Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void Increment(NodeRelationshipCache cache, long node, int count)
     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Ejemplo n.º 2
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldHaveDenseNodesWithBigCounts()
        public virtual void ShouldHaveDenseNodesWithBigCounts()
            // A count of a dense node follow a different path during import, first there's counting per node
            // then import goes into actual import of relationships where individual chain degrees are
            // kept. So this test will first set a total count, then set count for a specific chain

            // GIVEN
            _cache = new NodeRelationshipCache(NumberArrayFactory.HEAP, 1, 100, Base);
            long nodeId = 1;
            int  typeId = 10;

            _cache.NodeCount = nodeId + 1;
            _cache.setCount(nodeId, 2, typeId, OUTGOING);                 // surely dense now
            _cache.getAndPutRelationship(nodeId, typeId, OUTGOING, 1, true);
            _cache.getAndPutRelationship(nodeId, typeId, INCOMING, 2, true);

            // WHEN
            long highCountOut = NodeRelationshipCache.MaxCount - 100;
            long highCountIn  = NodeRelationshipCache.MaxCount - 50;

            _cache.setCount(nodeId, highCountOut, typeId, OUTGOING);
            _cache.setCount(nodeId, highCountIn, typeId, INCOMING);
            _cache.getAndPutRelationship(nodeId, typeId, OUTGOING, 1, true);
            _cache.getAndPutRelationship(nodeId, typeId, INCOMING, 2, true);

            // THEN
            assertEquals(highCountOut + 1, _cache.getCount(nodeId, typeId, OUTGOING));
            assertEquals(highCountIn + 1, _cache.getCount(nodeId, typeId, INCOMING));
Ejemplo n.º 3
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldObserveFirstRelationshipAsEmptyInEachDirection()
        public virtual void ShouldObserveFirstRelationshipAsEmptyInEachDirection()
            // GIVEN
            _cache = new NodeRelationshipCache(NumberArrayFactory_Fields.AutoWithoutPagecache, 1, 100, Base);
            int nodes  = 100;
            int typeId = 5;

            Direction[]  directions   = Direction.values();
            GroupVisitor groupVisitor = mock(typeof(GroupVisitor));

            _cache.setForwardScan(true, true);
            _cache.NodeCount = nodes + 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes; i++)
                assertEquals(-1L, _cache.getFirstRel(nodes, groupVisitor));
                long previous = _cache.getAndPutRelationship(i, typeId, directions[i % directions.Length], Random.Next(1_000_000), true);
                assertEquals(-1L, previous);

            // WHEN
            _cache.setForwardScan(false, true);
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes; i++)
                long previous = _cache.getAndPutRelationship(i, typeId, directions[i % directions.Length], Random.Next(1_000_000), false);
                assertEquals(-1L, previous);

            // THEN
            _cache.setForwardScan(true, true);
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes; i++)
                assertEquals(-1L, _cache.getFirstRel(nodes, groupVisitor));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void TestNode(NodeRelationshipCache link, long node, Direction direction)
            int  typeId = 0;              // doesn't matter here because it's all sparse
            long count  = link.GetCount(node, typeId, direction);

            assertEquals(-1, link.GetAndPutRelationship(node, typeId, direction, 5, false));
            assertEquals(5, link.GetAndPutRelationship(node, typeId, direction, 10, false));
            assertEquals(count, link.GetCount(node, typeId, direction));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 internal RelGroupCache(NodeRelationshipCache outerInstance, NumberArrayFactory arrayFactory, long chunkSize, long @base)
     this._outerInstance = outerInstance;
     this.ChunkSize      = chunkSize;
     this.Base           = @base;
     Debug.Assert(chunkSize > 0);
     this.Array = arrayFactory.NewDynamicByteArray(chunkSize, DefaultValue);
     this.NextFreeIdConflict = new AtomicLong(@base);
Ejemplo n.º 6
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldKeepNextGroupIdForNextRound()
        public virtual void ShouldKeepNextGroupIdForNextRound()
            // GIVEN
            _cache = new NodeRelationshipCache(NumberArrayFactory.HEAP, 1, 100, Base);
            long nodeId = 0;
            int  typeId = 10;

            _cache.NodeCount = nodeId + 1;
            GroupVisitor groupVisitor = mock(typeof(GroupVisitor));

            when(groupVisitor.Visit(anyLong(), anyInt(), anyLong(), anyLong(), anyLong())).thenReturn(1L, 2L, 3L);

            long firstRelationshipGroupId;
                // WHEN importing the first type
                long relationshipId = 10;
                _cache.getAndPutRelationship(nodeId, typeId, OUTGOING, relationshipId, true);
                firstRelationshipGroupId = _cache.getFirstRel(nodeId, groupVisitor);

