Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void Window_Initialized(object sender, EventArgs e)
                "Hold it right there! You don't need this tool if you have a DualShock controller! Seek help on the forums if your're not sure what to do next.",
                "Wait a sec'", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation);

            const string messageTitle = "Press button or engage axis";
            const string messageTemplate = "Please press and hold {0} now and click Capture";

            foreach (CaptureType type in Enum.GetValues(typeof (CaptureType)))
                if (type == CaptureType.Default)

                var diag = new TaskDialog
                    Buttons =
                        new TaskDialogButton("Capture"),
                        new TaskDialogButton("I don't have this button/axis, skip it")
                    WindowTitle = messageTitle,
                    Content = string.Format(messageTemplate, type),
                    MainIcon = TaskDialogIcon.Information

                _interpreterDiags.Add(type, diag);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void InstallButton_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var selectedDevice = DevicesComboBox.SelectedItem as WdiUsbDevice;

            if (selectedDevice == null)

            var msgBox = new TaskDialog
                Buttons = {new TaskDialogButton(ButtonType.Yes), new TaskDialogButton(ButtonType.No)},
                WindowTitle = "I'm about to change the device driver!",
                Content = string.Format("You selected the device {1}{0}{0}Want me to change the driver now?",
                MainIcon = TaskDialogIcon.Information

            var msgResult = msgBox.ShowDialog(this);

            var tmpPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "ScpGamepadAnalyzer");

            if (msgResult.ButtonType != ButtonType.Yes) return;

            var result = WdiWrapper.Instance.InstallLibusbKDriver(selectedDevice.HardwareId,
                UsbBlankGamepad.DeviceClassGuid, tmpPath,
                string.Format("{0}.inf", selectedDevice.Description),
                _hwnd, true);

            if (result == WdiErrorCode.WDI_SUCCESS)
                _wdiCurrent = selectedDevice;
                OpenDeviceButton.IsEnabled = true;

                new TaskDialog
                    Buttons = {new TaskDialogButton(ButtonType.Ok)},
                    WindowTitle = "Yay!",
                    Content = "Driver changed successfully, proceed with the next step now.",
                    MainIcon = TaskDialogIcon.Information
                new TaskDialog
                    Buttons = {new TaskDialogButton(ButtonType.Ok)},
                    WindowTitle = "Ohnoes!",
                    Content =
                        "It didn't work! What a shame :( Please reboot your machine, cross your fingers and try again.",
                    MainIcon = TaskDialogIcon.Error
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void FileDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            if (!e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop)) return;
            var files = (string[]) e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop);

            if (files[0].Split('.')[(files[0].Split('.').Length) - 1] == "jar")
                var perms = Permission.GetPermissionsFromPlugin(this, files[0]);

                if (perms.Count > 0)
                    var permString = "These are this plugin's permissions: ";
                    foreach (var perm in perms)
                        permString += perm.Node();
                        if (perm != perms[perms.Count - 1])
                            permString += ", ";

                    MessageBox.Show(this, permString);
            } else
                if (TaskDialog.OSSupportsTaskDialogs)
                    using (var dialog = new TaskDialog())
                        dialog.WindowTitle = Properties.Resources.Error;
                        dialog.MainInstruction = Properties.Resources.Drop_Invalid_plugin_file;
                        dialog.Content = Properties.Resources.Drop_Invalid_plugin_file_detail;
                        dialog.ExpandedInformation = Properties.Resources.Drop_Invalid_plugin_file_detail_expanded;
                        dialog.Footer = Properties.Resources.Drop_Invalid_plugin_file_footer;
                        dialog.FooterIcon = TaskDialogIcon.Information;
                        dialog.EnableHyperlinks = true;

                        var okButton = new TaskDialogButton(ButtonType.Ok);


Ejemplo n.º 4
        public UIDialogResult DisplayBugReportUI(Report report)
            using (var dialog = new TaskDialog())
                dialog.WindowTitle = string.Format(Messages.Normal_Window_Title, report.GeneralInfo.HostApplication);
                dialog.Content = Messages.Normal_Window_Message;
                dialog.CustomMainIcon = SystemIcons.Warning;

                var continueButton = new TaskDialogButton("Continue");
                var quitButton = new TaskDialogButton("Quit");

                TaskDialogButton button = dialog.ShowDialog();
                //if (button == continueButton)
                return new UIDialogResult(button == continueButton ? ExecutionFlow.ContinueExecution : ExecutionFlow.BreakExecution, SendReport);
        public bool? AskToInstallNpeOnWindows8()
            using (var dialog = new TaskDialog())
                dialog.WindowTitle = Resources.Resources.Dialog_Title;
                dialog.MainInstruction = "Great! You are running on Windows 8";
                dialog.Content = "There is also a Windows Store app of NuGet Package Explorer that is designed to be touch friendly, fast and fluid. Do you want to install it now?";
                dialog.AllowDialogCancellation = true;
                dialog.CenterParent = true;
                dialog.ButtonStyle = TaskDialogButtonStyle.CommandLinks;

                var yesButton = new TaskDialogButton
                    Text = "Yes",
                    CommandLinkNote = "Go to the Store and install it now."

