Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult Index()
            using (var context = new OpenTrackerDbContext())
                var _torrents = (from t in context.torrents
                                join t2 in context.categories on t.categoryid equals t2.id
                                join t3 in context.comments on t.id equals t3.torrentid into comment
                                join t4 in context.peers on t.id equals t4.torrentid into peer
                                join t5 in context.users on t.owner equals t5.id
                                orderby t.id descending
                                select new TorrentModel
                                               TorrentId = t.id,
                                               InfoHash = t.info_hash,
                                               TorrentName = t.torrentname,
                                               Description = t.description,
                                               DescriptionSmall = t.description_small,
                                               Added = t.added,
                                               Size = (long) t.size,
                                               FileCount = t.numfiles,

                                               CategoryId = t2.id,
                                               CategoryImage = t2.image,

                                               CommentCount = comment.Count(),

                                               Seeders = peer.Count(count => count.left == 0),
                                               Leechers = peer.Count(count => count.left > 0),

                                               Uploader = t5.username
                return View(_torrents);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult Details(int id)
            using (var context = new OpenTrackerDbContext())
                var _torrent = (from t in context.torrents
                                    join t2 in context.categories on t.categoryid equals t2.id
                                    join t3 in context.users on t.owner equals t3.id
                                    join t4 in context.peers on t.id equals t4.torrentid into peer
                                    where t.id == id
                                    select new TorrentModel
                                            TorrentId = t.id,
                                               InfoHash = t.info_hash,
                                               TorrentName = t.torrentname,
                                               Description = t.description,
                                               DescriptionSmall = t.description_small,
                                               Added = t.added,
                                               Size = (long) t.size,
                                               FileCount = t.numfiles,

                                               CategoryName = t2.name,

                                               Seeders = peer.Count(count => count.left == 0),
                                               Leechers = peer.Count(count => count.left > 0),

                                               Uploader = t3.username
                return View(_torrent);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void DownloadTorrent(int? torrentId)
            using (var db = new OpenTrackerDbContext())
                var torrentExist = (from t in db.torrents
                                    where t.id == torrentId
                                    select t).Take(1).FirstOrDefault();

                if (torrentExist == null)
                    Response.Write("Torrent not found.");

                var file = string.Format("{0}.torrent", torrentExist.id);
                var finalTorrentPath = Path.Combine(TrackerSettings.TORRENT_DIRECTORY, file);

                var dictionary = (BEncodedDictionary)BEncodedValue.Decode(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(finalTorrentPath));

                var userInformation = (from u in db.users
                                       where u.username == User.Identity.Name
                                        select u).Take(1).FirstOrDefault();
                if (userInformation == null)
                    Response.Write("This shouldn't happen.");
                var announceUrl = string.Format("{0}/announce/{1}", TrackerSettings.BASE_URL, userInformation.passkey);
                var editor = new TorrentEditor(dictionary)
                                     Announce = announceUrl,
                                     Comment = "created by Open-Tracker.org"
                var privateTorrent = editor.ToDictionary().Encode();

                var response = ControllerContext.HttpContext.Response;
                response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", string.Format("attachment; filename={0}-{1}.torrent",
                response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-bittorrent");
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="q"></param>
 /// <param name="limit"></param>
 /// <param name="timespamp"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public string AutoSuggest(string q, int? limit, long? timespamp)
     using (var context = new OpenTrackerDbContext())
         var _torrents = (context.torrents
             .Where(f => f.torrentname.Contains(q))
             .OrderBy(f => f.torrentname))
             .Select(torrent => new
         // return Json(new { torrents = _torrents }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
         var bewlder = new StringBuilder();
         foreach (var torrent in _torrents)
             bewlder.Append(torrent.torrentname + Environment.NewLine);
         return bewlder.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hash"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult Activate(string hash)
            using (var context = new OpenTrackerDbContext())
                var checkActivation = (from u in context.users
                                        where u.activatesecret == hash
                                        select u).Take(1).FirstOrDefault();
                if (checkActivation == null)
                    return RedirectToAction("login", "account", new { message = "activationfail" });
                if (checkActivation.activated == 1)
                    return RedirectToAction("login", "account", new { message = "activateexist" });

                checkActivation.activated = 1;
                checkActivation.@class = 4;
                checkActivation.uploaded = TrackerSettings.DEFAULT_UPLOADED_VALUE;

                return RedirectToAction("login", "account", new { message = "activationsuccess" });
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="torrentid"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public JsonResult RetrieveTorrentFiles(int torrentid)
     using (var context = new OpenTrackerDbContext())
         var _files = (context.torrents_files
             .Where(f => f.torrentid == torrentid)
             .OrderBy(f => f.filename))
             .Select(file => new
         return Json(new { files = _files }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        // GET: /Announce/Announce/
        // GET: /announce/123af0c917876f6d4711654b2293895f
        public ActionResult Announce(AnnounceModel announceModel)
            if (!announceModel.IsValidRequest())
                return new BTErrorResult("Invalid request (see specification: http://bit.ly/bcYmSu)");

            if (!Regex.IsMatch(announceModel.Passkey, "[0-9a-fA-F]{32}"))
                return new BTErrorResult("Invalid passkey.");

            if (BLACKLIST_PORTS && IsPortBlackListed(Convert.ToInt32(announceModel.port)))
                return new BTErrorResult(string.Format("Port {0} is blacklisted", announceModel.port));

                using (var context = new OpenTrackerDbContext())
                    var crntUser = (from u in context.users
                                    where u.passkey == announceModel.Passkey
                                    select u).Take(1).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (crntUser == null)
                        return new BTErrorResult(string.Format("Unknown passkey. Please re-download the torrent from {0}.",

                    if (crntUser.activated == 0)
                        return new BTErrorResult("Permission denied, you\'re not activated.");

                    var seeder = false;
                    if (announceModel.left == 0)
                        seeder = true;

