Ejemplo n.º 1
 private static string FormatObject(Jsm.GameObject gameObject, ScriptWriter sw, IScriptFormatterContext formatterContext, IServices executionContext)
     gameObject.FormatType(sw, formatterContext, executionContext);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public bool Init(ushort?inputFieldID = null, Sections flags = Sections.ALL)
            Flags = flags;
            Memory.SuppressDraw = true;
            ArchiveBase aw = ArchiveWorker.Load(Memory.Archives.A_FIELD);

            string[] test = aw.GetListOfFiles();
            //TODO fix endless look on FieldID 50.
            ID = inputFieldID ?? Memory.FieldHolder.FieldID;
            int count = (Memory.FieldHolder.fields?.Length ?? 0);

            if (ID >= count ||
                ID < 0)
            FileName    = Memory.FieldHolder.GetString(ID);
            ArchiveName = test.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IndexOf(FileName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0);
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ArchiveName))
                Debug.WriteLine($"FileNotFound :: {ID} - {FileName.ToUpper()}");
                Mod = Field_modes.DISABLED;

            ArchiveBase fieldArchive = aw.GetArchive(ArchiveName);

            string[] filelist = fieldArchive.GetListOfFiles();
            string findstr(string s) =>
            filelist.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IndexOf(s, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0);

            byte[] getfile(string s)
                s = findstr(s);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s))

            if (!flags.HasFlag(Sections.MIM | Sections.MAP) || (Background = Background.Load(getfile(".mim"), getfile(".map"))) == null)
                Mod = Field_modes.DISABLED;
            if (flags.HasFlag(Sections.CA | Sections.ID))
                Cameras  = Cameras.Load(getfile(".ca"));
                WalkMesh = WalkMesh.Load(getfile(".id"), Cameras);

            //let's start with scripts
            string s_jsm = findstr(".jsm");
            string s_sy  = findstr(".sy");

            if (flags.HasFlag(Sections.JSM | Sections.SYM) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s_jsm) && (FileName != "test3"))
                jsmObjects = Scripts.Jsm.File.Read(fieldArchive.GetBinaryFile(s_jsm));
                //catch (Exception e)
                //   Debug.WriteLine(e);
                //Mod = Field_modes.NOJSM;
                if (Mod != Field_modes.NOJSM)
                    Sym.GameObjects symObjects;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s_sy))
                        symObjects = Sym.Reader.FromBytes(fieldArchive.GetBinaryFile(s_sy));

                        services    = Initializer.GetServices();
                        EventEngine = ServiceId.Field[services].Engine;
                        for (int objIndex = 0; objIndex < jsmObjects.Count; objIndex++)
                            Scripts.Jsm.GameObject obj         = jsmObjects[objIndex];
                            FieldObject            fieldObject = new FieldObject(obj.Id, symObjects.GetObjectOrDefault(objIndex).Name);

                            foreach (Scripts.Jsm.GameScript script in obj.Scripts)
                                fieldObject.Scripts.Add(script.ScriptId, script.Segment.GetExecuter());


                        Debug.WriteLine($"FileNotFound :: {FileName.ToUpper()}.sy");
                        //sy file might be optional.
                        //Mod = Field_modes.NOJSM;
                Mod = Field_modes.NOJSM;
                //goto end;

            //if (flags.HasFlag(Sections.MCH))
            //    byte[] mchb = getfile(".mch");//Field character models

            //if (flags.HasFlag(Sections.ONE))
            //    byte[] oneb = getfile(".one");//Field character models container
            //if (flags.HasFlag(Sections.MSD))
            //    byte[] msdb = getfile(".msd");//dialogs
            if (flags.HasFlag(Sections.INF))
                byte[] infb = getfile(".inf");//gateways
                if (infb != null && infb.Length > 0)
                    inf = INF.Load(infb);

            if (flags.HasFlag(Sections.TDW))
                byte[] tdwb = getfile(".tdw");//extra font
                if (tdwb != null && tdwb.Length > 0)
                    tdw = new TDW(tdwb);

            if (flags.HasFlag(Sections.MSK))
                byte[] mskb = getfile(".msk");//movie cam
                if (mskb != null && mskb.Length > 0)
                    msk = new MSK(mskb);
            if (flags.HasFlag(Sections.RAT | Sections.MRT))
                byte[] ratb = getfile(".rat"); //battle on field
                byte[] mrtb = getfile(".mrt"); //battle on field
                if (ratb != null && mrtb != null && ratb.Length > 0 && mrtb.Length > 0)
                    MrtRat = new MrtRat(mrtb, ratb);
            //if (flags.HasFlag(Sections.PMD))
            //    byte[] pmdb = getfile(".pmd");//particle info
            //    if (pmdb != null && pmdb.Length > 4)
            //        using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(),
            //            $"{Memory.FieldHolder.GetString()}.pmd"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite))
            //            fs.Write(pmdb, 0, pmdb.Length);
            if (flags.HasFlag(Sections.PMP))
                byte[] pmpb = getfile(".pmp");//particle graphic?
                if (pmpb != null && pmpb.Length > 4)
                    pmp = new PMP(pmpb);
            if (flags.HasFlag(Sections.SFX))
                byte[] sfxb = getfile(".sfx");//sound effects
                if (sfxb != null && sfxb.Length > 0)
                    sfx = new SFX(sfxb);

            if (Mod == Field_modes.NOJSM && Background == null)
                Mod = Field_modes.DISABLED;
            if (sfx == null &&
                pmp == null &&
                MrtRat == null &&
                msk == null &&
                tdw == null &&
                inf == null &&
                jsmObjects == null &&
                EventEngine == null &&
                Cameras == null &&
                WalkMesh == null &&
                Background == null &&
                services == null)