Ejemplo n.º 1
 public RexLoginResponse(UserAccount account, AgentCircuitData aCircuit, GridUserInfo pinfo,
     GridRegion destination, List<InventoryFolderBase> invSkel, FriendInfo[] friendsList, ILibraryService libService,
     string where, string startlocation, Vector3 position, Vector3 lookAt, List<InventoryItemBase> gestures, string message,
     GridRegion home, IPEndPoint clientIP, string mapTileURL, string searchURL)
     : base(account, aCircuit, pinfo, destination, invSkel, friendsList, libService, where, startlocation,
     position, lookAt, gestures, message, home, clientIP, mapTileURL, searchURL)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public GridUserInfo GetGridUserInfo(string userID)
            GridUserData d = m_Database.Get(userID);

            if (d == null)
                m_log.Warn("[GridUserService]: Could not find GridUserInfo for " + userID);
                return null;

            GridUserInfo info = new GridUserInfo();
            info.UserID = d.UserID;
            info.HomeRegionID = new UUID(d.Data["HomeRegionID"]);
            info.HomePosition = Vector3.Parse(d.Data["HomePosition"]);
            info.HomeLookAt = Vector3.Parse(d.Data["HomeLookAt"]);

            info.LastRegionID = new UUID(d.Data["LastRegionID"]);
            info.LastPosition = Vector3.Parse(d.Data["LastPosition"]);
            info.LastLookAt = Vector3.Parse(d.Data["LastLookAt"]);

            info.Online = bool.Parse(d.Data["Online"]);
            info.Login = Util.ToDateTime(Convert.ToInt32(d.Data["Login"]));
            info.Logout = Util.ToDateTime(Convert.ToInt32(d.Data["Logout"]));

            return info;
        public virtual GridUserInfo GetGridUserInfo(string userID)
            GridUserData d = null;
            if (userID.Length > 36) // it's a UUI
                d = m_Database.Get(userID);
            else // it's a UUID
                GridUserData[] ds = m_Database.GetAll(userID);
                if (ds == null)
                    return null;

                if (ds.Length > 0)
                    d = ds[0];
                    foreach (GridUserData dd in ds)
                        if (dd.UserID.Length > d.UserID.Length) // find the longest
                            d = dd;

            if (d == null)
                return null;

            GridUserInfo info = new GridUserInfo();
            info.UserID = d.UserID;
            info.HomeRegionID = new UUID(d.Data["HomeRegionID"]);
            info.HomePosition = Vector3.Parse(d.Data["HomePosition"]);
            info.HomeLookAt = Vector3.Parse(d.Data["HomeLookAt"]);

            info.LastRegionID = new UUID(d.Data["LastRegionID"]);
            info.LastPosition = Vector3.Parse(d.Data["LastPosition"]);
            info.LastLookAt = Vector3.Parse(d.Data["LastLookAt"]);

            info.Online = bool.Parse(d.Data["Online"]);
            info.Login = Util.ToDateTime(Convert.ToInt32(d.Data["Login"]));
            info.Logout = Util.ToDateTime(Convert.ToInt32(d.Data["Logout"]));

            return info;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public virtual GridUserInfo GetGridUserInfo(string userID)
            GridUserData d = m_Database.Get(userID);

            if (d == null)
                return null;

            GridUserInfo info = new GridUserInfo();
            info.UserID = d.UserID;
            info.HomeRegionID = new UUID(d.Data["HomeRegionID"]);
            info.HomePosition = Vector3.Parse(d.Data["HomePosition"]);
            info.HomeLookAt = Vector3.Parse(d.Data["HomeLookAt"]);

            info.LastRegionID = new UUID(d.Data["LastRegionID"]);
            info.LastPosition = Vector3.Parse(d.Data["LastPosition"]);
            info.LastLookAt = Vector3.Parse(d.Data["LastLookAt"]);

            info.Online = bool.Parse(d.Data["Online"]);
            info.Login = Util.ToDateTime(Convert.ToInt32(d.Data["Login"]));
            info.Logout = Util.ToDateTime(Convert.ToInt32(d.Data["Logout"]));

            return info;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public LoginResponse Login(string firstName, string lastName, string passwd, string startLocation, UUID scopeID, string clientVersion, IPEndPoint clientIP)
            bool success = false;
            UUID session = UUID.Random();

                // Get the account and check that it exists
                UserAccount account = m_UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(scopeID, firstName, lastName);
                if (account == null)
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: user not found");
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.UserProblem;

                if (account.UserLevel < m_MinLoginLevel)
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: login is blocked for user level {0}", account.UserLevel);
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.LoginBlockedProblem;

                // If a scope id is requested, check that the account is in
                // that scope, or unscoped.
                if (scopeID != UUID.Zero)
                    if (account.ScopeID != scopeID && account.ScopeID != UUID.Zero)
                        m_log.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: user not found");
                        return LLFailedLoginResponse.UserProblem;
                    scopeID = account.ScopeID;

                // Authenticate this user
                if (!passwd.StartsWith("$1$"))
                    passwd = "$1$" + Util.Md5Hash(passwd);
                passwd = passwd.Remove(0, 3); //remove $1$
                string token = m_AuthenticationService.Authenticate(account.PrincipalID, passwd, 30);
                UUID secureSession = UUID.Zero;
                if ((token == string.Empty) || (token != string.Empty && !UUID.TryParse(token, out secureSession)))
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: authentication failed");
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.UserProblem;

                // Get the user's inventory
                if (m_RequireInventory && m_InventoryService == null)
                    m_log.WarnFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: inventory service not set up");
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.InventoryProblem;
                List<InventoryFolderBase> inventorySkel = m_InventoryService.GetInventorySkeleton(account.PrincipalID);
                if (m_RequireInventory && ((inventorySkel == null) || (inventorySkel != null && inventorySkel.Count == 0)))
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: unable to retrieve user inventory");
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.InventoryProblem;

                // Login the presence
                if (m_PresenceService != null)
                    success = m_PresenceService.LoginAgent(account.PrincipalID.ToString(), session, secureSession);
                    if (!success)
                        m_log.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: could not login presence");
                        return LLFailedLoginResponse.GridProblem;

                // Change Online status and get the home region
                GridRegion home = null;
                GridUserInfo guinfo = m_GridUserService.LoggedIn(account.PrincipalID.ToString());
                if (guinfo != null && (guinfo.HomeRegionID != UUID.Zero) && m_GridService != null)
                    home = m_GridService.GetRegionByUUID(scopeID, guinfo.HomeRegionID);
                if (guinfo == null)
                    // something went wrong, make something up, so that we don't have to test this anywhere else
                    guinfo = new GridUserInfo();
                    guinfo.LastPosition = guinfo.HomePosition = new Vector3(128, 128, 30);               
                // Find the destination region/grid
                string where = string.Empty;
                Vector3 position = Vector3.Zero;
                Vector3 lookAt = Vector3.Zero;
                GridRegion gatekeeper = null;
                GridRegion destination = FindDestination(account, scopeID, guinfo, session, startLocation, home, out gatekeeper, out where, out position, out lookAt);
                if (destination == null)
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: destination not found");
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.GridProblem;

                // Get the avatar
                AvatarData avatar = null;
                if (m_AvatarService != null)
                    avatar = m_AvatarService.GetAvatar(account.PrincipalID);

                // Instantiate/get the simulation interface and launch an agent at the destination
                string reason = string.Empty;
                AgentCircuitData aCircuit = LaunchAgentAtGrid(gatekeeper, destination, account, avatar, session, secureSession, position, where, clientVersion, out where, out reason);

                if (aCircuit == null)
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: {0}", reason);
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.AuthorizationProblem;

                // Get Friends list 
                FriendInfo[] friendsList = new FriendInfo[0];
                if (m_FriendsService != null)
                    friendsList = m_FriendsService.GetFriends(account.PrincipalID);
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Retrieved {0} friends", friendsList.Length);

                // Finally, fill out the response and return it
                LLLoginResponse response = new LLLoginResponse(account, aCircuit, guinfo, destination, inventorySkel, friendsList, m_LibraryService,
                    where, startLocation, position, lookAt, m_WelcomeMessage, home, clientIP);

                m_log.DebugFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: All clear. Sending login response to client.");
                return response;
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.WarnFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Exception processing login for {0} {1}: {2} {3}", firstName, lastName, e.ToString(), e.StackTrace);
                if (m_PresenceService != null)
                return LLFailedLoginResponse.InternalError;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public LLLoginResponse(UserAccount account, AgentCircuitData aCircuit, GridUserInfo pinfo,
            GridRegion destination, List<InventoryFolderBase> invSkel, FriendInfo[] friendsList, ILibraryService libService,
            string where, string startlocation, Vector3 position, Vector3 lookAt, List<InventoryItemBase> gestures, string message,
            GridRegion home, IPEndPoint clientIP, string AdultMax, string AdultRating, string mapTileURL, string searchURL, string AllowFL, string TutorialURL,
            ArrayList eventValues, ArrayList classifiedValues, string CAPSURL, string CAPSPass, IConfigSource source)
            : this()
            m_source = source;
            CAPSServiceURL = CAPSURL;
            CAPSServicePassword = CAPSPass;

