Ejemplo n.º 1
        public bool DeleteByStr(string DepartmentId)
            SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[1];

            DataBase DB = new DataBase();
            string strsql = "DELETE FROM Departmentmr WHERE (DepartmentId = @DepartmentId)";
            Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@DepartmentId", SqlDbType.Int, 4, DepartmentId);               //�û����

            int Count = -1;
            Count = DB.ProcStr(strsql, Params);
            if (Count > 0)
                return true;
            else return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //      如果插入成功:返回True;
        //      如果插入失败:返回False;
        public bool InsertByStr()
            SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[1];
            DataBase DB = new DataBase();
            string strsql = "INSERT INTO Coursemr(Name) VALUES (@Name)";

            Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@Name", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50, Name);               //考试科目名称

            int Count = -1;
            Count = DB.ProcStr(strsql, Params);
            if (Count > 0)
                return true;
            else return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //      CID - 科目编号;
        //      如果删除成功:返回True;
        //      如果删除失败:返回False;
        public bool DeleteByStr(int CID)
            SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[1];

            DataBase DB = new DataBase();
            string strsql = "DELETE FROM Coursemr WHERE ID = @ID";

            Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@ID", SqlDbType.Int,4, CID);               //科目编号

            int Count = -1;
            Count = DB.ProcStr(strsql, Params);
            if (Count > 0)
                return true;
            else return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public bool CheckDepartment(int XDepartmentId)
            SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[1];
            DataBase DB = new DataBase();
            string strsql = "SELECT * FROM Departmentmr WHERE DepartmentId =@DepartmentId";
            Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@DepartmentId", SqlDbType.Int, 4, XDepartmentId);

            SqlDataReader DR = DB.RunStrGetReader(strsql, Params);
            if (!DR.Read())
                return false;
                return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        //      TID - ��Ŀ��ţ�
        //      ɾ���ɹ�������True��
        //      ɾ��ʧ�ܣ�����False��
        public bool DeleteByStr(int TID)
            SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[1];

            DataBase DB = new DataBase();
            string strsql = "DELETE FROM QuestionProblemmr WHERE (ID= @ID)";
            Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@ID", SqlDbType.Int, 4, TID);               //��Ŀ���

            int Count = -1;
            Count = DB.ProcStr(strsql, Params);
            if (Count > 0)
                return true;
            else return false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public DataSet QueryQuestionProblem(int TCourseID)
            SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[1];

            DataBase DB = new DataBase();
            string strsql = "SELECT QuestionProblemmr.ID,QuestionProblemmr.Title FROM QuestionProblemmr where CourseID=@CourseID";
            Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@CourseID", SqlDbType.Int, 4, TCourseID);               //��Ŀ���
            return DB.GetStrDataSetSql(strsql, Params);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public bool UpdateByStr(int TID)
            SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[4];

            DataBase DB = new DataBase();
            string strsql = "UPDATE QuestionProblemmr SET CourseID= @CourseID,Title= @Title,Answer = @Answer WHERE (ID = @ID)";
            Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@ID", SqlDbType.Int, 4, TID);                           //��Ŀ���
            Params[1] = DB.MakeInParam("@CourseID", SqlDbType.Int, 4, CourseID);                //��Ŀ���
            Params[2] = DB.MakeInParam("@Title", SqlDbType.VarChar, 1000, Title);               //��Ŀ
            Params[3] = DB.MakeInParam("@Answer", SqlDbType.VarChar, 1000, Answer);                    //��

            int Count = -1;
            Count = DB.ProcStr(strsql, Params);
            if (Count > 0)
                return true;
            else return false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public DataSet QueryPaper()
     DataBase DB = new DataBase();
     string strsql = "SELECT Papermr.PaperID,Papermr.PaperName FROM Papermr where PaperState=@paperState";
     SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[1];
     Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@PaperState", SqlDbType.Bit,1,  "true");               //题目编号
     //return DB.GetDataSet("Proc_PaperUseList",Params);
     return DB.GetStrDataSetSql(strsql, Params);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        //      XUserID - 用户编号;
        //      用户存在:返回True;
        //      用户不在:返回False;
        public bool CheckUser(string XUserID)
            SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[1];
            DataBase DB = new DataBase();
            string strsql = "SELECT * FROM Usersmr,Departmentmr,Rolemr WHERE UserID=@UserID AND Usersmr.DepartmentId = Departmentmr.DepartmentId And Usersmr.RoleId = Rolemr.RoleId";
            Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@UserID", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50, XUserID);                  //教工姓名

