Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal static SimpleChangeSet ConvertToSimple(Osm.Xml.v0_6.modify modify)
            // create change set record.
            SimpleChangeSet change_set = new SimpleChangeSet();

            // create change record.
            SimpleChange change = new SimpleChange();
            change.Type = SimpleChangeType.Modify;
            change.OsmGeo = new List<SimpleOsmGeo>();

            // add all relations to the list.
            if (modify.relation != null)
                foreach (Osm.Xml.v0_6.relation osm_geo in modify.relation)

            // add all ways to the list.
            if (modify.way != null)
                foreach (Osm.Xml.v0_6.way osm_geo in modify.way)

            // add all nodes to the list.
            if (modify.node != null)
                foreach (Osm.Xml.v0_6.node osm_geo in modify.node)

            // add change to changeset
            change_set.Changes = new List<SimpleChange>();

            return change_set;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies a change to the target.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="change"></param>
 public abstract void ApplyChange(SimpleChangeSet change);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if any part of this changeset exists inside the bounding box.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="simpleChangeSet"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool IsInsideBox(SimpleChangeSet simpleChangeSet)
            // keep a list of tested relation to prevent circular references from hanging this process.
            _tested_relations = new List<long>();

            // keep all the objects that could not be checked and check them later.
            List<SimpleOsmGeo> objects_not_checked = new List<SimpleOsmGeo>();

            // loop over all objects inside this box and if they are nodes they can be checked.
            foreach (SimpleChange change in simpleChangeSet.Changes)
                foreach (SimpleOsmGeo geo in change.OsmGeo)
                    if (geo is SimpleNode)
                        SimpleNode node = geo as SimpleNode;
                        GeoCoordinate coord = new GeoCoordinate(node.Latitude.Value, node.Longitude.Value);

                        if (_box.IsInsideAny(new OsmSharp.Tools.Math.PointF2D[] { coord }))
                            return true;
                        objects_not_checked.Add(geo as SimpleOsmGeo);

            // try all ways.
            foreach (SimpleOsmGeo geo in objects_not_checked)
                if (geo is SimpleWay && (geo as SimpleWay).Nodes != null)
                    OsmSharp.Osm.Way way = _data_source.GetWay(geo.Id.Value);
                    if (way != null && way.Nodes != null)
                        foreach (Osm.Node node in way.Nodes)
                            if (node != null)
                            { // only if the node is found
                                if (_box.IsInsideAny(new OsmSharp.Tools.Math.PointF2D[] { node.Coordinate }))
                                    return true;

            // try all relations.
            foreach (SimpleOsmGeo geo in objects_not_checked)
                if (geo is SimpleRelation)
                    if (!_tested_relations.Contains(geo.Id.Value))
                        if (this.IsInsideBoxRelation((geo as SimpleRelation).Members))
                            return true;
            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Filters the geo objects in the changeset and omits the ones not inside the bb.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="simpleChangeSet"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private KeyValuePair<SimpleChangeSet, GeoCoordinateBox> FilterChanges(SimpleChangeSet simpleChangeSet)
            List<GeoCoordinate> changes_coordinates = new List<GeoCoordinate>();

            SimpleChangeSet filtered_changeset = new SimpleChangeSet();
            filtered_changeset.Changes = new List<SimpleChange>();

            // keep a list of tested relation to prevent circular references from hanging this process.
            _tested_relations = new List<long>();

            // keep all the objects that could not be checked and check them later.
            List<KeyValuePair<SimpleOsmGeo, SimpleChange>> objects_not_checked = new List<KeyValuePair<SimpleOsmGeo, SimpleChange>>();

            // loop over all objects inside this box and if they are nodes they can be checked.
            HashSet<long> nodes_inside = new HashSet<long>(); // keep track of all the nodes inside for quick checks later!
            foreach (SimpleChange change in simpleChangeSet.Changes)
                // keep the changed nodes that are ok for the filter.
                List<SimpleOsmGeo> nodes_changed = new List<SimpleOsmGeo>();

