Ejemplo n.º 1
 public PagedTableList(Type type,int? PageSize,SelectParameter[] SelectParams,bool transationSafe)
 	if (!type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Table)))
 		throw new Exception("cannot produce a Paged Table List from a class that does not inherit Table");
     _pageSize = PageSize;
     _pars = SelectParams;
     _conn = ConnectionPoolManager.GetConnection(type);
     _count = (int)_conn.SelectCount(type,_pars);
     if (!_pageSize.HasValue)
     _data = new List<Table>();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 internal override string SelectPaged(System.Type type, SelectParameter[] parameters, out List<IDbDataParameter> queryParameters, ulong? start, ulong? recordCount, string[] OrderByFields)
     if (!start.HasValue)
         start = 0;
     if (!recordCount.HasValue)
         recordCount = 0;
     string baseQuery = Select(type, parameters, out queryParameters, OrderByFields);
     queryParameters.Add(pool.CreateParameter(CreateParameterName("startIndex"), (long)start.Value));
     queryParameters.Add(pool.CreateParameter(CreateParameterName("rowCount"), (long)recordCount.Value));
     string primarys = "";
     if ((OrderByFields == null) || (OrderByFields.Length == 0))
         foreach (string str in pool.Mapping[type].PrimaryKeyFields)
             primarys += "," + str;
     else if (baseQuery.Contains("ORDER BY"))
         primarys = baseQuery.Substring(baseQuery.IndexOf("ORDER BY") + "ORDER BY".Length);
         foreach (string str in OrderByFields)
             if (str.EndsWith(" ASC") || str.EndsWith(" DESC"))
                 string[] tmp = str.Split(new char[] { ' ' });
                 foreach (sTableField fld in pool.Mapping[type][tmp[0]])
                     primarys += "," + fld.Name+" "+tmp[1];
                 foreach (sTableField fld in pool.Mapping[type][str])
                     primarys += "," + fld.Name;
     if (primarys.StartsWith(","))
         primarys = primarys.Substring(1);
     return String.Format(SelectWithPagingIncludeOffset, (baseQuery.Contains("ORDER BY") ? baseQuery.Substring(0, baseQuery.IndexOf("ORDER BY")) : baseQuery), CreateParameterName("startIndex"), CreateParameterName("rowCount"), primarys);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public object SelectMin(string fieldName, System.Type type, SelectParameter[] parameters)
     pool.Updater.InitType(type, this);
     object ret = null;
     List<IDbDataParameter> pars = new List<IDbDataParameter>();
     string query = queryBuilder.SelectMin(type, fieldName, parameters, out pars);
     ExecuteQuery(query, pars);
     if (this.Read())
         ret = this[0];
     if (ret is DBNull)
         ret = null;
     return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public PagedTableList(Type type,SelectParameter[] SelectParams,bool transactionSafe) : this(type,null,SelectParams,transactionSafe)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 internal virtual string SelectPaged(System.Type type, SelectParameter[] parameters, out List<IDbDataParameter> queryParameters, ulong? start, ulong? recordCount, string[] OrderByFields)
     string query = Select(type, parameters, out queryParameters, OrderByFields);
     if (queryParameters == null)
         queryParameters = new List<IDbDataParameter>();
     if (!start.HasValue)
         start = 0;
     if (!recordCount.HasValue)
         recordCount = 0;
     queryParameters.Add(pool.CreateParameter(CreateParameterName("startIndex"), (long)start.Value));
     queryParameters.Add(pool.CreateParameter(CreateParameterName("rowCount"), (long)recordCount.Value));
     return String.Format(SelectWithPagingIncludeOffset, query, CreateParameterName("startIndex"), CreateParameterName("rowCount"));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public NotParameter(SelectParameter negatedParameter)
     _negatedParameter = negatedParameter;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public void Delete(Type tableType, SelectParameter[] pars){
     if (_readonly)
         throw new Exception("Unable to delete to a readonly database.");
     if (!Pool.Mapping.IsMappableType(tableType))
         throw new Exception("Unable to delete type " + tableType.FullName + " no matching Table Map found for the connection pool "+Pool.ConnectionName+".");
     pool.Updater.InitType(tableType, this);