            FillOutInventoryData(invSkel, libService);


            CircuitCode = (int)aCircuit.circuitcode;
            Lastname = account.LastName;
            Firstname = account.FirstName;
            AgentID = account.PrincipalID;
            SessionID = aCircuit.SessionID;
            SecureSessionID = aCircuit.SecureSessionID;
            Message = message;
            BuddList = ConvertFriendListItem(friendsList);
            StartLocation = where;
            AgentAccessMax = AdultMax;
            AgentAccess = AdultRating;
			MapTileURL = mapTileURL;
            allowFirstLife = AllowFL;
            tutorialURL = TutorialURL;
            eventCategories = eventValues;
            classifiedCategories = classifiedValues;
            SearchURL = searchURL;

            FillOutHomeData(pinfo, home);
            LookAt = String.Format("[r{0},r{1},r{2}]", lookAt.X, lookAt.Y, lookAt.Z);


            FillOutSeedCap(aCircuit, destination, clientIP);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public LoginResponse Login(string account, string sessionHash, string startLocation, UUID scopeID, string clientVersion, IPEndPoint clientIP)
            bool success = false;
            UUID session = UUID.Random();
                // Authenticate user
                if (!AuthenticateUser(account, sessionHash))
                    return RexFailedLoginResponse.SessionProblem;
                string actName = account.Split('@')[0];
                string actSrv = account.Split('@')[1];

                RexUserProfileData rap = AuthenticationService.GetUserByAccount(actName, actSrv);

                string firstName = rap.FirstName + " " + rap.SurName;
                string lastName = "<" + account + ">";

                // Check if user has logged in before
                UserAccount useraccount = m_UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(UUID.Zero, firstName, lastName);
                if (useraccount != null)
                    //now check if user has required level to login
                    if (useraccount.UserLevel < m_MinLoginLevel)
                        m_log.InfoFormat("[REXLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: login is blocked for user level {0}", useraccount.UserLevel);
                        return LLFailedLoginResponse.LoginBlockedProblem;
                    //TODO: check if we accept this user or new users at all to login
                    if (true)
                        useraccount = CreateAndSaveUserAccount(firstName, lastName, String.Empty);
                        if (useraccount == null)
                            return RexFailedLoginResponse.AccountCreationProblem;
                        return RexFailedLoginResponse.DeniedAccount;

                // Create random password each time, so no-one can use this account to login with opensim/sl auth
                string passwd = UUID.Random().ToString();
                if (!m_AuthenticationService.SetPassword(useraccount.PrincipalID, passwd))
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.InternalError;

                // Get secureSession id
                string token = m_AuthenticationService.Authenticate(useraccount.PrincipalID, Util.Md5Hash(passwd), 30);
                UUID secureSession = UUID.Zero;
                if ((token == string.Empty) || (token != string.Empty && !UUID.TryParse(token, out secureSession)))
                    //this shouldn't happend since user doesn't give password. we just fetch secureSession id
                    //m_log.InfoFormat("[REXLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: authentication failed");
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.UserProblem;

                // Get the user's inventory
                if (m_UseOSInventory && m_InventoryService == null)
                    m_log.WarnFormat("[REXLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: inventory service not set up");
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.InventoryProblem;
                List<InventoryFolderBase> inventorySkel = m_InventoryService.GetInventorySkeleton(useraccount.PrincipalID); //TODO? Rex magic to inventory skeleton
                if (m_UseOSInventory && ((inventorySkel == null) || (inventorySkel != null && inventorySkel.Count == 0)))
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[REXLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: unable to retrieve user inventory");
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.InventoryProblem;

                // Get active gestures
                List<InventoryItemBase> gestures = m_InventoryService.GetActiveGestures(useraccount.PrincipalID);
                m_log.DebugFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: {0} active gestures", gestures.Count);

                // Login the presence
                if (m_PresenceService != null)
                    success = m_PresenceService.LoginAgent(useraccount.PrincipalID.ToString(), session, secureSession);
                    if (!success)
                        m_log.InfoFormat("[REXLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: could not login presence");
                        return LLFailedLoginResponse.GridProblem;

                // Change Online status and get the home region
                GridRegion home = null;
                GridUserInfo guinfo = m_GridUserService.LoggedIn(useraccount.PrincipalID.ToString());
                if (guinfo != null && (guinfo.HomeRegionID != UUID.Zero) && m_GridService != null)
                    home = m_GridService.GetRegionByUUID(scopeID, guinfo.HomeRegionID);
                if (guinfo == null)
                    // something went wrong, make something up, so that we don't have to test this anywhere else
                    guinfo = new GridUserInfo();
                    guinfo.LastPosition = guinfo.HomePosition = new Vector3(128, 128, 30);

                // Find the destination region/grid
                string where = string.Empty;
                Vector3 position = Vector3.Zero;
                Vector3 lookAt = Vector3.Zero;
                GridRegion gatekeeper = null;
                GridRegion destination = FindDestination(useraccount, scopeID, guinfo, session, startLocation, home, out gatekeeper, out where, out position, out lookAt);
                if (destination == null)
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[REXLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: destination not found");
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.GridProblem;

                // Get the os avatar
                AvatarData avatar = null;
                if (m_AvatarService != null)
                    avatar = m_AvatarService.GetAvatar(useraccount.PrincipalID);

                // Instantiate/get the simulation interface and launch an agent at the destination
                string reason = string.Empty;
                GridRegion dest;
                AgentCircuitData aCircuit = LaunchAgentAtGrid(gatekeeper, destination, useraccount, avatar, session, secureSession, position, where, clientVersion, clientIP, out where, out reason, out dest);
                destination = dest;
                if (aCircuit == null)
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[REXLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: {0}", reason);
                    return new LLFailedLoginResponse("key", reason, "false");

                SendAvatarUrlXmlRpc(destination.ExternalHostName, (int)destination.HttpPort, useraccount.PrincipalID, rap.AvatarStorageUrl);

                // Get Friends list
                FriendInfo[] friendsList = new FriendInfo[0];
                if (m_FriendsService != null)
                    friendsList = m_FriendsService.GetFriends(useraccount.PrincipalID);
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[REXLOGIN SERVICE]: Retrieved {0} friends", friendsList.Length);

                // Finally, fill out the response and return it
                RexLoginResponse response = new RexLoginResponse(useraccount, aCircuit, guinfo, destination, inventorySkel, friendsList, m_LibraryService,
                    where, startLocation, position, lookAt, gestures, m_WelcomeMessage, home, clientIP, m_MapTileURL, m_SearchURL);

                m_log.DebugFormat("[REXLOGIN SERVICE]: All clear. Sending login response to client.");
                return response;

            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.WarnFormat("[REXLOGIN SERVICE]: Exception processing login for {0} : {1} {2}", account, e.ToString(), e.StackTrace);
                if (m_PresenceService != null)
                return LLFailedLoginResponse.InternalError;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public LoginResponse Login(string firstName, string lastName, string passwd, string startLocation, UUID scopeID, 
            string clientVersion, string channel, string mac, string id0, IPEndPoint clientIP)
            bool success = false;
            UUID session = UUID.Random();

            m_log.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login request for {0} {1} at {2} using viewer {3}, channel {4}, IP {5}, Mac {6}, Id0 {7}",
                firstName, lastName, startLocation, clientVersion, channel, clientIP.Address.ToString(), mac, id0);
                // Check client
                if (m_AllowedClients != string.Empty)
                    Regex arx = new Regex(m_AllowedClients);
                    Match am = arx.Match(clientVersion);

                    if (!am.Success)
                            "[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed for {0} {1}, reason: client {2} is not allowed",
                            firstName, lastName, clientVersion);
                        return LLFailedLoginResponse.LoginBlockedProblem;

                if (m_DeniedClients != string.Empty)
                    Regex drx = new Regex(m_DeniedClients);
                    Match dm = drx.Match(clientVersion);

                    if (dm.Success)
                            "[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed for {0} {1}, reason: client {2} is denied",
                            firstName, lastName, clientVersion);
                        return LLFailedLoginResponse.LoginBlockedProblem;

                // Get the account and check that it exists
                UserAccount account = m_UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(scopeID, firstName, lastName);
                if (account == null)
                        "[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed for {0} {1}, reason: user not found", firstName, lastName);
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.UserProblem;

                if (account.UserLevel < m_MinLoginLevel)
                        "[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed for {0} {1}, reason: user level is {2} but minimum login level is {3}",
                        firstName, lastName, account.UserLevel, m_MinLoginLevel);
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.LoginBlockedProblem;

                // If a scope id is requested, check that the account is in
                // that scope, or unscoped.
                if (scopeID != UUID.Zero)
                    if (account.ScopeID != scopeID && account.ScopeID != UUID.Zero)
                            "[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: user {0} {1} not found", firstName, lastName);
                        return LLFailedLoginResponse.UserProblem;
                    scopeID = account.ScopeID;

                // Authenticate this user
                if (!passwd.StartsWith("$1$"))
                    passwd = "$1$" + Util.Md5Hash(passwd);
                passwd = passwd.Remove(0, 3); //remove $1$
                string token = m_AuthenticationService.Authenticate(account.PrincipalID, passwd, 30);
                UUID secureSession = UUID.Zero;
                if ((token == string.Empty) || (token != string.Empty && !UUID.TryParse(token, out secureSession)))
                        "[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed for {0} {1}, reason: authentication failed",
                        firstName, lastName);
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.UserProblem;

                // Get the user's inventory
                if (m_RequireInventory && m_InventoryService == null)
                        "[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed for {0} {1}, reason: inventory service not set up",
                        firstName, lastName);
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.InventoryProblem;

                if (m_HGInventoryService != null)
                    // Give the Suitcase service a chance to create the suitcase folder.
                    // (If we're not using the Suitcase inventory service then this won't do anything.)

