Ejemplo n.º 1
        private string FilterToString(FilterCondition f)
            var filter = new StringBuilder(f.FieldName);

            // These assume a SQLite-backed DSP
            // SQLite has some specific date and time requirements becasue it doesn't actually have a DateTime data type
            string formattedValue;

            if (f.Value is DateTime)
                // YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
                formattedValue = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", f.Value);
            else if (f.Value is TimeSpan)
                // HH:MM:SS
                formattedValue = string.Format("{0:HH:mm:ss}", f.Value);
                formattedValue = f.Value.ToString();

            switch (f.Operator)
            case FilterCondition.FilterOperator.Equals:
                filter.AppendFormat(" = '{0}'", formattedValue);

            case FilterCondition.FilterOperator.GreaterThan:
                filter.AppendFormat(" > '{0}'", formattedValue);

            case FilterCondition.FilterOperator.LessThan:
                filter.AppendFormat(" < '{0}'", formattedValue);

            case FilterCondition.FilterOperator.Like:
                filter.AppendFormat(" LIKE '{0}'", formattedValue);

 public override object[] Fetch(Type entityType, int fetchCount, int firstRowOffset, string sortField, FieldOrder sortOrder, FilterCondition filter, bool fillReferences, bool filterReferences)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public virtual IEnumerable <DynamicEntity> Fetch(string entityName, int fetchCount, int firstRowOffset, string sortField, FieldSearchOrder sortOrder, FilterCondition filter, bool fillReferences)
            throw new NotSupportedException("This version of Fetch not supported by this provider");

            // I could build a complex LINQ statement here, but I think it would end up being crazy inefficient and should be overridden and implemented with sanity instead

            // this is *way* inefficient and should almost always be overridden
            //var items = from Select(entityName)
            //            where filter.FieldName
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public abstract IEnumerable <T> Fetch <T>(int fetchCount, int firstRowOffset, string sortField, FieldSearchOrder sortOrder, FilterCondition filter, bool fillReferences) where T : new();
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override IEnumerable <DynamicEntity> Fetch(string entityName, int fetchCount, int firstRowOffset, string sortField, FieldSearchOrder sortOrder, FilterCondition filter, bool fillReferences)
            if (fillReferences)
                throw new NotSupportedException("References not currently supported with this version of Fetch.");
            if (filter != null)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Filters not currently supported with this version of Fetch.  Try post-filtering with LINQ");

            var entities = new List <DynamicEntity>();

            if (!Entities.Contains(entityName))
                // check to see if the underlying table exists
                // if it does, add to the Entities and continue the query
                if (DiscoverDynamicEntity(entityName) == null)

            var v = ServerVersion;

            string sql;

            if ((sortField == null) && (sortOrder != FieldSearchOrder.NotSearchable))
                // sorted, but not specific field, so sort by key, if available
                if (Entities[entityName].Fields.KeyField != null)
                    sortField = Entities[entityName].Fields.KeyField.FieldName;

            // TODO: get this working then revert the version number to 11 in the "if" startement below
            //       For now, all paths lead through the else condition
            if (v.Major >= 99) // sql server 2012 or later support OFFSET and FETCH
                Debug.WriteLineIf(TracingEnabled, "SQL Server 2012 or later detected");
                if (firstRowOffset <= 0)
                    sql = string.Format("SELECT * FROM {0} ", entityName);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortField))
                        sql += string.Format("ORDER BY {0} {1} ", sortField, sortOrder == FieldSearchOrder.Descending ? "DESC" : "ASC");
                    else if (sortOrder != FieldSearchOrder.NotSearchable)
                        if (Entities[entityName].Fields.KeyField != null)
                            sql += string.Format(" ORDER BY {0} {1}", Entities[entityName].Fields.KeyField.FieldName, sortOrder == FieldSearchOrder.Descending ? "DESC" : "ASC");

                    if (fetchCount > 0)
                        sql = sql.Replace("*", string.Format("TOP ({0}) *", fetchCount));
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortField))
                        sql = string.Format("DECLARE @orderrow varchar(500); "
                                            + "SELECT @orderrow = column_name "
                                            + "FROM information_schema.columns "
                                            + "WHERE table_name = '{0}' "
                                            + " AND ordinal_position = 1; "
                                            + "SELECT * FROM {0} "
                                            + "ORDER BY @orderrow "
                                            + "OFFSET {1} ROWS "
                                            , entityName
                                            , firstRowOffset);