                // loop over all objects in this set and keep the nodes.
                foreach (SimpleOsmGeo geo in change.OsmGeo)
                    if (geo is SimpleNode)
                        SimpleNode node = geo as SimpleNode;
                        GeoCoordinate coord = new GeoCoordinate(node.Latitude.Value, node.Longitude.Value);

                        if (_box.IsInsideAny(new OsmSharp.Tools.Math.PointF2D[] { coord }))
                        objects_not_checked.Add(new  KeyValuePair<SimpleOsmGeo,SimpleChange>(geo as SimpleOsmGeo,change));

                // are there changes in the nodes?
                if (nodes_changed.Count > 0)
                   SimpleChange nodes_change = new SimpleChange();
                    nodes_change.OsmGeo = nodes_changed;
                    nodes_change.Type = change.Type;


            // try all ways.
            HashSet<long> ways_inside = new HashSet<long>(); // keep the ways inside for quick checks later!
            foreach(KeyValuePair<SimpleOsmGeo,SimpleChange> change_pair in objects_not_checked)
                SimpleOsmGeo geo = change_pair.Key;
                SimpleChange change = change_pair.Value;

                // keep the changed ways that are ok for the filter.
                List<SimpleOsmGeo> ways_changed = new List<SimpleOsmGeo>();

                // detect if the way is part of the filter!
                if (geo is SimpleWay && (geo as SimpleWay).Nodes != null)
                    // try the cached nodes.
                    foreach (long node_id in (geo as SimpleWay).Nodes)
                        if (nodes_inside.Contains(node_id))

                    // first try to load the complete way.
                    OsmSharp.Osm.Way way = _data_source.GetWay(geo.Id.Value);
                    if (way != null && way.Nodes != null)
                        foreach (Osm.Node node in way.Nodes)
                            if (node != null)
                            { // only if the node is found
                                if (_box.IsInsideAny(new OsmSharp.Tools.Math.PointF2D[] { node.Coordinate }))
                    if (change.Type == SimpleChangeType.Delete && way != null && (way.Nodes == null || way.Nodes.Count == 0))
                    { // alway delete empty ways!

                    // second try to load the nodes individually.
                    foreach (long node_id in (geo as SimpleWay).Nodes)
                        OsmSharp.Osm.Node node = _data_source.GetNode(node_id);
                        if (node != null)
                        { // only if the node is found
                            if (_box.IsInsideAny(new OsmSharp.Tools.Math.PointF2D[] { node.Coordinate }))

                // are there changes in the nodes?
                if (ways_changed.Count > 0)
                    SimpleChange ways_change = new SimpleChange();
                    ways_change.OsmGeo = ways_changed;
                    ways_change.Type = change.Type;


            // try all relations.
            foreach(KeyValuePair<SimpleOsmGeo,SimpleChange> change_pair in objects_not_checked)
                SimpleOsmGeo geo = change_pair.Key;
                SimpleChange change = change_pair.Value;

                // keep the changed ways that are ok for the filter.
                List<SimpleOsmGeo> relations_changed = new List<SimpleOsmGeo>();

                // test all relations.
                if (geo is SimpleRelation)
                    if (!_tested_relations.Contains(geo.Id.Value))
                        if (this.IsInsideBoxRelation((geo as SimpleRelation).Members,nodes_inside,ways_inside))

                // are there changes in the nodes?
                if (relations_changed.Count > 0)
                    SimpleChange relations_change = new SimpleChange();
                    relations_change.OsmGeo = relations_changed;
                    relations_change.Type = change.Type;