     pars = (pars == null ? new SelectParameter[0] : pars);
     List<IDbDataParameter> parameters = new List<IDbDataParameter>();
     string del = queryBuilder.Delete(tableType, pars, out parameters);
     if (del != null)
         bool abort = false;
         ConnectionPoolManager.RunTriggers(this,tableType, pars, ConnectionPoolManager.TriggerTypes.PRE_DELETE,out abort);
         if (!abort)
             ExecuteNonQuery(del, parameters);
             ConnectionPoolManager.RunTriggers(this, tableType, pars, ConnectionPoolManager.TriggerTypes.POST_DELETE, out abort);
         throw new Exception("An error occured attempting to build the delete query.");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        internal string Select(System.Type type, SelectParameter[] parameters, out List<IDbDataParameter> queryParameters, string[] OrderByFields)
            sTable tbl = _pool.Mapping[type];
			string fields="";
			string tables="";
			string joins="";
			string where="";
			bool startAnd=false;
			queryParameters=new List<IDbDataParameter>();
            string order = "";
            if ((OrderByFields != null) && (OrderByFields.Length > 0))
                foreach (string str in OrderByFields)
                    if (str.EndsWith(" ASC") || str.EndsWith(" DESC"))
                        string[] tmp = str.Split(new char[] { ' ' });
                        foreach (sTableField stf in tbl[tmp[0]])
                            order += stf.Name+" "+tmp[1] + ",";
                        foreach (sTableField stf in tbl[str])
                            order += stf.Name + ",";
                if (order.Length>0)
                    order = order.Substring(0, order.Length - 1);
			if (ObtainFieldTableWhereList(out fields,out tables, out joins,out where,type))
				if ((parameters!=null)&&(parameters.Length>0))
					string appended="";
					int parCount=0;
					foreach (SelectParameter par in parameters)
                        AppendJoinsForParameter(par.Fields, ref joins, type);
                        appended+="("+par.ConstructString(type,pool,this,ref queryParameters,ref parCount)+") AND ";
					if (!startAnd)
						where = "("+appended+")";
						where+=" AND ("+appended+")";
                if (order.Length > 0)
                    if (where.Length > 0)
                        return String.Format(OrderBy,String.Format(SelectWithConditions, fields, joins + tables, where),order);
                        return String.Format(OrderBy,String.Format(SelectWithoutConditions, fields, joins + tables),order);
                    if (where.Length > 0)
                        return String.Format(SelectWithConditions, fields, joins + tables, where);
                        return String.Format(SelectWithoutConditions, fields, joins + tables);
				return null;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public List<Table> SelectPaged(System.Type type, SelectParameter[] parameters, ulong? StartIndex, ulong? RowCount)
     return SelectPaged(type, parameters, StartIndex, RowCount, null);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public List<Table> SelectPaged(System.Type type, SelectParameter[] parameters, ulong? StartIndex, ulong? RowCount, string[] OrderByFields)
			if (!type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Table)))
				throw new Exception("Unable to perform select on Type object without object inheriting Org.Reddragonit.DbPro.Structure.Table");
			if (((Table)type.GetConstructor(System.Type.EmptyTypes).Invoke(new object[0])).ConnectionName!=ConnectionName)
				throw new Exception("Cannot select from a table from the database connection that it was not specified for.");
            pool.Updater.InitType(type, this);
			List<Table> ret = new List<Table>();
			List<IDbDataParameter> pars = new List<IDbDataParameter>();
			string query = queryBuilder.SelectPaged(type,parameters,out pars,StartIndex,RowCount,OrderByFields);
			while (Read())
				Table t = (Table)LazyProxy.Instance(type.GetConstructor(System.Type.EmptyTypes).Invoke(new object[0]));
			ret = AddArrayedTablesToSelect(ret, type);
			return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 11
		public long SelectCount(System.Type type,SelectParameter[] parameters)
			if (!type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Table)))