                // THEN
                assertEquals(1L, firstRelationshipGroupId);
                verify(groupVisitor).visit(nodeId, typeId, relationshipId, -1L, -1L);

                // Also simulate going back again ("clearing" of the cache requires this)
                _cache.setForwardScan(false, true);
                _cache.getAndPutRelationship(nodeId, typeId, OUTGOING, relationshipId, false);
                _cache.setForwardScan(true, true);

            long secondRelationshipGroupId;
                // WHEN importing the second type
                long relationshipId = 11;
                _cache.getAndPutRelationship(nodeId, typeId, INCOMING, relationshipId, true);
                secondRelationshipGroupId = _cache.getFirstRel(nodeId, groupVisitor);

                // THEN
                assertEquals(2L, secondRelationshipGroupId);
                verify(groupVisitor).visit(nodeId, typeId, -1, relationshipId, -1L);

                // Also simulate going back again ("clearing" of the cache requires this)
                _cache.setForwardScan(false, true);
                _cache.getAndPutRelationship(nodeId, typeId, OUTGOING, relationshipId, false);
                _cache.setForwardScan(true, true);

                // WHEN importing the third type
                long relationshipId = 10;
                _cache.getAndPutRelationship(nodeId, typeId, BOTH, relationshipId, true);
                long thirdRelationshipGroupId = _cache.getFirstRel(nodeId, groupVisitor);
                assertEquals(3L, thirdRelationshipGroupId);
                verify(groupVisitor).visit(nodeId, typeId, -1L, -1L, relationshipId);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 private long FindNode(NodeRelationshipCache link, long nodeCount, bool isDense)
     for (long i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++)
         if (link.IsDense(i) == isDense)
     throw new System.ArgumentException("No dense node found");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private long IncrementRandomCounts(NodeRelationshipCache link, int nodeCount, int i)
            long highestSeenCount = 0;

            while (i-- > 0)
                long node = Random.Next(nodeCount);
                highestSeenCount = max(highestSeenCount, link.IncrementCount(node));
Ejemplo n.º 9
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldVisitChangedNodes()
        public virtual void ShouldVisitChangedNodes()
            // GIVEN
            int nodes  = 10;
            int typeId = 10;

            _cache           = new NodeRelationshipCache(NumberArrayFactory.HEAP, 2, 100, Base);
            _cache.NodeCount = nodes;
            for (long nodeId = 0; nodeId < nodes; nodeId++)
                if (Random.nextBoolean())
            MutableLongSet keySparseChanged = new LongHashSet();
            MutableLongSet keyDenseChanged  = new LongHashSet();

            for (int i = 0; i < nodes / 2; i++)
                long nodeId = Random.nextLong(nodes);
                _cache.getAndPutRelationship(nodeId, typeId, Direction.OUTGOING, Random.nextLong(1_000_000), false);
                bool dense = _cache.isDense(nodeId);
                (dense ? keyDenseChanged : keySparseChanged).add(nodeId);

                // WHEN (sparse)
                NodeChangeVisitor visitor = (nodeId, array) =>
                    // THEN (sparse)
                    assertTrue("Unexpected sparse change reported for " + nodeId, keySparseChanged.remove(nodeId));
                _cache.visitChangedNodes(visitor, NodeType.NODE_TYPE_SPARSE);
                assertTrue("There was " + keySparseChanged.size() + " expected sparse changes that weren't reported", keySparseChanged.Empty);

                // WHEN (dense)
                NodeChangeVisitor visitor = (nodeId, array) =>
                    // THEN (dense)
                    assertTrue("Unexpected dense change reported for " + nodeId, keyDenseChanged.remove(nodeId));
                _cache.visitChangedNodes(visitor, NodeType.NODE_TYPE_DENSE);
                assertTrue("There was " + keyDenseChanged.size() + " expected dense changes that weren reported", keyDenseChanged.Empty);
Ejemplo n.º 10
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldFailFastOnTooHighNodeCount()
        public virtual void ShouldFailFastOnTooHighNodeCount()
            // given
            _cache = new NodeRelationshipCache(NumberArrayFactory.HEAP, 1);