            // create bounding box of the found changes!
            GeoCoordinateBox box = null;
            if (changes_coordinates.Count > 0)
                box = new GeoCoordinateBox(changes_coordinates);
            return new KeyValuePair<SimpleChangeSet, GeoCoordinateBox>(filtered_changeset, box);
        /// <summary>
        /// Move to the next object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool MoveNext()
            // move to the next change available.
            while (this.Source.MoveNext())
                // convert the changeset to only data withing this bb!
                KeyValuePair<SimpleChangeSet,GeoCoordinateBox> changes_inside = this.FilterChanges(this.Source.Current());
                if (changes_inside.Key.Changes.Count > 0)
                    // some data in this changeset is ok!
                    OsmSharp.Tools.Output.OutputStreamHost.Write("Changeset accepted:");

                    // set the converted changeset as the current one!
                    _current = changes_inside.Key;

                    // report to the listener.
                    if (_listener != null && changes_inside.Value != null)

                    return true;
            _current = null;
            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves to the next changeset.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool MoveNext()
            while (_reader.Read())
                if (_reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && (_reader.Name == "modify" || _reader.Name == "create"||_reader.Name == "delete"))
                    // create a stream for only this element.
                    string name = _reader.Name;
                    string next_element = _reader.ReadOuterXml();
                    XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(next_element)));
                    object osm_obj = null;

                    // select type of element.
                    switch (name)
                        case "delete":
                            osm_obj = _ser_delete.Deserialize(reader);
                            if (osm_obj is OsmSharp.Osm.Xml.v0_6.delete)
                                _next = XmlSimpleConverter.ConvertToSimple(osm_obj as OsmSharp.Osm.Xml.v0_6.delete);
                                return true;
                        case "modify":
                            osm_obj = _ser_modify.Deserialize(reader);
                            if (osm_obj is OsmSharp.Osm.Xml.v0_6.modify)
                                _next = XmlSimpleConverter.ConvertToSimple(osm_obj as OsmSharp.Osm.Xml.v0_6.modify);
                                return true;
                        case "create":
                            osm_obj = _ser_create.Deserialize(reader);
                            if (osm_obj is OsmSharp.Osm.Xml.v0_6.create)
                                _next = XmlSimpleConverter.ConvertToSimple(osm_obj as OsmSharp.Osm.Xml.v0_6.create);
                                return true;
            _next = null;
            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes this changeset source.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Initialize()
            _next = null;
            _ser_create = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Osm.Xml.v0_6.create));
            _ser_modify = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Osm.Xml.v0_6.modify));
            _ser_delete = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Osm.Xml.v0_6.delete));

            XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
            settings.CloseInput = true;
            settings.CheckCharacters = false;
            settings.IgnoreComments = true;
            settings.IgnoreProcessingInstructions = true;

