Ejemplo n.º 1
         * public methods
        public bool Validate(Validator v, OTFontVal fontOwner)
            bool bRet = true;

            if (v.PerformTest(T.OS_2_Version))
                if (version == 0 || version == 1 || version == 2)
                    v.Warning(T.OS_2_Version, W.OS_2_W_Version_old, m_tag, version.ToString());
                else if (version == 3)
                    v.Pass(T.OS_2_Version, P.OS_2_P_Version, m_tag, version.ToString());
                    v.Error(T.OS_2_Version, E.OS_2_E_Version, m_tag, version.ToString());
                    bRet = false;

            if (v.PerformTest(T.OS_2_TableLength))
                uint len = GetLength();
                if ((version == 0 && len == 78)
                    || (version == 1 && len == 86)
                    || (version == 2 && len == 96)
                    || (version == 3 && len == 96))
                    v.Pass(T.OS_2_TableLength, P.OS_2_P_TableLength, m_tag);
                    v.Error(T.OS_2_TableLength, E.OS_2_E_TableLength, m_tag);
                    bRet = false;

            if (!bRet)
                v.Warning(T.T_NULL, W._TEST_W_OtherErrorsInTable, m_tag, "OS/2 table appears to be corrupt.  No further tests will be performed.");
                return bRet;

            if (v.PerformTest(T.OS_2_xAvgCharWidth))
                if (fontOwner.GetTable("maxp") == null)
                    v.Warning(T.OS_2_xAvgCharWidth, W._TEST_W_ErrorInAnotherTable, m_tag, "maxp table inaccessible, can't check Avg Char Width");
                    if (fontOwner.ContainsTrueTypeOutlines())
                        Table_hmtx hmtxTable = (Table_hmtx)fontOwner.GetTable("hmtx");
                        val_loca locaTable = (val_loca)fontOwner.GetTable("loca");
                        val_maxp maxpTable = (val_maxp)fontOwner.GetTable("maxp");
                        if (hmtxTable == null)
                            v.Error(T.OS_2_xAvgCharWidth, E._TEST_E_TableMissing, m_tag, "hmtx");
                            bRet = false;
                        else if (locaTable == null)
                            v.Error(T.OS_2_xAvgCharWidth, E._TEST_E_TableMissing, m_tag, "loca");
                            bRet = false;
                        else if (maxpTable == null)
                            v.Error(T.OS_2_xAvgCharWidth, E._TEST_E_TableMissing, m_tag, "maxp");
                            bRet = false;

                            if (   version == 3
                                || fontOwner.ContainsMsSymbolEncodedCmap())
                                int nTotalWidth = 0;
                                int nTotalGlyphs = 0;
                                for (uint iGlyph=0; iGlyph<fontOwner.GetMaxpNumGlyphs(); iGlyph++)
                                    Table_hmtx.longHorMetric hm = hmtxTable.GetOrMakeHMetric(iGlyph, fontOwner);
                                    if (hm != null)
                                        nTotalWidth += hm.advanceWidth;
                                        // only average non-zero width glyphs
                                        if (hm.advanceWidth > 0)
                                            nTotalGlyphs ++;

                                short CalcAvgWidth = 0;
                                if (nTotalGlyphs > 0)
                                    CalcAvgWidth = (short)(nTotalWidth / nTotalGlyphs);

                                if (xAvgCharWidth == CalcAvgWidth)
                                    v.Pass(T.OS_2_xAvgCharWidth, P.OS_2_P_xAvgCharWidth, m_tag);
                                    string s = "actual = " + xAvgCharWidth + ", calc = " + CalcAvgWidth;
                                    v.Error(T.OS_2_xAvgCharWidth, E.OS_2_E_xAvgCharWidth, m_tag, s);
                                    bRet = false;
                                // do weighed average
                                ushort [] weightLC = { 
                                                       64, 14, 27, 35, 100, 20, 14, 42, 63,  3,  6, 35, 20,
                                                       56, 56, 17,  4,  49, 56, 71, 31, 10,  18, 3, 18, 2
                                ushort weightSpace = 166;


                                    uint iSpaceGlyph = fontOwner.FastMapUnicodeToGlyphID(' ');
                                    if (iSpaceGlyph >= fontOwner.GetMaxpNumGlyphs())
                                        throw new ApplicationException("error in cmap table");
                                    Table_hmtx.longHorMetric hmSpace = hmtxTable.GetOrMakeHMetric(iSpaceGlyph, fontOwner);

                                    if (hmSpace != null)

                                        int nTotalWeight = hmSpace.advanceWidth * weightSpace;
                                        int nLowerCase = 0;
                                        for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++)
                                            uint iGlyph = fontOwner.FastMapUnicodeToGlyphID(c);
                                            if (iGlyph > 0
                                                && iGlyph < fontOwner.GetMaxpNumGlyphs())
                                                nLowerCase ++;

                                                Table_hmtx.longHorMetric hm = hmtxTable.GetOrMakeHMetric(iGlyph, fontOwner);
                                                nTotalWeight += hm.advanceWidth * weightLC[c-'a'];

                                        short CalcAvgWidth = 0;
                                        if (nLowerCase == 26)
                                            CalcAvgWidth = (short)(nTotalWeight / 1000);
                                            int nTotalWidth = 0;
                                            int nTotalGlyphs = 0;
                                            for (uint iGlyph=0; iGlyph<fontOwner.GetMaxpNumGlyphs(); iGlyph++)
                                                Table_hmtx.longHorMetric hm = hmtxTable.GetOrMakeHMetric(iGlyph, fontOwner);
                                                nTotalWidth += hm.advanceWidth;
                                                nTotalGlyphs ++;

                                            CalcAvgWidth = (short)(nTotalWidth / nTotalGlyphs);

                                        if (xAvgCharWidth == CalcAvgWidth)
                                            v.Pass(T.OS_2_xAvgCharWidth, P.OS_2_P_xAvgCharWidth, m_tag);
                                            string s = "actual = " + xAvgCharWidth + ", calc = " + CalcAvgWidth;
                                            v.Error(T.OS_2_xAvgCharWidth, E.OS_2_E_xAvgCharWidth, m_tag, s);
                                            bRet = false;
                                        v.Warning(T.OS_2_xAvgCharWidth, W.OS_2_W_hmtx_invalid, m_tag, "unable to parse hmtx table");
                                catch (ApplicationException e)
                                    v.Warning(T.OS_2_xAvgCharWidth, W._TEST_W_ErrorInAnotherTable, m_tag, "xAvgCharWidth cannot be validated due to " + e.Message);

                        // not a TT outline font - should embedded bitmap only font be handled here?
                        v.Info(T.OS_2_xAvgCharWidth, I._TEST_I_NotForCFF, m_tag, "test = OS/2_xAvgCharWidth");


            if (v.PerformTest(T.OS_2_WeightClass))
                if (usWeightClass >= 100 &&
                    usWeightClass <= 900 &&
                    usWeightClass% 100 == 0)
                    bool bWeightClassOk = true;