            SqlDataReader DR = DB.RunStrGetReader(strsql, Params);
            if (!DR.Read())
                return false;
                return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public DataSet QueryFillBlankProblem(int TCourseID)
            SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[1];

            DataBase DB = new DataBase();
            string strsql = "SELECT FillBlankProblemmr.ID, FillBlankProblemmr.FrontTitle,FillBlankProblemmr.BackTitle FROM FillBlankProblemmr where CourseID=@CourseID";
            Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@CourseID", SqlDbType.Int, 4, TCourseID);               //题目编号
            return DB.GetStrDataSetSql(strsql, Params);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        //     删除某位用户的试卷
        public bool DeleteByProc(string userid,int paperid)
            SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[2];

            DataBase DB = new DataBase();
            string strsql = "DELETE From UserAnswermr WHERE UserID= @UserID and PaperID=@PaperID";
            Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@UserID", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50, userid);               //用户ID
            Params[1] = DB.MakeInParam("@PaperID", SqlDbType.Int, 4, paperid);               //试卷ID

            int Count = -1;
            //Count = DB.RunProc("Proc_UserPaperDelete", Params);
            Count = DB.ProcStr(strsql, Params);
            if (Count > 0)
                return true;
            else return false;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public bool UpdateByProc(string XUserID)
            SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[4];

            DataBase DB = new DataBase();
            string strsql = "UPDATE Usersmr SET UserName= @UserName,DepartmentId= @DepartmentId,RoleId = @RoleId WHERE UserID = @UserID";
            Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@UserID", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50, XUserID);               //用户编号
            Params[1] = DB.MakeInParam("@UserName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50, UserName);           //用户姓名
            Params[2] = DB.MakeInParam("@DepartmentId", SqlDbType.Int, 4, DepartmentId);        //部门
            Params[3] = DB.MakeInParam("@RoleId", SqlDbType.Int, 4, RoleId);           //角色

            int Count = -1;
            Count = DB.ProcStr(strsql, Params);
            if (Count > 0)
                return true;
            else return false;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public bool UpdateByStr(int CID)
            SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[2];

            DataBase DB = new DataBase();
            string strsql = "UPDATE Coursemr SET Name = @Name WHERE ID = @ID";
            Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@ID", SqlDbType.Int, 4, CID);               //用户编号
            Params[1] = DB.MakeInParam("@Name", SqlDbType.VarChar, 200, Name);      //用户权限

            int Count = -1;
            Count = DB.ProcStr(strsql, Params);
            if (Count > 0)
                return true;
            else return false;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        //根据用户 UserID 初始化该用户
        //      XUserID - 用户编号;
        //      用户存在:返回True;
        //      用户不在:返回False;
        public bool LoadData(string XUserID)
            SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[1];
            DataBase DB = new DataBase();

            Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@UserID", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50, XUserID);                  //用户编号
            string strsql = "SELECT * FROM Usersmr,Departmentmr,Rolemr WHERE UserID=@UserID AND Usersmr.DepartmentId = Departmentmr.DepartmentId And Usersmr.RoleId = Rolemr.RoleId";
            DataSet ds = DB.GetStrDataSetSql(strsql, Params);
            ds.CaseSensitive = false;
            DataRow DR;
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                DR= ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
                this._userID = GetSafeData.ValidateDataRow_S(DR, "UserID");                         //用户编号
                this._userName = GetSafeData.ValidateDataRow_S(DR, "UserName");                     //用户姓名
                this._userPwd = GetSafeData.ValidateDataRow_S(DR, "UserPwd");                   //用户密码
                this._department = GetSafeData.ValidateDataRow_N(DR, "DepartmentId");           //所在部门
                this._roleid = GetSafeData.ValidateDataRow_N(DR, "RoleId");                     //用户权限
                this._rolename = GetSafeData.ValidateDataRow_S(DR, "RoleName");                     //用户权限

                string colName = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < DR.ItemArray.Length; i++)
                    colName = DR.Table.Columns[i].ColumnName;
                    if (colName.StartsWith("HasDuty_") && GetSafeData.ValidateDataRow_N(DR, colName) == 1)
                        this._duties.Add(DR.Table.Columns[i].ColumnName.Substring(8));	//去掉前缀“HasDuty_”
                return true;
                return false;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        //      XUserID - 用户编号;
        //      修改成功:返回True;
        //      修改失败:返回False;
        public bool ModifyPassword(string XUserID)
            SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[2];

