Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Tick(PlayerResources pr, PowerManager pm)
            if (Done)
                if (OnComplete != null) OnComplete();

            if (Paused) return;

            if (pm.PowerState != PowerState.Normal)
                if (--slowdown <= 0)
                    slowdown = Queue.Info.LowPowerSlowdown;

            var costThisFrame = RemainingCost / RemainingTime;
            if (costThisFrame != 0 && !pr.TakeCash(costThisFrame)) return;
            RemainingCost -= costThisFrame;
            RemainingTime -= 1;
            if (RemainingTime > 0) return;

            Done = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public Building(ActorInitializer init)
     this.self = init.self;
     this.topLeft = init.Get<LocationInit,int2>();
     this.Info = self.Info.Traits.Get<BuildingInfo>();
     this.PlayerPower = init.self.Owner.PlayerActor.Trait<PowerManager>();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public OreRefinery(Actor self, OreRefineryInfo info)
     this.self = self;
     Info = info;
     PlayerResources = self.Owner.PlayerActor.Trait<PlayerResources>();
     PlayerPower = self.Owner.PlayerActor.Trait<PowerManager>();
Ejemplo n.º 4
		public BaseBuilder(HackyAI ai, string category, Player p, PowerManager pm, PlayerResources pr)
			this.ai = ai;
			world = p.World;
			player = p;
			playerPower = pm;
			playerResources = pr;
			this.category = category;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public ProductionItem(ProductionQueue queue, string item, int cost, PowerManager pm, Action onComplete)
     Item = item;
     RemainingTime = TotalTime = 1;
     RemainingCost = TotalCost = cost;
     OnComplete = onComplete;
     Queue = queue;
     this.pm = pm;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public ProductionItem(ProductionQueue queue, string item, int cost, PowerManager pm, Action onComplete)
     Item = item;
     RemainingTime = TotalTime = 1;
     RemainingCost = TotalCost = cost;
     OnComplete = onComplete;
     Queue = queue;
     this.pm = pm;
     //Log.Write("debug", "new ProductionItem: {0} time={1} cost={2}", item, time, cost);
Ejemplo n.º 7
		public BaseBuilder(HackyAI ai, string category, Player p, PowerManager pm, PlayerResources pr)
			this.ai = ai;
			world = p.World;
			player = p;
			playerPower = pm;
			playerResources = pr;
			this.category = category;
			failRetryTicks = ai.Info.StructureProductionResumeDelay;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public Building(ActorInitializer init)
            this.self = init.self;
            this.topLeft = init.Get<LocationInit,int2>();
            Info = self.Info.Traits.Get<BuildingInfo>();
            self.CenterLocation = Game.CellSize
                * ((float2)topLeft + .5f * (float2)Info.Dimensions);

            PlayerPower = init.self.Owner.PlayerActor.Trait<PowerManager>();
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public ProductionItem(ProductionQueue queue, string item, int cost, PowerManager pm, Action onComplete)
     Item = item;
     RemainingTime = TotalTime = 1;
     RemainingCost = TotalCost = cost;
     OnComplete = onComplete;
     Queue = queue;
     this.pm = pm;
     ai = Queue.Actor.World.Map.Rules.Actors[Item];
     bi = ai.TraitInfo<BuildableInfo>();
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void Activate(Player p)
            this.p = p;
            this.world = p.World;
            GameStarted = true;

            random = new XRandom((int)p.PlayerActor.ActorID);

            SpecialPowers = p.PlayerActor.Trait<SupportPowerManager>();
            Power = p.PlayerActor.Trait<PowerManager>();
            Resources = p.PlayerActor.Trait<PlayerResources>();

            squadmanager = new SquadManager(this);

            // Initialize builders
            Builders = new List<IAIBuilder>() { new BaseBuilder(this), new DefenseBuilder(this),
                new InfantryBuilder(this), new VehicleBuilder(this),
                new AircraftBuilder(this), new ShipBuilder(this) };

