Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void butOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     if (textDate.errorProvider1.GetError(textDate) != "" ||
         textInsUsed.errorProvider1.GetError(textInsUsed) != "" ||
         textDedUsed.errorProvider1.GetError(textDedUsed) != ""
         MessageBox.Show(Lan.g("All", "Please fix data entry errors first."));
     ClaimProcCur.ProcDate   = PIn.Date(textDate.Text);
     ClaimProcCur.InsPayAmt  = PIn.Double(textInsUsed.Text);
     ClaimProcCur.DedApplied = PIn.Double(textDedUsed.Text);
     if (IsNew)
     DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void butWriteOff_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            DialogResult dresWriteoff = DialogResult.Cancel;

            if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name.EndsWith("CA"))             //Canadian. en-CA or fr-CA
                dresWriteoff = MessageBox.Show(
                    Lan.g(this, "Write off unpaid amounts on labs and procedures?") + "\r\n"
                    + Lan.g(this, "Choose Yes to write off unpaid amounts on both labs and procedures.") + "\r\n"
                    + Lan.g(this, "Choose No to write off unpaid amounts on procedures only."), "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel);
                if (dresWriteoff != DialogResult.Yes && dresWriteoff != DialogResult.No)             //Cancel
            else              //United States
                if (MessageBox.Show(Lan.g(this, "Write off unpaid amount on each procedure?"), "", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) != DialogResult.OK)
            if (!SaveGridChanges())
            if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name.EndsWith("CA") && dresWriteoff == DialogResult.Yes) //Canadian. en-CA or fr-CA
                Claim     claim       = Claims.GetClaim(ClaimProcsToEdit[0].ClaimNum);              //There should be at least one, since a claim can only be created with one or more procedures.
                ClaimProc cpTotalLabs = new ClaimProc();
                cpTotalLabs.ClaimNum  = claim.ClaimNum;
                cpTotalLabs.PatNum    = claim.PatNum;
                cpTotalLabs.ProvNum   = claim.ProvTreat;
                cpTotalLabs.Status    = ClaimProcStatus.Received;
                cpTotalLabs.PlanNum   = claim.PlanNum;
                cpTotalLabs.InsSubNum = claim.InsSubNum;
                cpTotalLabs.DateCP    = DateTimeOD.Today;
                cpTotalLabs.ProcDate  = claim.DateService;
                cpTotalLabs.DateEntry = DateTime.Now;
                cpTotalLabs.ClinicNum = claim.ClinicNum;
                cpTotalLabs.WriteOff  = 0;
                cpTotalLabs.InsPayAmt = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < ClaimProcsToEdit.Length; i++)
                    ClaimProc claimProc      = ClaimProcsToEdit[i];
                    double    procLabInsPaid = 0;
                    if (claimProc.InsPayAmt > claimProc.FeeBilled)
                        procLabInsPaid      = claimProc.InsPayAmt - claimProc.FeeBilled;               //The amount of exceess greater than the fee billed.
                        claimProc.InsPayAmt = claimProc.FeeBilled;
                    List <Procedure> listProcLabs = Procedures.GetCanadianLabFees(claimProc.ProcNum);                 //0, 1 or 2 lab fees per procedure
                    double           procLabTotal = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < listProcLabs.Count; j++)
                        procLabTotal += listProcLabs[j].ProcFee;
                    if (procLabInsPaid > procLabTotal)                   //Could happen if the user enters a payment amount greater than the fee billed and lab fees added together.
                        procLabInsPaid = procLabTotal;
                    cpTotalLabs.InsPayAmt += procLabInsPaid;
                    cpTotalLabs.WriteOff  += procLabTotal - procLabInsPaid;
                if (cpTotalLabs.InsPayAmt > 0 || cpTotalLabs.WriteOff > 0)             //These amounts will both be zero if there are no lab fees on any of the procedures.  These amounts should never be negative.
            //fix later: does not take into account other payments.
            double           unpaidAmt = 0;
            List <Procedure> ProcList  = Procedures.Refresh(PatCur.PatNum);

            for (int i = 0; i < ClaimProcsToEdit.Length; i++)
                //ClaimProcsToEdit guaranteed to only contain claimprocs for procedures before this form loads, payments are not in the list
                unpaidAmt = Procedures.GetProcFromList(ProcList, ClaimProcsToEdit[i].ProcNum).ProcFee
                            - ClaimProcsToEdit[i].DedApplied
                            - ClaimProcsToEdit[i].InsPayAmt;
                if (unpaidAmt > 0)
                    ClaimProcsToEdit[i].WriteOff = unpaidAmt;