            DataBase DB = new DataBase();
            string strsql = "UPDATE Usersmr SET UserPwd = @UserPwd WHERE (UserID = @UserID)";
            Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@UserID", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20, XUserID);               //用户编号
            Params[1] = DB.MakeInParam("@UserPwd", SqlDbType.VarChar, 64, UserPwd);    //用户密码

            int Count = -1;
            Count = DB.ProcStr(strsql, Params);
            if (Count > 0)
                return true;
            else return false;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public bool IsTest(string UserID, int PaperID)
            SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[2];

            DataBase DB = new DataBase();
            string strsql = "SELECT * FROM UserAnswermr WHERE UserID=@UserID AND PaperID=@PaperID";
            Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@UserID", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20, UserID);
            Params[1] = DB.MakeInParam("@PaperID", SqlDbType.Int, 4, PaperID);

            SqlDataReader DR = DB.RunStrGetReader(strsql, Params);
            if (!DR.Read())
                return false;
                return true;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        //      插入成功:返回True;
        //      插入失败:返回False;
        public bool InsertByStr()
            SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[5];

            DataBase DB = new DataBase();
            string strsql = "INSERT INTO Usersmr (UserID,UserName,UserPwd,DepartmentId,RoleId) VALUES ( @UserID,@UserName,@UserPwd,@DepartmentId, @RoleId)";
            Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@UserID", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50, UserID);               //用户编号
            Params[1] = DB.MakeInParam("@UserName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50, UserName);           //用户姓名
            Params[2] = DB.MakeInParam("@UserPwd", SqlDbType.VarChar,64, UserPwd);    //用户密码
            Params[3] = DB.MakeInParam("@RoleId", SqlDbType.Int, 4,RoleId);    //角色
            Params[4] = DB.MakeInParam("@DepartmentId", SqlDbType.Int, 4, DepartmentId);    //部门

            int Count = -1;
            //Count = DB.RunProc("Proc_UsersAdd", Params);
            Count = DB.ProcStr(strsql, Params);
            if (Count > 0)
                return true;
            else return false;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        //      XUserID - 用户编号;
        //      删除成功:返回True;
        //      删除失败:返回False;
        public bool DeleteByProc(string XUserID)
            SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[1];

            DataBase DB = new DataBase();
            string strsql = "DELETE FROM Usersmr WHERE UserID = @UserID";
            Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@UserID", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50, XUserID);               //用户编号

            int Count = -1;
            Count = DB.ProcStr(strsql, Params);
            if (Count > 0)
                return true;
            else return false;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 //      如果插入成功:返回True;
 //      如果插入失败:返回False;
 public bool InsertByStr()
     SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[4];
     DataBase DB = new DataBase();
     string strsql = "INSERT INTO FillBlankProblemmr (CourseID,FrontTitle,BackTitle,Answer) VALUES (@CourseID,@FrontTitle,@BackTitle,@Answer)";
     Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@CourseID", SqlDbType.Int, 4, CourseID);                //科目编号
     Params[1] = DB.MakeInParam("@FrontTitle", SqlDbType.VarChar, 500, FrontTitle);      //题目前部分
     Params[2] = DB.MakeInParam("@BackTitle", SqlDbType.VarChar, 500, BackTitle);        //题名后部分
     Params[3] = DB.MakeInParam("@Answer", SqlDbType.VarChar, 200, Answer);              //答案
     int Count = -1;
     Count = DB.ProcStr(strsql, Params);
     if (Count > 0)
         return true;
     else return false;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        //      插入成功:返回True;
        //      插入失败:返回False;
        public bool InsertByProc()
            SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[6];

