Ejemplo n.º 1
		private void InitBlock()
			specialAtomIndexes = new int[JmolConstants.ATOMID_MAX];
			shapes = new Shape[JmolConstants.SHAPE_MAX];
			withinModelIterator = new WithinModelIterator(this);
			withinAnyModelIterator = new WithinAnyModelIterator(this);
			hbondMin2 = hbondMin * hbondMin;
			for (int i = MAX_BONDS_LENGTH_TO_CACHE; --i > 0; )
			// .GT. 0
				freeBonds[i] = new Bond[MAX_NUM_TO_CACHE][];
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void deleteBond(int i)
			int newLength = bonds.Length - 1;
			if (newLength == 0)
				bonds = null;
				return ;
			Bond[] bondsNew = new Bond[newLength];
			int j = 0;
			for (; j < i; ++j)
				bondsNew[j] = bonds[j];
			for (; j < newLength; ++j)
				bondsNew[j] = bonds[j + 1];
			bonds = bondsNew;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void deleteBond(Bond bond)
            for (int i = bonds.Length; --i >= 0; )
                if (bonds[i] == bond)
Ejemplo n.º 4
		private void addBond(Bond bond, Frame frame)
			if (bonds == null)
				bonds = new Bond[1];
				bonds[0] = bond;
                bonds = frame.addToBonds(bond, bonds);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public Bond bondMutually(Atom atomOther, short order, Frame frame)
			if (isBonded(atomOther))
				return null;
			Bond bond = new Bond(this, atomOther, order, frame);
			addBond(bond, frame);
			atomOther.addBond(bond, frame);
			return bond;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public Bond[] addToBonds(Bond newBond, Bond[] oldBonds)
     Bond[] newBonds;
     if (oldBonds == null)
         if (numCached[1] > 0)
             newBonds = freeBonds[1][--numCached[1]];
             newBonds = new Bond[1];
         newBonds[0] = newBond;
         int oldLength = oldBonds.Length;
         int newLength = oldLength + 1;
         if (newLength < MAX_BONDS_LENGTH_TO_CACHE && numCached[newLength] > 0)
             newBonds = freeBonds[newLength][--numCached[newLength]];
             newBonds = new Bond[newLength];
         newBonds[oldLength] = newBond;
         for (int i = oldLength; --i >= 0; )
             newBonds[i] = oldBonds[i];
         if (oldLength < MAX_BONDS_LENGTH_TO_CACHE && numCached[oldLength] < MAX_NUM_TO_CACHE)
             freeBonds[oldLength][numCached[oldLength]++] = oldBonds;
     return newBonds;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 private void addBond(Bond bond)
     if (bond == null)
     if (bondCount == bonds.Length)
         bonds = (Bond[])Util.setLength(bonds, bondCount + growthIncrement);
     bonds[bondCount++] = bond;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public /*Chem*/Frame(Org.OpenScience.CDK.Interfaces.IChemFile chemFile, Device graphicsDevice)
            shapes = new Shape[JmolConstants.SHAPE_MAX];
            this.g3d = new NuGraphics3D(graphicsDevice);
            this.frameRenderer = new FrameRenderer();

            for (int i = MAX_BONDS_LENGTH_TO_CACHE; --i > 0; ) // .GT. 0
                freeBonds[i] = new Bond[MAX_NUM_TO_CACHE][];

            // convert to jmol native
            mmset = new Mmset(this);

            // set properties
            mmset.ModelSetProperties = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection();

            // init build
            currentModelIndex = -1;
            currentModel = null;
            currentChainID = '\uFFFF';
            currentChain = null;
            currentGroupSequenceNumber = -1;
            currentGroupInsertionCode = '\uFFFF';

            int atomCountEstimate = 0;
            for (int seq = 0; seq < chemFile.ChemSequenceCount; seq++)
                for (int model = 0; model < chemFile.ChemSequences[seq].ChemModelCount; model++)
                    Org.OpenScience.CDK.Interfaces.IChemModel chemModel = chemFile.ChemSequences[seq].ChemModels[model];
                    for (int atomC = 0; atomC < chemModel.SetOfMolecules.AtomContainerCount; atomC++)
                        atomCountEstimate += chemModel.SetOfMolecules.AtomContainers[atomC].AtomCount;

            if (atomCountEstimate <= 0)
                atomCountEstimate = ATOM_GROWTH_INCREMENT;
            atoms = new Atom[atomCountEstimate];
            bonds = new Bond[2 * atomCountEstimate];

            // translate IChemSequence[] into Model[]
            mmset.ModelCount = chemFile.ChemSequenceCount;
            for (int seq = 0; seq < chemFile.ChemSequenceCount; ++seq)
                int modelNumber = seq + 1;
                string modelName = modelNumber.ToString();
                NameValueCollection modelProperties = new NameValueCollection();    // FIXME: Loading property values
                mmset.setModelNameNumberProperties(seq, modelName, modelNumber, modelProperties);