				throw new Exception("Unable to perform select on Type object without object inheriting Org.Reddragonit.DbPro.Structure.Table");
			if (((Table)type.GetConstructor(System.Type.EmptyTypes).Invoke(new object[0])).ConnectionName!=ConnectionName)
				throw new Exception("Cannot select from a table from the database connection that it was not specified for.");
            pool.Updater.InitType(type, this);
			long ret=0;
			List<IDbDataParameter> pars = new List<IDbDataParameter>();
			string query = queryBuilder.SelectCount(type,parameters,out pars);
			if (Read())
			return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 12
		public List<Table> Select(System.Type type,SelectParameter[] parameters,string[] OrderByFields)
			if (!type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Table)))
				throw new Exception("Unable to perform select on Type object without object inheriting Org.Reddragonit.DbPro.Structure.Table");
			if (((Table)type.GetConstructor(System.Type.EmptyTypes).Invoke(new object[0])).ConnectionName!=ConnectionName)
				throw new Exception("Cannot select from a table from the database connection that it was not specified for.");
            pool.Updater.InitType(type, this);
			List<Table> ret = new List<Table>();
			List<IDbDataParameter> pars = new List<IDbDataParameter>();
			string query = queryBuilder.Select(type,parameters,out pars,OrderByFields);
            Logger.LogLine("Query executed, beginning to read results");
			while (Read())
                Logger.LogLine("Creating a lazy proxy instance for the table type " + type.FullName);
				Table t = (Table)LazyProxy.Instance(type.GetConstructor(System.Type.EmptyTypes).Invoke(new object[0]));
                Logger.LogLine("Reading result and loading table object " + type.FullName + " from query");
                Logger.LogLine("Setting load status for " + type.FullName + " as completed and adding to results");
			ret = AddArrayedTablesToSelect(ret, type);
			return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public List<Table> Select(System.Type type, SelectParameter[] parameters)
     return Select(type, parameters, null);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 internal string Update(Type tableType, Dictionary<string, object> updateFields, SelectParameter[] parameters, out List<IDbDataParameter> queryParameters)
     queryParameters = new List<IDbDataParameter>();
     sTable table = _pool.Mapping[tableType];
         string fields = "";
         string conditions = "";
         bool addedAutogenCorrection = false;
         List<string> pkeys = new List<string>(table.PrimaryKeyFields);
         foreach (string prop in updateFields.Keys)
             sTableField[] flds = table[prop];
             if (flds.Length > 0)
                 if (pkeys.Contains(flds[0].Name) && !Utility.StringsEqual(table.AutoGenProperty, prop) && !addedAutogenCorrection && pkeys.Count > 0)
                     if (table.AutoGenProperty != null)
                         fields += table.AutoGenProperty + " = (SELECT (CASE WHEN MAX(" + table.AutoGenProperty + ") IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE MAX(" + table.AutoGenProperty + ") END)+1 FROM " + table.Name + " WHERE ";
                         foreach (sTableField fld in table.Fields)
                             if (pkeys.Contains(fld.Name) && !Utility.StringsEqual(table.AutoGenProperty, fld.Name))
                                 object val = updateFields[fld.ClassProperty];
                                 if (val == null)
                                     fields += fld.Name + " IS NULL AND ";
                                     fields += fld.Name + " = " + CreateParameterName(fld.Name);
                                     queryParameters.Add(pool.CreateParameter(CreateParameterName(fld.Name), val));
                         fields = fields.Substring(0, fields.Length - 4);
                         fields += "), ";
                         addedAutogenCorrection = true;
                 if (flds[0].ExternalField != null&&flds[0].Type!=FieldType.ENUM)
                     PropertyInfo pi = tableType.GetProperty(flds[0].ClassProperty, Utility._BINDING_FLAGS_WITH_INHERITANCE);
                     sTable relTable = _pool.Mapping[(pi.PropertyType.IsArray ? pi.PropertyType.GetElementType() : pi.PropertyType)];
                     if (updateFields[flds[0].ClassProperty] == null)
