Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void SetVelocityAndRequestTerseUpdate(float secondsSinceLastSync, OpenMetaverse.Vector3 vColl)
            OpenMetaverse.Vector3 cforces = _cForcesAreLocal ? _cForces * _rotation : _cForces;
            cforces.Z = 0;

            OpenMetaverse.Vector3 oldVelocity = _velocity;
            _velocity = ApplyAirBrakes(_vGravity + _vForces + cforces + this.VTargetWithRunAndRamp + vColl);

            if (_velocity == OpenMetaverse.Vector3.Zero && oldVelocity != OpenMetaverse.Vector3.Zero)
                _acceleration = OpenMetaverse.Vector3.Zero;
                OpenMetaverse.Vector3 velDiff = _velocity - oldVelocity;
                OpenMetaverse.Vector3 accel   = velDiff / secondsSinceLastSync;

                if (!accel.ApproxEquals(_acceleration, ACCELERATION_COMPARISON_TOLERANCE))
                    _acceleration = accel;
                    //m_log.DebugFormat("Avatar Terse Vel: {0} Accel: {1} Sync: {2}", _velocity, _acceleration, secondsSinceLastSync);
                    //m_log.DebugFormat("Vel Breakdown: vGravity {0} vForces {1} vTarget {2} vColl {3}", _vGravity, _vForces, this.VTargetWithRun, vColl);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void SyncWithPhysics(float timeStep, uint ticksSinceLastSimulate, uint frameNum)
            if (_suspended)
                // character is in the middle of a crossing. we do not simulate
                _lastSync = (uint)Environment.TickCount;

            float secondsSinceLastSync = Math.Min(((uint)Environment.TickCount - _lastSync) * 0.001f, MAX_TIMESTEP);

            //m_log.DebugFormat("[CHAR]: secondsSinceLastSync: {0}", secondsSinceLastSync);

            //sometimes a single quantum doesnt show up here, and the calculation returns a zero
            if (secondsSinceLastSync < MIN_TIMESTEP * 2)
                secondsSinceLastSync = MIN_TIMESTEP * 2;


            OpenMetaverse.Vector3 cforces = _cForcesAreLocal ? _cForces * _rotation : _cForces;
            cforces.Z = 0;

            OpenMetaverse.Vector3 vCombined = ApplyAirBrakes(_vGravity + _vForces + cforces + this.VTargetWithRunAndRamp) * secondsSinceLastSync;
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[CHAR]: vGrav: {0}, vForces: {1}, vTarget {2}", _vGravity, _vForces, this.VTargetWithRun);

            if (vCombined == OpenMetaverse.Vector3.Zero)
                SetVelocityAndRequestTerseUpdate(secondsSinceLastSync, OpenMetaverse.Vector3.Zero);

            OpenMetaverse.Vector3 lastPosition = _position;
            //PhysX.ControllerFlag flags = _controller.Move(PhysUtil.OmvVectorToPhysx(vCombined), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(secondsSinceLastSync), 0.001f, FILTERS);
            //_position = PhysUtil.PhysxVectorToOmv(_controller.Position);
            bool collidingDown = CalcPhysics(vCombined, secondsSinceLastSync, 0.001f);

            _lastSync = (uint)Environment.TickCount;

            //take into account any movement not accounted for by the other calculations
            //this is due to collision
            OpenMetaverse.Vector3 vColl = (_position - lastPosition) - vCombined;
            //m_log.InfoFormat("vColl {0} {1} PosDiff: {2} Expected: {3}", vColl, flags, _position - lastPosition, vCombined);
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[CHAR]: vColl: {0}", vColl);

            //bool collidingDown = (flags & PhysX.ControllerFlag.Down) != 0;
            //if (!collidingDown) _rideOnBehavior.AvatarNotStandingOnPrim();

            //negative z in vcoll while colliding down is due to gravity/ground collision, dont report it
            float gravityPushback = Math.Abs(_vGravity.Z) * secondsSinceLastSync;

            if (collidingDown && vColl.Z > 0 && Math.Abs(vColl.Z - gravityPushback) < GRAVITY_PUSHBACK_DIFF_TOLERANCE)
                vColl.Z = 0;
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[CHAR]: vColl: {0} gravityPushback {1} collidingDown:{2}", vColl, gravityPushback, collidingDown);

            if (/*flags != 0*/ collidingDown)
                _colliding = true;
                if (collidingDown)
                    _collidingGround = true;
                    _flying          = false;

                    _vGravity  = OpenMetaverse.Vector3.Zero;
                    _vForces.Z = 0.0f;
                    _vTarget.Z = 0.0f;
                    _collidingGround = false;
                    //if we're colliding with anything but the ground, zero out other forces
                    _vForces = OpenMetaverse.Vector3.Zero;
                _colliding       = false;
                _collidingGround = false;

            /* Redundant here, and I suspect never even did anything unless the agent tunneled through the terrain mesh in the PhysX implmentation...
             * if (frameNum % 3 == 0)
             * {
             *  CheckAvatarNotBelowGround();
             * }

            SetVelocityAndRequestTerseUpdate(secondsSinceLastSync, vColl);

            if (!_position.ApproxEquals(lastPosition, POSITION_COMPARISON_TOLERANCE))