Ejemplo n.º 1
        public List <ArticleInfo> GetAll()
            string             sqlExpression  = "sp_GetArticles";
            CCountryGateway    countryGateway = new CCountryGateway();
            List <ArticleInfo> articles       = new List <ArticleInfo>();
            STag articleTag = new STag();

            using (SqlConnection conn = DBConnection.Instance.GetConnection())

                SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sqlExpression, conn);
                command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    if (reader.HasRows)
                        while (reader.Read())
                            articleTag.Value = (string)reader["Tag"];
                            int         countryId = (int)reader["CountryID"];
                            ArticleInfo article   = new ArticleInfo();
                            article.ID      = (int)reader["ID"];
                            article.Url     = (string)reader["URL"];
                            article.Title   = (string)reader["Title"];
                            article.Content = (string)reader["Content"];
                            article.Html    = (byte[])reader["HTML"];
                            article.Date    = (DateTime)reader[6];              //todo: fix the problem with Date  -> rename column?
                            article.Country = countryGateway.Get(countryId);
                            article.Tag     = articleTag;


Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void Go()
            Console.WriteLine(@"Welcome to OnLooker!!!!!");
                /*--------------------------todo: implement DI Container ------------------------------------*/
                CCountryGateway    countryGw     = new CCountryGateway();
                CArticleGateway    articleGw     = new CArticleGateway();
                CTagGateway        tagGateway    = new CTagGateway();
                CArticleTagGateway artTagGateway = new CArticleTagGateway();
                /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
                CCountryService countryService = new CCountryService(countryGw);
                CArticleService articleService = new CArticleService(articleGw);
                CTagService     tagService     = new CTagService(tagGateway);

                Int32 tagId;

                /*create queryInfo entity storing all strings of user query */
                QueryInfo queryInfo = new QueryInfo();

                /*-----------------User interaction-------------------------*/

                Console.WriteLine("Введите строку запроса");
                String query = Console.ReadLine();                           //todo: add option with choosing  currency

                /*-----------------And of user interaction-----------------*/

                /*convert from user query to STag*/
                CTag tag = new CTag(query);
                queryInfo.Tag = tag;
                /* Crawling */                                                  //todo: put this logic to standalone class
                String        searchUrl = $"https://ria.ru/search/?query=" + query;
                List <string> allUrls   = CParser.ParseWebPage(searchUrl, new RegularExpressions().FindQeryUrls);

                foreach (String url in allUrls)
                    ArticleInfo article = new ArticleInfo();
                    article.Tags    = new [] { tag };
                    article.Title   = "Some Title";                         //todo: implement title parsing
                    article.Url     = url;
                    article.Html    = GetHtml(url);
                    article.Country = countryService.GetAllCountries().Find(x => x.ID == 1);

                    /*this function collect the content from webpage */
                    List <string> htmList = CParser.ParseWebPage(url, new RegularExpressions().GetContent);
                    StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();

                    foreach (var html in htmList)
                        /*it should delete tags placed in text (like <strong> or <a>) */
                        content.AppendFormat(Regex.Replace(html, new RegularExpressions().GetAllTags, string.Empty)); //todo: fix regex, it shouldn't delete text stored between formatting tags

                    article.Content = content.ToString();
                    article.Date    = DateTime.Now;                           //todo:implement parsing of url, to get the date of article


                    /*---------------------------------Interaction with DB--------------------------------------*/

                    /* put article into DB */
                    Int32 articleID = articleService.AddArticle(article);

                    /*checking if tag already exsists, if not - put new tag into DB*/                           //todo: should remove this operation from foreach-block after creating query validation
                    List <string> exsistingTags = tagGateway.GetAllNames();

                    if (!exsistingTags.Contains(queryInfo.Tag.Value))
                        tagId = tagGateway.Create(queryInfo.Tag);
                        tagId = tagGateway.GetByName(queryInfo.Tag.Value);

                    /* put article-tag relation into DB*/
                    artTagGateway.AddRelation(tagId, articleID);
                Console.WriteLine("End of main procedure");

                /*------------------------------------Data output----------------------------*/
                List <ArticleInfo> articlesInDb = articleService.GetAllArticles();
                Console.SetWindowSize(160, 50);
                Console.WriteLine("|{0,-30}|{1,-5}|{2,-60}|{3,-15}|{4,-15}|{5,-20}|", "Tag", "ID", "Url", "Title", "Country", "Date");
                Console.WriteLine("|{0,30}|{1,5}|{2,60}|{3,15}|{4,15}|{5,20}|", "____ ", "_____", "_____________________", "_____", "_____", "_____");
                foreach (ArticleInfo article in articlesInDb)
                    Console.WriteLine("|{0,-30}|{1,-5}|{2,-60}|{3,-15}|{4,-15}|{5,-20}|", article.Tags[0].Value, article.ID, article.Url, article.Title, article.Country.Name, article.Date);
            catch (Exception e)
                SLogger.Log.Fatal("Unexpected termination: " + e.Message);