                // when
                _cache.NodeCount = 2L << (5 * (sizeof(sbyte) * 8));
                fail("Should have failed");
            catch (System.ArgumentException)
                // then good
Ejemplo n.º 11
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldHaveSparseNodesWithBigCounts()
        public virtual void ShouldHaveSparseNodesWithBigCounts()
            // GIVEN
            _cache = new NodeRelationshipCache(NumberArrayFactory.HEAP, 1, 100, Base);
            long nodeId = 1;
            int  typeId = 10;

            _cache.NodeCount = nodeId + 1;

            // WHEN
            long highCount = NodeRelationshipCache.MaxCount - 100;

            _cache.setCount(nodeId, highCount, typeId, OUTGOING);
            long nextHighCount = _cache.incrementCount(nodeId);

            // THEN
            assertEquals(highCount + 1, nextHighCount);
Ejemplo n.º 12
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldGetAndPutRelationshipAroundChunkEdge()
        public virtual void ShouldGetAndPutRelationshipAroundChunkEdge()
            // GIVEN
            _cache = new NodeRelationshipCache(NumberArrayFactory.HEAP, 10);

            // WHEN
            long nodeId = 1_000_000 - 1;
            int  typeId = 10;

            _cache.NodeCount = nodeId + 1;
            Direction direction = Direction.OUTGOING;
            long      relId     = 10;

            _cache.getAndPutRelationship(nodeId, typeId, direction, relId, false);

            // THEN
            assertEquals(relId, _cache.getFirstRel(nodeId, mock(typeof(GroupVisitor))));
Ejemplo n.º 13
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldPut6ByteRelationshipIds()
        public virtual void ShouldPut6ByteRelationshipIds()
            // GIVEN
            _cache = new NodeRelationshipCache(NumberArrayFactory.HEAP, 1, 100, Base);
            long sparseNode     = 0;
            long denseNode      = 1;
            long relationshipId = (1L << 48) - 2;
            int  typeId         = 10;

            _cache.NodeCount = 2;

            // WHEN
            assertEquals(-1L, _cache.getAndPutRelationship(sparseNode, typeId, OUTGOING, relationshipId, false));
            assertEquals(-1L, _cache.getAndPutRelationship(denseNode, typeId, OUTGOING, relationshipId, false));

            // THEN
            assertEquals(relationshipId, _cache.getAndPutRelationship(sparseNode, typeId, OUTGOING, 1, false));
            assertEquals(relationshipId, _cache.getAndPutRelationship(denseNode, typeId, OUTGOING, 1, false));
Ejemplo n.º 14
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldReportCorrectNumberOfDenseNodes()
        public virtual void ShouldReportCorrectNumberOfDenseNodes()
            // GIVEN
            _cache           = new NodeRelationshipCache(NumberArrayFactory_Fields.AutoWithoutPagecache, 5, 100, Base);
            _cache.NodeCount = 26;
            Increment(_cache, 2, 10);
            Increment(_cache, 5, 2);
            Increment(_cache, 7, 12);
            Increment(_cache, 23, 4);
            Increment(_cache, 24, 5);
            Increment(_cache, 25, 6);

            // THEN
Ejemplo n.º 15
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldFailFastIfTooBigRelationshipId()
        public virtual void ShouldFailFastIfTooBigRelationshipId()
            // GIVEN
            int typeId = 10;

            _cache           = new NodeRelationshipCache(NumberArrayFactory.HEAP, 1, 100, Base);
            _cache.NodeCount = 1;

            // WHEN
            _cache.getAndPutRelationship(0, typeId, OUTGOING, (1L << 48) - 2, false);
                _cache.getAndPutRelationship(0, typeId, OUTGOING, (1L << 48) - 1, false);
                fail("Should fail");
            catch (System.ArgumentException e)
                // THEN Good
Ejemplo n.º 16
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldResetCountAfterGetOnDenseNodes()
        public virtual void ShouldResetCountAfterGetOnDenseNodes()
            // GIVEN
            _cache = new NodeRelationshipCache(NumberArrayFactory_Fields.AutoWithoutPagecache, 1, 100, Base);
            long nodeId = 0;
            int  typeId = 3;

            _cache.NodeCount = 1;
            _cache.getAndPutRelationship(nodeId, typeId, OUTGOING, 10, true);
            _cache.getAndPutRelationship(nodeId, typeId, OUTGOING, 12, true);

            // WHEN
            long count = _cache.getCount(nodeId, typeId, OUTGOING);

            assertEquals(2, count);

