//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test(timeout = TEST_TIMEOUT) public void timeoutOnAcquiringExclusiveLock() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void TimeoutOnAcquiringExclusiveLock()
            ExpectedException.expect(new RootCauseMatcher <>(typeof(LockAcquisitionTimeoutException), "The transaction has been terminated. " + "Retry your operation in a new transaction, and you should see a successful result. " + "Unable to acquire lock within configured timeout (dbms.lock.acquisition.timeout). " + "Unable to acquire lock for resource: NODE with id: 0 within 2000 millis."));

            using (Transaction ignored = _database.beginTx())
                ResourceIterator <Node> nodes = _database.findNodes(_marker);
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java iterators are only converted within the context of 'while' and 'for' loops:
                Node node = nodes.next();
                node.SetProperty(TEST_PROPERTY_NAME, "b");

                Future <Void> propertySetFuture = _secondTransactionExecutor.executeDontWait(state =>
                    using (Transaction transaction1 = _database.beginTx())
                        node.SetProperty(TEST_PROPERTY_NAME, "b");

                _clockExecutor.execute((OtherThreadExecutor.WorkerCommand <Void, Void>)state =>
                    _fakeClock.forward(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

                fail("Should throw termination exception.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void shouldExpandOnFirstAccess()
        public virtual void ShouldExpandOnFirstAccess()
            // GIVEN
            TraversalBranch     parent = mock(typeof(TraversalBranch));
            Node                source = mock(typeof(Node));
            TraversalBranchImpl branch = new TraversalBranchImpl(parent, source);
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") org.neo4j.graphdb.PathExpander expander = mock(org.neo4j.graphdb.PathExpander.class);
            PathExpander expander = mock(typeof(PathExpander));

            when(expander.expand(eq(branch), any(typeof(BranchState)))).thenReturn(Iterables.emptyResourceIterable());
            TraversalContext context = mock(typeof(TraversalContext));

            when(context.Evaluate(eq(branch), Null)).thenReturn(INCLUDE_AND_CONTINUE);

            // WHEN initializing
            branch.Initialize(expander, context);

            // THEN the branch should not be expanded

            // and WHEN actually traversing from it
            branch.Next(expander, context);

            // THEN we should expand it
            verify(expander).expand(any(typeof(Path)), any(typeof(BranchState)));
Ejemplo n.º 3
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void pageCacheMetrics() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void PageCacheMetrics()
            Label testLabel = Label.label("testLabel");

            using (Transaction transaction = _database.beginTx())
                Node node = _database.createNode(testLabel);
                node.SetProperty("property", "value");

            using (Transaction ignored = _database.beginTx())
                ResourceIterator <Node> nodes = _database.findNodes(testLabel);
                assertEquals(1, nodes.Count());

            AssertMetrics("Metrics report should include page cache pins", PC_PINS, greaterThan(0L));
            AssertMetrics("Metrics report should include page cache unpins", PC_UNPINS, greaterThan(0L));
            AssertMetrics("Metrics report should include page cache evictions", PC_EVICTIONS, greaterThanOrEqualTo(0L));
            AssertMetrics("Metrics report should include page cache page faults", PC_PAGE_FAULTS, greaterThan(0L));
            AssertMetrics("Metrics report should include page cache hits", PC_HITS, greaterThan(0L));
            AssertMetrics("Metrics report should include page cache flushes", PC_FLUSHES, greaterThanOrEqualTo(0L));
            AssertMetrics("Metrics report should include page cache exceptions", PC_EVICTION_EXCEPTIONS, equalTo(0L));

            assertEventually("Metrics report should include page cache hit ratio", () => readDoubleValue(metricsCsv(_metricsDirectory, PC_HIT_RATIO)), lessThanOrEqualTo(1.0), 5, SECONDS);

            assertEventually("Metrics report should include page cache usage ratio", () => readDoubleValue(metricsCsv(_metricsDirectory, PC_USAGE_RATIO)), lessThanOrEqualTo(1.0), 5, SECONDS);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        protected internal override Traverser InstantiateTraverser(Node start, Node end)
            GraphDatabaseService db   = start.GraphDatabase;
            TraversalDescription side = Db.traversalDescription().breadthFirst().uniqueness(_uniqueness).order((startSource, _expander) => new LiteDepthFirstSelector(startSource, _startThreshold, _expander));