                        if (fetchCount > 0)
                            sql += string.Format("FETCH FIRST {0} ROWS ONLY", fetchCount);
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(TracingEnabled, "SQL for empty sort field generated");
                        sql  = string.Format("SELECT * FROM {0} ", entityName);
                        sql += string.Format("ORDER BY {0} {1} ", sortField, sortOrder == FieldSearchOrder.Descending ? "DESC" : "ASC");
                        sql += string.Format("OFFSET {0} ROWS ", firstRowOffset);

                        if (fetchCount > 0)
                            sql += string.Format("FETCH FIRST {0} ROWS ONLY", fetchCount);
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(TracingEnabled, "SQL for search with sort field generated");
            else // pre-2012
                if (firstRowOffset <= 0)
                    sql = string.Format("SELECT * FROM {0} ", entityName);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortField))
                        sql += string.Format("ORDER BY {0} {1} ", sortField, sortOrder == FieldSearchOrder.Descending ? "DESC" : "ASC");
                    else if (sortOrder != FieldSearchOrder.NotSearchable)
                        if (Entities[entityName].Fields.KeyField != null)
                            sql += string.Format(" ORDER BY {0} {1}", Entities[entityName].Fields.KeyField.FieldName, sortOrder == FieldSearchOrder.Descending ? "DESC" : "ASC");

                    if (fetchCount > 0)
                        sql = sql.Replace("*", string.Format("TOP ({0}) *", fetchCount));
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(TracingEnabled, "SQL for page 1 generated");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortField))
                        //DECLARE @orderrow varchar(500);

                        //SELECT @orderrow = column_name
                        //FROM information_schema.columns
                        //WHERE table_name = 'C00261854A503_Collector017'
                        //AND ordinal_position = 1

                        //;WITH results AS
                        //    SELECT
                        //        *,
                        //        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
                        //        ORDER BY

                        //        @orderrow

                        //        ) AS orm_row_num
                        //    FROM C00261854A503_Collector017
                        //SELECT TOP (100) *
                        //FROM results
                        //WHERE orm_row_num >= 100

                        sql = string.Format("DECLARE @orderrow varchar(500); "
                                            + "SELECT @orderrow = column_name "
                                            + "FROM information_schema.columns "
                                            + "WHERE table_name = '{0}' "
                                            + " AND ordinal_position = 1 "

                                            + ";WITH results AS ("
                                            + "SELECT *, "
                                            + "ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY @orderrow) AS orm_row_num "
                                            + "FROM {0} ) "

                                            + "{1} * "
                                            + "FROM results "
                                            + "WHERE orm_row_num >= {2}",

                                            fetchCount > 0 ? string.Format("SELECT TOP ({0}) ", fetchCount) : string.Empty,

                        Debug.WriteLineIf(TracingEnabled, "SQL for empty sort field generated");
                        sql = string.Format(";WITH results AS ("
                                            + "SELECT *, "
                                            + "ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY {0} {1}) AS orm_row_num "
                                            + "FROM {2} ) "

                                            + "{3} * "
                                            + "FROM results "
                                            + "WHERE orm_row_num >= {4}",

                                            sortOrder == FieldSearchOrder.Descending ? "DESC" : "ASC",
                                            fetchCount > 0 ? string.Format("SELECT TOP ({0}) ", fetchCount) : string.Empty,

                        Debug.WriteLineIf(TracingEnabled, "SQL for search with sort field generated");

            Debug.WriteLineIf(TracingEnabled, "Getting connection");
            var connection = GetConnection(false);

                Debug.WriteLineIf(TracingEnabled, "Getting command");
                using (var command = GetNewCommandObject())
                    command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                    command.Connection  = connection;
                    command.CommandText = sql;

                    using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            var e = new DynamicEntity(entityName);

                            // TODO: cache ordinals to improve perf
                            for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++)
                                var name = reader.GetName(i);