                    // compare to the PANOSE weight value
                    if (panose_byte1 == 2 || panose_byte1 == 3 || panose_byte1 == 4) // latin text, hand writing, or decorative
                        if (panose_byte3 > 1)
                            // convert PANOSE weight value from a range of [2..11] to a range of [100..900] (reasonably close anyway, given integer math)
                            int nConvertedPANOSE = (panose_byte3-2)*89+100;
                            int nDifference = Math.Abs(usWeightClass - nConvertedPANOSE);
                            if (nDifference < 200)
                                v.Pass(T.OS_2_WeightClass, P.OS_2_P_WeightClass_PANOSE, m_tag);
                                v.Warning(T.OS_2_WeightClass, W.OS_2_W_WeightClass_PANOSE, m_tag, "usWeightClass = " + usWeightClass + ", PANOSE weight = " + panose_byte3);
                                bWeightClassOk = false;

                    if (bWeightClassOk)
                        v.Pass(T.OS_2_WeightClass, P.OS_2_P_WeightClass, m_tag, usWeightClass.ToString());
                    v.Error(T.OS_2_WeightClass, E.OS_2_E_WeightClass, m_tag, usWeightClass.ToString());
                    bRet = false;

            if (v.PerformTest(T.OS_2_WidthClass))
                if (usWidthClass >=1 && usWidthClass <= 9)
                    v.Pass(T.OS_2_WidthClass, P.OS_2_P_WidthClass, m_tag, usWidthClass.ToString());
                    v.Error(T.OS_2_WidthClass, E.OS_2_E_WidthClass, m_tag, usWidthClass.ToString());
                    bRet = false;

            if (v.PerformTest(T.OS_2_fsType))
                bool bPass = true;

                if ((fsType & 0xfcf1) != 0)
                    v.Error(T.OS_2_fsType, E.OS_2_E_fsTypeReserved, m_tag, "0x"+fsType.ToString("x4"));
                    bRet = false;
                    bPass = false;
                    int nExclusiveBits = 0;
                    if ((fsType & 0x0002) !=0) //Restricted License Embedding
                    if ((fsType & 0x0004) != 0) // Preview and Print embedding
                    if ((fsType & 0x0008) != 0) // Editable embedding

                    if (nExclusiveBits > 1)
                        string sDetails = "0x"+fsType.ToString("x4");
                        if ((fsType & 0x0002) !=0)
                            sDetails += ", Restricted License Embedding";
                        if ((fsType & 0x0004) != 0)
                            sDetails += ", Preview and Print embedding";
                        if ((fsType & 0x0008) != 0)
                            sDetails += ", Editable embedding";

                        v.Error(T.OS_2_fsType, E.OS_2_E_fsTypeExclusiveBits, m_tag, sDetails);
                        bRet = false;
                        bPass = false;

                if (bPass)
                    string sDetails = "0x"+fsType.ToString("x4");
                    if (fsType == 0)
                        sDetails += ", Installable Embedding";
                    if ((fsType & 0x0002) !=0)
                        sDetails += ", Restricted License Embedding";
                    if ((fsType & 0x0004) != 0)
                        sDetails += ", Preview and Print embedding";
                    if ((fsType & 0x0008) != 0)
                        sDetails += ", Editable embedding";
                    if ((fsType & 0x0100) != 0)
                        sDetails += ", No subsetting";
                    if ((fsType & 0x0200) != 0)
                        sDetails += ", Bitmap embedding only";

                    v.Pass(T.OS_2_fsType, P.OS_2_P_fsType, m_tag, sDetails);

            if (v.PerformTest(T.OS_2_SubscriptSuperscript))
                Table_head headTable = (Table_head)fontOwner.GetTable("head");
                if (headTable != null)
                    ushort unitsPerEm = headTable.unitsPerEm;
                    ushort SmallestScript = (ushort)(unitsPerEm / 10);
                    bool bNoWarnOrErr = true;

                    if (ySubscriptXSize < SmallestScript ||
                        ySubscriptXSize > unitsPerEm )
                        v.Warning(T.OS_2_SubscriptSuperscript, W.OS_2_W_ySubscriptXSize_unlikely, m_tag, ySubscriptXSize.ToString());
                        bNoWarnOrErr = false;
                    if (ySubscriptYSize < SmallestScript ||
                        ySubscriptYSize > unitsPerEm )
                        v.Warning(T.OS_2_SubscriptSuperscript, W.OS_2_W_ySubscriptYSize_unlikely, m_tag, ySubscriptYSize.ToString());
                        bNoWarnOrErr = false;
                    if (ySubscriptYOffset < 0 )
                        v.Warning(T.OS_2_SubscriptSuperscript, W.OS_2_W_ySubscriptYOffset_LTZero, m_tag, ySubscriptYOffset.ToString());
                        bNoWarnOrErr = false;
                    if (ySuperscriptXSize < SmallestScript ||
                        ySuperscriptXSize > unitsPerEm )
                        v.Warning(T.OS_2_SubscriptSuperscript, W.OS_2_W_ySuperscriptXSize_unlikely, m_tag, ySuperscriptXSize.ToString());
                        bNoWarnOrErr = false;
                    if (ySuperscriptYSize < SmallestScript ||
                        ySuperscriptYSize > unitsPerEm )
                        v.Warning(T.OS_2_SubscriptSuperscript, W.OS_2_W_ySuperscriptYSize_unlikely, m_tag, ySuperscriptYSize.ToString());
                        bNoWarnOrErr = false;
                    if (ySuperscriptYOffset < 0 )
                        v.Warning(T.OS_2_SubscriptSuperscript, W.OS_2_W_ySuperscriptYOffset_unlikely, m_tag, ySuperscriptYOffset.ToString());
                        bNoWarnOrErr = false;

                    if (bNoWarnOrErr)
                        v.Pass(T.OS_2_SubscriptSuperscript, P.OS_2_P_SuperscriptSubscript, m_tag);
                    v.Error(T.OS_2_SubscriptSuperscript, E._TEST_E_TableMissing, m_tag, "head");
                    bRet = false;

            if (v.PerformTest(T.OS_2_Strikeout))
                Table_head headTable = (Table_head)fontOwner.GetTable("head");
                if (headTable != null)
                    ushort unitsPerEm = headTable.unitsPerEm;
                    bool bNoWarnings = true;

                    if (yStrikeoutSize < 0 || yStrikeoutSize > unitsPerEm / 2 )
                        v.Warning(T.OS_2_Strikeout, W.OS_2_W_yStrikeoutSize_unlikely, m_tag, yStrikeoutSize.ToString());
                        bNoWarnings = false;
                    if (yStrikeoutPosition <= 0 )
                        v.Warning(T.OS_2_Strikeout, W.OS_2_W_yStrikeoutPosition_unlikely, m_tag, yStrikeoutPosition.ToString());
                        bNoWarnings = false;

                    if (bNoWarnings)
                        v.Pass(T.OS_2_Strikeout, P.OS_2_P_Strikeout, m_tag);
                    v.Error(T.OS_2_Strikeout, E._TEST_E_TableMissing, m_tag, "head");
                    bRet = false;

            if (v.PerformTest(T.OS_2_FamilyClass))
                bool bIDsOk = true;
                byte ClassID = (byte)(sFamilyClass >> 8);
                byte SubclassID = (byte)(sFamilyClass);

                if (ClassID == 6 || ClassID == 11 || ClassID == 13 || ClassID == 14 )
                    v.Error(T.OS_2_FamilyClass, E.OS_2_E_sFamilyClass_classID_reserved, m_tag, ClassID.ToString());
                    bIDsOk = false;
                    bRet = false;
                if (ClassID > 14 )
                    v.Error(T.OS_2_FamilyClass, E.OS_2_E_sFamilyClass_ClassID_undefined, m_tag, ClassID.ToString());
                    bIDsOk = false;
                    bRet = false;
                if (SubclassID > 15 )
                    v.Error(T.OS_2_FamilyClass, E.OS_2_E_sFamilyClass_subclassID_undefined, m_tag, ClassID.ToString());
                    bIDsOk = false;
                    bRet = false;
                if (bIDsOk)
                    v.Pass(T.OS_2_FamilyClass, P.OS_2_P_sFamilyClass, m_tag);

