Ejemplo n.º 1
        ///<summary>True if we are in HQ, AvaTax is enabled, we tax the customer's state, and either the customer's tax exempt field is not defined or
        ///they are explicitly not tax exempt.  Executes a small query.</summary>
        public static bool IsTaxable(long patNum)
            if (!IsEnabled())
                return(false);               //Save a few db calls
            Patient pat = Patients.GetPat(patNum);

            if (pat == null)
            PatField taxExempt = null;

            if (TaxExemptPatField != null)
                taxExempt = PatFields.Refresh(patNum).FirstOrDefault(x => x.FieldName == TaxExemptPatField.FieldName);
            if (ListTaxableStates.Count == 0)
            if (!HasTaxableState(pat))               //if they aren't taxable, skip them
            if (taxExempt != null && PIn.Bool(taxExempt.FieldValue))
Ejemplo n.º 2
        ///<summary>True if we are in HQ, AvaTax is enabled, we tax the customer's state, and the procedure has a taxable proccode. Note that if the
        ///customer has an invalid zip but all other conditions are met, we will still return true because this procedure is still taxable by our rules
        ///we just know we would get an error back from Avalara. This method returning false will result in the procedure being created as before
        ///but without tax, so we need to return true for an invalid zip and let Avalara produce the error. Can execute two queries.</summary>
        public static bool DoSendProcToAvalara(Procedure proc, bool isSilent = false)
            ProcedureCode procCode = ProcedureCodes.GetProcCode(proc.CodeNum);

            if (!IsEnabled())
            if (proc.ProcFee == 0)          //repeat charges for prepay use ProcFee=0
            Patient patient = Patients.GetPat(proc.PatNum);

            //don't call IsTaxable() here, because that would get pat twice, so duplicating some if its functionality:
            if (patient == null)
            if (ListTaxableStates.Count == 0)
                return(false);               //no taxable states
            if (!HasTaxableState(patient))   //if this patient is not in a taxable state
            if (TaxExemptPatField == null)          //no tax exempt pat field entered in setup
            PatField taxExempt = PatFields.Refresh(patient.PatNum).FirstOrDefault(x => x.FieldName == TaxExemptPatField.FieldName);

            if (taxExempt != null && PIn.Bool(taxExempt.FieldValue)) //patient field exists and is true
                return(false);                                       //so not taxable
            //end of the duplicated functionality from IsTaxable().
            string procTaxCode = GetTaxOverrideIfNeeded(patient, procCode); //could be an avalara code, an override, or a percent

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(procTaxCode))                     //if there is no avalara code or percent for this proc/state
            if (!Patients.HasValidUSZipCode(patient))
                if (isSilent)
                    _logger.WriteLine($"Invalid ZipCode for PatNum {proc.PatNum} while running Repeat Charge Tool on {DateTime.Today}", LogLevel.Error);
                    //Remove the message box for now to avoid it from popping up on the server, stopping anyone using middletier to continue
                    //forward, because they can't click OK in the message box.
                    //MessageBox.Show("A valid zip code is required to process sales tax on procedures in this patient's state. "
                    //+"Please update the patient information with a valid zip code before continuing.");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        ///<summary>Gets the data necessary to load the Family Module.</summary>
        public static LoadData GetLoadData(long patNum, bool doCreateSecLog)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetObject <LoadData>(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), patNum, doCreateSecLog));
            LoadData data = new LoadData();

            data.Fam          = Patients.GetFamily(patNum);
            data.Pat          = data.Fam.GetPatient(patNum);
            data.ListPatPlans = PatPlans.Refresh(patNum);
            if (!PatPlans.IsPatPlanListValid(data.ListPatPlans))             //PatPlans had invalid references and need to be refreshed.
                data.ListPatPlans = PatPlans.Refresh(patNum);
            data.PatNote               = PatientNotes.Refresh(patNum, data.Pat.Guarantor);
            data.ListInsSubs           = InsSubs.RefreshForFam(data.Fam);
            data.ListInsPlans          = InsPlans.RefreshForSubList(data.ListInsSubs);
            data.ListBenefits          = Benefits.Refresh(data.ListPatPlans, data.ListInsSubs);
            data.ListRecalls           = Recalls.GetList(data.Fam.ListPats.Select(x => x.PatNum).ToList());
            data.ArrPatFields          = PatFields.Refresh(patNum);
            data.SuperFamilyMembers    = Patients.GetBySuperFamily(data.Pat.SuperFamily);
            data.SuperFamilyGuarantors = Patients.GetSuperFamilyGuarantors(data.Pat.SuperFamily);
            data.DictCloneSpecialities = Patients.GetClonesAndSpecialties(patNum);
            data.PatPict               = Documents.GetPatPictFromDb(patNum);
            data.HasPatPict            = (data.PatPict == null ? YN.No : YN.Yes);
            List <DisplayField> listDisplayFields = DisplayFields.GetForCategory(DisplayFieldCategory.PatientInformation);

            foreach (DisplayField field in listDisplayFields)
                switch (field.InternalName)
                case "Guardians":
                    data.ListGuardians = Guardians.Refresh(patNum);

                case "Pat Restrictions":
                    data.ListPatRestricts = PatRestrictions.GetAllForPat(patNum);

                case "Payor Types":
                    data.PayorTypeDesc = PayorTypes.GetCurrentDescription(patNum);

                case "PatFields":
                    data.ListPatFieldDefLinks = FieldDefLinks.GetForLocation(FieldLocations.Family);

                case "References":
                    data.ListCustRefEntries = CustRefEntries.GetEntryListForCustomer(patNum);

                case "Referrals":
                    data.ListRefAttaches = RefAttaches.Refresh(patNum);

                case "ResponsParty":
                    if (data.Pat.ResponsParty != 0)
                        data.ResponsibleParty = Patients.GetLim(data.Pat.ResponsParty);
            if (data.Pat.DiscountPlanNum != 0)
                data.DiscountPlan = DiscountPlans.GetPlan(data.Pat.DiscountPlanNum);
            data.ListMergeLinks = PatientLinks.GetLinks(data.Fam.ListPats.Select(x => x.PatNum).ToList(), PatientLinkType.Merge);
            if (doCreateSecLog)
                SecurityLogs.MakeLogEntry(Permissions.FamilyModule, patNum, "");