            return(Db.bidirectionalTraversalDescription().startSide(side.Expand(_expander).evaluator(toDepth(_onDepth / 2))).endSide(side.Expand(_expander.reverse()).evaluator(toDepth(_onDepth - _onDepth / 2))).collisionEvaluator(atDepth(_onDepth)).traverse(start, end));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        protected internal override Traverser InstantiateTraverser(Node start, Node end)
            GraphDatabaseService db       = start.GraphDatabase;
            TraversalDescription sideBase = Db.traversalDescription().breadthFirst().uniqueness(NODE_PATH);

            return(Db.bidirectionalTraversalDescription().mirroredSides(sideBase.Expand(_expander)).sideSelector(LEVEL_STOP_DESCENT_ON_RESULT, _maxDepth).collisionEvaluator(toDepth(_maxDepth)).traverse(start, end));
Ejemplo n.º 6
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void testBidirectionalPath()
        public virtual void TestBidirectionalPath()
            TraversalDescription side = GraphDb.traversalDescription().uniqueness(Uniqueness.NODE_PATH);
            BidirectionalTraversalDescription bidirectional = GraphDb.bidirectionalTraversalDescription().mirroredSides(side);
            Path bidirectionalPath = GetFirstPath(bidirectional.Traverse(_a, _e));


            Path path = GetFirstPath(bidirectional.Traverse(_a, _e));
            Node node = path.StartNode();

            assertEquals(_a, node);

            // White box testing below: relationships(), nodes(), reverseRelationships(), reverseNodes()
            // does cache the start node if not already cached, so just make sure they to it properly.
            bidirectionalPath = GetFirstPath(bidirectional.Traverse(_a, _e));
            assertEquals(_a, bidirectionalPath.StartNode());

            bidirectionalPath = GetFirstPath(bidirectional.Traverse(_a, _e));
            assertEquals(_a, bidirectionalPath.StartNode());

            bidirectionalPath = GetFirstPath(bidirectional.Traverse(_a, _e));
            assertEquals(_a, bidirectionalPath.StartNode());

            bidirectionalPath = GetFirstPath(bidirectional.Traverse(_a, _e));
            assertEquals(_a, bidirectionalPath.StartNode());

            bidirectionalPath = GetFirstPath(bidirectional.Traverse(_a, _e));
            assertEquals(_a, bidirectionalPath.StartNode());
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private Node CreateNodeWithProperty(Label label, string key, object value)
            Node node = _db.createNode(label);

            node.SetProperty(key, value);
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test(timeout = TEST_TIMEOUT) public void timeoutOnAcquiringSharedLock() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void TimeoutOnAcquiringSharedLock()
            ExpectedException.expect(new RootCauseMatcher <>(typeof(LockAcquisitionTimeoutException), "The transaction has been terminated. " + "Retry your operation in a new transaction, and you should see a successful result. " + "Unable to acquire lock within configured timeout (dbms.lock.acquisition.timeout). " + "Unable to acquire lock for resource: LABEL with id: 1 within 2000 millis."));

            using (Transaction ignored = _database.beginTx())
                Locks lockManger = LockManager;
                lockManger.NewClient().acquireExclusive(LockTracer.NONE, ResourceTypes.LABEL, 1);

                Future <Void> propertySetFuture = _secondTransactionExecutor.executeDontWait(state =>
                    using (Transaction nestedTransaction = _database.beginTx())
                        ResourceIterator <Node> nodes = _database.findNodes(_marker);
                        Node node = nodes.next();