            if (v.PerformTest(T.OS_2_Panose))
                bool bPanoseOk = true;

                if (panose_byte1 < 5) // panose kind valid, but not latin symbol
                    if (fontOwner.ContainsSymbolsOnly())
                        v.Error(T.OS_2_Panose, E.OS_2_E_Panose_FamilyTypeNotSymbol, m_tag, "PANOSE byte 1 = " + panose_byte1.ToString());
                        bPanoseOk = false;
                        bRet = false;
                else if (panose_byte1 == 5) // panose family kind == latin symbol
                    if (!fontOwner.ContainsSymbolsOnly())
                        v.Error(T.OS_2_Panose, E.OS_2_E_Panose_FamilyTypeSymbol, m_tag, "PANOSE byte 1 = " + panose_byte1.ToString());
                        bPanoseOk = false;
                        bRet = false;
                else if ( panose_byte1 > 5 ) // family kind is invalid
                    v.Error(T.OS_2_Panose, E.OS_2_E_Panose_bFamilyType, m_tag, panose_byte1.ToString());
                    bPanoseOk = false;
                    bRet = false;

                if (panose_byte1 == 2) // family kind == latin text
                    if ( panose_byte2 > 15 )
                        v.Error(T.OS_2_Panose, E.OS_2_E_Panose_bSerifStyle, m_tag, panose_byte2.ToString());
                        bPanoseOk = false;
                        bRet = false;

                if ( panose_byte3 > 11 ) // byte3 always means weight
                    v.Error(T.OS_2_Panose, E.OS_2_E_Panose_bWeight, m_tag, panose_byte3.ToString());
                    bPanoseOk = false;
                    bRet = false;

                if (panose_byte1 == 5) // panose family kind == latin symbol
                    if (panose_byte3 != 1) // weight must be 1 for symbols
                        v.Error(T.OS_2_Panose, E.OS_2_E_Panose_SymbolWeight, m_tag, panose_byte3.ToString());
                        bPanoseOk = false;
                        bRet = false;

                    if (panose_byte5 != 1) // aspect ratio & contrast must be 1 for symbols
                        v.Error(T.OS_2_Panose, E.OS_2_E_Panose_SymbolAspectRatio, m_tag, panose_byte5.ToString());
                        bPanoseOk = false;
                        bRet = false;

                if (panose_byte1 == 2) // family kind == latin text
                    // the following tests are only valid when family kind is latin text

                    if ( panose_byte4 > 9 )
                        v.Error(T.OS_2_Panose, E.OS_2_E_Panose_bProportion, m_tag, panose_byte4.ToString());
                        bPanoseOk = false;
                        bRet = false;

                    if ( panose_byte5 > 9 )
                        v.Error(T.OS_2_Panose, E.OS_2_E_Panose_bContrast, m_tag, panose_byte5.ToString());
                        bPanoseOk = false;
                        bRet = false;

                    if ( panose_byte6 > 10 )
                        v.Error(T.OS_2_Panose, E.OS_2_E_Panose_bStrokeVariation, m_tag, panose_byte6.ToString());
                        bPanoseOk = false;
                        bRet = false;

                    if ( panose_byte7 > 11 )
                        v.Error(T.OS_2_Panose, E.OS_2_E_Panose_bArmStyle, m_tag, panose_byte7.ToString());
                        bPanoseOk = false;
                        bRet = false;

                    if ( panose_byte8 > 15 )
                        v.Error(T.OS_2_Panose, E.OS_2_E_Panose_bLetterform, m_tag, panose_byte8.ToString());
                        bPanoseOk = false;
                        bRet = false;

                    if ( panose_byte9 > 13 )
                        v.Error(T.OS_2_Panose, E.OS_2_E_Panose_bMidline, m_tag, panose_byte9.ToString());
                        bPanoseOk = false;
                        bRet = false;

                    if ( panose_byte10 > 7 )
                        v.Error(T.OS_2_Panose, E.OS_2_E_Panose_bXHeight, m_tag, panose_byte10.ToString());
                        bPanoseOk = false;
                        bRet = false;

                if (panose_byte1  == 0 && 
                    panose_byte2  == 0 &&
                    panose_byte3  == 0 &&
                    panose_byte4  == 0 &&
                    panose_byte5  == 0 &&
                    panose_byte6  == 0 &&
                    panose_byte7  == 0 &&
                    panose_byte8  == 0 &&
                    panose_byte9  == 0 &&
                    panose_byte10 == 0 )
                    v.Warning(T.OS_2_Panose, W.OS_2_W_Panose_undefined, m_tag);
                    bPanoseOk = false;

                if (bPanoseOk)
                    v.Pass(T.OS_2_Panose, P.OS_2_P_Panose, m_tag);

            if (v.PerformTest(T.OS_2_UnicodeRanges))
                bRet &= CheckUnicodeRanges(v, fontOwner);

            if (v.PerformTest(T.OS_2_fsSelection))
                bool bSelOk = true;

                Table_name nameTable = (Table_name)fontOwner.GetTable("name");
                string sStyle = null;
                string sStyleLower = null;
                if (nameTable != null)
                    sStyle = nameTable.GetStyleString();
                    if (sStyle != null)
                        sStyleLower = sStyle.ToLower();

                // reserved bits
                if ( (fsSelection & 0xFF80 ) != 0 )
                    // we need to look for Win 3.1 font pages
                    // Fonts with these
                    const ushort HEBREW_FONT_PAGE = 0xB100;
                    const ushort SIMP_ARABIC_FONT_PAGE = 0xB200;
                    const ushort TRAD_ARABIC_FONT_PAGE = 0xB300;
                    const ushort OEM_ARABIC_FONT_PAGE = 0xB400;
                    const ushort SIMP_FARSI_FONT_PAGE = 0xBA00;
                    const ushort TRAD_FARSI_FONT_PAGE = 0xBB00;
                    const ushort THAI_FONT_PAGE = 0xDE00;

                    String sDetails = "Bit(s) ";
                    bool bFoundFirstBadBit = false;

                    if (version == 0)
                        switch (fsSelection & 0xFF00)
                            case HEBREW_FONT_PAGE:
                                sDetails = "Hebrew Windows 3.1 font page";
                            case SIMP_ARABIC_FONT_PAGE:
                                sDetails = "Simplified Arabic Windows 3.1 font page";
                            case TRAD_ARABIC_FONT_PAGE:
                                sDetails = "Traditional Arabic Windows 3.1 font page";
                            case OEM_ARABIC_FONT_PAGE:
                                sDetails = "OEM Arabic Windows 3.1 font page";
                            case SIMP_FARSI_FONT_PAGE:
                                sDetails = "Simplified Farsi Windows 3.1 font page";
                            case TRAD_FARSI_FONT_PAGE:
                                sDetails = "Traditional Farsi Windows 3.1 font page";
                            case THAI_FONT_PAGE:
                                sDetails = "Thai Windows 3.1 font page";
                                for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
                                    int nBitValue = 1<<i;
                                    if ((nBitValue & 0xFF80) != 0)
                                        if ((fsSelection & nBitValue) != 0)
                                            if (bFoundFirstBadBit)
                                                sDetails += ", " + i;
                                                sDetails += i.ToString();
                                                bFoundFirstBadBit = true;
                        for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
                            int nBitValue = 1<<i;
                            if ((nBitValue & 0xFF80) != 0)
                                if ((fsSelection & nBitValue) != 0)
                                    if (bFoundFirstBadBit)
                                        sDetails += ", " + i;
                                        sDetails += i.ToString();
                                        bFoundFirstBadBit = true;

                    v.Error(T.OS_2_fsSelection, E.OS_2_E_fsSelection_undefbits, m_tag, sDetails);
                    bSelOk = false;
                    bRet = false;