            // Have the bot cheat, gets free 500 000 credits at the start of the match
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public void OnOwnerChanged(Actor self, Player oldOwner, Player newOwner)
     power = newOwner.PlayerActor.Trait<PowerManager>();
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public PowerMultiplier(Actor self, PowerMultiplierInfo info)
     : base(info, "PowerMultiplier", self.Info.Name)
     power = self.Owner.PlayerActor.Trait<PowerManager>();
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public ProductionQueue( Actor self, Actor playerActor, ProductionQueueInfo info )
            this.self = self;
            this.Info = info;
            playerResources = playerActor.Trait<PlayerResources>();
            PlayerPower = playerActor.Trait<PowerManager>();

            Race = self.Owner.Country;
            Produceable = InitTech(playerActor);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void OnCapture(Actor self, Actor captor, Player oldOwner, Player newOwner)
            PlayerPower = newOwner.PlayerActor.Trait<PowerManager>();
            playerResources = newOwner.PlayerActor.Trait<PlayerResources>();

            // Produceable contains the tech from the original owner - this is desired so we don't clear it.
            Produceable = InitTech(self.Owner.PlayerActor);

            // Force a third(!) tech tree update to ensure that prerequisites are correct.
            // The first two updates are triggered by adding/removing the actor when
            // changing ownership, *before* the new techtree watchers have been set up.
            // This is crap.
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public PowerTooltip(Actor self)
     this.self = self;
     powerManager = self.Owner.PlayerActor.Trait<PowerManager>();
     developerMode = self.Owner.PlayerActor.Trait<DeveloperMode>();
Ejemplo n.º 16
		// Called by the host's player creation code
		public void Activate(Player p)
			Player = p;
			enabled = true;
			playerPower = p.PlayerActor.Trait<PowerManager>();
			supportPowerMngr = p.PlayerActor.Trait<SupportPowerManager>();
			playerResource = p.PlayerActor.Trait<PlayerResources>();

			foreach (var building in Info.BuildingQueues)
				builders.Add(new BaseBuilder(this, building, p, playerPower, playerResource));
			foreach (var defense in Info.DefenseQueues)
				builders.Add(new BaseBuilder(this, defense, p, playerPower, playerResource));

			Random = new MersenneTwister((int)p.PlayerActor.ActorID);

			// Avoid all AIs trying to rush in the same tick, randomize their initial rush a little.
			var smallFractionOfRushInterval = Info.RushInterval / 20;
			rushTicks = Random.Next(Info.RushInterval - smallFractionOfRushInterval, Info.RushInterval + smallFractionOfRushInterval);

			// Avoid all AIs reevaluating assignments on the same tick, randomize their initial evaluation delay.
			assignRolesTicks = Random.Next(0, Info.AssignRolesInterval);
			attackForceTicks = Random.Next(0, Info.AttackForceInterval);
			minAttackForceDelayTicks = Random.Next(0, Info.MinimumAttackForceDelay);

			resourceTypeIndices = new BitArray(World.TileSet.TerrainInfo.Length); // Big enough
			foreach (var t in Map.Rules.Actors["world"].TraitInfos<ResourceTypeInfo>())
				resourceTypeIndices.Set(World.TileSet.GetTerrainIndex(t.TerrainType), true);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public ProductionQueue(ActorInitializer init, Actor playerActor, ProductionQueueInfo info)
            self = init.Self;
            Info = info;
            playerResources = playerActor.Trait<PlayerResources>();
            playerPower = playerActor.Trait<PowerManager>();
            developerMode = playerActor.Trait<DeveloperMode>();

            Faction = init.Contains<FactionInit>() ? init.Get<FactionInit, string>() : self.Owner.Faction.InternalName;
            Enabled = !info.Factions.Any() || info.Factions.Contains(Faction);

            allProducibles = producible.Where(a => a.Value.Buildable || a.Value.Visible).Select(a => a.Key);
            buildableProducibles = producible.Where(a => a.Value.Buildable).Select(a => a.Key);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public InfiltrateForPowerOutage(Actor self, InfiltrateForPowerOutageInfo info)
     this.info = info;
     playerPower = self.Owner.PlayerActor.Trait<PowerManager>();
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public AffectedByPowerOutage(Actor self)
     playerPower = self.Owner.PlayerActor.Trait<PowerManager>();
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public ProductionQueue(ActorInitializer init, Actor playerActor, ProductionQueueInfo info)
            self = init.self;
            Info = info;
            playerResources = playerActor.Trait<PlayerResources>();
            playerPower = playerActor.Trait<PowerManager>();
            developerMode = playerActor.Trait<DeveloperMode>();