                         foreach (sTableField fld in flds)
                             fields += fld.Name + " = " + CreateParameterName(fld.Name) + ", ";
                             queryParameters.Add(pool.CreateParameter(CreateParameterName(fld.Name), null, fld.Type, fld.Length));
                         Table relatedTable = (Table)updateFields[flds[0].ClassProperty];
                         foreach (sTableField fld in flds)
                             foreach (sTableField f in relTable.Fields)
                                 if (fld.ExternalField == f.Name)
                                     object val = LocateFieldValue(relatedTable, f, pool);
                                     fields += fld.Name + " = " + CreateParameterName(fld.Name) + ", ";
                                     if (val == null)
                                         queryParameters.Add(pool.CreateParameter(CreateParameterName(fld.Name), null, fld.Type, fld.Length));
                                         queryParameters.Add(pool.CreateParameter(CreateParameterName(fld.Name), val));
                 else if (flds[0].ComputedCode==null)
                     fields += flds[0].Name + " = " + CreateParameterName(flds[0].Name) + ", ";
                     if (updateFields[flds[0].ClassProperty] == null)
                         queryParameters.Add(pool.CreateParameter(CreateParameterName(flds[0].Name), null,flds[0].Type,flds[0].Length));
                         if (flds[0].Type==FieldType.ENUM)
                             queryParameters.Add(pool.CreateParameter(CreateParameterName(flds[0].Name), pool.GetEnumID(updateFields[flds[0].ClassProperty].GetType(), updateFields[flds[0].ClassProperty].ToString())));
                             queryParameters.Add(pool.CreateParameter(CreateParameterName(flds[0].Name), updateFields[flds[0].ClassProperty], flds[0].Type, flds[0].Length));
         int parCount = 0;
         foreach (SelectParameter eq in parameters)
             conditions += eq.ConstructString(tableType, pool, this, ref queryParameters, ref parCount) + " AND ";
         if (fields.Length == 0)
             return "";
         fields = fields.Substring(0, fields.Length - 2);
         if (conditions.Length > 0)
             return String.Format(UpdateWithConditions, table.Name, fields, conditions.Substring(0, conditions.Length - 4).Replace("main_table.", ""));
             return String.Format(UpdateWithoutConditions, table.Name, fields);
     catch (Exception e)
     return null;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public void Update(Type tableType, Dictionary<string, object> updateFields, SelectParameter[] parameters)
     if (_readonly)
         throw new Exception("Unable to update to a readonly database.");
     if (!Pool.Mapping.IsMappableType(tableType))
         throw new Exception("Unable to update type " + tableType.FullName + " no matching Table Map found for the connection pool " + Pool.ConnectionName + ".");
     pool.Updater.InitType(tableType, this);
     List<IDbDataParameter> pars = new List<IDbDataParameter>();
     string query = queryBuilder.Update(tableType, updateFields, parameters, out pars);
     if (query != null)
         bool abort = false;
         ConnectionPoolManager.RunTriggers(this, tableType, updateFields, parameters, ConnectionPoolManager.TriggerTypes.PRE_UPDATE, out abort);
         if (!abort)
             ExecuteNonQuery(query, pars.ToArray());
             ConnectionPoolManager.RunTriggers(this, tableType, updateFields, parameters, ConnectionPoolManager.TriggerTypes.POST_UPDATE, out abort);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 internal string SelectMin(System.Type type, string maxField, SelectParameter[] parameters, out List<IDbDataParameter> queryParameters)
     sTable map = _pool.Mapping[type];
     string fields = "";
     string tables = "";
     string joins = "";
     string where = "";
     bool startAnd = false;
     queryParameters = new List<IDbDataParameter>();
     if (ObtainFieldTableWhereList(out fields, out tables, out joins, out where, type))
         AppendJoinsForParameter(new List<string>(new string[] { maxField }), ref joins, type);
         string alias = "main_table";
         if (maxField.Contains("."))
             sTable curMap = map;
             Type curType = type;
             while (maxField.Contains("."))
