private void InsertSync(SyncItem syncItem)
     var insertUrl  = string.Format(urlFormat + "/tables/syncLog", zumoName);
     var insertUri  = new Uri(insertUrl);
     var insertBody = Serialize(syncItem);
     var result     = AzureWebServicesConnection.InsertItem(insertUri, insertBody, adminKey);
 private void InsertItem(string itemBody, string id, int RetryCount = 0)
         string insertUrl = string.Format(urlFormat + "/tables/{1}", zumoName, tableName);
         var    insertUri = new Uri(insertUrl);
         var    result    = AzureWebServicesConnection.InsertItem(insertUri, itemBody, adminKey);
         if (result.Contains("Error"))
             throw new Exception(result);
     catch (Exception ex)
         ComponentMetaData.FireInformation(978, ComponentMetaData.Name, ex.Message, "", 0, ref pbCancel);
         if (RetryCount < 5)
             ComponentMetaData.FireInformation(979, ComponentMetaData.Name, string.Format("Waiting to insert into {0} table, id: {1}", tableName, id), "", 0, ref pbCancel);
             InsertItem(itemBody, id, RetryCount);
             ComponentMetaData.FireInformation(980, ComponentMetaData.Name, string.Format("Unable to insert into {0} table, id: {1} to service.", tableName, id), "", 0, ref pbCancel);