Ejemplo n.º 1
         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reducer#reduce(java.lang.Object,
         * java.util.Iterator, org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector,
         * org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter)
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public virtual void Reduce(Text key, IEnumerator <Text> values, OutputCollector <Text
                                                                                         , Text> output, Reporter reporter)
            // Reducer
            OperationOutput collector = null;
            int             reduceAm  = 0;
            int             errorAm   = 0;

            LogAndSetStatus(reporter, "Iterating over reduction values for key " + key);
            while (values.HasNext())
                Text value = values.Next();
                    OperationOutput val = new OperationOutput(key, value);
                    if (collector == null)
                        collector = val;
                        collector = OperationOutput.Merge(collector, val);
                    Log.Info("Combined " + val + " into/with " + collector);
                catch (Exception e)
                    LogAndSetStatus(reporter, "Error iterating over reduction input " + value + " due to : "
                                    + StringUtils.StringifyException(e));
                    if (GetConfig().ShouldExitOnFirstError())
            LogAndSetStatus(reporter, "Reduced " + reduceAm + " values with " + errorAm + " errors"
            if (collector != null)
                LogAndSetStatus(reporter, "Writing output " + collector.GetKey() + " : " + collector
                output.Collect(collector.GetKey(), collector.GetOutputValue());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>Provides a more detailed report for a given operation.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Provides a more detailed report for a given operation. This will output the
        /// keys and values for all input and then sort based on measurement type and
        /// attempt to show rates for various metrics which have expected types to be
        /// able to measure there rate. Currently this will show rates for bytes
        /// written, success count, files created, directory entries, op count and
        /// bytes read if the variable for time taken is available for each measurement
        /// type.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="operation">the operation that is being reported on.</param>
        /// <param name="input">the set of data for that that operation.</param>
        /// <param name="os">
        /// any print writer for which output should be written to (along with
        /// the logging library)
        /// </param>
        internal virtual void OpReport(string operation, IList <OperationOutput> input, PrintWriter
            WriteMessage("Basic report for operation type " + operation, os);
            WriteMessage(GetSectionDelimiter(), os);
            foreach (OperationOutput data in input)
                WriteMessage("Measurement \"" + data.GetMeasurementType() + "\" = " + data.GetValue
                                 (), os);
            // split up into measurement types for rates...
            IDictionary <string, OperationOutput> combined = new SortedDictionary <string, OperationOutput

            foreach (OperationOutput data_1 in input)
                if (combined.Contains(data_1.GetMeasurementType()))
                    OperationOutput curr = combined[data_1.GetMeasurementType()];
                    combined[data_1.GetMeasurementType()] = OperationOutput.Merge(curr, data_1);
                    combined[data_1.GetMeasurementType()] = data_1;
            // handle the known types
            OperationOutput timeTaken = combined[OkTimeTaken];

            if (timeTaken != null)
                long mTaken = long.Parse(timeTaken.GetValue().ToString());
                if (mTaken > 0)
                    NumberFormat formatter = Formatter.GetDecimalFormatter();
                    foreach (string measurementType in combined.Keys)
                        double rate     = null;
                        string rateType = string.Empty;
                        if (measurementType.Equals(BytesWritten))
                            long mbWritten = long.Parse(combined[measurementType].GetValue().ToString()) / (Constants
                            rate     = (double)mbWritten / (double)(mTaken / 1000.0d);
                            rateType = "MB/sec";
                            if (measurementType.Equals(Successes))
                                long succ = long.Parse(combined[measurementType].GetValue().ToString());
                                rate     = (double)succ / (double)(mTaken / 1000.0d);
                                rateType = "successes/sec";
                                if (measurementType.Equals(FilesCreated))
                                    long filesCreated = long.Parse(combined[measurementType].GetValue().ToString());
                                    rate     = (double)filesCreated / (double)(mTaken / 1000.0d);
                                    rateType = "files created/sec";
                                    if (measurementType.Equals(DirEntries))
                                        long entries = long.Parse(combined[measurementType].GetValue().ToString());
                                        rate     = (double)entries / (double)(mTaken / 1000.0d);
                                        rateType = "directory entries/sec";
                                        if (measurementType.Equals(OpCount))
                                            long opCount = long.Parse(combined[measurementType].GetValue().ToString());
                                            rate     = (double)opCount / (double)(mTaken / 1000.0d);
                                            rateType = "operations/sec";
                                            if (measurementType.Equals(BytesRead))
                                                long mbRead = long.Parse(combined[measurementType].GetValue().ToString()) / (Constants
                                                rate     = (double)mbRead / (double)(mTaken / 1000.0d);
                                                rateType = "MB/sec";
                        if (rate != null)
                            WriteMessage("Rate for measurement \"" + measurementType + "\" = " + formatter.Format
                                             (rate) + " " + rateType, os);
            WriteMessage(GetSectionDelimiter(), os);