                var noButton = new TaskDialogButton
                    Text = "No",
                    CommandLinkNote = "Don't bother."

                var remindButton = new TaskDialogButton("Remind me next time");


                TaskDialogButton result = dialog.ShowDialog();
                if (result == yesButton)
                    return true;
                else if (result == noButton)
                    return false;
                    return null;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static void Show(Window owner, string title, string instruction, string content, string verbose,
     string footer, TaskDialogIcon icon)
     using (var dialog = new TaskDialog())
         dialog.Width = 240;
         dialog.WindowTitle = title;
         dialog.MainInstruction = instruction;
         dialog.Content = content;
         dialog.ExpandedInformation = verbose;
         dialog.Footer = footer;
         dialog.FooterIcon = icon;
         dialog.EnableHyperlinks = true;
         var okButton = new TaskDialogButton(ButtonType.Ok);
         dialog.HyperlinkClicked += (sender, args) => { Process.Start(args.Href); };
        private DialogMessageResult DoOokiiMsgBox()
            TaskDialog td = new TaskDialog();

            if ((Buttons & DialogMessageButtons.Ok) != 0) td.Buttons.Add(new TaskDialogButton(ButtonType.Ok));
            if ((Buttons & DialogMessageButtons.Cancel) != 0) td.Buttons.Add(new TaskDialogButton(ButtonType.Cancel));

            if ((Buttons & DialogMessageButtons.Yes) != 0) td.Buttons.Add(new TaskDialogButton(ButtonType.Yes));
            if ((Buttons & DialogMessageButtons.No) != 0) td.Buttons.Add(new TaskDialogButton(ButtonType.No));

            if ((Buttons & DialogMessageButtons.Close) != 0) td.Buttons.Add(new TaskDialogButton(ButtonType.Close));
            if ((Buttons & DialogMessageButtons.Retry) != 0) td.Buttons.Add(new TaskDialogButton(ButtonType.Retry));

            switch (Icon)
                case DialogMessageIcon.Error:
                    td.MainIcon = TaskDialogIcon.Error;
                case DialogMessageIcon.Question:
                    td.MainIcon = TaskDialogIcon.Warning;
                case DialogMessageIcon.Warning:
                    td.MainIcon = TaskDialogIcon.Warning;
                case DialogMessageIcon.Information:
                    td.MainIcon = TaskDialogIcon.Information;
                case DialogMessageIcon.Shield:
                    td.MainIcon = TaskDialogIcon.Shield;

            td.WindowTitle = Title;
            td.MainInstruction = Text;
            td.Content = Extra;

            var translation = new Dictionary<TaskDialogButton, ButtonType>();

            if (ButtonExtras != null && ButtonExtras.Any())
                td.ButtonStyle = TaskDialogButtonStyle.CommandLinks;

                var buttonSet = td.Buttons.ToArray();

                foreach (var extra in ButtonExtras)
                    foreach (var button in buttonSet.Where(b => b.ButtonType == extra.ButtonType))
                        button.ButtonType = ButtonType.Custom;
                        button.Text = extra.Text;
                        button.CommandLinkNote = extra.Note;

                        translation.Add(button, extra.ButtonType);

                foreach (var button in buttonSet.Where(b => b.ButtonType != ButtonType.Custom))

            TaskDialogButton result = null;

            if (owner == null)
                result = td.ShowDialog();
                var dispatcher = owner.Dispatcher;

                result = (TaskDialogButton)dispatcher.Invoke(
                    new Func<TaskDialogButton>(() => td.ShowDialog(owner)),

            var resultButtonType = result.ButtonType;
            if (resultButtonType == ButtonType.Custom)
                resultButtonType = translation[result];

            switch (resultButtonType)
                case ButtonType.Cancel:
                    return DialogMessageResult.Cancel;
                case ButtonType.Close:
                    return DialogMessageResult.Close;
                case ButtonType.No:
                    return DialogMessageResult.No;
                case ButtonType.Ok:
                    return DialogMessageResult.OK;
                case ButtonType.Retry:
                    return DialogMessageResult.Retry;
                case ButtonType.Yes:
                    return DialogMessageResult.Yes;

            return DialogMessageResult.None;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void Window_Initialized(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _hwnd = new WindowInteropHelper(this).Handle;

            const string messageTitle = "Press button or engage axis";
            const string messageTemplate = "Please press and hold {0} now and click Capture";

            foreach (CaptureType type in Enum.GetValues(typeof (CaptureType)))
                if (type == CaptureType.Default)

                var diag = new TaskDialog
                    Buttons =
                        new TaskDialogButton("Capture"),
                        new TaskDialogButton("I don't have this button/axis, skip it")
                    WindowTitle = messageTitle,
                    Content = string.Format(messageTemplate, type),
                    MainIcon = TaskDialogIcon.Information