            // THEN
            assertEquals(0, _cache.getCount(nodeId, typeId, OUTGOING));
Ejemplo n.º 17
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldGoThroughThePhases()
        public virtual void ShouldGoThroughThePhases()
            // GIVEN
            int nodeCount = 10;

            _cache           = new NodeRelationshipCache(NumberArrayFactory.OFF_HEAP, 20, 100, Base);
            _cache.NodeCount = nodeCount;
            IncrementRandomCounts(_cache, nodeCount, nodeCount * 20);

                // Test sparse node semantics
                long node = FindNode(_cache, nodeCount, false);
                TestNode(_cache, node, null);

                // Test dense node semantics
                long node = FindNode(_cache, nodeCount, true);
                TestNode(_cache, node, Direction.OUTGOING);
                TestNode(_cache, node, Direction.INCOMING);
Ejemplo n.º 18
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldFailFastOnTooHighCountOnNode()
        public virtual void ShouldFailFastOnTooHighCountOnNode()
            // GIVEN
            _cache = new NodeRelationshipCache(NumberArrayFactory.HEAP, 10, 100, Base);
            long nodeId = 5;
            long count  = NodeRelationshipCache.MaxCount - 1;
            int  typeId = 10;

            _cache.NodeCount = 10;
            _cache.setCount(nodeId, count, typeId, OUTGOING);

            // WHEN
                fail("Should have failed");
            catch (System.InvalidOperationException)
                // THEN Good
Ejemplo n.º 19
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldPutRandomStuff()
        public virtual void ShouldPutRandomStuff()
            // GIVEN
            int typeId = 10;
            int nodes  = 10_000;
            MutableLongObjectMap <long[]> key = new LongObjectHashMap <long[]>(nodes);

            _cache = new NodeRelationshipCache(NumberArrayFactory.HEAP, 1, 1000, Base);

            // mark random nodes as dense (dense node threshold is 1 so enough with one increment
            _cache.NodeCount = nodes;
            for (long nodeId = 0; nodeId < nodes; nodeId++)
                if (Random.nextBoolean())

            // WHEN
            for (int i = 0; i < 100_000; i++)
                long      nodeId         = Random.nextLong(nodes);
                bool      dense          = _cache.isDense(nodeId);
                Direction direction      = Random.among(Direction.values());
                long      relationshipId = Random.nextLong(1_000_000);
                long      previousHead   = _cache.getAndPutRelationship(nodeId, typeId, direction, relationshipId, false);
                long[]    keyIds         = key.get(nodeId);
                int       keyIndex       = dense ? direction.ordinal() : 0;
                if (keyIds == null)
                    key.put(nodeId, keyIds = MinusOneLongs(Direction.values().length));
                assertEquals(keyIds[keyIndex], previousHead);
                keyIds[keyIndex] = relationshipId;
Ejemplo n.º 20
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldCacheMultipleDenseNodeRelationshipHeads()
        public virtual void ShouldCacheMultipleDenseNodeRelationshipHeads()
            // GIVEN
            _cache           = new NodeRelationshipCache(NumberArrayFactory.HEAP, 1);
            _cache.NodeCount = 10;
            long nodeId = 3;

            _cache.setCount(nodeId, 10, 0, OUTGOING);

            // WHEN
            IDictionary <Pair <int, Direction>, long> firstRelationshipIds = new Dictionary <Pair <int, Direction>, long>();
            int typeCount = 3;

            for (int typeId = 0, relationshipId = 0; typeId < typeCount; typeId++)
                foreach (Direction direction in Direction.values())
                    long firstRelationshipId = relationshipId++;
                    _cache.getAndPutRelationship(nodeId, typeId, direction, firstRelationshipId, true);
                    firstRelationshipIds[Pair.of(typeId, direction)] = firstRelationshipId;
            AtomicInteger visitCount = new AtomicInteger();
            GroupVisitor  visitor    = (nodeId1, typeId, @out, @in, loop) =>
                assertEquals(firstRelationshipIds[Pair.of(typeId, OUTGOING)], @out);
                assertEquals(firstRelationshipIds[Pair.of(typeId, INCOMING)], @in);
                assertEquals(firstRelationshipIds[Pair.of(typeId, BOTH)], loop);

            _cache.getFirstRel(nodeId, visitor);

            // THEN
            assertEquals(typeCount, visitCount.get());
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public MemoryStatsVisitor_VisitableAnonymousInnerClass(NodeRelationshipCache outerInstance, long numberOfNodes)
     this.outerInstance  = outerInstance;
     this._numberOfNodes = numberOfNodes;