Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //introdcution text
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Zombie Arena! \n");

            // controls whether battle should continue
            bool isBattleOver = false;

            Player player = new Player();
            Zombie zombo2 = new YummyZombie();
            Zombie zombo1 = new Zombie();

            //battle loop
            while (!isBattleOver)
                // prompt player for input
                Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?");
                string playerInput = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.WriteLine($"You wrote: {playerInput}");

                // good bye text for player quit
                if (playerInput == "quit")
                    isBattleOver = true;
                else if (playerInput == "help")
                    Console.WriteLine("Type words into the console to command the player. \nAll words are accepted in lowercase format with underscores \" _ \" for spaces. \n " +
                                      "Type \"list\" to see a list of valid commands.\n");
                else if (playerInput == "check_health")
                    Console.WriteLine($"Your current health is: { player.playerHP}");
                else if (playerInput == "am_i_alive")
                    if (player.IsDefeated)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Player is alive with {player.playerHP} total health");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Player is defeated");
                        isBattleOver = true;
                else if (playerInput == "attack")
                    float dmgDealt = player.Attack();

                    Console.WriteLine($"You attcked for: {dmgDealt} damage");
                    Console.WriteLine($"The zombie has {zombo1.zombieHP} health left");
                else if (playerInput == "heavy_attack")
                    float dmgDealt = player.Attack();
                    float hvyDmg   = dmgDealt * 2;

                    Console.WriteLine($"You attcked very strongly for: {hvyDmg} damage");
                    Console.WriteLine($"The zombie has {zombo1.zombieHP} health left");
                else if (playerInput == "eat")
                    Console.WriteLine("You decided to eat a glowing zombie...");
                    Console.WriteLine($"The zombie now has {zombo1.zombieHP}");

                    Console.WriteLine($"Somehow it gave you health. Your health is now {player.playerHP}");

                float zombieAttack = zombo1.Attack();
                Console.WriteLine($"Zombie has dealt {zombieAttack} damage in return");
                Console.WriteLine($"You have {player.playerHP} health left");

                if (player.IsDefeated || zombo1.IsDefeated)
                    if (player.IsDefeated)
                        Console.WriteLine("You have been eaten by the zombie. You Lose");
                        Console.WriteLine("You win!");

                    isBattleOver = true;
            Console.WriteLine("Thank you for playing! Press \"ENTER\" to exit");
            // keep the window open
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void Eat(Zombie brain)
     playerHP += 25.0f;