Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Cvms the mul.
        /// 非同期による行列の掛け算
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The mul.</returns>
        /// <param name="z">The z coordinate.</param>
        /// <param name="w">The width.</param>
        /// <param name="callback">Callback.</param>
        public static System.Collections.IEnumerator cvmMul(ArrayMat z, ArrayMat w, Action <ArrayMat> callback)
            if (z.Cols != w.Rows)
                throw new OutLookARException("Mat type must bu equal to the number of w.rows and z.cols.");
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
            ArrayMat v = ArrayMat.zeros(z.Rows, w.Cols);

            for (int r = 0; r < v.Rows; r++)
                for (int c = 0; c < v.Cols; c++)
                    double pt = 0;
                    for (int b = 0; b < z.Cols; b++)
                        pt += z.At(r, b) * w.At(b, c);
                        if (sw.Elapsed.Milliseconds > 100)
                            Debug.Log(string.Format("cvmMul :... {0}/{1} ... {2} %", r, v.Rows, r * 100 / v.Rows));
                            yield return(null);
                    v.At(r, c, pt);
 ArrayMat FxT(int n)
     if (n < 0)
         throw new OutLookARException("引数が不正です。引数は0以上の整数である必要が有ります。");
     return(ArrayMat.eye(4 + 3 * n, 4));
 ArrayMat g(ArrayMat stateMatrix, Quaternion q)
     if (_stateMatrix.Rows < 4 || _stateMatrix.Cols != 1)
         throw new OutLookARException("ArrayMat mu is not rows >= 4 & cols() = 1 .");
     stateMatrix.At(0, 0, q.x);
     stateMatrix.At(1, 0, q.y);
     stateMatrix.At(2, 0, q.z);
     stateMatrix.At(3, 0, q.w);
 void Init()
     MaxMapSize = _maxMapSize;
     for (int i = 0; i < MaxMapSize; i++)
         MMatchList.Add(new MMatch(i));
     _varianceCovarianceMatrix = new ArrayMat(4 + 3 * MaxMapSize, 4 + 3 * MaxMapSize);
     _stateMatrix = new ArrayMat(4 + 3 * MaxMapSize, 1);
     InitFlag     = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Tos the mat.
        /// Matに変換
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The mat.</returns>
        /// <param name="baseArrayMat">Base array mat.</param>
        public static Mat ToMat(this ArrayMat baseArrayMat)
            double[,] dm = baseArrayMat.ToArray;
            Mat m = new Mat(baseArrayMat.Rows, baseArrayMat.Cols, CvType.CV_64F);

            for (int r = 0; r < baseArrayMat.Rows; r++)
                for (int c = 0; c < baseArrayMat.Cols; c++)
                    m.put(r, c, dm[r, c]);
        ArrayMat FxJ(int j, int n)
            if (j < 0 & n >= j)
                throw new OutLookARException("引数が不正です。引数は0以上の整数である必要が有ります。またn>j。");
            ArrayMat mj = new ArrayMat(7, 4 + 3 * n);

            mj.At(0, 0, 1);
            mj.At(1, 1, 1);
            mj.At(2, 2, 1);
            mj.At(3, 3, 1);

            mj.At(4, 3 * j + 1, 1);
            mj.At(5, 3 * j + 2, 1);
            mj.At(6, 3 * j + 3, 1);
        void MappingTask(Quaternion u, float error, IDictionary <int, Vector3> z)
            ArrayMat uStateMatrix = g(_stateMatrix, u);

            ArrayMat uVarianceCovarianceMatrix = _varianceCovarianceMatrix;

            uVarianceCovarianceMatrix.At(0, 0, error);
            uVarianceCovarianceMatrix.At(1, 1, error);
            uVarianceCovarianceMatrix.At(2, 2, error);
            uVarianceCovarianceMatrix.At(3, 3, error);

            var NoStateIDs   = from i in MMatchList where i.StateID < 0 orderby i.MapID select i.MapID;
            int NoStateCount = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Vector3> j in z)
                if (j.Key < 0)
                    int MatID;
                    if (NoStateIDs.Count() >= NoStateCount)
                        var MaxStateIDs = from i in MMatchList
                                          where i.Error > 0
                                          orderby i.OutOfCount descending
                                          select new { i.MapID, i.Error } into countObje
                        orderby countObje.Error descending
                        select countObje.MapID;
                        MatID = MaxStateIDs.ElementAt(0);
                        MatID = NoStateIDs.ElementAt(NoStateCount);
                    Vector3 newVector = u * j.Value;
                    uStateMatrix.At(MatID * 3 + 4, 0, newVector.x);
                    uStateMatrix.At(MatID * 3 + 4, 0, newVector.y);
                    uStateMatrix.At(MatID * 3 + 4, 0, newVector.z);
        ArrayMat H(Vector3 v, Quaternion q)
            ArrayMat h = new ArrayMat(3, 7);

            //{{2 (qy Y + qz Z)}, {2 (qy X - 2 qx Y + qw Z)}, {2 qz X - 2 qw Y - 4 qx Z}}
            h.At(0, 0, (double)(2 * (q.y * v.y - q.z * v.z)));
            h.At(1, 0, (double)(2 * (q.y * v.x - 2 * q.x * v.y + q.w * v.z)));
            h.At(2, 0, (double)(2 * (q.z * v.x - q.w * v.y - 2 * q.x * v.z)));