                 PropertyInfo pi = curType.GetProperty(maxField.Substring(0, maxField.IndexOf(".")), Utility._BINDING_FLAGS);
                 curType = (pi.PropertyType.IsArray ? pi.PropertyType.GetElementType() : pi.PropertyType);
                 curMap = _pool.Mapping[curType];
                 alias += "_" + maxField.Substring(0, maxField.IndexOf("."));
                 maxField = maxField.Substring(maxField.IndexOf(".") + 1);
             fields = alias + "." + curMap[maxField][0].Name;
             sTableField[] flds = map[maxField];
             if (flds.Length > 0)
                 fields = alias + "." + flds[0].Name;
                 fields = maxField;
         if ((parameters != null) && (parameters.Length > 0))
             startAnd = (where.Length > 0);
             string appended = "";
             int parCount = 0;
             foreach (SelectParameter par in parameters)
                 AppendJoinsForParameter(par.Fields, ref joins, type);
                 appended += "(" + par.ConstructString(type, pool, this, ref queryParameters, ref parCount) + ") AND ";
             appended = appended.Substring(0, appended.Length - 4);
             if (!startAnd)
                 where = "(" + appended + ")";
                 where += " AND (" + appended + ")";
         if (where.Length > 0)
             return String.Format(SelectMinWithConditions, fields, joins + tables, where);
             return String.Format(SelectMinWithoutConditions, fields, joins + tables);
         return null;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public List<IClassView> SelectClassView(System.Type type,SelectParameter[] pars)
     return SelectClassView(type, pars, null);
Ejemplo n.º 18
		internal string SelectCount(System.Type type,SelectParameter[] parameters,out List<IDbDataParameter> queryParameters)
			string query=Select(type,parameters,out queryParameters,null);
			return String.Format(SelectCountString,query);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public virtual List<IClassView> SelectClassView(System.Type type,SelectParameter[] pars,string[] OrderByFields)
     ClassViewAttribute cva = Pool[type];
     if (cva==null || !new List<Type>(type.GetInterfaces()).Contains(typeof(IClassView)))
         throw new Exception("Unable to execute a Class View Query from a class that does not have a ClassViewAttributes attached to it as well as has the interface IClassView.");
     pool.Updater.InitType(type, this);
     List<IClassView> ret = new List<IClassView>();
     string viewName = Pool.Translator.GetViewName(type);
     int parCount = 0;
     List<IDbDataParameter> queryParameters = new List<IDbDataParameter>();
     string parString = "";
     string orderByString = "";
     if (pars != null)
         foreach (SelectParameter par in pars)
             foreach (string str in par.Fields)
                 if (cva.Query.GetOrdinal(str)==-1)
                     throw new Exception("Unable to execute a Class View Query with parameters that are not fields in the Class View");
             parString += " AND ( " + par.ConstructClassViewString(cva,Pool,queryBuilder , ref queryParameters, ref parCount) + " ) ";
     if (OrderByFields != null)
         foreach (string str in OrderByFields)
             if (str.EndsWith(" ASC") || str.EndsWith(" DESC"))
                 if (cva.Query.GetOrdinal(str.Split(new char[]{' '})[0]) == -1)
                     throw new Exception("Unable to execute a Class View Query with Order By Fields that are not fields in the Class View");
                 if (cva.Query.GetOrdinal(str) == -1)
                     throw new Exception("Unable to execute a Class View Query with Order By Fields that are not fields in the Class View");
             orderByString += ","+str;
     this.ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM " + viewName + (parString == "" ? "" : " WHERE "+parString.Substring(4))+(orderByString == "" ? "" : " ORDER BY "+orderByString.Substring(1)),queryParameters.ToArray());
     ViewResultRow vrr = new ViewResultRow(this,cva.Query);
     while (Read())