                                // this is a temp column variable - don't return it
                                if (name == "orm_row_num")
                                e.Fields.Add(name, reader.GetValue(i));
            catch (Exception ex2)
                DoneWithConnection(connection, false);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override IEnumerable <DynamicEntity> Fetch(string entityName, int fetchCount, int firstRowOffset, string sortField, FieldSearchOrder sortOrder, FilterCondition filter, bool fillReferences)
            // yes, this is very limited in scope capability, but it's purpose-built for a specific use-case (and better than no functionality at all)

            if (fillReferences)
                throw new NotSupportedException("References not currently supported with this version of Fetch.");
            if (filter != null)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Filters not currently supported with this version of Fetch.  Try post-filtering with LINQ");

            var sql = $"SELECT * FROM {entityName} ";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortField))
                sql += string.Format("ORDER BY {0} {1} ", sortField, sortOrder == FieldSearchOrder.Descending ? "DESC" : "ASC");

            sql += $"LIMIT {fetchCount} ";

            if (firstRowOffset > 0)
                sql += $"OFFSET {firstRowOffset} ";

            var connection = GetConnection(false);

                var entities = new List <DynamicEntity>();

                using (var command = GetNewCommandObject())
                    command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                    command.Connection  = connection;
                    command.CommandText = sql;

                    using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            var e = new DynamicEntity(entityName);
                            for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++)
                                e.Fields.Add(reader.GetName(i), reader.GetValue(i));

                DoneWithConnection(connection, false);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public override IEnumerable <DynamicEntity> Fetch(string entityName, int fetchCount, int firstRowOffset, string sortField, FieldSearchOrder sortOrder, FilterCondition filter, bool fillReferences)
            // yes, this is very limited in scope capability, but it's purpose-built for a specific use-case (and better than no functionality at all)

            if (fillReferences)
                throw new NotSupportedException("References not currently supported with this version of Fetch.");
            if (filter != null)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Filters not currently supported with this version of Fetch.  Try post-filtering with LINQ");

            var entities = new List <DynamicEntity>();

            if (!Entities.Contains(entityName))
                // check to see if the underlying table exists
                // if it does, add to the Entities and continue the query
                if (DiscoverDynamicEntity(entityName) == null)

            var sql = string.Format("SELECT * FROM {0}", entityName);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortField))
                sql += string.Format(" ORDER BY {0} {1}", sortField, sortOrder == FieldSearchOrder.Descending ? "DESC" : "ASC");
            else if (sortOrder != FieldSearchOrder.NotSearchable)
                if (Entities[entityName].Fields.KeyField != null)
                    sql += string.Format(" ORDER BY {0} {1}", Entities[entityName].Fields.KeyField.FieldName, sortOrder == FieldSearchOrder.Descending ? "DESC" : "ASC");

            sql += string.Format(" LIMIT {0}", fetchCount);

            if (firstRowOffset > 0)
                sql += string.Format(" OFFSET {0}", firstRowOffset);

            var connection = GetConnection(false);

                string keyName = null;

                if ((m_entities.Contains(entityName)) && (m_entities[entityName].Fields.KeyField != null))
                    keyName = m_entities[entityName].Fields.KeyField.FieldName;

                using (var command = GetNewCommandObject())
                    command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                    command.Connection  = connection;
                    command.CommandText = sql;

                    using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            var e = new DynamicEntity(entityName);

                            for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++)
                                e.Fields.Add(reader.GetName(i), reader.GetValue(i));

                            if (keyName != null)
                                e.KeyField = keyName;