            //{{-4 qy X + 2 qx Y - 2 qw Z}, {2 (qx X + qz Z)}, {-2 qw X + 2 qz Y - 4 qy Z}}
            h.At(0, 1, (double)(2 * (-2 * q.y * v.x + q.x * v.y - q.w * v.z)));
            h.At(1, 1, (double)(2 * (q.x * v.x + q.z * v.z)));
            h.At(2, 1, (double)(2 * (-q.w * v.x + q.z * v.y - 2 * q.y * v.z)));

            //{{2 (-2 qz X + qw Y + qx Z)}, {-2 qw X - 4 qz Y + 2 qy Z}, {2 (qx X + qy Y)}}
            h.At(0, 2, (double)(2 * (-2 * q.z * v.x + q.w * v.y + q.x * v.z)));
            h.At(1, 2, (double)(2 * (-q.w * v.x - 2 * q.z * v.y + q.y * v.z)));
            h.At(2, 2, (double)(2 * (q.x * v.x + q.y * v.y)));

            //{{2 qz Y - 2 qy Z}, {-2 qz X + 2 qx Z}, {-2 (qy X + qx Y)}}
            h.At(0, 3, (double)(2 * (q.z * v.y - q.y * v.z)));
            h.At(1, 3, (double)(2 * (-q.z * v.x + q.x * v.z)));
            h.At(2, 3, (double)(-2 * (q.y * v.x + q.x * v.y)));

            //{{1 - 2 qy^2 - 2 qz^2}, {2 qx qy - 2 qz qw}, {2 qx qz - 2 qy qw}}
            h.At(0, 4, (double)(1 - 2 * Mathf.Pow(q.y, 2f) - 2 * Mathf.Pow(q.z, 2f)));
            h.At(1, 4, (double)(2 * (q.x * q.y - q.z * q.w)));
            h.At(2, 4, (double)(2 * (q.x * q.z - q.y * q.w)));

            //{{2 (qx qy + qz qw)}, {1 - 2 qx^2 - 2 qz^2}, {2 qy qz - 2 qx qw}}
            h.At(0, 5, (double)(2 * (q.x * q.y - q.z * q.w)));
            h.At(1, 5, (double)(1 - 2 * Mathf.Pow(q.x, 2f) - 2 * Mathf.Pow(q.z, 2f)));
            h.At(2, 5, (double)(2 * (q.y * q.z - q.x * q.w)));

            //{{2 qx qz - 2 qy qw}, {2 (qy qz + qx qw)}, {1 - 2 qx^2 - 2 qy^2}}
            h.At(0, 6, (double)(2 * (q.x * q.z - q.y * q.w)));
            h.At(1, 6, (double)(2 * (q.y * q.z + q.x * q.w)));
            h.At(2, 6, (double)(1 - 2 * Mathf.Pow(q.x, 2f) - 2 * Mathf.Pow(q.y, 2f)));

        void EKFTask(Quaternion u, float error, IDictionary <int, Vector3> z)
            ArrayMat uStateMatrix = g(_stateMatrix, u);

            ArrayMat uVarianceCovarianceMatrix = _varianceCovarianceMatrix;

            uVarianceCovarianceMatrix.At(0, 0, error);
            uVarianceCovarianceMatrix.At(1, 1, error);
            uVarianceCovarianceMatrix.At(2, 2, error);
            uVarianceCovarianceMatrix.At(3, 3, error);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Vector3> zit in z)
                int     ObservingKey   = zit.Key;
                Vector3 ObservingValue = zit.Value;

                if (InitList[ObservingKey])
                    Vector3 newVector = u * ObservingValue;
                    uStateMatrix.At(4 + 3 * ObservingKey, 0, (double)newVector.x);
                    uStateMatrix.At(5 + 3 * ObservingKey, 0, (double)newVector.y);
                    uStateMatrix.At(6 + 3 * ObservingKey, 0, (double)newVector.z);
                    uVarianceCovarianceMatrix.At(4 + 3 * ObservingKey, 4 + 3 * ObservingKey, (double)Mathf.Infinity);
                    uVarianceCovarianceMatrix.At(5 + 3 * ObservingKey, 5 + 3 * ObservingKey, (double)Mathf.Infinity);
                    uVarianceCovarianceMatrix.At(6 + 3 * ObservingKey, 6 + 3 * ObservingKey, (double)Mathf.Infinity);
                    InitList[ObservingKey] = false;
                Vector3  j = new Vector3((float)uStateMatrix.At(4 + 3 * ObservingKey, 0), (float)uStateMatrix.At(5 + 3 * ObservingKey, 0), (float)uStateMatrix.At(6 + 3 * ObservingKey, 0));
                Vector3  hObservingValue = new Quaternion(-u.x, -u.y, -u.z, u.w) * j;
                ArrayMat hit             = H(j, u) * FxJ(ObservingKey, MaxMapSize);
                ArrayMat kit             = uVarianceCovarianceMatrix * hit.t() * (hit * uVarianceCovarianceMatrix * hit.t() + Q).inv();
                Vector3  Difference      = ObservingValue - hObservingValue;
                ArrayMat DifferenceMat   = new ArrayMat(3, 1);
                DifferenceMat.At(0, 0, Difference.x);
                DifferenceMat.At(1, 0, Difference.y);
                DifferenceMat.At(2, 0, Difference.z);
                uStateMatrix = uStateMatrix + kit * DifferenceMat;