         IClassView icv = (IClassView)type.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes).Invoke(new object[0]);
     return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 internal string Delete(Type tableType, SelectParameter[] pars, out List<IDbDataParameter> parameters)
     parameters = new List<IDbDataParameter>();
         string conditions = "";
         sTable tbl = _pool.Mapping[tableType];
         int parCount = 0;
         foreach (SelectParameter eq in pars)
             conditions += eq.ConstructString(tableType, pool, this, ref parameters, ref parCount) + " AND ";
         if (conditions.Length > 0)
             conditions = conditions.Substring(0, conditions.Length - 4).Replace("main_table.", "");
         if (conditions.Length>0)
             return string.Format(DeleteWithConditions, tbl.Name, conditions);
         return string.Format(DeleteWithoutConditions, tbl.Name);
     catch (Exception e)
         return null;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public object SelectMaxClassView(string fieldName, System.Type type, SelectParameter[] pars)
     object ret = null;
     ClassViewAttribute cva = Pool[type];
     if (cva==null || !new List<Type>(type.GetInterfaces()).Contains(typeof(IClassView)))
         throw new Exception("Unable to execute a Class View Query from a class that does not have a ClassViewAttribute attached to it and does not inherit IClassView.");
     pool.Updater.InitType(type, this);
     string viewName = Pool.Translator.GetViewName(type);
     if (cva.Query.GetOrdinal(fieldName) == -1)
         throw new Exception("Unable to execute a Max Class View Query without specificying a Field in the Class View");
     int parCount = 0;
     List<IDbDataParameter> queryParameters = new List<IDbDataParameter>();
     string parString = "";
     if (pars != null)
         foreach (SelectParameter par in pars)
             foreach (string str in par.Fields)
                 if (cva.Query.GetOrdinal(str)==-1)
                     throw new Exception("Unable to execute a Class View Query with parameters that are not fields in the Class View");
             parString += " AND ( " + par.ConstructClassViewString(cva, Pool, queryBuilder, ref queryParameters, ref parCount) + " ) ";
     this.ExecuteQuery("SELECT MAX("+fieldName+") FROM " + viewName + (parString == "" ? "" : " WHERE " + parString.Substring(4)), queryParameters.ToArray());
     if (Read())
         ret = this[0];
     return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public PagedTableList(Type type,SelectParameter[] SelectParams) : this(type,null,SelectParams,true)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 internal static void RunTriggers(Connection conn, Type tableType, Dictionary<string, object> updateFields, SelectParameter[] parameters, TriggerTypes type, out bool abort)
     abort = false;
     ITrigger[] tmp = new ITrigger[0];
     if (_triggers.ContainsKey(tableType))
         tmp = new ITrigger[_triggers[tableType].Count];
     foreach (ITrigger tr in tmp)
         switch (type)
             case TriggerTypes.PRE_UPDATE:
                 tr.PreUpdate(conn,tableType, updateFields, parameters,out abort);
             case TriggerTypes.POST_UPDATE:
                 tr.PostUpdate(conn,tableType, updateFields, parameters);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public PagedTableList(Type type,int? PageSize,SelectParameter[] SelectParams) : this(type,PageSize,SelectParams,true)
Ejemplo n.º 25
		public JoinParameter(SelectParameter[] parameters)
            _parameters = parameters;
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public AndParameter(SelectParameter[] parameters)
            : base(parameters)
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public List<IClassView> SelectPagedClassView(System.Type type, SelectParameter[] parameters, ulong? StartIndex, ulong? RowCount, string[] OrderByFields)
     return this.SelectPagedClassView(type,(parameters==null ? null : new List<SelectParameter>(parameters)),StartIndex,RowCount,OrderByFields);