                // compare to head.macStyle italic and bold bits
                Table_head headTable = (Table_head)fontOwner.GetTable("head");
                if (headTable != null)
                    bool bItalic = ((fsSelection & 0x01) != 0 );
                    bool bBold   = ((fsSelection & 0x20) != 0 );

                    bool bMacBold = ((headTable.macStyle & 0x0001) != 0);
                    bool bMacItal = ((headTable.macStyle & 0x0002) != 0);

                    if (bItalic != bMacItal)
                        string sDetails = null;
                        if (bItalic) sDetails = "fsSelection italic bit is set, but macstyle italic bit is clear";
                        else sDetails =  "fsSelection italic bit is clear, but macstyle italic bit is set";

                        v.Error(T.OS_2_fsSelection, E.OS_2_E_fsSelection_macStyle_italic, m_tag, sDetails);
                        bSelOk = false;
                        bRet = false;

                    if (bBold != bMacBold)
                        string sDetails = null;
                        if (bBold) sDetails = "fsSelection bold bit is set, but macstyle bold bit is clear";
                        else sDetails =  "fsSelection bold bit is clear, but macstyle bold bit is set";

                        v.Error(T.OS_2_fsSelection, E.OS_2_E_fsSelection_macStyle_bold, m_tag, sDetails);
                        bSelOk = false;
                        bRet = false;

                if ((fsSelection & 0x01) != 0 ) // italic bit
                    // compare to name subfamily
                    if (sStyleLower != null)
                        if (sStyleLower.IndexOf("italic") == -1 && sStyleLower.IndexOf("oblique") == -1)
                            v.Error(T.OS_2_fsSelection, E.OS_2_E_fsSelection_subfamily, m_tag, "fsSelection italic bit is set, but subfamily is " + sStyle);
                            bSelOk = false;
                            bRet = false;

                if ((fsSelection & 0x20) != 0 ) // bold bit
                    // compare to name subfamily
                    if (sStyleLower != null)
                        if (sStyleLower.IndexOf("bold") == -1)
                            v.Error(T.OS_2_fsSelection, E.OS_2_E_fsSelection_subfamily, m_tag, "fsSelection bold bit is set, but subfamily is " + sStyle);
                            bSelOk = false;
                            bRet = false;

                    if (usWeightClass <= 500)
                        v.Warning(T.OS_2_fsSelection, W.OS_2_W_fsSelection_weight, m_tag, "usWeightClass = " + usWeightClass);
                        bSelOk = false;

                if ((fsSelection & 0x40) != 0 ) // regular bit
                    if ((fsSelection & 0x20) != 0 )
                        v.Error(T.OS_2_fsSelection, E.OS_2_E_reg_bold, m_tag);
                        bSelOk = false;
                        bRet = false;
                    if ((fsSelection & 0x01) != 0) 
                        v.Error(T.OS_2_fsSelection, E.OS_2_E_reg_ital, m_tag);
                        bSelOk = false;
                        bRet = false;

                    if (sStyleLower != null)
                        // compare to name subfamily
                        if (sStyleLower.CompareTo("regular") != 0)
                            v.Error(T.OS_2_fsSelection, E.OS_2_E_fsSelection_subfamily, m_tag, "fsSelection regular bit is set, but subfamily is " + sStyle);
                            bSelOk = false;
                            bRet = false;

                if (bSelOk)
                    v.Pass(T.OS_2_fsSelection, P.OS_2_P_fsSelection, m_tag);

            if (v.PerformTest(T.OS_2_CharIndexes))
                Table_cmap cmapTable = (Table_cmap)fontOwner.GetTable("cmap");

                if (cmapTable != null)
                    ushort charFirst = 0xffff;
                    ushort charLast  = 0;

                    Table_cmap.EncodingTableEntry eteUni = cmapTable.GetEncodingTableEntry(3,1);
                    if (eteUni == null)
                        // presumably a symbol font
                        eteUni = cmapTable.GetEncodingTableEntry(3,0);

                    if (eteUni != null)
                        Table_cmap.Subtable st = cmapTable.GetSubtable(eteUni);
                        if (st != null)
                            bool bCmapOk = true;
                            byte[] charbuf = new byte[2];
                            // find the first char
                            for (ushort c=0; c<0xffff; c++)
                                charbuf[0] = (byte)c;
                                charbuf[1] = (byte)(c>>8);
                                uint glyphID;
                                    glyphID = st.MapCharToGlyph(charbuf, 0);
                                    bCmapOk = false;
                                if (glyphID != 0)
                                    charFirst = c;
                            // find the last char (start at fffd: fffe and ffff aren't legal characters)
                            if (bCmapOk)
                                for (ushort c=0xfffd; c>0; c--)
                                    charbuf[0] = (byte)c;
                                    charbuf[1] = (byte)(c>>8);
                                    uint glyphID;
                                        glyphID = st.MapCharToGlyph(charbuf, 0);
                                        bCmapOk = false;

                                    if (glyphID != 0)
                                        charLast = c;

                            if (!bCmapOk)
                                v.Warning(T.OS_2_CharIndexes, W._TEST_W_ErrorInAnotherTable, m_tag, "usFirstCharIndex and usLastCharIndex cannot be validated due to errors in the cmap table");
                            else if (usFirstCharIndex == charFirst && usLastCharIndex == charLast)
                                v.Pass(T.OS_2_CharIndexes, P.OS_2_P_CharIndexes, m_tag, "first = 0x" + usFirstCharIndex.ToString("x4") + ", last = 0x" + usLastCharIndex.ToString("x4"));
                                if (usFirstCharIndex != charFirst)
                                    String sDetails = "actual = 0x" + usFirstCharIndex.ToString("x4") + ", calculated = 0x" + charFirst.ToString("x4");
                                    v.Error(T.OS_2_CharIndexes, E.OS_2_E_usFirstCharIndex, m_tag, sDetails);
                                    bRet = false;
                                if (usLastCharIndex != charLast)
                                    String sDetails = "actual = 0x" + usLastCharIndex.ToString("x4") + ", calculated = 0x" + charLast.ToString("x4");
                                    v.Error(T.OS_2_CharIndexes, E.OS_2_E_usLastCharIndex, m_tag, sDetails);
                                    bRet = false;
                            v.Warning(T.OS_2_CharIndexes, W._TEST_W_ErrorInAnotherTable, m_tag, "usFirstCharIndex and usLastCharIndex cannot be validated due to errors in the cmap table");

                    v.Error(T.OS_2_CharIndexes, E._TEST_E_TableMissing, m_tag, "cmap");
                    bRet = false;

            if (v.PerformTest(T.OS_2_TypoMetrics))
                bool bOk = true;

                if (sTypoAscender <= 0)
                    v.Error(T.OS_2_TypoMetrics, E.OS_2_E_sTypoAscender_notpositive, m_tag, sTypoAscender.ToString());
                    bOk = false;
                    bRet = false;

                if (sTypoDescender > 0)
                    v.Error(T.OS_2_TypoMetrics, E.OS_2_E_sTypoDescender_positive, m_tag, sTypoDescender.ToString());
                    bOk = false;
                    bRet = false;

