Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>Check whether current user have permissions to access the path.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Check whether current user have permissions to access the path.
        /// Traverse is always checked.
        /// Parent path means the parent directory for the path.
        /// Ancestor path means the last (the closest) existing ancestor directory
        /// of the path.
        /// Note that if the parent path exists,
        /// then the parent path and the ancestor path are the same.
        /// For example, suppose the path is "/foo/bar/baz".
        /// No matter baz is a file or a directory,
        /// the parent path is "/foo/bar".
        /// If bar exists, then the ancestor path is also "/foo/bar".
        /// If bar does not exist and foo exists,
        /// then the ancestor path is "/foo".
        /// Further, if both foo and bar do not exist,
        /// then the ancestor path is "/".
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="doCheckOwner">Require user to be the owner of the path?</param>
        /// <param name="ancestorAccess">The access required by the ancestor of the path.</param>
        /// <param name="parentAccess">The access required by the parent of the path.</param>
        /// <param name="access">The access required by the path.</param>
        /// <param name="subAccess">
        /// If path is a directory,
        /// it is the access required of the path and all the sub-directories.
        /// If path is not a directory, there is no effect.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ignoreEmptyDir">Ignore permission checking for empty directory?</param>
        /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Security.AccessControlException">
        /// Guarded by
        /// <see cref="FSNamesystem.ReadLock()"/>
        /// Caller of this method must hold that lock.
        /// </exception>
        internal virtual void CheckPermission(INodesInPath inodesInPath, bool doCheckOwner
                                              , FsAction ancestorAccess, FsAction parentAccess, FsAction access, FsAction subAccess
                                              , bool ignoreEmptyDir)
            if (Log.IsDebugEnabled())
                Log.Debug("ACCESS CHECK: " + this + ", doCheckOwner=" + doCheckOwner + ", ancestorAccess="
                          + ancestorAccess + ", parentAccess=" + parentAccess + ", access=" + access + ", subAccess="
                          + subAccess + ", ignoreEmptyDir=" + ignoreEmptyDir);
            // check if (parentAccess != null) && file exists, then check sb
            // If resolveLink, the check is performed on the link target.
            int snapshotId = inodesInPath.GetPathSnapshotId();

            INode[]           inodes        = inodesInPath.GetINodesArray();
            INodeAttributes[] inodeAttrs    = new INodeAttributes[inodes.Length];
            byte[][]          pathByNameArr = new byte[inodes.Length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < inodes.Length && inodes[i] != null; i++)
                if (inodes[i] != null)
                    pathByNameArr[i] = inodes[i].GetLocalNameBytes();
                    inodeAttrs[i]    = GetINodeAttrs(pathByNameArr, i, inodes[i], snapshotId);
            string path          = inodesInPath.GetPath();
            int    ancestorIndex = inodes.Length - 2;

            INodeAttributeProvider.AccessControlEnforcer enforcer = GetAttributesProvider().GetExternalAccessControlEnforcer
            enforcer.CheckPermission(fsOwner, supergroup, callerUgi, inodeAttrs, inodes, pathByNameArr
                                     , snapshotId, path, ancestorIndex, doCheckOwner, ancestorAccess, parentAccess, access
                                     , subAccess, ignoreEmptyDir);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>Get the file info for a specific file.</summary>
 /// <param name="fsd">FSDirectory</param>
 /// <param name="src">The string representation of the path to the file</param>
 /// <param name="isRawPath">true if a /.reserved/raw pathname was passed by the user</param>
 /// <param name="includeStoragePolicy">whether to include storage policy</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// object containing information regarding the file
 /// or null if file not found
 /// </returns>
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
 internal static HdfsFileStatus GetFileInfo(FSDirectory fsd, string path, INodesInPath
                                            src, bool isRawPath, bool includeStoragePolicy)
         INode i        = src.GetLastINode();
         byte  policyId = includeStoragePolicy && i != null && !i.IsSymlink() ? i.GetStoragePolicyID
                              () : BlockStoragePolicySuite.IdUnspecified;
         return(i == null ? null : CreateFileStatus(fsd, path, HdfsFileStatus.EmptyName, i
                                                    , policyId, src.GetPathSnapshotId(), isRawPath, src));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        private static IList <XAttr> GetXAttrs(FSDirectory fsd, string src)
            string srcs = FSDirectory.NormalizePath(src);