                List<InventoryFolderBase> inventorySkel = m_InventoryService.GetInventorySkeleton(account.PrincipalID);
                if (m_RequireInventory && ((inventorySkel == null) || (inventorySkel != null && inventorySkel.Count == 0)))
                        "[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, for {0} {1}, reason: unable to retrieve user inventory",
                        firstName, lastName);
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.InventoryProblem;

                // Get active gestures
                List<InventoryItemBase> gestures = m_InventoryService.GetActiveGestures(account.PrincipalID);
//                m_log.DebugFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: {0} active gestures", gestures.Count);

                // Login the presence
                if (m_PresenceService != null)
                    success = m_PresenceService.LoginAgent(account.PrincipalID.ToString(), session, secureSession);

                    if (!success)
                            "[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed for {0} {1}, reason: could not login presence",
                            firstName, lastName);
                        return LLFailedLoginResponse.GridProblem;

                // Change Online status and get the home region
                GridRegion home = null;
                GridUserInfo guinfo = m_GridUserService.LoggedIn(account.PrincipalID.ToString());

                // We are only going to complain about no home if the user actually tries to login there, to avoid
                // spamming the console.
                if (guinfo != null)
                    if (guinfo.HomeRegionID == UUID.Zero && startLocation == "home")
                            "[LLOGIN SERVICE]: User {0} tried to login to a 'home' start location but they have none set",
                    else if (m_GridService != null)
                        home = m_GridService.GetRegionByUUID(scopeID, guinfo.HomeRegionID);

                        if (home == null && startLocation == "home")
                                "[LLOGIN SERVICE]: User {0} tried to login to a 'home' start location with ID {1} but this was not found.",
                                account.Name, guinfo.HomeRegionID);
                    // something went wrong, make something up, so that we don't have to test this anywhere else
                    m_log.DebugFormat("{0} Failed to fetch GridUserInfo. Creating empty GridUserInfo as home", LogHeader);
                    guinfo = new GridUserInfo();
                    guinfo.LastPosition = guinfo.HomePosition = new Vector3(128, 128, 30);
                // Find the destination region/grid
                string where = string.Empty;
                Vector3 position = Vector3.Zero;
                Vector3 lookAt = Vector3.Zero;
                GridRegion gatekeeper = null;
                TeleportFlags flags;
                GridRegion destination = FindDestination(account, scopeID, guinfo, session, startLocation, home, out gatekeeper, out where, out position, out lookAt, out flags);
                if (destination == null)

                        "[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed for {0} {1}, reason: destination not found",
                        firstName, lastName);
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.GridProblem;
                        "[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Found destination {0}, endpoint {1} for {2} {3}",
                        destination.RegionName, destination.ExternalEndPoint, firstName, lastName);

                if (account.UserLevel >= 200)
                    flags |= TeleportFlags.Godlike;
                // Get the avatar
                AvatarAppearance avatar = null;
                if (m_AvatarService != null)
                    avatar = m_AvatarService.GetAppearance(account.PrincipalID);

                // Instantiate/get the simulation interface and launch an agent at the destination
                string reason = string.Empty;
                GridRegion dest;
                AgentCircuitData aCircuit = LaunchAgentAtGrid(gatekeeper, destination, account, avatar, session, secureSession, position, where, 
                    clientVersion, channel, mac, id0, clientIP, flags, out where, out reason, out dest);
                destination = dest;
                if (aCircuit == null)
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed for {0} {1}, reason: {2}", firstName, lastName, reason);
                    return new LLFailedLoginResponse("key", reason, "false");

                // Get Friends list 
                FriendInfo[] friendsList = new FriendInfo[0];
                if (m_FriendsService != null)
                    friendsList = m_FriendsService.GetFriends(account.PrincipalID);
//                    m_log.DebugFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Retrieved {0} friends", friendsList.Length);

                // Finally, fill out the response and return it
                LLLoginResponse response
                    = new LLLoginResponse(
                        account, aCircuit, guinfo, destination, inventorySkel, friendsList, m_LibraryService,
                        where, startLocation, position, lookAt, gestures, m_WelcomeMessage, home, clientIP,
                        m_MapTileURL, m_ProfileURL, m_OpenIDURL, m_SearchURL, m_Currency, m_DSTZone,
                        m_DestinationGuide, m_AvatarPicker, m_ClassifiedFee);

                m_log.DebugFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: All clear. Sending login response to {0} {1}", firstName, lastName);

                return response;
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.WarnFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Exception processing login for {0} {1}: {2} {3}", firstName, lastName, e.ToString(), e.StackTrace);
                if (m_PresenceService != null)
                return LLFailedLoginResponse.InternalError;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Login procedure, as copied from superclass.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="firstName"></param>
        /// <param name="lastName"></param>
        /// <param name="passwd"></param>
        /// <param name="startLocation"></param>
        /// <param name="scopeID"></param>
        /// <param name="clientVersion"></param>
        /// <param name="clientIP">The very important TCP/IP EndPoint of the client</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>You need to change bits and pieces of this method</remarks>
        public new LoginResponse Login(string firstName, string lastName, string passwd, string startLocation, UUID scopeID,
            string clientVersion, string channel, string mac, string id0, IPEndPoint clientIP)
            bool success = false;
            UUID session = UUID.Random();

                // Get the account and check that it exists
                UserAccount account = m_UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(scopeID, firstName, lastName);
                if (account == null)
                    // Account doesn't exist. Is this a user from an external ID provider?
                    // <your code here>
                    // After verification, your code should create a UserAccount object, filled out properly.
                    // Do not store that account object persistently; we don't want to be creating local accounts
                    // for external users! Create and fill out a UserAccount object, because it has the information
                    // that the rest of the code needs.

                    m_log.InfoFormat("[DIVA LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: user not found");
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.UserProblem;

                if (account.UserLevel < m_MinLoginLevel)
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[DIVA LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: login is blocked for user level {0}", account.UserLevel);
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.LoginBlockedProblem;

                // If a scope id is requested, check that the account is in
                // that scope, or unscoped.
                if (scopeID != UUID.Zero)
                    if (account.ScopeID != scopeID && account.ScopeID != UUID.Zero)
                        m_log.InfoFormat("[DIVA LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: user not found");
                        return LLFailedLoginResponse.UserProblem;
                    scopeID = account.ScopeID;

                // Authenticate this user
                // Local users and external users will need completely different authentication procedures.
                // The piece of code below is for local users who authenticate with a password.
                if (!passwd.StartsWith("$1$"))
                    passwd = "$1$" + Util.Md5Hash(passwd);
                passwd = passwd.Remove(0, 3); //remove $1$
                string token = m_AuthenticationService.Authenticate(account.PrincipalID, passwd, 30);
                UUID secureSession = UUID.Zero;
                if ((token == string.Empty) || (token != string.Empty && !UUID.TryParse(token, out secureSession)))
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[DIVA LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: authentication failed");
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.UserProblem;

                // Get the user's inventory
                // m_RequireInventory is set to false in .ini, therefore inventory is not required for login.
                // If you want to change this state of affairs and let external users have local inventory,
                // you need to think carefully about how to do that.
                if (m_RequireInventory && m_InventoryService == null)
                    m_log.WarnFormat("[DIVA LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: inventory service not set up");
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.InventoryProblem;
                List<InventoryFolderBase> inventorySkel = m_InventoryService.GetInventorySkeleton(account.PrincipalID);
                if (m_RequireInventory && ((inventorySkel == null) || (inventorySkel != null && inventorySkel.Count == 0)))
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[DIVA LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: unable to retrieve user inventory");
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.InventoryProblem;

                if (inventorySkel == null)
                    inventorySkel = new List<InventoryFolderBase>();

                // Get active gestures
                List<InventoryItemBase> gestures = m_InventoryService.GetActiveGestures(account.PrincipalID);
                m_log.DebugFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: {0} active gestures", gestures.Count);

                // From here on, things should be exactly the same for all users

                // Login the presence
                if (m_PresenceService != null)
                    success = m_PresenceService.LoginAgent(account.PrincipalID.ToString(), session, secureSession);
                    if (!success)
                        m_log.InfoFormat("[DIVA LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: could not login presence");
                        return LLFailedLoginResponse.GridProblem;

