Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a set of statistics to storage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="statsCounters">Statistics to write</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Task ReportStats(List <ICounter> statsCounters)
            var bulkPromises = new List <Task>();
            var data         = new List <StatsTableData>();

            foreach (ICounter count in statsCounters.Where(cs => cs.Storage == CounterStorage.LogAndTable).OrderBy(cs => cs.Name))
                if (data.Count >= AzureTableDefaultPolicies.MAX_BULK_UPDATE_ROWS)
                    // Write intermediate batch

                StatsTableData statsTableEntry = PopulateStatsTableDataEntry(count);
                if (statsTableEntry == null)
                    continue;                          // Skip blank entries
                if (logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Trace))
                    logger.Trace("Preparing to bulk insert {1} stats table entry: {0}", statsTableEntry, isSilo ? "silo" : "");
            if (data.Count > 0)
                // Write final batch
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private StatsTableData PopulateStatsTableDataEntry(ICounter statsCounter)
            string statValue = statsCounter.IsValueDelta ? statsCounter.GetDeltaString() : statsCounter.GetValueString();

            if ("0".Equals(statValue))
                // Skip writing empty records

            var entry = new StatsTableData {
                StatValue = statValue

            // We store the statistics grouped by an hour in the same partition and sorted by reverse ticks within the partition.
            // Since by default Azure table stores Entities in ascending order based on the Row Key - if we just used the current ticks
            // it would return the oldest entry first.
            // If we store the rows in the reverse order (some max value - current ticks), it will return the latest most recent entry first.
            // More details here:
            // http://gauravmantri.com/2012/02/17/effective-way-of-fetching-diagnostics-data-from-windows-azure-diagnostics-table-hint-use-partitionkey/
            // https://alexandrebrisebois.wordpress.com/2014/06/16/using-time-based-partition-keys-in-azure-table-storage/
            // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1004698/how-to-truncate-milliseconds-off-of-a-net-datetime

            // Our format:
            // PartitionKey:  DeploymentId$ReverseTimestampToTheNearestHour
            // RowKey:  ReverseTimestampToTheNearestSecond$Name$counter

            var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
            // number of ticks remaining until the year 9683
            var ticks = DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks - now.Ticks;

            // partition the table according to the deployment id and hour
            entry.PartitionKey = string.Join("$", deploymentId, string.Format("{0:d19}", ticks - ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerHour));
            var counterStr = String.Format("{0:000000}", counter);

            // order the rows latest-first in the table
            entry.RowKey       = string.Join("$", string.Format("{0:d19}", ticks), name, counterStr);
            entry.DeploymentId = deploymentId;
            entry.Time         = now.ToString(DATE_TIME_FORMAT, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);;
            entry.Address      = address;
            entry.Name         = name;
            entry.HostName     = myHostName;
            entry.Statistic    = statsCounter.Name;
            entry.IsDelta      = statsCounter.IsValueDelta;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private StatsTableData PopulateStatsTableDataEntry(ICounter statsCounter)
            string statValue = statsCounter.IsValueDelta ? statsCounter.GetDeltaString() : statsCounter.GetValueString();
            var    entry     = new StatsTableData {
                StatValue = statValue

            if ("0".Equals(entry.StatValue))
                // Skip writing empty records

            var time    = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var timeStr = time.ToString(DATE_FORMAT, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            entry.PartitionKey = deploymentId + ":" + timeStr;
            var counterStr = String.Format("{0:000000}", counter);

            if (isSilo)
                entry.RowKey = name + ":" + counterStr;
                entry.RowKey = name + ":" + clientEpoch + ":" + counterStr;
            entry.DeploymentId = deploymentId;
            entry.Time         = time;
            entry.Address      = address;
            entry.Name         = name;
            entry.HostName     = myHostName;
            entry.Statistic    = statsCounter.Name;
            entry.IsDelta      = statsCounter.IsValueDelta;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private StatsTableData PopulateStatsTableDataEntry(ICounter statsCounter)
            string statValue = statsCounter.IsValueDelta ? statsCounter.GetDeltaString() : statsCounter.GetValueString();
            if ("0".Equals(statValue))
                // Skip writing empty records
                return null;

            var entry = new StatsTableData { StatValue = statValue };
            // We store the statistics grouped by an hour in the same partition and sorted by reverse ticks within the partition.
            // Since by default Azure table stores Entities in ascending order based on the Row Key - if we just used the current ticks
            // it would return the oldest entry first.
            // If we store the rows in the reverse order (some max value - current ticks), it will return the latest most recent entry first.
            // More details here:
            // http://gauravmantri.com/2012/02/17/effective-way-of-fetching-diagnostics-data-from-windows-azure-diagnostics-table-hint-use-partitionkey/
            // https://alexandrebrisebois.wordpress.com/2014/06/16/using-time-based-partition-keys-in-azure-table-storage/
            // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1004698/how-to-truncate-milliseconds-off-of-a-net-datetime
            // Our format:
            // PartitionKey:  DeploymentId$ReverseTimestampToTheNearestHour 
            // RowKey:  ReverseTimestampToTheNearestSecond$Name$counter 

            var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
            // number of ticks remaining until the year 9683
            var ticks = DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks - now.Ticks;

            // partition the table according to the deployment id and hour
            entry.PartitionKey = string.Join("$", deploymentId, string.Format("{0:d19}", ticks - ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerHour));
            var counterStr = String.Format("{0:000000}", counter);
            // order the rows latest-first in the table 
            entry.RowKey = string.Join("$", string.Format("{0:d19}", ticks), name, counterStr);
            entry.DeploymentId = deploymentId;
            entry.Time = now.ToString(DATE_TIME_FORMAT, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ;
            entry.Address = address;
            entry.Name = name;
            entry.HostName = myHostName;
            entry.Statistic = statsCounter.Name;
            entry.IsDelta = statsCounter.IsValueDelta;
            return entry;