Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void Run(string[] args, CancellationToken ct)
            VersionWriter.Write(_output, _fuse.Version);


            var remainingArgs = _options.Parse(args).ToArray();
            var packageName   = remainingArgs.TryGetAt(0).OrThrow(new ExitWithError("Fuse install requires a valid component name. See 'fuse help install' for details."));

            var component = _componentInstallers.Components.First(c => c.Name == packageName);

                switch (_mode)
                case InstallMode.Install:
                    using (_output.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow))
                        _output.WriteLine("Starting " + component.Name + " installer");
                    using (_output.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow))
                        _output.WriteLine("Done installing " + component.Name);

                case InstallMode.CheckStatus:
                    if (component.Status == ComponentStatus.Installed)
                        using (_output.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Green))
                            _output.WriteLine(packageName + " is installed.");
                    else if (component.Status == ComponentStatus.UpdateAvailable)
                        throw new ExitWithError("An update is available to " + packageName, (byte)ComponentStatus.UpdateAvailable);
                        throw new ExitWithError(packageName + " is not installed.", (byte)ComponentStatus.NotInstalled);
            catch (PluginInstallerFailed e)
                throw new ExitWithError(e.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        void RunInternal(string[] args)
                VersionWriter.Write(_textWriter, _fuse.Version);
                var parsedArgs  = _optionSet.Parse(args);
                var previewArgs = _argumentResolver
                    target: _previewTarget,
                    buildTag: _buildTag,
                    isVerboseBuild: _isVerboseBuild,
                    buildLibraries: _buildLibraries,
                    printUnoConfig: _printUnoConfig);

                if (_fuse.IsInstalled && new Shell().IsInsideRepo(previewArgs.Project.ContainingDirectory))
                    _fuse.Report.Warn("Previewing a project inside the Fuse repository with an installed Fuse will lead to unexpected results, due to how .unoconfigs are resolved.", ReportTo.LogAndUser);

                if (_endPoint.HasValue)
                    previewArgs = previewArgs.With(endpoints: ImmutableHashSet.Create(_endPoint.Value));

            catch (InvalidPath e)
                throw new ExitWithError(
                          "The specified path '" + e.Path + "' is invalid" +
                          (e.InnerException != null ? ": " + e.InnerException.Message : ""));
            catch (DaemonException e)
                throw new ExitWithError(e.Message);
            catch (FailedToCreateUniqueDirectory e)
                throw new ExitWithError(e.Message);
            catch (FailedToCreateOutputDir e)
                throw new ExitWithError(e.Message);
            catch (BuildFailed)
                throw new ExitWithError("Failed to compile project");
            catch (ProjectNotFound)
                throw new ExitWithError("Could not find a fuse project to preview");
            catch (UnknownPreviewTarget e)
                throw new ExitWithError(
                          "Unknown preview target " + e.Target + ". Please run 'fuse help preview' for all available targets");
            catch (FileNotFoundException)
                throw new ExitWithError("Could not find the file specified");
            catch (InvalidEndpointString)
                throw new ExitWithError(
                          "Invalid endpoint string, excepted it to be formatted as [Address]:[Port]. For example");
            catch (SocketException e)
                throw new ExitWithError(
                          "A network error occurred: " + e.Message + "\nPlease check your network setup and try again.");
            catch (UnableToResolveHostNameException e)
                throw new ExitWithError(
                          "A network error occurred: " + e.Message + "\nPlease check your network setup and try again.");
            catch (ExportTargetNotSupported e)
                throw new ExitWithError("Previewing of target " + e.ExportTarget + " is not supported on this operating system.");
            catch (RunFailed e)
                throw new ExitWithError(e.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public override void Run(string[] args, CancellationToken ct)
     VersionWriter.Write(_coloredConsole, _fuse.Version);