                // Change Online status and get the home region
                GridRegion home = null;
                GridUserInfo guinfo = m_GridUserService.LoggedIn(account.PrincipalID.ToString());
                if (guinfo != null && (guinfo.HomeRegionID != UUID.Zero) && m_GridService != null)
                    home = m_GridService.GetRegionByUUID(scopeID, guinfo.HomeRegionID);
                if (guinfo == null)
                    // something went wrong, make something up, so that we don't have to test this anywhere else
                    guinfo = new GridUserInfo();
                    guinfo.LastPosition = guinfo.HomePosition = new Vector3(128, 128, 30);

                // Find the destination region/grid
                string where = string.Empty;
                Vector3 position = Vector3.Zero;
                Vector3 lookAt = Vector3.Zero;
                GridRegion gatekeeper = null;
                TeleportFlags flags = TeleportFlags.Default;
                GridRegion destination = FindDestination(account, scopeID, guinfo, session, startLocation, home, out gatekeeper, out where, out position, out lookAt, out flags);
                if (destination == null)
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[DIVA LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: destination not found");
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.GridProblem;

                // Get the avatar
                AvatarAppearance avatar = null;
                if (m_AvatarService != null)
                    avatar = m_AvatarService.GetAppearance(account.PrincipalID);

                // Instantiate/get the simulation interface and launch an agent at the destination
                string reason = string.Empty;
                GridRegion dest = null;
                AgentCircuitData aCircuit = LaunchAgentAtGrid(gatekeeper, destination, account, avatar, session, secureSession, position, where,
                    clientVersion, channel, mac, id0, clientIP, flags, out where, out reason, out dest);

                if (aCircuit == null)
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[DIVA LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: {0}", reason);
                    return new LLFailedLoginResponse("key", reason, "false");

                // Get Friends list 
                FriendInfo[] friendsList = new FriendInfo[0];
                if (m_FriendsService != null)
                    friendsList = m_FriendsService.GetFriends(account.PrincipalID);
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[DIVA LLOGIN SERVICE]: Retrieved {0} friends", friendsList.Length);

                // Finally, fill out the response and return it
                LLLoginResponse response = new LLLoginResponse(account, aCircuit, guinfo, destination, inventorySkel, friendsList, m_LibraryService,
                    where, startLocation, position, lookAt, gestures, m_WelcomeMessage, home, clientIP, m_MapTileURL, m_SearchURL);

                m_log.DebugFormat("[DIVA LLOGIN SERVICE]: All clear. Sending login response to client.");
                return response;
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.WarnFormat("[DIVA LLOGIN SERVICE]: Exception processing login for {0} {1}: {2} {3}", firstName, lastName, e.ToString(), e.StackTrace);
                if (m_PresenceService != null)
                return LLFailedLoginResponse.InternalError;
 public bool StoreGridUserInfo(GridUserInfo info)
     return m_service.StoreGridUserInfo(info);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        protected GridUserInfo Get(string userID, Dictionary<string, object> sendData)
            string reqString = WebUtils.BuildQueryString(sendData);
            // m_log.DebugFormat("[GRID USER CONNECTOR]: queryString = {0}", reqString);
                List<string> serverURIs = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IConfigurationService>().FindValueOf(userID, "GridUserServerURI");
                foreach (string m_ServerURI in serverURIs)
                    string reply = SynchronousRestFormsRequester.MakeRequest("POST",
                            m_ServerURI + "/griduser",
                    if (reply != string.Empty)
                        Dictionary<string, object> replyData = WebUtils.ParseXmlResponse(reply);
                        GridUserInfo guinfo = null;

                        if ((replyData != null) && replyData.ContainsKey("result") && (replyData["result"] != null))
                            if (replyData["result"] is Dictionary<string, object>)
                                guinfo = new GridUserInfo((Dictionary<string, object>)replyData["result"]);

                        return guinfo;
                        m_log.DebugFormat("[GRID USER CONNECTOR]: Loggedin received empty reply");
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[GRID USER CONNECTOR]: Exception when contacting grid user server: {0}", e.Message);

            return null;

Ejemplo n.º 12
        protected GridRegion FindDestination(UserAccount account, UUID scopeID, GridUserInfo pinfo, UUID sessionID, string startLocation, GridRegion home, out string where, out Vector3 position, out Vector3 lookAt)
            m_log.DebugFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: FindDestination for start location {0}", startLocation);

            where = "home";
            position = new Vector3(128, 128, 25);
            lookAt = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);

            if (m_GridService == null)
                return null;

            if (startLocation.Equals("home"))
                // logging into home region
                if (pinfo == null)
                    return null;

                GridRegion region = null;

                bool tryDefaults = false;

                if (home == null)
                        "[LLOGIN SERVICE]: User {0} {1} tried to login to a 'home' start location but they have none set",
                        account.FirstName, account.LastName);

                    tryDefaults = true;
                    region = home;

                    position = pinfo.HomePosition;
                    lookAt = pinfo.HomeLookAt;

                if (tryDefaults)
                    List<GridRegion> defaults = m_GridService.GetDefaultRegions(scopeID);
                    if (defaults != null && defaults.Count > 0)
                        region = defaults[0];
                        where = "safe";
                        m_log.WarnFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: User {0} {1} does not have a valid home and this grid does not have default locations. Attempting to find random region",
                            account.FirstName, account.LastName);
                        defaults = m_GridService.GetRegionsByName(scopeID, "", 1);
                        if (defaults != null && defaults.Count > 0)
                            region = defaults[0];
                            where = "safe";

                return region;
            else if (startLocation.Equals("last"))
                // logging into last visited region
                where = "last";

                if (pinfo == null)
                    return null;

                GridRegion region = null;

                if (pinfo.LastRegionID.Equals(UUID.Zero) || (region = m_GridService.GetRegionByUUID(scopeID, pinfo.LastRegionID)) == null)
                    List<GridRegion> defaults = m_GridService.GetDefaultRegions(scopeID);
                    if (defaults != null && defaults.Count > 0)
                        region = defaults[0];
                        where = "safe";
                        defaults = m_GridService.GetFallbackRegions(scopeID, 0, 0);
                        if (defaults != null && defaults.Count > 0)
                            region = defaults[0];
                            where = "safe";
                            defaults = m_GridService.GetSafeRegions(scopeID, 0, 0);
                            if (defaults != null && defaults.Count > 0)
                                region = defaults[0];
                                where = "safe";

                    position = pinfo.LastPosition;
                    lookAt = pinfo.LastLookAt;

                return region;
                // free uri form
                // e.g. New Moon&135&46  New [email protected]:8002&153&34
                where = "url";
                Regex reURI = new Regex(@"^uri:(?<region>[^&]+)&(?<x>\d+)&(?<y>\d+)&(?<z>\d+)$");
                Match uriMatch = reURI.Match(startLocation);
                if (uriMatch == null)
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[LLLOGIN SERVICE]: Got Custom Login URI {0}, but can't process it", startLocation);
                    return null;
                    position = new Vector3(float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["x"].Value, Culture.NumberFormatInfo),
                                           float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["y"].Value, Culture.NumberFormatInfo),
                                           float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["z"].Value, Culture.NumberFormatInfo));

                    string regionName = uriMatch.Groups["region"].ToString();
                    if (regionName != null)
                        if (!regionName.Contains("@"))
                            List<GridRegion> regions = m_GridService.GetRegionsByName(scopeID, regionName, 1);
                            if ((regions == null) || (regions != null && regions.Count == 0))
                                m_log.InfoFormat("[LLLOGIN SERVICE]: Got Custom Login URI {0}, can't locate region {1}. Trying defaults.", startLocation, regionName);
                                regions = m_GridService.GetDefaultRegions(scopeID);
                                if (regions != null && regions.Count > 0)
                                    where = "safe";
                                    return regions[0];
                                    m_log.InfoFormat("[LLLOGIN SERVICE]: Got Custom Login URI {0}, Grid does not provide default regions.", startLocation);
                                    return null;
                            return regions[0];
                           /*string[] parts = regionName.Split(new char[] { '@' });
                            if (parts.Length < 2)
                                m_log.InfoFormat("[LLLOGIN SERVICE]: Got Custom Login URI {0}, can't locate region {1}", startLocation, regionName);
                                return null;
                            // Valid specification of a remote grid

                            regionName = parts[0];
                            string domainLocator = parts[1];
                            parts = domainLocator.Split(new char[] { ':' });
                            string domainName = parts[0];
                            uint port = 0;
                            if (parts.Length > 1)
                                UInt32.TryParse(parts[1], out port);

                            return region;*/
                            return null;
                        List<GridRegion> defaults = m_GridService.GetDefaultRegions(scopeID);
                        if (defaults != null && defaults.Count > 0)
                            where = "safe";
                            return defaults[0];
                            return null;
                //response.LookAt = "[r0,r1,r0]";
                //// can be: last, home, safe, url
                //response.StartLocation = "url";

