public void doOnMessageReceive(String message)
            string me = GetString (Resource.String.on_message);
            me = me.Replace("%s", message);
            mGeneralStatus.Text = me;

            //			mGeneralStatus.SetText(GetString(Resource.String.on_message, message));

            // Parse custom JSON data string.
            // You can set background color with custom JSON data in the following format: { "r" : "10", "g" : "200", "b" : "100" }
            // Or open specific screen of the app with custom page ID (set ID in the { "id" : "2" } format)


                JSONObject messageJson = new JSONObject(message);
                JSONObject customJson = new JSONObject(messageJson.GetString("u"));

                if (customJson.Has("r") && customJson.Has("g") && customJson.Has("b"))
                    int r = customJson.GetInt("r");
                    int g = customJson.GetInt("g");
                    int b = customJson.GetInt("b");
                    Window.DecorView.FindViewById<View>(Android.Resource.Id.Content).SetBackgroundColor(Android.Graphics.Color.Rgb(r, g, b));

                if (customJson.Has("id"))
                    Intent intent = new Intent(this, typeof(SecondActivity));
                    intent.PutExtra(PushManager.PushReceiveEvent, messageJson.ToString());
            catch (JSONException e) {
                e.PrintStackTrace ();
Ejemplo n.º 2
		private TimeSpan JsonToTimeSpan(JSONObject time)
			var days = time.GetInt("days");
			var hours = time.GetInt("hours");
			var minutes = time.GetInt("minutes");
			var seconds = time.GetInt("seconds");
			var milliseconds = time.GetInt("milliseconds");
			return new TimeSpan(days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds);
 public void onMessage(string data)
         JSONObject json = new JSONObject(data);
         string type = (string)json.Get("type");
         if (type.Equals("candidate"))
             IceCandidate candidate = new IceCandidate((string)json.Get("id"), json.GetInt("label"), (string)json.Get("candidate"));
             if (outerInstance.queuedRemoteCandidates != null)
         else if (type.Equals("answer") || type.Equals("offer"))
             SessionDescription sdp = new SessionDescription(SessionDescription.SessionDescriptionType.FromCanonicalForm(type), outerInstance.preferISAC((string)json.Get("sdp")));
             outerInstance.pc.SetRemoteDescription(outerInstance.sdpObserver, sdp);
         else if (type.Equals("bye"))
             outerInstance.logAndToast("Remote end hung up; dropping PeerConnection");
             throw new Exception("Unexpected message: " + data);
     catch (JSONException e)
         throw new Exception("Error", e);
Ejemplo n.º 4
			public static Question FromJSon (JSONObject questionObject, int questionIndex)
				try {
					string question = questionObject.GetString (JsonUtils.JSON_FIELD_QUESTION);
					JSONArray answersJsonArray = questionObject.GetJSONArray (JsonUtils.JSON_FIELD_ANSWERS);
					string[] answers = new string[JsonUtils.NUM_ANSWER_CHOICES];
					for (int j = 0; j < answersJsonArray.Length (); j++) {
						answers [j] = answersJsonArray.GetString (j);
					int correctIndex = questionObject.GetInt (JsonUtils.JSON_FIELD_CORRECT_INDEX);
					return new Question (question, questionIndex, answers, correctIndex);
				} catch (JSONException) {
					return null;