                Table_head headTable = (Table_head)fontOwner.GetTable("head");
                if (headTable != null)
                    if (sTypoAscender - sTypoDescender > headTable.unitsPerEm)
                        string sDetails = "sTypoAscender = " + sTypoAscender + ", sTypoDescender = " + sTypoDescender;
                        v.Warning(T.OS_2_TypoMetrics, W.OS_2_W_sTypoAscenderDescender_difference, m_tag, sDetails);
                        bOk = false;
                    v.Error(T.OS_2_TypoMetrics, E._TEST_E_TableMissing, m_tag, "head");
                    bRet = false;

                if (bOk)
                    string sDetails = "sTypoAscender = " + sTypoAscender + ", sTypoDescender = " + sTypoDescender;
                    v.Pass(T.OS_2_TypoMetrics, P.OS_2_P_sTypoAscenderDescender, m_tag, sDetails);

            if (v.PerformTest(T.OS_2_CodePageRanges))
                if (version >= 1)
                    bRet &= CheckCodePageRanges(v, fontOwner);

            if (v.PerformTest(T.OS_2_sxHeight))
                if (version >= 2)
                    if (sxHeight == 0)
                        if (fontOwner.FastMapUnicodeToGlyphID((char)0x0078) != 0)
                            v.Error(T.OS_2_sxHeight, E.OS_2_E_sxHeight, m_tag);
                            bRet = false;
                            v.Pass(T.OS_2_sxHeight, P.OS_2_P_sxHeight_zero, m_tag, sxHeight.ToString());
                        v.Pass(T.OS_2_sxHeight, P.OS_2_P_sxHeight_nonzero, m_tag, sxHeight.ToString());

            if (v.PerformTest(T.OS_2_sCapHeight))
                if (version >= 2)
                    if (sCapHeight == 0)
                        if (fontOwner.FastMapUnicodeToGlyphID((char)0x0048) != 0)
                            v.Error(T.OS_2_sCapHeight, E.OS_2_E_sCapHeight, m_tag);
                            bRet = false;
                            v.Pass(T.OS_2_sCapHeight, P.OS_2_P_sCapHeight_zero, m_tag, sCapHeight.ToString());
                        v.Pass(T.OS_2_sCapHeight, P.OS_2_P_sCapHeight_nonzero, m_tag, sCapHeight.ToString());

            if (v.PerformTest(T.OS_2_usDefaultChar))
                if (version >= 2)
                    if (usDefaultChar == 0)
                        v.Pass(T.OS_2_usDefaultChar, P.OS_2_P_usDefaultChar_zero, m_tag);
                    else if (fontOwner.FastMapUnicodeToGlyphID((char)usDefaultChar) != 0)
                        v.Pass(T.OS_2_usDefaultChar, P.OS_2_P_usDefaultChar_nonzero, m_tag, "0x" + usDefaultChar.ToString("x4"));
                        v.Error(T.OS_2_usDefaultChar, E.OS_2_E_usDefaultChar_notmapped, m_tag, "0x" + usDefaultChar.ToString("x4"));
                        bRet = false;

            if (v.PerformTest(T.OS_2_usBreakChar))
                if (version >= 2)
                    if (fontOwner.FastMapUnicodeToGlyphID((char)usBreakChar) != 0)
                        v.Pass(T.OS_2_usBreakChar, P.OS_2_P_usBreakChar_mapped, m_tag);
                        v.Error(T.OS_2_usBreakChar, E.OS_2_E_usBreakChar_notmapped, m_tag, "0x" + usBreakChar.ToString("x4"));
                        bRet = false;

            if (v.PerformTest(T.OS_2_usMaxContext))
                if (version >= 2)
                    ushort GPOSMaxContext = 0;
                    Table_GPOS GPOSTable = (Table_GPOS)fontOwner.GetTable("GPOS");
                    if (GPOSTable != null)
                        GPOSMaxContext = GPOSTable.GetMaxContext();

                    ushort GSUBMaxContext = 0;
                    Table_GSUB GSUBTable = (Table_GSUB)fontOwner.GetTable("GSUB");
                    if (GSUBTable != null)
                        GSUBMaxContext = GSUBTable.GetMaxContext();

                    ushort CalcMaxContext = Math.Max(GPOSMaxContext, GSUBMaxContext);

                    if (usMaxContext == CalcMaxContext)
                        v.Pass(T.OS_2_usMaxContext, P.OS_2_P_usMaxContext, m_tag, usMaxContext.ToString());
                        v.Error(T.OS_2_usMaxContext, E.OS_2_E_usMaxContext, m_tag, "calc = " + CalcMaxContext + ", actual = " + usMaxContext);
                        bRet = false;

            return bRet;
Ejemplo n.º 2
         * public methods

        public bool Validate(Validator v, OTFontVal fontOwner)
            bool bRet = true;

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_FormatSelector))
                if (FormatSelector == 0)
                    v.Pass(T.name_FormatSelector, P.name_P_FormatSelector, m_tag);
                    v.Error(T.name_FormatSelector, E.name_E_FormatSelector, m_tag, FormatSelector.ToString());
                    bRet = false;

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_StringsWithinTable))
                bool bStringsWithinTable = true;

                uint tableLength = GetLength();
                for (uint i = 0; i < NumberNameRecords; i++)
                    NameRecord nr = GetNameRecord(i);
                    if (nr != null)
                        if (nr.StringOffset + nr.StringLength > tableLength)
                            v.Error(T.name_StringsWithinTable, E.name_E_StringsWithinTable, m_tag, "string# " + i);
                            bStringsWithinTable = false;
                            bRet = false;
                        v.Warning(T.name_StringsWithinTable, W._TEST_W_OtherErrorsInTable, m_tag);
                        bStringsWithinTable = false;
                if (bStringsWithinTable)
                    v.Pass(T.name_StringsWithinTable, P.name_P_StringsWithinTable, m_tag);

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_NameRecordsSorted))
                bool bSortedOrder = true;

                if (NumberNameRecords > 1)
                    NameRecord CurrNR = GetNameRecord(0);
                    NameRecord NextNR = null;
                    for (uint i = 0; i < NumberNameRecords - 1; i++)
                        NextNR = GetNameRecord(i + 1);

                        if (CurrNR == null || NextNR == null)
                            bSortedOrder = false;

                        if (CurrNR.PlatformID > NextNR.PlatformID)
                            bSortedOrder = false;
                        else if (CurrNR.PlatformID == NextNR.PlatformID)
                            if (CurrNR.EncodingID > NextNR.EncodingID)
                                bSortedOrder = false;
                            else if (CurrNR.EncodingID == NextNR.EncodingID)
                                if (CurrNR.LanguageID > NextNR.LanguageID)
                                    bSortedOrder = false;
                                else if (CurrNR.LanguageID == NextNR.LanguageID)
                                    if (CurrNR.NameID > NextNR.NameID)
                                        bSortedOrder = false;

