Ejemplo n.º 1
        public OfxTransaction(XmlNode node, string currency)
            TransType = GetTransactionType(node.GetValue(".//TRNTYPE"));
            Date      = node.GetValue(".//DTPOSTED").ToDate();
            TransactionInitializationDate = node.GetValue(".//DTUSER").ToDate();
            FundAvaliabilityDate          = node.GetValue(".//DTAVAIL").ToDate();

                Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(node.GetValue(".//TRNAMT"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new OfxParseException("Transaction Amount unknown", ex);

                TransactionId = node.GetValue(".//FITID");
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new OfxParseException("Transaction ID unknown", ex);

            IncorrectTransactionId = node.GetValue(".//CORRECTFITID");

            //If Transaction Correction Action exists, populate
            var tempCorrectionAction = node.GetValue(".//CORRECTACTION");

            TransactionCorrectionAction = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempCorrectionAction)
                ? GetTransactionCorrectionType(tempCorrectionAction)
                : OfxTransactionCorrectionType.NA;

            ServerTransactionId = node.GetValue(".//SRVRTID");
            CheckNum            = node.GetValue(".//CHECKNUM");
            ReferenceNumber     = node.GetValue(".//REFNUM");
            Sic     = node.GetValue(".//SIC");
            PayeeId = node.GetValue(".//PAYEEID");
            Name    = node.GetValue(".//NAME");
            Memo    = node.GetValue(".//MEMO");

            //If differenct currency to CURDEF, populate currency
            if (NodeExists(node, ".//CURRENCY"))
                Currency = node.GetValue(".//CURRENCY");
            else if (NodeExists(node, ".//ORIGCURRENCY"))
                Currency = node.GetValue(".//ORIGCURRENCY");
            //If currency not different, set to CURDEF
                Currency = currency;

            //If senders bank/credit card details avaliable, add
            if (NodeExists(node, ".//BANKACCTTO"))
                TransactionSenderAccount = OfxAccount.FromXmlNode(node.SelectSingleNode(".//BANKACCTTO"), OfxAccountType.BANK);
            else if (NodeExists(node, ".//CCACCTTO"))
                TransactionSenderAccount = OfxAccount.FromXmlNode(node.SelectSingleNode(".//CCACCTTO"), OfxAccountType.CC);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static OfxDocument Parse(string content)
            //If OFX file in SGML format, convert to XML
            if (!IsXmlVersion(content))
                content = SgmlToXml(content);

            var ofx = new OfxDocument {
                AccType = GetAccountType(content)

            //Load into xml document
            var doc = new XmlDocument();

            doc.Load(new StringReader(content));

            var currencyNode = doc.SelectSingleNode(GetXPath(ofx.AccType, OfxSection.CURRENCY));

            if (currencyNode != null)
                ofx.Currency = currencyNode.FirstChild.Value;
                throw new OfxParseException("Currency not found");

            //Get sign on node from OFX file
            var signOnNode = doc.SelectSingleNode(Resources.SignOn);

            //If exists, populate signon obj, else throw parse error
            if (signOnNode != null)
                ofx.SignOn = new OfxSignOn(signOnNode);
                throw new OfxParseException("Sign On information not found");

            //Get Account information for ofx doc
            var accountNode = doc.SelectSingleNode(GetXPath(ofx.AccType, OfxSection.ACCOUNTINFO));

            //If account info present, populate account object
            if (accountNode != null)
                ofx.Account = OfxAccount.FromXmlNode(accountNode, ofx.AccType);
                throw new OfxParseException("Account information not found");

            //Get list of transactions
            ImportTransations(ofx, doc);

            //Get balance info from ofx doc
            var ledgerNode    = doc.SelectSingleNode(GetXPath(ofx.AccType, OfxSection.BALANCE) + "/LEDGERBAL");
            var avaliableNode = doc.SelectSingleNode(GetXPath(ofx.AccType, OfxSection.BALANCE) + "/AVAILBAL");

            //If balance info present, populate balance object
            // ***** OFX files from my bank don't have the 'avaliableNode' node, so i manage a 'null' situation
            if (ledgerNode != null) // && avaliableNode != null
                ofx.Balance = new OfxBalance(ledgerNode, avaliableNode);
                throw new OfxParseException("Balance information not found");