                    // Entity Framework does not support BINARY keys
                    var EncodedPeerId = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(announceModel.peer_id));
                    var EncodedInfoHash = BEncoder.FormatUrlInfoHash();

                    var torrentExist = (from t in context.torrents
                                        where t.info_hash == EncodedInfoHash
                                        select t).Take(1).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (torrentExist == null)
                        return new BTErrorResult("Torrent not registered with this tracker.");

                    var peerAlreadyExist = (from t in context.peers
                                            where t.torrentid == torrentExist.id
                                            && t.peer_id == EncodedPeerId
                                            && t.passkey == announceModel.Passkey
                                            select t).Take(1);
                    var existingPeerCount = peerAlreadyExist.Count();
                    peers p;
                    if (existingPeerCount == 1)
                        p = peerAlreadyExist.First();
                        var connectionLimit = (from t in context.peers
                                               where t.torrentid == torrentExist.id
                                               && t.passkey == announceModel.Passkey
                                               select t).Count();
                        if (connectionLimit >= 1 && !seeder)
                            return new BTErrorResult("Connection limit exceeded! " +
                                "You may only leech from one location at a time.");
                        if (connectionLimit >= 3 && seeder)
                            return new BTErrorResult("Connection limit exceeded.");

                        if (announceModel.left > 0 && crntUser.@class < (decimal)AccountValidation.Class.Administrator)
                            var epoch = Unix.ConvertToUnixTimestamp(DateTime.UtcNow);
                            var elapsed = Math.Floor((epoch - torrentExist.added) / 3600);

                            var uploadedGigs = crntUser.uploaded/(1024*1024*1024);
                            var ratio = ((crntUser.downloaded > 0) ? (crntUser.uploaded / crntUser.downloaded) : 1);

                            int wait;
                            if (ratio < (decimal)0.5 || uploadedGigs < 5)
                                wait = 48;
                            else if (ratio < (decimal)0.65 || uploadedGigs < (decimal)6.5)
                                wait = 24;
                            else if (ratio < (decimal)0.8 || uploadedGigs < 8)
                                wait = 12;
                            else if (ratio < (decimal)0.95 || uploadedGigs < (decimal)9.5)
                                wait = 6;
                                wait = 0;

                            if (elapsed < wait)
                                return new BTErrorResult(string.Format("Not authorized (wait {0}h) - READ THE FAQ!",
                                                                       (wait - elapsed)));

                        p = new peers
                            torrentid = torrentExist.id,
                            peer_id = EncodedPeerId,
                            userid = crntUser.id,
                            passkey = announceModel.Passkey,
                            useragent = Request.UserAgent

                    var remoteHost = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_HOST"];
                    var ip = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(announceModel.ip) ? announceModel.ip : remoteHost;

                    if (CHECK_CONNECTABLE)
                        p.connectable = IsConnectable(ip, Convert.ToInt32(announceModel.port)) ? 1 : 0;
                    if (announceModel.left != null)
                        p.left = (decimal) announceModel.left;
                    p.port = Convert.ToInt32(announceModel.port);
                    p.ip = ip;

                    p.seeding = seeder ? 1 : 0;

                    if (existingPeerCount == 0)
                        if (crntUser.@class < (decimal)AccountValidation.Class.Administrator)
                            var nonUpdatedPeer = peerAlreadyExist.First();
                            var thisUploaded = (announceModel.uploaded - nonUpdatedPeer.uploaded);
                            var thisDownloaded = (announceModel.downloaded - nonUpdatedPeer.downloaded);

                            p.uploaded += (decimal)thisUploaded;
                            p.downloaded += (decimal)thisDownloaded;

                            if (thisUploaded > 0)
                                crntUser.uploaded = (crntUser.uploaded + Convert.ToInt64(thisUploaded));
                            if (thisDownloaded > 0)
                                crntUser.downloaded = (crntUser.downloaded + Convert.ToInt64(thisDownloaded));

                        if (announceModel.Event == "completed")
                            torrentExist.snatches = torrentExist.snatches + 1; // torrentExist.snatches++;

                    if (announceModel.Event == "stopped")
                        var removePeer = (from pr in context.peers
                                          where pr.torrentid == torrentExist.id
                                          && pr.peer_id == EncodedPeerId
                                          select pr).Take(1).FirstOrDefault();

                        var announceResultStop = new AnnounceResult
                            Interval = ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL
                        return announceResultStop;

                    var announceResult = new AnnounceResult
                                                 Interval = ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL

                    var existingPeers = (from t in context.peers
                                            where t.torrentid == torrentExist.id
                                            select t).ToList();

                    foreach (var peer in existingPeers)
                        announceResult.AddPeer(peer.peer_id, peer.ip, peer.port);

                    return announceResult;
            catch (Exception)
                return new BTErrorResult("Database unavailable");