                        CurrNR = NextNR;

                if (bSortedOrder)
                    v.Pass(T.name_NameRecordsSorted, P.name_P_NameRecordsSorted, m_tag);
                    v.Error(T.name_NameRecordsSorted, E.name_E_NameRecordsSorted, m_tag);
                    bRet = false;

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_ReservedNameIDs))
                bool bReservedOk = true;

                for (uint i = 0; i < NumberNameRecords; i++)
                    NameRecord nr = GetNameRecord(i);

                    if (nr != null)
                        if (nr.NameID >= 26 && nr.NameID <= 255)
                            string s = "platID = " + nr.PlatformID
                                       + ", encID = " + nr.EncodingID
                                       + ", langID = " + nr.LanguageID
                                       + ", nameID = " + nr.NameID;
                            v.Error(T.name_ReservedNameIDs, E.name_E_ReservedNameID, m_tag, s);
                            bReservedOk = false;
                        v.Warning(T.name_ReservedNameIDs, W._TEST_W_OtherErrorsInTable, m_tag);
                        bReservedOk = false;

                if (bReservedOk)
                    v.Pass(T.name_ReservedNameIDs, P.name_P_ReservedNameID, m_tag);

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_BothPlatforms))
                bool bMac = false;
                bool bMS  = false;

                for (uint i = 0; i < NumberNameRecords; i++)
                    NameRecord nr = GetNameRecord(i);
                    if (nr != null)
                        if (nr.PlatformID == 1)
                            bMac = true;
                        else if (nr.PlatformID == 3)
                            bMS = true;

                if (bMac && bMS)
                    v.Pass(T.name_BothPlatforms, P.name_P_BothPlatforms, m_tag);
                else if (!bMac)
                    v.Error(T.name_BothPlatforms, E.name_E_NoMacPlatform, m_tag);
                    bRet = false;
                else if (!bMS)
                    v.Error(T.name_BothPlatforms, E.name_E_NoMSPlatform, m_tag);
                    bRet = false;

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_VersionString))
                bool   bFound   = false;
                string sVersion = "";

                for (uint i = 0; i < NumberNameRecords; i++)
                    NameRecord nr = GetNameRecord(i);
                    if (nr != null)
                        if (nr.PlatformID == 3 &&       // ms
                            (nr.EncodingID == 1 /* unicode */ || nr.EncodingID == 0 /*symbol*/) &&
                            nr.NameID == 5)             // version string
                            bFound = true;

                            bool    bVerStringValid = false;
                            byte [] buf             = GetEncodedString(nr);

                            string s = "";

                            if (buf != null)
                                sVersion = "";
                                for (int j = 0; j < buf.Length / 2; j++)
                                    char c = (char)(ushort)(buf[j * 2] << 8 | buf[j * 2 + 1]);
                                    sVersion += c;

                                if (sVersion.Length >= 11 &&
                                    sVersion.StartsWith("Version ") &&
                                    Char.IsDigit(sVersion, 8))
                                    int j = 9;

                                    // advance past the digits in the major number
                                    while (j < sVersion.Length)
                                        if (Char.IsDigit(sVersion, j))

                                    // if major number is followed by a period
                                    if (sVersion[j] == '.')
                                        // advance past the period

                                        // check for a digit
                                        if (Char.IsDigit(sVersion, j))
                                            bVerStringValid = true;

                            s = "platID = " + nr.PlatformID
                                + ", encID = " + nr.EncodingID
                                + ", langID = " + nr.LanguageID
                                + ", \"" + sVersion + "\"";

                            if (bVerStringValid)
                                v.Pass(T.name_VersionString, P.name_P_VersionStringFormat, m_tag, s);
                                v.Error(T.name_VersionString, E.name_E_VersionStringFormat, m_tag, s);
                                bRet = false;

                            // compare to mac version string if present
                            string sMacVer = GetString(1, 0, 0xffff, 5);
                            if (sMacVer != null)
                                if (sVersion.CompareTo(sMacVer) != 0)
                                    v.Warning(T.name_VersionString, W.name_W_VersionMismatch_MS_MAC, m_tag);

                            // compare to 3,10 version string if present
                            string s310Ver = GetString(3, 10, nr.LanguageID, 5);
                            if (s310Ver != null)
                                if (sVersion.CompareTo(s310Ver) != 0)
                                    string s310 = "platID = 3, encID = 10, langID = " + nr.LanguageID
                                                  + ", \"" + s310Ver + "\"";
                                    v.Warning(T.name_VersionString, W.name_W_VersionMismatch_3_1_3_10, m_tag, s + " / " + s310);

                if (!bFound)
                    v.Error(T.name_VersionString, E.name_E_VersionStringNotFound, m_tag);
                    bRet = false;

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_PlatformSpecificEncoding))
                bool bIDsOk = true;

                for (uint i = 0; i < NumberNameRecords; i++)
                    NameRecord nr = GetNameRecord(i);
                    if (nr != null)
                        if (nr.PlatformID == 0) // unicode
                            if (nr.EncodingID > 7)
                                string s = "platID = " + nr.PlatformID
                                           + ", encID = " + nr.EncodingID
                                           + ", langID = " + nr.LanguageID
                                           + ", nameID = " + nr.NameID;
                                v.Error(T.name_PlatformSpecificEncoding, E.name_E_PlatformSpecificEncoding, m_tag, s);
                                bIDsOk = false;
                                bRet   = false;
                        else if (nr.PlatformID == 1) // mac
                            if (nr.EncodingID > 32)
                                string s = "platID = " + nr.PlatformID
                                           + ", encID = " + nr.EncodingID
                                           + ", langID = " + nr.LanguageID
                                           + ", nameID = " + nr.NameID;
                                v.Error(T.name_PlatformSpecificEncoding, E.name_E_PlatformSpecificEncoding, m_tag, s);
                                bIDsOk = false;
                                bRet   = false;
                        else if (nr.PlatformID == 2) // iso
                            if (nr.EncodingID > 2)
                                string s = "platID = " + nr.PlatformID
                                           + ", encID = " + nr.EncodingID
                                           + ", langID = " + nr.LanguageID
                                           + ", nameID = " + nr.NameID;
                                v.Error(T.name_PlatformSpecificEncoding, E.name_E_PlatformSpecificEncoding, m_tag, s);
                                bIDsOk = false;
                                bRet   = false;
                        else if (nr.PlatformID == 3) // MS
                            if (nr.EncodingID > 10)
                                string s = "platID = " + nr.PlatformID
                                           + ", encID = " + nr.EncodingID
                                           + ", langID = " + nr.LanguageID
                                           + ", nameID = " + nr.NameID;
                                v.Error(T.name_PlatformSpecificEncoding, E.name_E_PlatformSpecificEncoding, m_tag, s);
                                bIDsOk = false;
                                bRet   = false;

                         * else if (nr.PlatformID == 4) // Custom
                         * {
                         * }
                        v.Warning(T.name_PlatformSpecificEncoding, W._TEST_W_OtherErrorsInTable, m_tag);
                        bIDsOk = false;

                if (bIDsOk)
                    v.Pass(T.name_PlatformSpecificEncoding, P.name_P_PlatformSpecificEncoding, m_tag);