                _clockExecutor.execute((OtherThreadExecutor.WorkerCommand <Void, Void>)state =>
                    _fakeClock.forward(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

                fail("Should throw termination exception.");
Ejemplo n.º 9
        protected internal override Traverser InstantiateTraverser(Node start, Node end)
            // Bidirectional traversal
            GraphDatabaseService db    = start.GraphDatabase;
            TraversalDescription @base = Db.traversalDescription().depthFirst().uniqueness(Uniqueness());

            return(Db.bidirectionalTraversalDescription().startSide(@base.Expand(_expander).evaluator(toDepth(_maxDepth / 2))).endSide(@base.Expand(_expander.reverse()).evaluator(toDepth(_maxDepth - _maxDepth / 2))).traverse(start, end));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private Relationship GetFistRelationship(Node node)
            ResourceIterable <Relationship> relationships = (ResourceIterable <Relationship>)node.GetRelationships(Direction.OUTGOING);

            using (ResourceIterator <Relationship> iterator = relationships.GetEnumerator())
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java iterators are only converted within the context of 'while' and 'for' loops:
Ejemplo n.º 11
 private void CreateNonUniqueNodes()
     using (Transaction tx = _db.beginTx())
         Node originNode = _db.createNode(LABEL);
         originNode.SetProperty(KEY, _point1);
         Node centerNode = _db.createNode(LABEL);
         centerNode.SetProperty(KEY, _point1);
Ejemplo n.º 12
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Before public void setup()
        public virtual void Setup()
            CreateGraph("A TO B", "B TO C", "C TO D", "D TO E");

            _tx = BeginTx();

            _a = GetNodeWithName("A");
            _b = GetNodeWithName("B");
            _c = GetNodeWithName("C");
            _d = GetNodeWithName("D");
            _e = GetNodeWithName("E");
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void AssertNodeWith(Label label, string key, object value)
            using (ResourceIterator <Node> nodes = _db.findNodes(label, key, value))
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java iterators are only converted within the context of 'while' and 'for' loops:
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java iterators are only converted within the context of 'while' and 'for' loops:
                Node foundNode = nodes.next();
                assertEquals(value, foundNode.GetProperty(key));
Ejemplo n.º 14
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test(timeout = TEST_TIMEOUT) public void readOwnChangesWithoutIndex()
        public virtual void ReadOwnChangesWithoutIndex()
            // WHEN
            using (Transaction tx = _db.beginTx())
                Node node = _db.createNode(_label);
                node.SetProperty(PROPERTY_KEY, VALUE_1);

                AssertNodeWith(_label, PROPERTY_KEY, VALUE_1);


            AssertInTxNodeWith(_label, PROPERTY_KEY, VALUE_1);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private Pair <long, long> CreateUniqueNodes()
            Pair <long, long> nodeIds;

            using (Transaction tx = _db.beginTx())
                Node originNode = _db.createNode(LABEL);
                originNode.SetProperty(KEY, _point1);
                Node centerNode = _db.createNode(LABEL);
                centerNode.SetProperty(KEY, _point2);

                nodeIds = Pair.of(originNode.Id, centerNode.Id);
Ejemplo n.º 16
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void reverseRelationships()
        public virtual void ReverseRelationships()
            Traverser traverser = GraphDb.traversalDescription().evaluator(atDepth(0)).traverse(_a);
            Path      path      = GetFirstPath(traverser);


            Traverser traverser2 = GraphDb.traversalDescription().evaluator(atDepth(4)).traverse(_a);
            Path      path2      = GetFirstPath(traverser2);

            Node[] expectedNodes = new Node[] { _e, _d, _c, _b, _a };
            int    index         = 0;

            foreach (Relationship rel in path2.ReverseRelationships())
                assertEquals("For index " + index, expectedNodes[index++], rel.EndNode);
            assertEquals(4, index);
Ejemplo n.º 17
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void ensureCorrectPathEntitiesInShortPath()
        public virtual void EnsureCorrectPathEntitiesInShortPath()
             * (a)-->(b)
            CreateGraph("a TO b");

            Node         a    = GetNodeWithName("a");
            Node         b    = GetNodeWithName("b");
            Relationship r    = a.GetSingleRelationship(To, OUTGOING);
            Path         path = Iterables.single(GraphDb.bidirectionalTraversalDescription().mirroredSides(GraphDb.traversalDescription().relationships(To, OUTGOING).uniqueness(NODE_PATH)).collisionEvaluator(Evaluators.atDepth(1)).sideSelector(SideSelectorPolicies.LEVEL, 1).traverse(a, b));