                DoneWithConnection(connection, false);
 public override object[] Fetch(Type entityType, int fetchCount, int firstRowOffset, string sortField, FieldOrder sortOrder, FilterCondition filter, bool fillReferences, bool filterReferences)
     throw new NotSupportedException("Fetch is not currently supported with this Provider.");
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public override IEnumerable <DynamicEntity> Fetch(string entityName, int fetchCount, int firstRowOffset, string sortField, FieldSearchOrder sortOrder, FilterCondition filter, bool fillReferences)
            if (fillReferences)
                throw new NotSupportedException("References not currently supported in this DataStore implementation");

            string filterString = null;
            string orderString  = null;

            if (filter != null)
                filterString = FilterToString(filter);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortField))
                switch (sortOrder)
                case FieldSearchOrder.Ascending:
                    orderString = string.Format("{0} ASC", sortField);

                case FieldSearchOrder.Descending:
                    orderString = string.Format("{0} DESC", sortField);

            var table = m_session.Data.GetTable(entityName);

            if (table == null)

                var records = table.GetRecords(fetchCount, firstRowOffset, filterString, orderString);

                if (records == null)

                var items = new List <DynamicEntity>();

                foreach (var record in records)
                    var instance = DynamicEntityFromEntityValueDictionary(entityName, table.Fields, record);

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public override IEnumerable <T> Fetch <T>(int fetchCount, int firstRowOffset, string sortField, FieldSearchOrder sortOrder, FilterCondition filter, bool fillReferences)
            if (fillReferences)
                throw new NotSupportedException("References not currently supported in this DataStore implementation");

            var entityType = typeof(T);
            var entityName = Entities.GetNameForType(entityType);
            var table      = m_session.Data.GetTable(entityName);

            string orderString  = null;
            string filterString = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortField))
                switch (sortOrder)
                case FieldSearchOrder.Ascending:
                    orderString = string.Format("{0} ASC", sortField);

                case FieldSearchOrder.Descending:
                    orderString = string.Format("{0} DESC", sortField);

            if (filter != null)
                filterString = FilterToString(filter);

            return(table.GetRecords(fetchCount, firstRowOffset, filterString, orderString).Cast <T>());
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public override IEnumerable <T> Fetch <T>(int fetchCount, int firstRowOffset, string sortField, FieldSearchOrder sortOrder, FilterCondition filter, bool fillReferences)
            var      type       = typeof(T);
            string   entityName = m_entities.GetNameForType(type);
            List <T> list       = new List <T>();
            string   indexName;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortField))
                var field = Entities[entityName].Fields[sortField];

                if (field == null)
                    throw new FieldNotFoundException(
                              string.Format("Sort Field '{0}' not found in Entity '{1}'", sortField, entityName));

                if (sortOrder == FieldSearchOrder.NotSearchable)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("You must select a valid sort order if providing a sort field.");

                // ensure that an index exists on the sort field - yes this may slow things down on the first query
                indexName = VerifyIndex(entityName, sortField, sortOrder);
                indexName = ((SqlEntityInfo)Entities[entityName]).PrimaryKeyIndexName;

            var connection = GetConnection(false);

                using (var command = new SqlCeCommand())
                    command.CommandText = Entities[entityName].EntityAttribute.NameInStore;
                    command.CommandType = CommandType.TableDirect;
                    command.IndexName   = indexName;
                    command.Connection  = connection as SqlCeConnection;
                    command.Transaction = CurrentTransaction as SqlCeTransaction;

                    int count         = 0;
                    int currentOffset = 0;
                    int filterOrdinal = -1;

                    using (var results = command.ExecuteResultSet(ResultSetOptions.Scrollable))
                        // get the ordinal for the filter field (if one is used)
                        if (filter != null)
                            filterOrdinal = results.GetOrdinal(filter.FieldName);

                        while (results.Read())
                            // skip until we hit the desired offset - respecting any filter
                            if (currentOffset < firstRowOffset)
                                if (filterOrdinal >= 0)
                                    var checkValue = results[filterOrdinal];

                                    if (MatchesFilter(checkValue, filter))
                            else // pull values (respecting filters) until we have the count fulfilled
                                if (filterOrdinal >= 0)
                                    var checkValue = results[filterOrdinal];

                                    if (MatchesFilter(checkValue, filter))
                                        // hydrate and return the object
                                        yield return(HydrateEntity <T>(entityName, results, fillReferences));

                                    // hydrate and return the object
                                    yield return(HydrateEntity <T>(entityName, results, fillReferences));