            DataBase DB = new DataBase();
            string strsql = "INSERT INTO Scoremr (UserID, PaperID,Score,ExamTime,JudgeTime,PingYu) VALUES ( @UserID,@PaperID,@Score,@ExamTime,@JudgeTime,@PingYu)";
            Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@UserID", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20, UserID);
            Params[1] = DB.MakeInParam("@PaperID", SqlDbType.Int,4, PaperID);
            Params[2] = DB.MakeInParam("@Score", SqlDbType.Int,4, Score);
            Params[3] = DB.MakeInParam("@ExamTime", SqlDbType.DateTime, 8,ExamTime);
            Params[4] = DB.MakeInParam("@JudgeTime", SqlDbType.DateTime, 8, DateTime.Now);
            Params[5] = DB.MakeInParam("@PingYu", SqlDbType.VarChar, 1000, PingYu);

            int Count = -1;
            Count = DB.ProcStr(strsql, Params);
            if (Count > 0)
                return true;
            else return false;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        //根据题目ID 初始化题目
        //      TID - 题目编号;
        //      如果考试题目存在:返回True;
        //      如果考试题目不在:返回False;
        public bool LoadData(int TID)
            SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[1];
            DataBase DB = new DataBase();
            string strsql = "SELECT * FROM FillBlankProblemmr where ID=@ID";
            Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@ID", SqlDbType.Int, 4, TID);                  //用户编号

            DataSet ds = DB.GetStrDataSetSql(strsql, Params);
            ds.CaseSensitive = false;
            DataRow DR;
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                DR = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
                this._CourseID = GetSafeData.ValidateDataRow_N(DR, "CourseID");                   //科目编号
                this._FrontTitle = GetSafeData.ValidateDataRow_S(DR, "FrontTitle");               //题目前部分
                this._BackTitle = GetSafeData.ValidateDataRow_S(DR, "BackTitle");                 //题目后部分
                this._Answer = GetSafeData.ValidateDataRow_S(DR, "Answer");                       //答案
                return true;
                return false;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public bool UpdateByProc(string XUserID,int XPaperID,string Xstate)
            SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[3];

            DataBase DB = new DataBase();
            string strsql = "UPDATE UserAnswermr SET state= @state WHERE UserID = @UserID and PaperID= @PaperID";
            Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@UserID", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50, XUserID);
            Params[1] = DB.MakeInParam("@PaperID", SqlDbType.Int, 4, XPaperID);
            Params[2] = DB.MakeInParam("@state", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50,Xstate);

            int Count = -1;
            Count = DB.ProcStr(strsql,Params);
            if (Count > 0)
                return true;
            else return false;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public bool UpdateByStr(int TID)
     SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[5];
     DataBase DB = new DataBase();
     string strsql = "UPDATE FillBlankProblemmr SET CourseID= @CourseID,FrontTitle= @FrontTitle,BackTitle= @BackTitle,Answer= @Answer WHERE (ID= @ID)";
     Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@ID", SqlDbType.Int, 4, TID);                           //题目编号
     Params[1] = DB.MakeInParam("@CourseID", SqlDbType.Int, 4, CourseID);                //科目编号
     Params[2] = DB.MakeInParam("@FrontTitle", SqlDbType.VarChar, 500, FrontTitle);      //题目前部分
     Params[3] = DB.MakeInParam("@BackTitle", SqlDbType.VarChar, 500, BackTitle);        //题名后部分
     Params[4] = DB.MakeInParam("@Answer", SqlDbType.VarChar, 200, Answer);              //答案
     int Count = -1;
     Count = DB.ProcStr(strsql, Params);
     if (Count > 0)
         return true;
     else return false;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public bool CheckScore(string XUserID,int XPaperID)
            SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[2];
            DataBase DB = new DataBase();
            string strsql = " SELECT * FROM Scoremr WHERE UserID =@UserID and PaperID= @PaperID";
            Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@UserID", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20, XUserID);
            Params[1] = DB.MakeInParam("@PaperID", SqlDbType.Int, 4, XPaperID);