            AssertContainsInOrder(path.Nodes(), a, b);
            AssertContainsInOrder(path.ReverseNodes(), b, a);
            AssertContainsInOrder(path.Relationships(), r);
            AssertContainsInOrder(path.ReverseRelationships(), r);
            AssertContainsInOrder(path, a, r, b);
            assertEquals(a, path.StartNode());
            assertEquals(b, path.EndNode());
            assertEquals(r, path.LastRelationship());
Ejemplo n.º 18
        private void AssertPathIsCorrect(Path path)
            Node         a   = Node("A");
            Relationship to1 = GetFistRelationship(a);
            Node         b   = to1.EndNode;
            Relationship to2 = GetFistRelationship(b);
            Node         c   = to2.EndNode;
            Relationship to3 = GetFistRelationship(c);
            Node         d   = to3.EndNode;
            Relationship to4 = GetFistRelationship(d);
            Node         e   = to4.EndNode;

            assertEquals(( int? )4, ( int? )path.Length());
            assertEquals(a, path.StartNode());
            assertEquals(e, path.EndNode());
            assertEquals(to4, path.LastRelationship());

            AssertContainsInOrder(path, a, to1, b, to2, c, to3, d, to4, e);
            AssertContainsInOrder(path.Nodes(), a, b, c, d, e);
            AssertContainsInOrder(path.Relationships(), to1, to2, to3, to4);
            AssertContainsInOrder(path.ReverseNodes(), e, d, c, b, a);
            AssertContainsInOrder(path.ReverseRelationships(), to4, to3, to2, to1);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public TraversalBranchWithState(TraversalBranch parent, int depth, Node source, Relationship toHere, object inheritedState) : base(parent, depth, source, toHere)
     this.StateForMe = this.StateForChildren = inheritedState;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 protected internal override TraversalBranch NewNextBranch(Node node, Relationship relationship)
     return(new TraversalBranchWithState(this, Length() + 1, node, relationship, StateForChildren));
Ejemplo n.º 21
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test(timeout = TEST_TIMEOUT) public void removeNodeChangeNodeProperty() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void RemoveNodeChangeNodeProperty()
            // GIVEN
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final':
//ORIGINAL LINE: final org.neo4j.test.Barrier_Control barrier = new org.neo4j.test.Barrier_Control();
            Org.Neo4j.Test.Barrier_Control barrier = new Org.Neo4j.Test.Barrier_Control();
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final':
//ORIGINAL LINE: final long nodeId;
            long nodeId;

            using (Transaction tx = _db.beginTx())
                Node node = _db.createNode();
                nodeId = node.Id;
                node.SetProperty(PROPERTY_KEY, VALUE_1);

            // WHEN
            Future <Void> future = T2.execute(state =>
                using (Transaction tx = _db.beginTx())

                using (Transaction tx = _db.beginTx())
                    _db.getNodeById(nodeId).setProperty(PROPERTY_KEY, VALUE_2);
            catch (TransactionFailureException e)
                // Node was already deleted, fine.
                assertThat(e.InnerException, instanceOf(typeof(InvalidRecordException)));

            using (Transaction tx = _db.beginTx())
                    assertEquals(VALUE_2, _db.getNodeById(nodeId).getProperty(PROPERTY_KEY, VALUE_2));
                catch (NotFoundException)
                    // Fine, its gone
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public TraversalBranchWithState(TraversalBranch parent, Node source, InitialBranchState initialState) : base(parent, source)
     this.StateForMe = this.StateForChildren = initialState.initialState(this);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 protected internal override TraversalBranch NewNextBranch(Node node, Relationship relationship)
     return(_initialState != InitialBranchState.NO_STATE ? new TraversalBranchWithState(this, 1, node, relationship, StateForChildren) : new TraversalBranchImpl(this, 1, node, relationship));
Ejemplo n.º 24
 internal StartNodeTraversalBranch(TraversalContext context, TraversalBranch parent, Node source, InitialBranchState initialState) : base(parent, source, initialState)
     this._initialState = initialState;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 internal bool Accept(Org.Neo4j.Graphdb.Node start, Org.Neo4j.Graphdb.Relationship rel)
     return(MatchDirection(_direction, start, rel));