                INodesInPath iip        = fsd.GetINodesInPath(srcs, true);
                INode        inode      = FSDirectory.ResolveLastINode(iip);
                int          snapshotId = iip.GetPathSnapshotId();
                return(XAttrStorage.ReadINodeXAttrs(fsd.GetAttributes(src, inode.GetLocalNameBytes
                                                                          (), inode, snapshotId)));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        internal static AclStatus GetAclStatus(FSDirectory fsd, string src)
            FSPermissionChecker pc = fsd.GetPermissionChecker();

            byte[][] pathComponents = FSDirectory.GetPathComponentsForReservedPath(src);
            src = fsd.ResolvePath(pc, src, pathComponents);
            string srcs = FSDirectory.NormalizePath(src);

                // There is no real inode for the path ending in ".snapshot", so return a
                // non-null, unpopulated AclStatus.  This is similar to getFileInfo.
                if (srcs.EndsWith(HdfsConstants.SeparatorDotSnapshotDir) && fsd.GetINode4DotSnapshot
                        (srcs) != null)
                    return(new AclStatus.Builder().Owner(string.Empty).Group(string.Empty).Build());
                INodesInPath iip = fsd.GetINodesInPath(srcs, true);
                if (fsd.IsPermissionEnabled())
                    fsd.CheckTraverse(pc, iip);
                INode            inode      = FSDirectory.ResolveLastINode(iip);
                int              snapshotId = iip.GetPathSnapshotId();
                IList <AclEntry> acl        = AclStorage.ReadINodeAcl(fsd.GetAttributes(src, inode.GetLocalNameBytes
                                                                                            (), inode, snapshotId));
                FsPermission fsPermission = inode.GetFsPermission(snapshotId);
                return(new AclStatus.Builder().Owner(inode.GetUserName()).Group(inode.GetGroupName
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>for snapshot file while modifying file after snapshot.</summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestSnapshotPathINodesAfterModification()
            // First check the INode for /TestSnapshot/sub1/file1
            string[]     names       = INode.GetPathNames(file1.ToString());
            byte[][]     components  = INode.GetPathComponents(names);
            INodesInPath nodesInPath = INodesInPath.Resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components, false);

            // The number of inodes should be equal to components.length
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(nodesInPath.Length(), components.Length);
            // The last INode should be associated with file1
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(nodesInPath.GetINode(components.Length - 1).GetFullPathName
                                                (), file1.ToString());
            // record the modification time of the inode
            long modTime = nodesInPath.GetINode(nodesInPath.Length() - 1).GetModificationTime

            // Create a snapshot for the dir, and check the inodes for the path
            // pointing to a snapshot file
            hdfs.CreateSnapshot(sub1, "s3");
            // Modify file1
            DFSTestUtil.AppendFile(hdfs, file1, "the content for appending");
            // Check the INodes for snapshot of file1
            string snapshotPath = sub1.ToString() + "/.snapshot/s3/file1";

            names      = INode.GetPathNames(snapshotPath);
            components = INode.GetPathComponents(names);
            INodesInPath ssNodesInPath = INodesInPath.Resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components, false

            // Length of ssInodes should be (components.length - 1), since we will
            // ignore ".snapshot"
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(ssNodesInPath.Length(), components.Length - 1);
            Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot s3 = GetSnapshot(ssNodesInPath
                                                                                      , "s3", 3);
            AssertSnapshot(ssNodesInPath, true, s3, 3);
            // Check the INode for snapshot of file1
            INode snapshotFileNode = ssNodesInPath.GetLastINode();

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(snapshotFileNode.GetLocalName(), file1.GetName());
            // The modification time of the snapshot INode should be the same with the
            // original INode before modification
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(modTime, snapshotFileNode.GetModificationTime(ssNodesInPath
            // Check the INode for /TestSnapshot/sub1/file1 again
            names      = INode.GetPathNames(file1.ToString());
            components = INode.GetPathComponents(names);
            INodesInPath newNodesInPath = INodesInPath.Resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components, false