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_MSLanguageIDs))
                bool bFound = false;
                bool bIDsOk = true;

                ushort [] MSLangIDs = // taken from Q224804
                    0x0401, 0x0402, 0x0403, 0x0404, 0x0405, 0x0406, 0x0407, 0x0408, 0x0409,
                    0x040a, 0x040b, 0x040c, 0x040D, 0x040e, 0x040F, 0x0410, 0x0411, 0x0412,
                    0x0413, 0x0414, 0x0415, 0x0416, 0x0417, 0x0418, 0x0419, 0x041a, 0x041b,
                    0x041c, 0x041D, 0x041E, 0x041f, 0x0420, 0x0421, 0x0422, 0x0423, 0x0424,
                    0x0425, 0x0426, 0x0427, 0x0429, 0x042a, 0x042b, 0x042c, 0x042D, 0x042e,
                    0x042f, 0x0430, 0x0431, 0x0432, 0x0433, 0x0434, 0x0435, 0x0436, 0x0437,
                    0x0438, 0x0439, 0x043b, 0x043d, 0x043e, 0x043f, 0x0441, 0x0443, 0x0444,
                    0x0445, 0x0446, 0x0447, 0x0448, 0x0449, 0x044a, 0x044b, 0x044c, 0x044d,
                    0x044e, 0x044f, 0x0457, 0x0459, 0x0461, 0x0801, 0x0804, 0x0807, 0x0809,
                    0x080a, 0x080c, 0x0810, 0x0812, 0x0813, 0x0814, 0x0816, 0x0818, 0x0819,
                    0x081a, 0x081d, 0x0820, 0x0827, 0x082c, 0x083e, 0x0843, 0x0860, 0x0861,
                    0x0C01, 0x0C04, 0x0c07, 0x0c09, 0x0c0a, 0x0c0c, 0x0c1a, 0x1001, 0x1004,
                    0x1007, 0x1009, 0x100a, 0x100c, 0x1401, 0x1404, 0x1407, 0x1409, 0x140a,
                    0x140c, 0x1801, 0x1809, 0x180a, 0x180c, 0x1C01, 0x1c09, 0x1c0a, 0x2001,
                    0x2009, 0x200a, 0x2401, 0x2409, 0x240a, 0x2801, 0x2809, 0x280a, 0x2C01,
                    0x2c09, 0x2c0a, 0x3001, 0x3009, 0x300a, 0x3401, 0x3409, 0x340a, 0x3801,
                    0x380a, 0x3C01, 0x3c0a, 0x4001, 0x400a, 0x440a, 0x480a, 0x4c0a, 0x500a

                for (uint i = 0; i < NumberNameRecords; i++)
                    NameRecord nr = GetNameRecord(i);
                    if (nr != null)
                        if (nr.PlatformID == 3 && nr.EncodingID == 1)
                            bFound = true;

                            bool bValidID = false;
                            for (uint j = 0; j < MSLangIDs.Length; j++)
                                if (nr.LanguageID == MSLangIDs[j])
                                    bValidID = true;

                            if (!bValidID)
                                string s = "platID = " + nr.PlatformID
                                           + ", encID = " + nr.EncodingID
                                           + ", langID = 0x" + nr.LanguageID.ToString("x4")
                                           + ", nameID = " + nr.NameID;
                                v.Error(T.name_MSLanguageIDs, E.name_E_MSLanguageID, m_tag, s);
                                bIDsOk = false;
                                bRet   = false;

                if (bFound && bIDsOk)
                    v.Pass(T.name_MSLanguageIDs, P.name_P_MSLanguageID, m_tag);

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_unicode_length))
                bool bLengthsOk = true;

                for (uint i = 0; i < NumberNameRecords; i++)
                    NameRecord nr = GetNameRecord(i);
                    if (nr != null)
                        if (nr.PlatformID == 0 || nr.PlatformID == 2 || // unicode or iso platform
                            (nr.PlatformID == 3 && nr.EncodingID == 1)) // microsoft platform, unicode encoding
                            if ((nr.StringLength & 1) == 1)
                                string s = "platID = " + nr.PlatformID
                                           + ", encID = " + nr.EncodingID
                                           + ", langID = " + nr.LanguageID
                                           + ", nameID = " + nr.NameID
                                           + ", length = " + nr.StringLength;
                                v.Error(T.name_unicode_length, E.name_E_UnicodeLength, m_tag, s);
                                bLengthsOk = false;
                                bRet       = false;
                        v.Warning(T.name_unicode_length, W._TEST_W_OtherErrorsInTable, m_tag);
                        bLengthsOk = false;

                if (bLengthsOk)
                    v.Pass(T.name_unicode_length, P.name_P_UnicodeLength, m_tag);

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_Postscript))
                bool bPostscriptOk = true;

                string sPostscriptMac = GetString(1, 0, 0, 6);
                if (sPostscriptMac != null)
                    if (sPostscriptMac.Length > 63)
                        v.Error(T.name_Postscript, E.name_E_Postscript_length, m_tag, "name string (1, 0, 0, 6) is " + sPostscriptMac.Length + " characters long");
                        bRet          = false;
                        bPostscriptOk = false;

                    for (int i = 0; i < sPostscriptMac.Length; i++)
                        char c = sPostscriptMac[i];
                        if (c < 33 || c > 126 || c == '[' || c == ']' || c == '(' || c == ')' || c == '{' || c == '}' || c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '/' || c == '%')
                            v.Error(T.name_Postscript, E.name_E_Postscript_chars, m_tag, "name string (1, 0, 0, 6) contains an illegal character at index " + i);
                            bRet          = false;
                            bPostscriptOk = false;

                ushort nEncoding = 1;
                if (fontOwner.ContainsMsSymbolEncodedCmap())
                    nEncoding = 0;

                string sPostscriptMS = GetString(3, nEncoding, 0x409, 6); // ms
                if (sPostscriptMS != null)
                    if (sPostscriptMS.Length > 63)
                        v.Error(T.name_Postscript, E.name_E_Postscript_length, m_tag, "name string (3, " + nEncoding + ", 0x409, 6) is " + sPostscriptMS.Length + " characters long");
                        bRet          = false;
                        bPostscriptOk = false;

                    for (int i = 0; i < sPostscriptMS.Length; i++)
                        char c = sPostscriptMS[i];
                        if (c < 33 || c > 126 || c == '[' || c == ']' || c == '(' || c == ')' || c == '{' || c == '}' || c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '/' || c == '%')
                            v.Error(T.name_Postscript, E.name_E_Postscript_chars, m_tag, "name string (3, " + nEncoding + ", 0x409, 6) contains an illegal character at index " + i);
                            bRet          = false;
                            bPostscriptOk = false;

                if (sPostscriptMac == null && sPostscriptMS != null)
                    v.Error(T.name_Postscript, E.name_E_Postscript_missing, m_tag, "Mac Postscript string is missing, but MS Postscript string is present");
                    bRet          = false;
                    bPostscriptOk = false;
                else if (sPostscriptMac != null && sPostscriptMS == null)
                    v.Error(T.name_Postscript, E.name_E_Postscript_missing, m_tag, "MS Postscript string is missing, but Mac Postscript string is present");
                    bRet          = false;
                    bPostscriptOk = false;
                if (sPostscriptMac != null && sPostscriptMS != null)
                    if (sPostscriptMac != sPostscriptMS)
                        v.Error(T.name_Postscript, E.name_E_Postscript_unequal, m_tag, "mac postscript = " + sPostscriptMac + ", MS postscript = " + sPostscriptMS);
                        bRet          = false;
                        bPostscriptOk = false;

                if (sPostscriptMac != null && sPostscriptMS != null && bPostscriptOk)
                    v.Pass(T.name_Postscript, P.name_P_Postscript, m_tag);

