRTUAL SINK=====");
                            int newIDSink = maxIDSensor(listVirtualSink);//ID of Sink have maxSending & minProcessing
                            //int oldIDSrc=0;
                            //int oldIDSink=0;
                            foreach (Sensor src in listVirtualSource)
                                if (src.getId() == newIDSrc)
                                    Sensor newSrc = new Sensor(newIDSrc, averagePosition(listVirtualSource, 1), averagePosition(listVirtualSource, 2), src.getstype(), src.getsending_rate(), src.getprocessing_rate(), averageLabel(listVirtualSource, 1), averageLabel(listVirtualSource, 2));
                            foreach (Sensor sink in listVirtualSink)
                                if (sink.getId() == newIDSink)
                                    Sensor newSink = new Sensor(newIDSink, averagePosition(listVirtualSink, 1), averagePosition(listVirtualSink, 2), sink.getstype(), sink.getsending_rate(), sink.getprocessing_rate(), averageLabel(listVirtualSink, 1), averageLabel(listVirtualSink, 2));
                            foreach (Link linkSrc in listLinkSource)
                                //oldIDSrc = linkSrc.getSource().getId();
                                linkSrc.getSource().setId = newIDSrc;
                                //linkSrc.getSource().setId = oldIDSrc;
                            foreach (Link linkSink in listLinkSink)
                                //oldIDSink = linkSink.getDest().getId();
                                linkSink.getDest().setId = newIDSink;
                                //linkSink.getDest().setId = oldIDSink;
                            for (int s = 0; s < sensor.Length; s++)
                                DevLog.d(TAG, "Sensor in array sensor: " + sensor[s][0] + " - Stype: " + sensor[s][3]);
                                DevLog.d(TAG, "Sensor in list: " + listSensor[s].getId() + " - Stype: " + listSensor[s].getstype());


                            foreach (Link lSource in listLinkSource)
                                if (checkLinkHave(lSource, listLinkBefore) == false)

                            foreach (Link lSink in listLinkSink)
                                if (checkLinkHave(lSink, listLinkBefore) == false)




                            listVirtualLinkNeedCreate.RemoveRange(0, listVirtualLinkNeedCreate.Count);
                            state = 1;
                            saveClusters(listSensorBefore, listLinkBefore, i + 1, state, Pathfull);

                            DevLog.d(TAG, "=====Cluster " + i + "=========");
                            for (int s = 0; s < sensor.Length; s++)
                                if (Convert.ToInt16(sensor[s][0]) != listSensor[s].getId())
                                    listSensor[s].setId = Convert.ToInt16(sensor[s][0]);

                                if (Convert.ToInt16(sensor[s][3]) != listSensor[s].getstype())
                                    sensor[s][3] = listSensor[s].getstype();
                                    //Log.d(TAG, "Sensor: " + sen.getId() + " - Stype: " + sensor[s][3]);
                                //Log.d(TAG, "Sensor: " + sen.getId() + " - Stype: " + sen.getstype());


                            //MessageBox.Show("Ðã xóa c?m: " + (i + 1), "Message");

                            state = 2;
                            saveClusters(listSensorAfter, listLinkAfter, i + 1, state, Pathfull);
                            //Pathfull.RemoveRange(0, Pathfull.Count);
                            String NoBeforeClusters = "Before_cluster " + (i + 1); ;
                            String NoAfterClusters = "After_cluster " + (i + 1); ;

                        DevLog.d(TAG, "======Path Full=======");
                        foreach (String pathfull in Pathfull)
                            DevLog.d(TAG, "" + pathfull);
                        for (int z = 0; z < LinkFromgiunguyen.Length; z++)
                            if ((LinkFromgiunguyen[z] != 0) && (LinkTogiunguyen[z] != 0))
                                foreach (Link l in listLink)
                                    if ((l.getSource().getId() == LinkFromgiunguyen[z]) && (l.getDest().getId() == LinkTogiunguyen[z]))
                                        if (checkLinkHave(l, listLinkAfterCluster) == false)
                        state = 3;
                        saveClusters(listSensorAfterCluster, listLinkAfterCluster, 0, state, Pathfull);
                        state = 1;// gán l?i b?ng 1 d? mu?n ch?y cluster n?a thì ch?y

                        #region cmt
                        //DialogResult traloi2;
                        //traloi2 = MessageBox.Show("Do you want export file XML of all clusters after calculate?", "Export Clusters DBScan", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                        //if (traloi2 == DialogResult.Yes)
                        //    //Xu?t XML t?ng c?m sau khi x? lý
                        //    for (int i = 0; i < sensorgiunguyen.Length; i++)
                        //    {

                        //        for (int j = 0; j < sensorgiunguyen[i].Length; j++)
                        //        {
                        //            for (int n = 0; n < sensor.Length; n++)
                        //            {
                        //                if (sensorgiunguyen[i][j] == sensor[n][0])
                        //                {
                        //                    Sensor test = new Sensor(sensorgiunguyen[i][j], sensor[n][1], sensor[n][2], Convert.ToInt16(sensor[n][3]));
                        //                    listSensorAfter.Add(test);
                        //                    listSensorAfterCluster.Add(test);
                        //                }
                        //            }
                        //            for (int n = j + 1; n < sensorgiunguyen[i].Length; n++)
                        //            {
                        //                for (int k = 0; k < LinkFrom.Length; k++)
                        //                {

                        //                }
                        //            }
                        //        }

                        //    }

                        // }
                        //ProgressBar1.Value = 0;

                        //state = 3;
                        //SaveClusters(listSensorAfterCluster, listLinkAfterCluster, 0, state);
                        //state = 1;// gán l?i b?ng 1 d? mu?n ch?y cluster n?a thì ch?y
                        //OpenFile(tmpName, true);

                #region case "Random":
                case ClusterType.Random:
                        RandomForm rd = new RandomForm();
                        rd.ButtonGetNumSenLinkClicked += (s4, e4) =>
                            NUM_SENSOR = Int32.Parse(rd.textBox1.Text);
                            NUM_LINK = Int32.Parse(rd.textBox2.Text);

                            //// mlqvu -- Current disable this function
                            //OpenFile(tmpName, true);
                        //WaitCallback wait = new WaitCallback(saveClustering_FileOk());

                        //rd.getsenlink(ref NUM_SENSOR, ref NUM_LINK);