            Race = init.Contains<RaceInit>() ? init.Get<RaceInit, string>() : self.Owner.Country.Race;
            Enabled = !info.Race.Any() || info.Race.Contains(Race);

Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void OnCapture(Actor self, Actor captor, Player oldOwner, Player newOwner)
            // Steal any docked harv too
            if (dockedHarv != null)

            // Unlink any non-docked harvs
            foreach (var harv in GetLinkedHarvesters())
                if (harv.Actor.Owner == oldOwner)
                    harv.Trait.UnlinkProc(harv.Actor, self);

            PlayerResources = newOwner.PlayerActor.Trait<PlayerResources>();
            PlayerPower = newOwner.PlayerActor.Trait<PowerManager>();
Ejemplo n.º 22
 void INotifyOwnerChanged.OnOwnerChanged(Actor self, Player oldOwner, Player newOwner)
     playerPower = newOwner.PlayerActor.Trait<PowerManager>();
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void OnCapture(Actor self, Actor captor, Player oldOwner, Player newOwner)
            PlayerPower = newOwner.PlayerActor.Trait<PowerManager>();
            PlayerResources = newOwner.PlayerActor.Trait<PlayerResources>();

            // Produceable contains the tech from the original owner - this is desired so we don't clear it.
            Produceable = InitTech(self.Owner.PlayerActor);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public CanPowerDown(ActorInitializer init)
     PowerManager = init.self.Owner.PlayerActor.Trait<PowerManager>();
     normalPower = init.self.Info.Traits.Get<BuildingInfo>().Power;
Ejemplo n.º 25
		public RequiresPower( Actor self )
			power = self.Owner.PlayerActor.Trait<PowerManager>();
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public void OnCapture(Actor self, Actor captor, Player oldOwner, Player newOwner)
     PowerManager = newOwner.PlayerActor.Trait<PowerManager>();
Ejemplo n.º 27
 /* called by the host's player creation code */
 public void Activate(Player p)
     this.p = p;
     enabled = true;
     playerPower = p.PlayerActor.Trait<PowerManager>();
     builders = new BaseBuilder[] {
         new BaseBuilder( this, "Building", ChooseBuildingToBuild ),
         new BaseBuilder( this, "Defense", ChooseDefenseToBuild ) };
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public void OnOwnerChanged(Actor self, Player oldOwner, Player newOwner)

            playerPower = newOwner.PlayerActor.Trait<PowerManager>();
            playerResources = newOwner.PlayerActor.Trait<PlayerResources>();
            developerMode = newOwner.PlayerActor.Trait<DeveloperMode>();

            if (!Info.Sticky)
                Race = self.Owner.Country.Race;
                Enabled = !Info.Race.Any() || Info.Race.Contains(Race);

            // Regenerate the produceables and tech tree state
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public ProductionQueue( Actor self, Actor playerActor, ProductionQueueInfo info )
            this.self = self;
            this.Info = info;
            PlayerResources = playerActor.Trait<PlayerResources>();
            PlayerPower = playerActor.Trait<PowerManager>();

            var ttc = playerActor.Trait<TechTree>();

            foreach (var a in AllBuildables(Info.Type))
                var bi = a.Traits.Get<BuildableInfo>();
                // Can our race build this by satisfying normal prereqs?
                var buildable = bi.Owner.Contains(self.Owner.Country.Race);
                Produceable.Add( a, new ProductionState(){ Visible = buildable && !bi.Hidden } );
                if (buildable)
                    ttc.Add( a.Name, a.Traits.Get<BuildableInfo>().Prerequisites.ToList(), this );