            if (_stream != null)
                _reader = XmlReader.Create(_stream, settings);
                TextReader text_reader = new StreamReader(new FileInfo(_file_name).OpenRead(), Encoding.UTF8);
                _reader = XmlReader.Create(text_reader, settings);
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies a change.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="change"></param>
 public override void ApplyChange(SimpleChangeSet change)
 public override void ApplyChange(SimpleChangeSet change)
     throw new NotSupportedException();
 /// <summary>
 /// Apply the given changeset.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="change_set"></param>
 public override void ApplyChange(SimpleChangeSet change_set)
     if (change_set != null && change_set.Changes != null)
         foreach (SimpleChange change in change_set.Changes)
             switch (change.Type)
                 case SimpleChangeType.Create:
                     foreach (SimpleOsmGeo geo in change.OsmGeo)
                         // start applying the simplechange.
                         OracleTransaction trans = _connection.BeginTransaction();
                             if (geo is SimpleNode)
                                 this.Create(geo as SimpleNode);
                                 OsmSharp.Tools.Output.OutputStreamHost.Write("+(n:{0})", geo.Id.Value);
                             else if (geo is SimpleWay)
                                 this.Create(geo as SimpleWay);
                                 OsmSharp.Tools.Output.OutputStreamHost.Write("+(w:{0})", geo.Id.Value);
                             else if (geo is SimpleRelation)
                                 this.Create(geo as SimpleRelation);
                                 OsmSharp.Tools.Output.OutputStreamHost.Write("+(r:{0})", geo.Id.Value);
                         catch (OracleException ex)
                             if (!_pragmatic)
                                 throw ex;
                                 OsmSharp.Tools.Output.OutputStreamHost.Write("+(E:{0}-{1})", geo.Id.Value,geo.Type.ToString());
                 case SimpleChangeType.Delete:
                     foreach (SimpleOsmGeo geo in change.OsmGeo)
                         // start applying the simplechange.
                         OracleTransaction trans = _connection.BeginTransaction();
                             if (geo is SimpleNode)
                                 this.Delete(geo as SimpleNode);
                                 OsmSharp.Tools.Output.OutputStreamHost.Write("-(n:{0})", geo.Id.Value);
                             else if (geo is SimpleWay)
                                 this.Delete(geo as SimpleWay);
                                 OsmSharp.Tools.Output.OutputStreamHost.Write("-(w:{0})", geo.Id.Value);
                             else if (geo is SimpleRelation)
                                 this.Delete(geo as SimpleRelation);
                                 OsmSharp.Tools.Output.OutputStreamHost.Write("-(r:{0})", geo.Id.Value);
                         catch (OracleException ex)
                             if (!_pragmatic)
                                 throw ex;
                                 OsmSharp.Tools.Output.OutputStreamHost.Write("-(E:{0}-{1})", geo.Id.Value, geo.Type.ToString());
                 case SimpleChangeType.Modify:
                     foreach (SimpleOsmGeo geo in change.OsmGeo)
                         // start applying the simplechange.
                         OracleTransaction trans = _connection.BeginTransaction();
                             if (geo is SimpleNode)
                                 this.Modify(geo as SimpleNode);
                                 OsmSharp.Tools.Output.OutputStreamHost.Write("/(n:{0})", geo.Id.Value);
                             else if (geo is SimpleWay)
                                 this.Modify(geo as SimpleWay);
                                 OsmSharp.Tools.Output.OutputStreamHost.Write("/(w:{0})", geo.Id.Value);
                             else if (geo is SimpleRelation)
                                 this.Modify(geo as SimpleRelation);
                                 OsmSharp.Tools.Output.OutputStreamHost.Write("/(r:{0})", geo.Id.Value);
                         catch (OracleException ex)
                             if (!_pragmatic)
                                 throw ex;
                                 OsmSharp.Tools.Output.OutputStreamHost.Write("/(E:{0}-{1})", geo.Id.Value, geo.Type.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts an API v6 xml osmChange object to a SimpleChange object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="osm_change"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private SimpleChangeSet Convertv6XmlChanges(OsmSharp.Osm.Xml.v0_6.osmChange osm_change)
            List<SimpleChange> changes = new List<SimpleChange>();

            if (osm_change.create != null)
                for (int idx = 0; idx < osm_change.create.Length; idx++)
                    OsmSharp.Osm.Xml.v0_6.create create = osm_change.create[idx];

                    List<SimpleOsmGeo> changed_objects = new List<SimpleOsmGeo>();

                    if (create.node != null)
                    { // change represents a change in a node.
                        for (int node_idx = 0; node_idx < create.node.Length; node_idx++)
                    if (create.way != null)
                    { // change represents a change in a way.
                        for (int way_idx = 0; way_idx < create.way.Length; way_idx++)
                    if (create.relation != null)
                    { // change represents a change in a relation.
                        for (int relation_idx = 0; relation_idx < create.relation.Length; relation_idx++)

                    if (changed_objects.Count > 0)
                    { // there are actually changed objects.
                        changes.Add(new SimpleChange()
                            OsmGeo = changed_objects,
                            Type = SimpleChangeType.Create

            SimpleChangeSet simple_change_set = new SimpleChangeSet();
            simple_change_set.Changes = changes;

            return simple_change_set;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Apply a changeset to the database.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="change"></param>
 public override void ApplyChange(SimpleChangeSet change)
     throw new NotSupportedException("Relation are not supported in the redis target!");