Ejemplo n.º 13
        public LoginResponse Login(string firstName, string lastName, string passwd, string startLocation, UUID scopeID,
            string clientVersion, string channel, string mac, string id0, IPEndPoint clientIP, Hashtable requestData, UUID secureSession)
            bool success = false;
            UUID session = UUID.Random();

            m_log.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login request for {0} {1} from {2} with user agent {3} starting in {4}",
                firstName, lastName, clientIP.Address.ToString(), clientVersion, startLocation);
                UserAccount account = m_UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(scopeID, firstName, lastName);
                IAgentInfo agent = null;

                IAgentConnector agentData = DataManager.RequestPlugin<IAgentConnector>();
                IProfileConnector profileData = DataManager.RequestPlugin<IProfileConnector>();
                if (agentData != null)
                    agent = agentData.GetAgent(account.PrincipalID);

                requestData["ip"] = clientIP.ToString();
                foreach (ILoginModule module in LoginModules)
                    string message;
                    if (module.Login(requestData, account.PrincipalID, out message) == false)
                        LLFailedLoginResponse resp = new LLFailedLoginResponse(LoginResponseEnum.PasswordIncorrect,
                            message, false);
                        return resp;
                if (profileData != null)
                    IUserProfileInfo UPI = profileData.GetUserProfile(account.PrincipalID);
                    if (UPI == null)
                        UPI = profileData.GetUserProfile(account.PrincipalID);
                        UPI.AArchiveName = m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive;
                        UPI.IsNewUser = true;
                        //profileData.UpdateUserProfile(UPI); //It gets hit later by the next thing
                    //Find which is set, if any
                    string archiveName = (UPI.AArchiveName != "" && UPI.AArchiveName != " ") ? UPI.AArchiveName : m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive;
                    if (UPI.IsNewUser && archiveName != "")
                        archiver.LoadAvatarArchive(archiveName, account.FirstName, account.LastName);
                        UPI.AArchiveName = "";
                    if (UPI.IsNewUser)
                        UPI.IsNewUser = false;

                // Get the user's inventory
                if (m_RequireInventory && m_InventoryService == null)
                    m_log.WarnFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: inventory service not set up");
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.InventoryProblem;
                List<InventoryFolderBase> inventorySkel = m_InventoryService.GetInventorySkeleton(account.PrincipalID);
                if (m_RequireInventory && ((inventorySkel == null) || (inventorySkel != null && inventorySkel.Count == 0)))
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: unable to retrieve user inventory");
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.InventoryProblem;

                // Get active gestures
                List<InventoryItemBase> gestures = m_InventoryService.GetActiveGestures(account.PrincipalID);
                m_log.DebugFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: {0} active gestures", gestures.Count);

                // Login the presence
                if (m_PresenceService != null)
                    success = m_PresenceService.LoginAgent(account.PrincipalID.ToString(), session, secureSession);
                    if (!success)
                        m_log.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: could not login presence");
                        return LLFailedLoginResponse.GridProblem;

                // Clear out any existing CAPS the user may have
                if (m_CapsService != null)

                // Change Online status and get the home region
                GridRegion home = null;
                GridUserInfo guinfo = m_GridUserService.LoggedIn(account.PrincipalID.ToString());
                if (guinfo != null && (guinfo.HomeRegionID != UUID.Zero) && m_GridService != null)
                    home = m_GridService.GetRegionByUUID(scopeID, guinfo.HomeRegionID);
                bool GridUserInfoFound = true;
                if (guinfo == null)
                    GridUserInfoFound = false;
                    // something went wrong, make something up, so that we don't have to test this anywhere else
                    guinfo = new GridUserInfo();
                    guinfo.LastPosition = guinfo.HomePosition = new Vector3(128, 128, 30);

                // Find the destination region/grid
                string where = string.Empty;
                Vector3 position = Vector3.Zero;
                Vector3 lookAt = Vector3.Zero;
                GridRegion destination = FindDestination(account, scopeID, guinfo, session, startLocation, home, out where, out position, out lookAt);
                if (destination == null)
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: destination not found");
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.GridProblem;

                if (!GridUserInfoFound || guinfo.HomeRegionID == UUID.Zero) //Give them a default home and last
                    List<GridRegion> DefaultRegions = m_GridService.GetDefaultRegions(account.ScopeID);
                    GridRegion DefaultRegion = null;
                    if (DefaultRegions.Count == 0)
                        DefaultRegion = destination;
                        DefaultRegion = DefaultRegions[0];

                    if (m_DefaultHomeRegion != "" && guinfo.HomeRegionID == UUID.Zero)
                        GridRegion newHomeRegion = m_GridService.GetRegionByName(account.ScopeID, m_DefaultHomeRegion);
                        if (newHomeRegion == null)
                            guinfo.HomeRegionID = guinfo.LastRegionID = DefaultRegion.RegionID;
                            guinfo.HomeRegionID = guinfo.LastRegionID = newHomeRegion.RegionID;
                    else if (guinfo.HomeRegionID == UUID.Zero)
                        guinfo.HomeRegionID = guinfo.LastRegionID = DefaultRegion.RegionID;

                    //Z = 0 so that it fixes it on the region server and puts it on the ground
                    guinfo.LastPosition = guinfo.HomePosition = new Vector3(128, 128, 25);

                    guinfo.HomeLookAt = guinfo.LastLookAt = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

                    m_GridUserService.SetLastPosition(guinfo.UserID, UUID.Zero, guinfo.LastRegionID, guinfo.LastPosition, guinfo.LastLookAt);
                    m_GridUserService.SetHome(guinfo.UserID, guinfo.HomeRegionID, guinfo.HomePosition, guinfo.HomeLookAt);

                // Get the avatar
                AvatarAppearance avappearance = new AvatarAppearance(account.PrincipalID);
                if (m_AvatarService != null)
                    avappearance = m_AvatarService.GetAppearance(account.PrincipalID);
                    if (avappearance == null)
                        //Create an appearance for the user if one doesn't exist
                        if (m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive != "")
                            m_log.Error("[LLoginService]: Cannot find an appearance for user " + account.Name +
                                ", loading the default avatar from " + m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive + ".");
                            archiver.LoadAvatarArchive(m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive, firstName, lastName);
                            m_log.Error("[LLoginService]: Cannot find an appearance for user " + account.Name + ", setting to the default avatar.");
                            AvatarAppearance appearance = new AvatarAppearance(account.PrincipalID);
                            m_AvatarService.SetAvatar(account.PrincipalID, new AvatarData(appearance));
                        avappearance = m_AvatarService.GetAppearance(account.PrincipalID);
                        //Verify that all assets exist now
                        for (int i = 0; i < avappearance.Wearables.Length; i++)
                            bool messedUp = false;
                            foreach (KeyValuePair<UUID, UUID> item in avappearance.Wearables[i].GetItems())
                                AssetBase asset = m_AssetService.Get(item.Value.ToString());
                                if (asset == null)
                                    m_log.Warn("Missing avatar appearance asset for user " + account.Name + " for item " + item.Value + ", asset should be " + item.Key + "!");
                                    messedUp = true;
                            if (messedUp)
                                avappearance.Wearables[i] = AvatarWearable.DefaultWearables[i];
                        //Also verify that all baked texture indices exist
                        foreach (byte BakedTextureIndex in AvatarAppearance.BAKE_INDICES)
                            if (BakedTextureIndex == 19) //Skirt isn't used unless you have a skirt
                            if (avappearance.Texture.GetFace(BakedTextureIndex).TextureID == AppearanceManager.DEFAULT_AVATAR_TEXTURE)
                                m_log.Warn("Bad texture index for user " + account.Name + " for " + BakedTextureIndex + "!");
                                avappearance.Texture.FaceTextures[BakedTextureIndex] = avappearance.Texture.CreateFace(BakedTextureIndex);
                                avappearance.Texture.FaceTextures[BakedTextureIndex].TextureID = AppearanceManager.DEFAULT_AVATAR_TEXTURE;
                                m_AvatarService.SetAppearance(account.PrincipalID, avappearance);

                // Instantiate/get the simulation interface and launch an agent at the destination
                string reason = string.Empty;
                AgentCircuitData aCircuit = LaunchAgentAtGrid(destination, account, avappearance, session, secureSession, position, where,
                    clientIP, out where, out reason, out destination);

                if (aCircuit == null)
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: {0}", reason);
                    return new LLFailedLoginResponse(LoginResponseEnum.PasswordIncorrect, reason, false);

                // Get Friends list 
                FriendInfo[] friendsList = new FriendInfo[0];
                if (m_FriendsService != null)
                    friendsList = m_FriendsService.GetFriends(account.PrincipalID);
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Retrieved {0} friends", friendsList.Length);