                _interpreterDiags.Add(type, diag);
        private Tuple<bool?, bool> ConfirmMoveFileUsingTaskDialog(string fileName, string targetFolder,
            int numberOfItemsLeft, string mainInstruction)
            string content = String.Format(

            var dialog = new TaskDialog
                             MainInstruction = mainInstruction,
                             Content = content,
                             WindowTitle = Resources.Resources.Dialog_Title,
                             ButtonStyle = TaskDialogButtonStyle.CommandLinks

            if (numberOfItemsLeft > 0)
                dialog.VerificationText = "Do this for the next " + numberOfItemsLeft + " file(s).";

            var moveButton = new TaskDialogButton
                                 Text = "Yes",
                                 CommandLinkNote =
                                     "'" + fileName + "' will be added to '" + targetFolder +
                                     "' folder."

            var noMoveButton = new TaskDialogButton
                                   Text = "No",
                                   CommandLinkNote =
                                       "'" + fileName + "' will be added to the package root."

            dialog.Buttons.Add(new TaskDialogButton(ButtonType.Cancel));

            TaskDialogButton result = dialog.ShowDialog(Window.Value);

            bool? movingFile;
            if (result == moveButton)
                movingFile = true;
            else if (result == noMoveButton)
                movingFile = false;
                // Cancel button clicked
                movingFile = null;

            bool remember = dialog.IsVerificationChecked;
            return Tuple.Create(movingFile, remember);
        private static bool? ConfirmWithCancelUsingTaskDialog(string message, string title)
            using (var dialog = new TaskDialog())
                dialog.WindowTitle = Resources.Resources.Dialog_Title;
                dialog.MainInstruction = title;
                dialog.AllowDialogCancellation = true;
                dialog.Content = message;
                dialog.CenterParent = true;
                dialog.MainIcon = TaskDialogIcon.Warning;
                //dialog.ButtonStyle = TaskDialogButtonStyle.CommandLinks;

                var yesButton = new TaskDialogButton("Yes");
                var noButton = new TaskDialogButton("No");
                var cancelButton = new TaskDialogButton("Cancel");


                TaskDialogButton result = dialog.ShowDialog();
                if (result == yesButton)
                    return true;
                else if (result == noButton)
                    return false;

                return null;
        private static bool ConfirmUsingTaskDialog(string message, string title, bool isWarning)
            using (var dialog = new TaskDialog())
                dialog.WindowTitle = Resources.Resources.Dialog_Title;
                dialog.MainInstruction = title;
                dialog.Content = message;
                dialog.AllowDialogCancellation = true;
                dialog.CenterParent = true;
                //dialog.ButtonStyle = TaskDialogButtonStyle.CommandLinks;
                if (isWarning)
                    dialog.MainIcon = TaskDialogIcon.Warning;

                var yesButton = new TaskDialogButton("Yes");
                var noButton = new TaskDialogButton("No");


                TaskDialogButton result = dialog.ShowDialog();
                return result == yesButton;
        private static bool ConfirmCloseEditorUsingTaskDialog(string title, string message)
            using (var dialog = new TaskDialog())
                dialog.WindowTitle = Resources.Resources.Dialog_Title;
                dialog.MainInstruction = title;
                dialog.Content = message;
                dialog.AllowDialogCancellation = false;
                dialog.CenterParent = true;
                dialog.ButtonStyle = TaskDialogButtonStyle.CommandLinks;

                var yesButton = new TaskDialogButton
                                    Text = "Yes",
                                    CommandLinkNote = "Return to package view and lose all your changes."

                var noButton = new TaskDialogButton
                                   Text = "No",
                                   CommandLinkNote = "Stay at the metadata editor and fix the error."


