Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static void Populate(FileStore <ExampleProduct> store, int n)
            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                var product = new ExampleProduct
                    Id    = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    Name  = "Whatever",
                    Price = 12.00M

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var store = new FileStore <ExampleProduct>();

            Console.Write($"Populating store with {N} objects... ");
            Console.WriteLine("{0}ms", BenchmarkMs(() => Populate(store, N)));

            Console.Write($"Saving store with {N} objects to disk... ");
            Console.WriteLine("{0}ms", BenchmarkMs(store.Save));

            Console.Write($"Clearing store with {N} objects from disk... ");
            Console.WriteLine("{0}ms", BenchmarkMs(store.ClearAndSave));

            Console.Write($"Saving store with {N} objects to disk (on each add)... ");
            store.FileAdded += (s, e) => store.Save(); // VERY SLOW
            Console.WriteLine("{0}ms", BenchmarkMs(() => Populate(store, N)));

            Console.Write($"Searching store with {N} objects... ");
            store.Add(new ExampleProduct
                Id    = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Name  = "WhateverCheaper",
                Price = 11.00M // will be the last (!) and only product with this price
            ExampleProduct foundProduct = null;

            Console.Write("{0}ms - ", BenchmarkMs(()
                                                  => foundProduct = store.Where(p => p.Price == 11.00M).FirstOrDefault()));

            var store2 = new FileStore <ExampleProduct>(); // uses the same file on disk

            Console.Write($"Loading store with {N} objects from disk... ");
            Console.WriteLine("{0}ms", BenchmarkMs(store2.Load));

            Console.Write($"Removing last file from store with {N} objects... ");
            store2.FileRemoved += (s, e) => store2.Save();
            Console.WriteLine("{0}ms", BenchmarkMs(() => store2.Remove(foundProduct)));