                // Finally, fill out the response and return it
                string MaturityRating = "A";
                string MaxMaturity = "A";
                if (agent != null)
                    if (agent.MaturityRating == 0)
                        MaturityRating = "P";
                    else if (agent.MaturityRating == 1)
                        MaturityRating = "M";
                    else if (agent.MaturityRating == 2)
                        MaturityRating = "A";

                    if (agent.MaxMaturity == 0)
                        MaxMaturity = "P";
                    else if (agent.MaxMaturity == 1)
                        MaxMaturity = "M";
                    else if (agent.MaxMaturity == 2)
                        MaxMaturity = "A";

                if (m_WelcomeMessage == string.Empty)
                LLLoginResponse response = new LLLoginResponse(account, aCircuit, guinfo, destination, inventorySkel, friendsList, m_LibraryService,
                    where, startLocation, position, lookAt, gestures, m_CustomizedMessageURL, home, clientIP, MaxMaturity, MaturityRating, m_MapTileURL, m_SearchURL,
                    m_AllowFirstLife ? "Y" : "N", m_TutorialURL, eventCategories, classifiedCategories, FillOutSeedCap(aCircuit, destination, clientIP, account.PrincipalID), allowExportPermission, m_config);

                m_log.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: All clear. Sending login response to client to login to region " + destination.RegionName + ", tried to login to " + startLocation + " at " + position.ToString() + ".");
                return response;
                    LLLoginResponse response = new LLLoginResponse(account, aCircuit, guinfo, destination, inventorySkel, friendsList, m_LibraryService,
                        where, startLocation, position, lookAt, gestures, m_WelcomeMessage, home, clientIP, MaxMaturity, MaturityRating, m_MapTileURL, m_SearchURL,
                        m_AllowFirstLife ? "Y" : "N", m_TutorialURL, eventCategories, classifiedCategories, FillOutSeedCap(aCircuit, destination, clientIP, account.PrincipalID), allowExportPermission, m_config);

                    m_log.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: All clear. Sending login response to client to login to region " + destination.RegionName + ", tried to login to " + startLocation + " at " + position.ToString() + ".");
                    return response;
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.WarnFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Exception processing login for {0} {1}: {2} {3}", firstName, lastName, e.ToString());
                if (m_PresenceService != null)
                return LLFailedLoginResponse.InternalError;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public LLLoginResponse(UserAccount account, AgentCircuitData aCircuit, GridUserInfo pinfo,
            GridRegion destination, List<InventoryFolderBase> invSkel, FriendInfo[] friendsList, ILibraryService libService,
            string where, string startlocation, Vector3 position, Vector3 lookAt, List<InventoryItemBase> gestures, string message,
            GridRegion home, IPEndPoint clientIP, string mapTileURL, string searchURL, string currency,
            string DSTZone, string destinationsURL, string avatarsURL, string classifiedFee, int maxAgentGroups)
            : this()
            FillOutInventoryData(invSkel, libService);


            CircuitCode = (int)aCircuit.circuitcode;
            Lastname = account.LastName;
            Firstname = account.FirstName;
            AgentID = account.PrincipalID;
            SessionID = aCircuit.SessionID;
            SecureSessionID = aCircuit.SecureSessionID;
            Message = message;
            BuddList = ConvertFriendListItem(friendsList);
            StartLocation = where;
            MapTileURL = mapTileURL;
            ProfileURL = profileURL;
            OpenIDURL = openIDURL;
            DestinationsURL = destinationsURL;
            AvatarsURL = avatarsURL;

            SearchURL = searchURL;
            Currency = currency;
            ClassifiedFee = classifiedFee;
            MaxAgentGroups = maxAgentGroups;

            FillOutHomeData(pinfo, home);
            LookAt = String.Format("[r{0},r{1},r{2}]", lookAt.X, lookAt.Y, lookAt.Z);

            m_log.DebugFormat("[LOGIN RESPONSE] LLLoginResponse create. sizeX={0}, sizeY={1}", RegionSizeX, RegionSizeY);

            FillOutSeedCap(aCircuit, destination, clientIP);

            switch (DSTZone)
                case "none":
                    DST = "N";
                case "local":
                    DST = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.IsDaylightSavingTime(DateTime.Now) ? "Y" : "N";
                    TimeZoneInfo dstTimeZone = null;
                    string[] tzList = DSTZone.Split(';');

                    foreach (string tzName in tzList)
                            dstTimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(tzName);

                    if (dstTimeZone == null)
                            "[LLOGIN RESPONSE]: No valid timezone found for DST in {0}, falling back to system time.", tzList);
                        DST = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.IsDaylightSavingTime(DateTime.Now) ? "Y" : "N";
                        DST = dstTimeZone.IsDaylightSavingTime(DateTime.Now) ? "Y" : "N";
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public LLLoginResponse(UserAccount account, AgentCircuitData aCircuit, GridUserInfo pinfo,
            GridRegion destination, List<InventoryFolderBase> invSkel, FriendInfo[] friendsList, ILibraryService libService,
            string where, string startlocation, Vector3 position, Vector3 lookAt, string message,
            GridRegion home, IPEndPoint clientIP)
            : this()
            FillOutInventoryData(invSkel, libService);

            CircuitCode = (int)aCircuit.circuitcode;
            Lastname = account.LastName;
            Firstname = account.FirstName;
            AgentID = account.PrincipalID;
            SessionID = aCircuit.SessionID;
            SecureSessionID = aCircuit.SecureSessionID;
            Message = message;
            BuddList = ConvertFriendListItem(friendsList);
            StartLocation = where;

            FillOutHomeData(pinfo, home);
            LookAt = String.Format("[r{0},r{1},r{2}]", lookAt.X, lookAt.Y, lookAt.Z);


            FillOutSeedCap(aCircuit, destination, clientIP);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private void FillOutHomeData(GridUserInfo pinfo, GridRegion home)
            int x = (int)Util.RegionToWorldLoc(1000);
            int y = (int)Util.RegionToWorldLoc(1000);
            if (home != null)
                x = home.RegionLocX;
                y = home.RegionLocY;

            Home = string.Format(
                        "{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
                        pinfo.HomePosition.X, pinfo.HomePosition.Y, pinfo.HomePosition.Z,
                        pinfo.HomeLookAt.X, pinfo.HomeLookAt.Y, pinfo.HomeLookAt.Z);

Ejemplo n.º 17
        public GridUserInfo[] GetGridUserInfo(string[] userIDs)
            Dictionary<string, object> sendData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            //sendData["SCOPEID"] = scopeID.ToString();
            sendData["VERSIONMIN"] = ProtocolVersions.ClientProtocolVersionMin.ToString();
            sendData["VERSIONMAX"] = ProtocolVersions.ClientProtocolVersionMax.ToString();
            sendData["METHOD"] = "getgriduserinfos";

            sendData["AgentIDs"] = new List<string>(userIDs);

            string reply = string.Empty;
            string reqString = ServerUtils.BuildQueryString(sendData);
            string uri = m_ServerURI + "/griduser";
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[PRESENCE CONNECTOR]: queryString = {0}", reqString);
                reply = SynchronousRestFormsRequester.MakeRequest("POST",
                if (reply == null || (reply != null && reply == string.Empty))
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[GRID USER CONNECTOR]: GetGridUserInfo received null or empty reply");
                    return null;
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[GRID USER CONNECTOR]: Exception when contacting grid user server at {0}: {1}", uri, e.Message);

            List<GridUserInfo> rinfos = new List<GridUserInfo>();

            Dictionary<string, object> replyData = ServerUtils.ParseXmlResponse(reply);

            if (replyData != null)
                if (replyData.ContainsKey("result") &&
                    (replyData["result"].ToString() == "null" || replyData["result"].ToString() == "Failure"))
                    return new GridUserInfo[0];

                Dictionary<string, object>.ValueCollection pinfosList = replyData.Values;
                //m_log.DebugFormat("[PRESENCE CONNECTOR]: GetAgents returned {0} elements", pinfosList.Count);
                foreach (object griduser in pinfosList)
                    if (griduser is Dictionary<string, object>)
                        GridUserInfo pinfo = new GridUserInfo((Dictionary<string, object>)griduser);
                        m_log.DebugFormat("[GRID USER CONNECTOR]: GetGridUserInfo received invalid response type {0}",
                m_log.DebugFormat("[GRID USER CONNECTOR]: GetGridUserInfo received null response");

            return rinfos.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 18
        protected bool StoreGridUserInfo(GridUserInfo info)
            GridUserData d = new GridUserData();

            d.Data["HomeRegionID"] = info.HomeRegionID.ToString();
            d.Data["HomePosition"] = info.HomePosition.ToString();
            d.Data["HomeLookAt"] = info.HomeLookAt.ToString();

            return m_Database.Store(d);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        protected GridUserInfo Get(Dictionary<string, object> sendData)
            string reqString = ServerUtils.BuildQueryString(sendData);
            // m_log.DebugFormat("[GRID USER CONNECTOR]: queryString = {0}", reqString);
                string reply = SynchronousRestFormsRequester.MakeRequest("POST",
                        m_ServerURI + "/griduser",
                if (reply != string.Empty)
                    Dictionary<string, object> replyData = ServerUtils.ParseXmlResponse(reply);
                    GridUserInfo guinfo = null;

                    if ((replyData != null) && replyData.ContainsKey("result") && (replyData["result"] != null))
                        if (replyData["result"] is Dictionary<string, object>)
                            guinfo = new GridUserInfo((Dictionary<string, object>)replyData["result"]);

                    return guinfo;

                    m_log.DebugFormat("[GRID USER CONNECTOR]: Loggedin received empty reply");
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[GRID USER CONNECTOR]: Exception when contacting grid user server: {0}", e.Message);

            return null;

        private GridUserInfo ResponseToGridUserInfo(OSDMap userResponse)
            if (userResponse != null && userResponse["User"] is OSDMap)
                GridUserInfo info = new GridUserInfo();

                info.Online = true;
                info.UserID = userResponse["UserID"].AsUUID().ToString();
                info.LastRegionID = userResponse["SceneID"].AsUUID();
                info.LastPosition = userResponse["ScenePosition"].AsVector3();
                info.LastLookAt = userResponse["SceneLookAt"].AsVector3();