                TaskDialogButton result = dialog.ShowDialog();
                return result == yesButton;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 internal TaskDialogItemCollection(TaskDialog owner)
     _owner = owner;
        public MsgBoxResult ShowTaskDialog(
            IWindow owner,
            string text,
            string caption,
            MsgBoxButton button,
            MsgBoxImage icon,
            Icon custumIcon)
            return ObservableObject.CurrentDispatcher.Invoke(
                () =>
                    var dialog = new TaskDialog
                        CenterParent = true,
                        Content = text,
                        ExpandFooterArea = false,
                        ExpandedByDefault = false,
                        MinimizeBox = false,
                        ProgressBarStyle =
                        WindowIcon = custumIcon,
                        WindowTitle = caption,
                        MainInstruction = caption,
                        MainIcon = TranslateIcon(icon)

                    TranslateButtons(button, dialog.Buttons);
                    TaskDialogButton clickedButton =
                        dialog.ShowDialog(owner != null
                                              ? (Window)
                                              : null);

                    switch (clickedButton.ButtonType)
                        case ButtonType.Ok:
                            return MsgBoxResult.Ok;
                        case ButtonType.Yes:
                            return MsgBoxResult.Yes;
                        case ButtonType.No:
                            return MsgBoxResult.No;
                        case ButtonType.Cancel:
                            return MsgBoxResult.Cancel;
                        case ButtonType.Close:
                            return MsgBoxResult.Cancel;
                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs copy/move action for a file. Reports progress during transfer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Whether or not the copy/move was completed</returns>
        private bool CopyMoveFile(string sourcePath, string destinationPath, double baseProgress, double progressAmount)
            // Check that the destination folder exists, if not create it
            string destDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(destinationPath);
            if (!Directory.Exists(destDir))

            // Check if destination already exists
            if (!this.actionStarted && File.Exists(destinationPath))
                if (sourcePath.ToLower() == destinationPath.ToLower())
                    File.Move(sourcePath, sourcePath + "-temp");
                    File.Move(sourcePath + "-temp", destinationPath);
                    return true;
                    // Check if user wants to override it
                    string ask = "Destination file '" + destinationPath + "' already existst. Queue action will overwrite it, would you like to continue?";
                    TaskDialog diag = new TaskDialog();
                    diag.VerificationText = ask;
                    if (!this.Replace && diag.Show().ButtonType == ButtonType.Yes)
                        this.ActionSucess = false;
                        this.QueueStatus = OrgQueueStatus.Cancelled;
                        return true;

            // Check drive space
            if (!CheckDriveSpace((new FileInfo(sourcePath)).Length))
                return false;

            // Rename or move on same drive
            if (this.Action == OrgAction.Rename || (this.Action == OrgAction.Move && Path.GetPathRoot(sourcePath) == Path.GetPathRoot(destinationPath)))
                File.Move(sourcePath, destinationPath);
                return true;

            // Create streams for reading source and writing destination
            FileStream sourceStream = new FileStream(sourcePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            FileStream destinationStream = new FileStream(destinationPath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);

            // Initialize transfer variables
            int bytesRead = -1;
            long totalSize = sourceStream.Length;
            byte[] bytes = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
            long totalFileRead = 0;

            // If resuming the operation then move streams positions
            if (actionStarted)
                sourceStream.Position = destinationStream.Length;
                destinationStream.Position = destinationStream.Length;
                totalFileRead = destinationStream.Length;

            // Set started
            actionStarted = true;

            // Transfer the file
            while (true)
                // Check for pauses in the operation
                if (this.QueueStatus == OrgQueueStatus.Paused || OrgItem.QueuePaused)

                // Move data from source file to buffer, if no more data we're done!
                bytesRead = sourceStream.Read(bytes, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
                if (bytesRead == 0)

                // Copy buffered data to destination
                destinationStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytesRead);

                // Update progress
                totalFileRead += bytesRead;
                OnProgressChange((int)(baseProgress + (double)totalFileRead / totalSize * progressAmount));

            // Close streams

            // If operation was paused return not completed
            if (this.QueueStatus == OrgQueueStatus.Paused || QueuePaused)
                return false;

            // For move operation delete the source file now that it's been copied to destination
            if (this.Action == OrgAction.Move)

            // Return completed
            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
            public SpectumChoiceBox(SpectrumEntry currentSpectrum, ISpecrumProvider provider)
                _currentSpectrums = currentSpectrum;
                _choice = currentSpectrum;

                var icon = RadioStreamerResources.RadioIcon;

                _dialog = new TaskDialog
                    WindowIcon = icon,
                    MainIcon = TaskDialogIcon.Information,
                    WindowTitle = RadioStreamerResources.SpectrumChoiceWindowLabel,
                    MainInstruction = RadioStreamerResources.SpectrumChoiceMainInstruction
                _okButton = new TaskDialogButton(ButtonType.Ok);

                _dialog.Buttons.Add(new TaskDialogButton(ButtonType.Close));

                foreach (var name in provider.SpectrumEntries)
                    var btn = new TaskDialogRadioButton {Text = name.Name};


                    _spectrumMapping[btn] = name;
                    if (currentSpectrum.ID == name.ID) btn.Checked = true;

                _dialog.RadioButtonClicked += DialogOnRadioButtonClicked;