            AssertSnapshot(newNodesInPath, false, s3, -1);
            // The number of inodes should be equal to components.length
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(newNodesInPath.Length(), components.Length);
            // The last INode should be associated with file1
            int last = components.Length - 1;

            // The modification time of the INode for file3 should have been changed
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(modTime == newNodesInPath.GetINode(last).GetModificationTime
            hdfs.DeleteSnapshot(sub1, "s3");
Ejemplo n.º 6
 internal static void AssertSnapshot(INodesInPath inodesInPath, bool isSnapshot, Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot
                                     snapshot, int index)
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(isSnapshot, inodesInPath.IsSnapshot());
                                     .GetSnapshotId(isSnapshot ? snapshot : null), inodesInPath.GetPathSnapshotId());
     if (!isSnapshot)
                                         .GetSnapshotId(snapshot), inodesInPath.GetLatestSnapshotId());
     if (isSnapshot && index >= 0)
         NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(typeof(Snapshot.Root), inodesInPath.GetINode(index
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a partial listing of the indicated directory
        /// We will stop when any of the following conditions is met:
        /// 1) this.lsLimit files have been added
        /// 2) needLocation is true AND enough files have been added such
        /// that at least this.lsLimit block locations are in the response
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fsd">FSDirectory</param>
        /// <param name="iip">
        /// the INodesInPath instance containing all the INodes along the
        /// path
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="src">the directory name</param>
        /// <param name="startAfter">the name to start listing after</param>
        /// <param name="needLocation">if block locations are returned</param>
        /// <returns>a partial listing starting after startAfter</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        private static DirectoryListing GetListing(FSDirectory fsd, INodesInPath iip, string
                                                   src, byte[] startAfter, bool needLocation, bool isSuperUser)
            string srcs      = FSDirectory.NormalizePath(src);
            bool   isRawPath = FSDirectory.IsReservedRawName(src);

                if (srcs.EndsWith(HdfsConstants.SeparatorDotSnapshotDir))
                    return(GetSnapshotsListing(fsd, srcs, startAfter));
                int   snapshot   = iip.GetPathSnapshotId();
                INode targetNode = iip.GetLastINode();
                if (targetNode == null)
                byte parentStoragePolicy = isSuperUser ? targetNode.GetStoragePolicyID() : BlockStoragePolicySuite
                if (!targetNode.IsDirectory())
                    return(new DirectoryListing(new HdfsFileStatus[] { CreateFileStatus(fsd, src, HdfsFileStatus
                                                                                        .EmptyName, targetNode, needLocation, parentStoragePolicy, snapshot, isRawPath,
                                                                                        iip) }, 0));
                INodeDirectory       dirInode = targetNode.AsDirectory();
                ReadOnlyList <INode> contents = dirInode.GetChildrenList(snapshot);
                int startChild           = INodeDirectory.NextChild(contents, startAfter);
                int totalNumChildren     = contents.Size();
                int numOfListing         = Math.Min(totalNumChildren - startChild, fsd.GetLsLimit());
                int locationBudget       = fsd.GetLsLimit();
                int listingCnt           = 0;
                HdfsFileStatus[] listing = new HdfsFileStatus[numOfListing];
                for (int i = 0; i < numOfListing && locationBudget > 0; i++)
                    INode cur       = contents.Get(startChild + i);
                    byte  curPolicy = isSuperUser && !cur.IsSymlink() ? cur.GetLocalStoragePolicyID() :
                    listing[i] = CreateFileStatus(fsd, src, cur.GetLocalNameBytes(), cur, needLocation
                                                  , GetStoragePolicyID(curPolicy, parentStoragePolicy), snapshot, isRawPath, iip);
                    if (needLocation)
                        // Once we  hit lsLimit locations, stop.
                        // This helps to prevent excessively large response payloads.
                        // Approximate #locations with locatedBlockCount() * repl_factor
                        LocatedBlocks blks = ((HdfsLocatedFileStatus)listing[i]).GetBlockLocations();
                        locationBudget -= (blks == null) ? 0 : blks.LocatedBlockCount() * listing[i].GetReplication
                // truncate return array if necessary
                if (listingCnt < numOfListing)
                    listing = Arrays.CopyOf(listing, listingCnt);
                return(new DirectoryListing(listing, totalNumChildren - startChild - listingCnt));