                OSDMap user = (OSDMap)userResponse["User"];

                info.Login = user["LastLoginDate"].AsDate();
                info.Logout = user["LastLogoutDate"].AsDate();
                DeserializeLocation(user["HomeLocation"].AsString(), out info.HomeRegionID, out info.HomePosition, out info.HomeLookAt);

                return info;

            return null;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public LoginResponse Login(string firstName, string lastName, string passwd, string startLocation, UUID scopeID, 
            string clientVersion, string channel, string mac, string id0, IPEndPoint clientIP, Hashtable requestData)
            bool success = false;
            UUID session = UUID.Random();

            m_log.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login request for {0} {1} from {2} with user agent {3} starting in {4}", 
                firstName, lastName, clientIP.Address.ToString(), clientVersion, startLocation);
                // Get the account and check that it exists
                UserAccount account = m_UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(scopeID, firstName, lastName);
                if (account == null)
                    if (!m_AllowAnonymousLogin)
                        m_log.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: user not found");
                        return LLFailedLoginResponse.UserProblem;
                        account = new UserAccount(UUID.Zero, firstName, lastName, "");
                        m_AuthenticationService.SetPasswordHashed(account.PrincipalID, passwd);

                UUID secureSession = UUID.Zero;
                if (m_AuthenticateUsers)
                    // Authenticate this user
                    if (!passwd.StartsWith("$1$"))
                        passwd = "$1$" + Util.Md5Hash(passwd);
                    passwd = passwd.Remove(0, 3); //remove $1$
                    string token = m_AuthenticationService.Authenticate(account.PrincipalID, passwd, 30);
                    if ((token == string.Empty) || (token != string.Empty && !UUID.TryParse(token, out secureSession)))
                        m_log.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: authentication failed");
                        return LLFailedLoginResponse.UserProblem;
                    string token = m_AuthenticationService.GetToken(account.PrincipalID, 30);
                    UUID.TryParse(token, out secureSession);

                IAgentInfo agent = null;

                IAgentConnector agentData = DataManager.RequestPlugin<IAgentConnector>();
                IProfileConnector profileData = DataManager.RequestPlugin<IProfileConnector>();
                //Already tried to find it before this, so its not there at all.
                if (agentData != null)
                    agent = agentData.GetAgent(account.PrincipalID);
                    if (agent == null)
                        agent = agentData.GetAgent(account.PrincipalID);
                    bool AcceptedNewTOS = false;
                    //This gets if the viewer has accepted the new TOS
                        if (requestData["agree_to_tos"].ToString() == "0")
                            AcceptedNewTOS = false;
                        else if (requestData["agree_to_tos"].ToString() == "1")
                            AcceptedNewTOS = true;
                            AcceptedNewTOS = bool.Parse(requestData["agree_to_tos"].ToString());

                        agent.AcceptTOS = AcceptedNewTOS;
                    if (!AcceptedNewTOS && !agent.AcceptTOS && m_UseTOS)
                        StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, m_TOSLocation));
                        string TOS = reader.ReadToEnd();
                        return new LLFailedLoginResponse(LoginResponseEnum.ToSNeedsSent, TOS, "false");
                    if ((agent.Flags & IAgentFlags.PermBan) == IAgentFlags.PermBan || (agent.Flags & IAgentFlags.TempBan) == IAgentFlags.TempBan)
                        m_log.Info("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: user is banned.");
                        return new LLFailedLoginResponse(LoginResponseEnum.MessagePopup, "You are blocked from connecting to this service.", "false");

                    if (account.UserLevel < m_MinLoginLevel)
                        m_log.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: login is blocked for user level {0}", account.UserLevel);
                        return LLFailedLoginResponse.LoginBlockedProblem;
                if (profileData != null)
                    IUserProfileInfo UPI = profileData.GetUserProfile(account.PrincipalID);
                    if (UPI == null)
                        UPI = profileData.GetUserProfile(account.PrincipalID);
                        UPI.AArchiveName = m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive;
                        //profileData.UpdateUserProfile(UPI); //It gets hit later by the next thing
                    if (UPI.IsNewUser && UPI.AArchiveName != "" && UPI.AArchiveName != " ")
                        GridAvatarArchiver archiver = new GridAvatarArchiver(m_UserAccountService, m_AvatarService, m_InventoryService);
                        archiver.LoadAvatarArchive(UPI.AArchiveName, account.FirstName, account.LastName);
                        UPI.AArchiveName = "";
                    if (UPI.IsNewUser)
                        UPI.IsNewUser = false;

                foreach (ILoginModule module in LoginModules)
                    string message;
                    if (module.Login(requestData, account.PrincipalID, out message) == false)
                        LLFailedLoginResponse resp = new LLFailedLoginResponse(LoginResponseEnum.PasswordIncorrect,
                            message, "false");
                        return resp;

                // Get the user's inventory
                if (m_RequireInventory && m_InventoryService == null)
                    m_log.WarnFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: inventory service not set up");
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.InventoryProblem;
                List<InventoryFolderBase> inventorySkel = m_InventoryService.GetInventorySkeleton(account.PrincipalID);
                if (m_RequireInventory && ((inventorySkel == null) || (inventorySkel != null && inventorySkel.Count == 0)))
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: unable to retrieve user inventory");
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.InventoryProblem;

                // Get active gestures
                List<InventoryItemBase> gestures = m_InventoryService.GetActiveGestures(account.PrincipalID);
                m_log.DebugFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: {0} active gestures", gestures.Count);

                // Login the presence
                if (m_PresenceService != null)
                    success = m_PresenceService.LoginAgent(account.PrincipalID.ToString(), session, secureSession);
                    if (!success)
                        m_log.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: could not login presence");
                        return LLFailedLoginResponse.GridProblem;

                // Change Online status and get the home region
                GridRegion home = null;
                GridUserInfo guinfo = m_GridUserService.LoggedIn(account.PrincipalID.ToString());
                if (guinfo != null && (guinfo.HomeRegionID != UUID.Zero) && m_GridService != null)
                    home = m_GridService.GetRegionByUUID(scopeID, guinfo.HomeRegionID);
                bool GridUserInfoFound = true;
                if (guinfo == null)
                    GridUserInfoFound = false;
                    // something went wrong, make something up, so that we don't have to test this anywhere else
                    guinfo = new GridUserInfo();
                    guinfo.LastPosition = guinfo.HomePosition = new Vector3(128, 128, 30);

                // Find the destination region/grid
                string where = string.Empty;
                Vector3 position = Vector3.Zero;
                Vector3 lookAt = Vector3.Zero;
                GridRegion gatekeeper = null;
                GridRegion destination = FindDestination(account, scopeID, guinfo, session, startLocation, home, out gatekeeper, out where, out position, out lookAt);
                if (destination == null)
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: destination not found");
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.GridProblem;
                if (!GridUserInfoFound || guinfo.HomeRegionID == UUID.Zero) //Give them a default home and last
                    List<GridRegion> DefaultRegions = m_GridService.GetDefaultRegions(UUID.Zero);
                    GridRegion DefaultRegion = null;
                    if (DefaultRegions.Count == 0)
                        DefaultRegion = destination;
                        DefaultRegion = DefaultRegions[0];

                    if (m_DefaultHomeRegion != "" && guinfo.HomeRegionID == UUID.Zero)
                        GridRegion newHomeRegion = m_GridService.GetRegionByName(UUID.Zero, m_DefaultHomeRegion);
                        if (newHomeRegion == null)
                            guinfo.HomeRegionID = guinfo.LastRegionID = DefaultRegion.RegionID;
                            guinfo.HomeRegionID = guinfo.LastRegionID = newHomeRegion.RegionID;
                    else if (guinfo.HomeRegionID == UUID.Zero)
                        guinfo.HomeRegionID = guinfo.LastRegionID = DefaultRegion.RegionID;

                    guinfo.LastPosition = guinfo.HomePosition = new Vector3(128, 128, 128);

                    guinfo.HomeLookAt = guinfo.LastLookAt = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

                    m_GridUserService.SetLastPosition(guinfo.UserID, UUID.Zero, guinfo.LastRegionID, guinfo.LastPosition, guinfo.LastLookAt);
                    m_GridUserService.SetHome(guinfo.UserID, guinfo.HomeRegionID, guinfo.HomePosition, guinfo.HomeLookAt);