            SqlDataReader DR = DB.RunStrGetReader(strsql, Params);
            if (!DR.Read())
                return false;
                return true;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        //      如果插入成功:返回True;
        //      如果插入失败:返回False;
        public bool InsertByProc()
            SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[3];
            DataBase DB = new DataBase();
            string strsql = "";
            Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@CourseID", SqlDbType.Int, 4, CourseID);               //科目编号
            Params[1] = DB.MakeInParam("@PaperName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 200, PaperName);       //试卷名称
            Params[2] = DB.MakeInParam("@PaperState", SqlDbType.Bit,1, PaperState);            //试卷状态

            int Count = -1;
            Count = DB.RunProc("Proc_PaperAdd", Params);
            if (Count > 0)
                return true;
            else return false;
Ejemplo n.º 26
        //������ĿID ��ʼ����Ŀ
        //      TID - ��Ŀ��ţ�
        //      ���������Ŀ���ڣ�����True��
        //      ���������Ŀ���ڣ�����False��
        public bool LoadData(int TID)
            SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[1];
            DataBase DB = new DataBase();
            string strsql = "SELECT * FROM QuestionProblemmr where ID=@ID";
            Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@ID", SqlDbType.Int, 4, TID);                  //�û����

            DataSet ds = DB.GetStrDataSetSql(strsql, Params);
            ds.CaseSensitive = false;
            DataRow DR;
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                DR = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
                this._CourseID = GetSafeData.ValidateDataRow_N(DR, "CourseID");                   //��Ŀ���
                this._Title = GetSafeData.ValidateDataRow_S(DR, "Title");                         //��Ŀ
                this._Answer = GetSafeData.ValidateDataRow_S(DR, "Answer");                     //��
                return true;
                return false;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public DataSet QueryUserPaper(string type,string userid)
            DataBase DB = new DataBase();
            SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[2];
            //Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@PaperID", SqlDbType.Int, 4, paperid);               //试卷编号
            Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@Type", SqlDbType.VarChar, 10, type);            //题目类型
            Params[1] = DB.MakeInParam("@UserID", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50, userid);            //用户ID

            return DB.GetDataSet("Proc_UserAnswermr", Params);
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public DataSet QueryUserScore(string XUserID)
     SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[1];
     DataBase DB = new DataBase();
     string strsql = "SELECT Usersmr.UserID,Usersmr.UserName,Scoremr.ID,Scoremr.Score,Scoremr.ExamTime,Scoremr.JudgeTime,Scoremr.PingYu,Papermr.PaperID,Papermr.PaperName FROM Usersmr,Scoremr,Papermr WHERE Usersmr.UserID=Scoremr.UserID and Scoremr.PaperID=Papermr.PaperID and Usersmr.UserID=@UserID order by Scoremr.ExamTime";
     Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@UserID", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20,XUserID);
     return DB.GetStrDataSetSql(strsql, Params);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public bool UpdateByStr(int PID)
            SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[2];

            DataBase DB = new DataBase();
            string strsql = "UPDATE Papermr SET PaperState = @PaperState WHERE PaperID= @PaperID";
            Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@PaperID", SqlDbType.Int, 4, PID);                      //试卷编号
            Params[1] = DB.MakeInParam("@PaperState", SqlDbType.Bit, 1, PaperState);            //试卷状态

            int Count = -1;
            Count = DB.ProcStr(strsql, Params);
            if (Count > 0)
                return true;
            else return false;
Ejemplo n.º 30
        //      ����ɹ�������True��
        //      ����ʧ�ܣ�����False��
        public bool InsertByStr()
            SqlParameter[] Params = new SqlParameter[3];

            DataBase DB = new DataBase();
            string strsql = "INSERT INTO QuestionProblemmr (CourseID,Title,Answer) VALUES (@CourseID,@Title,@Answer)";
            Params[0] = DB.MakeInParam("@CourseID", SqlDbType.Int, 4, CourseID);                 //��Ŀ���
            Params[1] = DB.MakeInParam("@Title", SqlDbType.VarChar, 1000, Title);                //��Ŀ
            Params[2] = DB.MakeInParam("@Answer", SqlDbType.VarChar,1000, Answer);                      //��A

            int Count = -1;
            Count = DB.ProcStr(strsql, Params);
            if (Count > 0)
                return true;
            else return false;