/// @brief out of pose detection callback    
    /// @param sender who called the callback
    /// @param e the arguments of the event.
    private void OutOfPoseDetectedCallback(object sender, OutOfPoseEventArgs e)
        m_contextManager.Log("found out of pose " + e.Pose + " for user=" + e.ID, NIEventLogger.Categories.Callbacks, NIEventLogger.Sources.Skeleton, NIEventLogger.VerboseLevel.Verbose);
        if (e.Pose.CompareTo(m_PoseToSelect)!=0 && e.Pose.CompareTo(m_PoseToUnselect)!=0)
            return; // irrelevant

        NIPlayerPoseCandidateObject poseUser = GetUserFromUserID(e.ID) as NIPlayerPoseCandidateObject;
        if (poseUser == null)
            return; // irrelevant user
        if (e.Pose.CompareTo(m_PoseToSelect)==0)
        if (e.Pose.CompareTo(m_PoseToUnselect)==0) // we do NOT put an else because the select and unselect might be the same pose
 // ポーズ検出終了
 void poseDetect_OutOfPose( object sender, OutOfPoseEventArgs e )
     message = "ポーズ消失:" + e.Pose + " ユーザー:" + e.ID;