            // translate Atoms
            Dictionary<Org.OpenScience.CDK.Interfaces.IAtom, Atom> atomsList = new Dictionary<Org.OpenScience.CDK.Interfaces.IAtom, Atom>();
                for (int seq = 0; seq < chemFile.ChemSequenceCount; seq++)
                    for (int model = 0; model < chemFile.ChemSequences[seq].ChemModelCount; model++)
                        Org.OpenScience.CDK.Interfaces.IChemModel chemModel = chemFile.ChemSequences[seq].ChemModels[model];
                        for (int atomC = 0; atomC < chemModel.SetOfMolecules.AtomContainerCount; atomC++)
                            for (int atomIdx = 0; atomIdx < chemModel.SetOfMolecules.AtomContainers[atomC].AtomCount; atomIdx++)
                                Org.OpenScience.CDK.Interfaces.IAtom atom = chemModel.SetOfMolecules.AtomContainers[atomC].Atoms[atomIdx];

                                sbyte elementNumber = (sbyte)atom.AtomicNumber;
                                if (elementNumber <= 0)
                                    elementNumber = JmolConstants.elementNumberFromSymbol(atom.Symbol);
                                char alternateLocation = '\0';

                                int sequenceNumber = int.MinValue;
                                char groupInsertionCode = '\0';

                                string atomName = null;
                                string group3Name = null;
                                char chainID = '\0';
                                if (atom is PDBAtom)
                                    PDBAtom pdbAtom = (PDBAtom)atom;
                                    if (pdbAtom.ResSeq != null && pdbAtom.ResSeq.Length > 0)
                                        sequenceNumber = int.Parse(pdbAtom.ResSeq);
                                    if (pdbAtom.ICode != null && pdbAtom.ICode.Length > 0)
                                        groupInsertionCode = pdbAtom.ICode[0];

                                    atomName = pdbAtom.Name;
                                    group3Name = pdbAtom.ResName;
                                    if (pdbAtom.ChainID != null && pdbAtom.ChainID.Length >= 1)
                                        chainID = pdbAtom.ChainID[0];
                                    atomName = atom.AtomTypeName;
                                atomsList[atom] = AddAtom(model, atom, elementNumber, atomName, atom.getFormalCharge(),
                                                          (float)atom.getCharge(), 100, float.NaN, (float)atom.X3d, (float)atom.Y3d,
                                                          (float)atom.Z3d, false, int.MinValue, chainID, group3Name, sequenceNumber,
                                                          groupInsertionCode, float.NaN, float.NaN, float.NaN, alternateLocation, null);
            //catch (Exception e)
            //    throw new ApplicationException("Problem translating atoms", e);

            fileHasHbonds = false;

            // translate bonds
                for (int seq = 0; seq < chemFile.ChemSequenceCount; seq++)
                    for (int model = 0; model < chemFile.ChemSequences[seq].ChemModelCount; model++)
                        Org.OpenScience.CDK.Interfaces.IChemModel chemModel = chemFile.ChemSequences[seq].ChemModels[model];

                        for (int atomC = 0; atomC < chemModel.SetOfMolecules.AtomContainerCount; atomC++)
                            for (int bondIdx = 0; bondIdx < chemModel.SetOfMolecules.AtomContainers[atomC].Bonds.Length; bondIdx++)
                                Org.OpenScience.CDK.Interfaces.IBond bond = chemModel.SetOfMolecules.AtomContainers[atomC].Bonds[bondIdx];
                                Org.OpenScience.CDK.Interfaces.IAtom[] cdkAtoms = bond.getAtoms();
                                // locate translated atoms
                                Atom atom1, atom2;
                                atomsList.TryGetValue(cdkAtoms[0], out atom1);
                                atomsList.TryGetValue(cdkAtoms[1], out atom2);
                                bondAtoms(atom1, atom2, (int)bond.Order);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new ApplicationException("Problem translating bonds", e);

            // translate structures of PDBPolymer only
            for (int seq = 0; seq < chemFile.ChemSequenceCount; seq++)
                for (int model = 0; model < chemFile.ChemSequences[seq].ChemModelCount; model++)
                    Org.OpenScience.CDK.Interfaces.IChemModel chemModel = chemFile.ChemSequences[seq].ChemModels[model];

                    foreach (Org.OpenScience.CDK.Interfaces.IMolecule molecule in chemModel.SetOfMolecules.Molecules)
                        if (molecule is PDBPolymer)
                            PDBPolymer pdbPolymer = (PDBPolymer)molecule;
                            if (pdbPolymer.Structures != null && pdbPolymer.Structures.Count > 0)
                                structuresDefined = true;
                                foreach (PDBStructure pdbStruct in pdbPolymer.Structures)
                                    structuresDefined = true;
                                    mmset.defineStructure(pdbStruct.StructureType, pdbStruct.StartChainID,
                                                          pdbStruct.StartSequenceNumber, pdbStruct.StartInsertionCode,
                                                          pdbStruct.EndChainID, pdbStruct.EndSequenceNumber, pdbStruct.EndInsertionCode);
            autoBond(null, null);

            // build groups


            // create ribbon shapes
                setShapeSize(JmolConstants.SHAPE_RIBBONS, -1, new BitArray(0));
                setShapeSize(JmolConstants.SHAPE_CARTOON, -1, new BitArray(0));
            catch (Exception) { }
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public void deleteBond(Bond bond)
     // what a disaster ... I hate doing this
     for (int i = bondCount; --i >= 0; )
         if (bonds[i] == bond)
             Array.Copy(bonds, i + 1, bonds, i, bondCount - i - 1);
             bonds[bondCount] = null;