                // Get the avatar
                AvatarData avatar = null;
                if (m_AvatarService != null)
                    avatar = m_AvatarService.GetAvatar(account.PrincipalID);
                    if (avatar == null)
                        m_log.Error("[LLLOGINSERVICE]: CANNOT FIND AVATAR APPEARANCE " + account.FirstName + " " + account.LastName);

                // Instantiate/get the simulation interface and launch an agent at the destination
                string reason = string.Empty;
                GridRegion dest;
                AgentCircuitData aCircuit = LaunchAgentAtGrid(gatekeeper, destination, account, avatar, session, secureSession, position, where, 
                    clientVersion, channel, mac, id0, clientIP, out where, out reason, out dest);
                destination = dest;
                    id0 = (string)requestData["id0"];
                string platform = "";
                    platform = (string)requestData["platform"];

                if (aCircuit == null)
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: {0}", reason);
                    return new LLFailedLoginResponse(LoginResponseEnum.PasswordIncorrect, reason, "false");

                // Get Friends list 
                FriendInfo[] friendsList = new FriendInfo[0];
                if (m_FriendsService != null)
                    friendsList = m_FriendsService.GetFriends(account.PrincipalID);
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Retrieved {0} friends", friendsList.Length);

                // Finally, fill out the response and return it
                string MaturityRating = "A";
                string MaxMaturity = "A";
                if (agent != null)
                    if (agent.MaturityRating == 0)
                        MaturityRating = "P";
                    else if (agent.MaturityRating == 1)
                        MaturityRating = "M";
                    else if (agent.MaturityRating == 2)
                        MaturityRating = "A";

                    if (agent.MaxMaturity == 0)
                        MaxMaturity = "P";
                    else if (agent.MaxMaturity == 1)
                        MaxMaturity = "M";
                    else if (agent.MaxMaturity == 2)
                        MaxMaturity = "A";

                LLLoginResponse response = new LLLoginResponse(account, aCircuit, guinfo, destination, inventorySkel, friendsList, m_LibraryService,
                    where, startLocation, position, lookAt, gestures, m_WelcomeMessage, home, clientIP, MaxMaturity, MaturityRating, m_MapTileURL, m_SearchURL,
                    m_AllowFirstLife ? "Y" : "N", m_TutorialURL, eventCategories, classifiedCategories, CAPSServerURL, CAPSServicePassword, m_config);

                m_log.DebugFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: All clear. Sending login response to client.");
                return response;
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.WarnFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Exception processing login for {0} {1}: {2} {3}", firstName, lastName, e.ToString(), e.StackTrace);
                if (m_PresenceService != null)
                return LLFailedLoginResponse.InternalError;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        protected GridRegion FindDestination(
            UserAccount account, UUID scopeID, GridUserInfo pinfo, UUID sessionID, string startLocation,
            GridRegion home, out GridRegion gatekeeper,
            out string where, out Vector3 position, out Vector3 lookAt, out TeleportFlags flags)
            flags = TeleportFlags.ViaLogin;

                "[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Finding destination matching start location {0} for {1}",
                startLocation, account.Name);

            gatekeeper = null;
            where = "home";
            position = new Vector3(128, 128, 0);
            lookAt = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);

            if (m_GridService == null)
                return null;

            if (startLocation.Equals("home"))
                // logging into home region
                if (pinfo == null)
                    return null;

                GridRegion region = null;

                bool tryDefaults = false;

                if (home == null)
                    tryDefaults = true;
                    region = home;

                    position = pinfo.HomePosition;
                    lookAt = pinfo.HomeLookAt;
                    flags |= TeleportFlags.ViaHome;
                if (tryDefaults)
                    List<GridRegion> defaults = m_GridService.GetDefaultRegions(scopeID);
                    if (defaults != null && defaults.Count > 0)
                        region = defaults[0];
                        where = "safe";
                        m_log.WarnFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: User {0} {1} does not have a valid home and this grid does not have default locations. Attempting to find random region",
                            account.FirstName, account.LastName);
                        region = FindAlternativeRegion(scopeID);
                        if (region != null)
                            where = "safe";

                return region;
            else if (startLocation.Equals("last"))
                // logging into last visited region
                where = "last";

                if (pinfo == null)
                    return null;

                GridRegion region = null;

                if (pinfo.LastRegionID.Equals(UUID.Zero) || (region = m_GridService.GetRegionByUUID(scopeID, pinfo.LastRegionID)) == null)
                    List<GridRegion> defaults = m_GridService.GetDefaultRegions(scopeID);
                    if (defaults != null && defaults.Count > 0)
                        region = defaults[0];
                        where = "safe";
                        m_log.Info("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Last Region Not Found Attempting to find random region");
                        region = FindAlternativeRegion(scopeID);
                        if (region != null)
                            where = "safe";

                    position = pinfo.LastPosition;
                    lookAt = pinfo.LastLookAt;
                return region;
                flags |= TeleportFlags.ViaRegionID;

                // free uri form
                // e.g. New Moon&135&46  New [email protected]:8002&153&34
                where = "url";
                GridRegion region = null;
                Regex reURI = new Regex(@"^uri:(?<region>[^&]+)&(?<x>\d+)&(?<y>\d+)&(?<z>\d+)$");
                Match uriMatch = reURI.Match(startLocation);
                if (uriMatch == null)
                    m_log.InfoFormat("[LLLOGIN SERVICE]: Got Custom Login URI {0}, but can't process it", startLocation);
                    return null;
                    position = new Vector3(float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["x"].Value, Culture.NumberFormatInfo),
                                           float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["y"].Value, Culture.NumberFormatInfo),
                                           float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["z"].Value, Culture.NumberFormatInfo));

                    string regionName = uriMatch.Groups["region"].ToString();
                    if (regionName != null)
                        if (!regionName.Contains("@"))
                            List<GridRegion> regions = m_GridService.GetRegionsByName(scopeID, regionName, 1);
                            if ((regions == null) || (regions != null && regions.Count == 0))
                                m_log.InfoFormat("[LLLOGIN SERVICE]: Got Custom Login URI {0}, can't locate region {1}. Trying defaults.", startLocation, regionName);
                                regions = m_GridService.GetDefaultRegions(scopeID);
                                if (regions != null && regions.Count > 0)
                                    where = "safe"; 
                                    return regions[0];
                                    m_log.Info("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Last Region Not Found Attempting to find random region");
                                    region = FindAlternativeRegion(scopeID);
                                    if (region != null)
                                        where = "safe";
                                        return region;
                                        m_log.InfoFormat("[LLLOGIN SERVICE]: Got Custom Login URI {0}, Grid does not provide default regions and no alternative found.", startLocation);
                                        return null;
                            return regions[0];
                            if (m_UserAgentService == null)
                                m_log.WarnFormat("[LLLOGIN SERVICE]: This llogin service is not running a user agent service, as such it can't lauch agents at foreign grids");
                                return null;
                            string[] parts = regionName.Split(new char[] { '@' });
                            if (parts.Length < 2)
                                m_log.InfoFormat("[LLLOGIN SERVICE]: Got Custom Login URI {0}, can't locate region {1}", startLocation, regionName);
                                return null;
                            // Valid specification of a remote grid
                            regionName = parts[0];
                            string domainLocator = parts[1];
                            parts = domainLocator.Split(new char[] {':'});
                            string domainName = parts[0];
                            uint port = 0;
                            if (parts.Length > 1)
                                UInt32.TryParse(parts[1], out port);

                            region = FindForeignRegion(domainName, port, regionName, account, out gatekeeper);
                            return region;
                        List<GridRegion> defaults = m_GridService.GetDefaultRegions(scopeID);
                        if (defaults != null && defaults.Count > 0)
                            where = "safe"; 
                            return defaults[0];
                            return null;
                //response.LookAt = "[r0,r1,r0]";
                //// can be: last, home, safe, url
                //response.StartLocation = "url";


Ejemplo n.º 23
        protected GridUserInfo ToGridUserInfo(GridUserData d)
            GridUserInfo info = new GridUserInfo();
            info.UserID = d.UserID;
            info.HomeRegionID = new UUID(d.Data["HomeRegionID"]);
            info.HomePosition = Vector3.Parse(d.Data["HomePosition"]);
            info.HomeLookAt = Vector3.Parse(d.Data["HomeLookAt"]);

            info.LastRegionID = new UUID(d.Data["LastRegionID"]);
            info.LastPosition = Vector3.Parse(d.Data["LastPosition"]);
            info.LastLookAt = Vector3.Parse(d.Data["LastLookAt"]);

            info.Online = bool.Parse(d.Data["Online"]);
            info.Login = Util.ToDateTime(Convert.ToInt32(d.Data["Login"]));
            info.Logout = Util.ToDateTime(Convert.ToInt32(d.Data["Logout"]));

            return info;