public bool InvokeTest()
            //testing string variable
            Template tp = new Template("This is my string: $mystring$");
            tp.SetParameter("mystring", "Hello world");
            if (tp.ToString() != "This is my string: Hello world")
                Console.WriteLine("Basic string test failed with results: "+tp.ToString());
                return false;

            //testing string array
            tp = new Template("This is my string array: $mystringarray$");
            tp.SetParameter("mystringarray", new string[] { "Bob", "Lob", "Law" });
            if (tp.ToString() != "This is my string array: BobLobLaw")
                Console.WriteLine("Basic string array test failed with results: " + tp.ToString());
                return false;

            //testing List<string> object
            tp.SetParameter("mystringarray", new List<string>(new string[] { "Bob", "Lob", "Law" }));
            if (tp.ToString() != "This is my string array: BobLobLaw")
                Console.WriteLine("Basic List<string> array test failed with results: " + tp.ToString());
                return false;

            //testing Hashtable object
            tp = new Template("This is my hashtable: $myhashtable$");
            Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
            ht.Add("FirstName", "Bob");
            ht.Add("LastName", "LobLaw");
            tp.SetParameter("myhashtable", ht);
            if (tp.ToString() != "This is my hashtable: LastName-->LobLaw, FirstName-->Bob")
                Console.WriteLine("Basic hashtable test failed with results: " + tp.ToString());
                return false;

            //testing Dictionary object
            tp = new Template("This is my dictionary: $mydictionary$");
            Dictionary<string, string> dc = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            dc.Add("FirstName", "Bob");
            dc.Add("LastName", "LobLaw");
            if (tp.ToString() != "This is my dictionary: FirstName-->Bob, LastName-->LobLaw")
                Console.WriteLine("Basic Dictionary test failed with results: " + tp.ToString());
                return false;

            //testing Complex Dictionary
            tp = new Template("This is the subelement $mydictionary.name1.FirstName$");
            Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> cdc = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>();
            cdc.Add("name1", dc);
            tp.SetAttribute("mydictionary", cdc);
            if (tp.ToString() != "This is the subelement Bob")
                Console.Write("Complex Dictionary test failed with results: " + tp.ToString());
                return false;

            //testing Complex Class Dictionary
            tp = new Template("This is the subelement $myteir.Child.Name$");
            tp.SetAttribute("myteir", new teir1(new teir2("Bob")));
            if (tp.ToString() != "This is the subelement Bob")
                Console.Write("Complex Dictionary test failed with results: " + tp.ToString());
                return false;

            //testing access to single dictionary object
            tp = new Template("This is my dictionaries first name value: $mydictionary.FirstName$");
            tp.SetParameter("mydictionary", dc);
            if (tp.ToString() != "This is my dictionaries first name value: Bob")
                Console.WriteLine("Basic Dictionary accessing single value test failed with results: " + tp.ToString());
                return false;

            //testing escape character
            tp = new Template("This is my escape character test worth \\$$money$");
            tp.SetParameter("money", 1000);
            if (tp.ToString() != "This is my escape character test worth $1000")
                Console.WriteLine("Basic escape character test failed with results: " + tp.ToString());
                return false;

            //testing accessing a class object within a dictionary
            tp = new Template("This is my last name value: $mydictionary.FirstPerson.Name$");
            Dictionary<string, teir2> mydc = new Dictionary<string, teir2>();
            mydc.Add("FirstPerson", new teir2("LobLaw"));
            tp.SetAttribute("mydictionary", mydc);
            if (tp.ToString() != "This is my last name value: LobLaw")
                Console.WriteLine("Complex access to object property from within dictionary failed with results: " + tp.ToString());
                return false;

            return true;
        public bool InvokeTest()
            Template tp = new Template("$if(bob)$Hello Bob$elseif(fred)$Hello Fred$else$GET OUT STRANGER DANGER$endif$");

            //testing basic if
            tp.SetParameter("bob", true);
            if (tp.ToString() != "Hello Bob")
                Console.WriteLine("Basic If statement test failed with result: " + tp.ToString());
                return false;

            //testing else if 
            tp.SetParameter("bob", false);
            tp.SetParameter("fred", true);
            if (tp.ToString() != "Hello Fred")
                Console.WriteLine("Basic elseif statement test failed with result: " + tp.ToString());
                return false;

            //testing else using nulls
            if (tp.ToString() != "GET OUT STRANGER DANGER")
                Console.WriteLine("Basic else statement test failed with result: " + tp.ToString());
                return false;

            //testing using complex parameter
            tp = new Template("$if(bob.IsHere)$YAY I found bob$else$BOO bob is dead$endif$");
            Dictionary<string, object> vars = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            vars.Add("IsHere", true);
            tp.SetParameter("bob", vars);
            if (tp.ToString() != "YAY I found bob")
                Console.WriteLine("Basic if using complex parameter failed with result: " + tp.ToString());
                return false;

            //testing compare in if statement
            tp = new Template("$if(equal(bob,fred))$Bob is Fred$else$Bob is not Fred$endif$");
            tp.SetParameter("bob", "bob");
            tp.SetParameter("fred", "bob");
            if (tp.ToString() != "Bob is Fred")
                Console.WriteLine("Basic if test using equal function inside failed with result: " + tp.ToString());
                return false;

            //testing not compare in if statement
            tp = new Template("$if(notequal(bob,fred))$Bob is Fred$else$Bob is not Fred$endif$");
            tp.SetParameter("bob", "bob");
            tp.SetParameter("fred", "bob");
            if (tp.ToString() != "Bob is not Fred")
                Console.WriteLine("Basic if test using notequal function inside failed with result: " + tp.ToString());
                return false;
            //testing compare alt format in if statement
            tp = new Template("$if((bob eq fred))$Bob is Fred$else$Bob is not Fred$endif$");
            tp.SetParameter("bob", "bob");
            tp.SetParameter("fred", "bob");
            if (tp.ToString() != "Bob is Fred")
                Console.WriteLine("Basic if test using equal function inside failed with result: " + tp.ToString());
                return false;

            //testing odd function
            tp = new Template("$if(odd(world))$OddBall$else$NotWeird$endif$");
            tp.SetAttribute("world", "1");
            tp.SetAttribute("world", "hello");
            tp.SetAttribute("world", "2");

            return true;