                                if (count >= fetchCount)
                DoneWithConnection(connection, false);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public abstract object[] Fetch(Type entityType, int fetchCount, int firstRowOffset, string sortField, FieldOrder sortOrder, FilterCondition filter, bool fillReferences, bool filterReferences);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public abstract T[] Fetch <T>(int fetchCount, int firstRowOffset, string sortField, FieldOrder sortOrder, FilterCondition filter, bool fillReferences, bool filterReferences) where T : new();
        public override T[] Fetch <T>(int fetchCount, int firstRowOffset, string sortField, FieldOrder sortOrder, FilterCondition filter, bool fillReferences, bool filterReferences)
            var      type       = typeof(T);
            string   entityName = m_entities.GetNameForType(type);
            List <T> list       = new List <T>();
            string   indexName;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortField))
                var field = Entities[entityName].Fields[sortField];

                if (field == null)
                    throw new FieldNotFoundException(
                              string.Format("Sort Field '{0}' not found in Entity '{1}'", sortField, entityName));

                if (sortOrder == FieldOrder.None)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("You must select a valid sort order if providing a sort field.");

                // ensure that an index exists on the sort field - yes this may slow things down on the first query
                indexName = VerifyIndex(entityName, sortField, sortOrder);
                indexName = Entities[entityName].Fields.KeyField.FieldName;

            var connection = GetConnection(false);

                using (var command = new SqlCommand())
                    //command.CommandText = Entities[entityName].EntityAttribute.NameInStore;
                    //command.CommandType = CommandType.TableDirect;
                    //command.IndexName = indexName;
                    //command.Connection = connection as SqlConnection;

                    //command = GetSelectCommand<SqlCommand, SqlParameter>(entityName, filters, out tableDirect);
                    //command.Connection = connection as SqlConnection;

                    //int count = 0;
                    //int currentOffset = 0;
                    //int filterOrdinal = -1;

                    //using (var results = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleResult))
                    //    // get the ordinal for the filter field (if one is used)
                    //    if (filter != null)
                    //    {
                    //        filterOrdinal = results.GetOrdinal(filter.FieldName);
                    //    }

                    //    while (results.Read())
                    //    {
                    //        // skip until we hit the desired offset - respecting any filter
                    //        if (currentOffset < firstRowOffset)
                    //        {
                    //            if (filterOrdinal >= 0)
                    //            {
                    //                var checkValue = results[filterOrdinal];

                    //                //if (MatchesFilter(checkValue, filter))
                    //                //{
                    //                //    currentOffset++;
                    //                //}
                    //            }
                    //            else
                    //            {
                    //                currentOffset++;
                    //            }
                    //        }
                    //        else // pull values (respecting filters) until we have the count fulfilled
                    //        {
                    //            //if (filterOrdinal >= 0)
                    //            //{
                    //            //    var checkValue = results[filterOrdinal];

                    //            //    if (MatchesFilter(checkValue, filter))
                    //            //    {
                    //            //        // hydrate the object
                    //            //        var item = HydrateEntity<T>(entityName, results, fillReferences);
                    //            //        list.Add(item);

                    //            //        currentOffset++;
                    //            //        count++;
                    //            //    }
                    //            //}
                    //            //else
                    //            //{
                    //            //    // hydrate the object
                    //            //    var item = HydrateEntity<T>(entityName, results, fillReferences);
                    //            //    list.Add(item);

                    //            //    currentOffset++;
                    //            //    count++;
                    //            //}

                    //            if (count >= fetchCount) break;
                    //        }
                    //    }
                DoneWithConnection(connection, false);

Ejemplo n.º 15
 public override IEnumerable <T> Fetch <T>(int fetchCount, int firstRowOffset, string sortField, FieldSearchOrder sortOrder, FilterCondition filter, bool fillReferences)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public override IEnumerable <T> Fetch <T>(int fetchCount, int firstRowOffset, string sortField, FieldSearchOrder sortOrder, FilterCondition filter, bool fillReferences)
            if (fillReferences)
                throw new NotSupportedException("References not currently supported for this Provider");

            throw new NotImplementedException();
 public override object[] Fetch(Type entityType, int fetchCount, int firstRowOffset, string sortField, FieldOrder sortOrder, FilterCondition filter, bool fillReferences, bool filterReferences)
     throw new NotSupportedException("Fetch is not currently supported with this Provider.");