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_Subfamily))
                string sStyle = GetStyleString();
                if (sStyle != null)
                    Table_OS2 OS2Table = (Table_OS2)fontOwner.GetTable("OS/2");
                    if (OS2Table != null)
                        bool   bStyleOk      = true;
                        string sStyleDetails = "";
                        string s             = sStyle.ToLower();

                        bool bItalic = ((OS2Table.fsSelection & 0x01) != 0);
                        bool bBold   = ((OS2Table.fsSelection & 0x20) != 0);

                        if (bItalic)
                            if (s.IndexOf("italic") == -1 && s.IndexOf("oblique") == -1)
                                bStyleOk      = false;
                                sStyleDetails = "OS/2.fsSelection italic bit is set, but subfamily string = '" + sStyle + "'";
                            if (s.IndexOf("italic") != -1 || s.IndexOf("oblique") != -1)
                                bStyleOk      = false;
                                sStyleDetails = "OS/2.fsSelection italic bit is clear, but subfamily string = '" + sStyle + "'";

                        if (bBold)
                            if (s.IndexOf("bold") == -1)
                                bStyleOk      = false;
                                sStyleDetails = "OS/2.fsSelection bold bit is set, but subfamily string = '" + sStyle + "'";
                            if (s.IndexOf("bold") != -1)
                                bStyleOk      = false;
                                sStyleDetails = "OS/2.fsSelection bold bit is clear, but subfamily string = '" + sStyle + "'";

                        if (bStyleOk)
                            v.Pass(T.name_Subfamily, P.name_P_subfamily, m_tag);
                            v.Warning(T.name_Subfamily, W.name_W_subfamily_style, m_tag, sStyleDetails);

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_NoFormat14))
                bool bStringOK = true;
                for (uint i = 0; i < NumberNameRecords; i++)
                    NameRecord nr = GetNameRecord(i);
                    if (nr != null &&
                        nr.NameID == 19 &&
                        nr.PlatformID == 0 &&
                        nr.EncodingID == 5)
                        string sDetails =
                            "name string(" + nr.PlatformID
                            + ", " + nr.EncodingID
                            + ", 0x" + nr.LanguageID.ToString("x4")
                            + ", " + nr.NameID +
                            ", offset=0x" +
                            nr.StringOffset.ToString("x4") + ")";
                        bRet      = false;
                        bStringOK = false;
                if (bStringOK)
                    string sDetails = "PlatformID=0, EncodingID=5 is for " +
                                      "Variation Sequences (Format 14)";
                    v.Pass(T.name_NoFormat14, P.name_P_NoFormat14, m_tag,

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_SampleString))
                Table_cmap cmapTable = (Table_cmap)fontOwner.GetTable("cmap");
                if (cmapTable != null)
                    for (uint i = 0; i < NumberNameRecords; i++)
                        NameRecord nr = GetNameRecord(i);
                        if (nr != null)
                            if (nr.NameID == 19)
                                if (nr.PlatformID == 0 &&
                                    nr.EncodingID == 5)
                                    // Unicode platform encoding ID 5 can be
                                    // used for encodings in the 'cmap' table
                                    // but not for strings in the 'name' table.
                                    // It has already been flagged as an error,
                                    // so we will just skip it here.
                                Table_cmap.Subtable CmapSubTable = cmapTable.GetSubtable(nr.PlatformID, nr.EncodingID);
                                if (CmapSubTable != null)
                                    bool bStringOk = true;

                                    byte[] strbuf = GetEncodedString(nr);

                                    for (uint j = 0; j < strbuf.Length;)
                                        if (CmapSubTable.MapCharToGlyph(strbuf, j, true) == 0)
                                            string sDetails = "name string(" + nr.PlatformID
                                                              + ", " + nr.EncodingID
                                                              + ", 0x" + nr.LanguageID.ToString("x4")
                                                              + ", " + nr.NameID
                                                              + "), character at index " + j + " is not mapped";
                                            v.Error(T.name_SampleString, E.name_E_sample, m_tag, sDetails);
                                            bStringOk = false;
                                            bRet      = false;

                                        j += CmapSubTable.BytesInChar(strbuf, j);

                                    if (bStringOk)
                                        string sDetails = "name string(" + nr.PlatformID
                                                          + ", " + nr.EncodingID
                                                          + ", 0x" + nr.LanguageID.ToString("x4")
                                                          + ", " + nr.NameID
                                                          + ")";
                                        v.Pass(T.name_SampleString, P.name_P_sample, m_tag, sDetails);

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_NameID1to6))
                for (uint id = 1; id <= 6; id++)
                    bool bFound = false;

                    for (uint i = 0; i < NumberNameRecords; i++)
                        NameRecord nr = GetNameRecord(i);
                        if (nr != null)
                            if (nr.NameID == id)
                                bFound = true;

                    if (!bFound)
                        v.Warning(T.name_NameID1to6, W.name_W_ID_1to6_Required_For_Common_OSes, m_tag,
                                  "Missing Name ID " + id);

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_PreferredFamily))
                bool bFound = false;

                for (uint i = 0; i < NumberNameRecords; i++)
                    NameRecord nr = GetNameRecord(i);
                    if (nr != null)
                        if (nr.NameID == 16)
                            string sPrefFam = this.GetString(nr.PlatformID, nr.EncodingID, nr.LanguageID, 16);

                            string s = "platID = " + nr.PlatformID
                                       + ", encID = " + nr.EncodingID
                                       + ", langID = " + nr.LanguageID
                                       + ", nameID = " + nr.NameID
                                       + ", \"" + sPrefFam + "\"";
                            v.Info(T.name_PreferredFamily, I.name_I_Preferred_family_present, m_tag, s);

                            bFound = true;

                if (!bFound)
                    v.Info(T.name_PreferredFamily, I.name_I_Preferred_family_not_present, m_tag);

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_PreferredSubfamily))
                bool bFound = false;

                for (uint i = 0; i < NumberNameRecords; i++)
                    NameRecord nr = GetNameRecord(i);
                    if (nr != null)
                        if (nr.NameID == 17)
                            string sPrefSubfam = this.GetString(nr.PlatformID, nr.EncodingID, nr.LanguageID, 17);

                            string s = "platID = " + nr.PlatformID
                                       + ", encID = " + nr.EncodingID
                                       + ", langID = " + nr.LanguageID
                                       + ", nameID = " + nr.NameID
                                       + ", \"" + sPrefSubfam + "\"";
                            v.Info(T.name_PreferredSubfamily, I.name_I_Preferred_subfamily_present, m_tag, s);

                            bFound = true;

                if (!bFound)
                    v.Info(T.name_PreferredSubfamily, I.name_I_Preferred_subfamily_not_present, m_tag);

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_CopyrightConsistent))
                bool bCopyrightOk = true;

                // get mac roman English Copyright string if present
                string sMac = GetString(1, 0, 0, 0);

                // get windows 3,0 English Copyright string if present
                string sWin3_0 = GetString(3, 0, 1033, 0);

                // get windows 3,1 English Copyright string if present
                string sWin3_1 = GetString(3, 1, 1033, 0);

                // get windows 3,10 English Copyright string if present
                string sWin3_10 = GetString(3, 10, 1033, 0);

                // compare strings

                if (sMac != null)
                    if (sWin3_0 != null)
                        if (sWin3_0.CompareTo(sMac) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(1,0,0,0)='" + sMac + "', (3,0,1033,0)='" + sWin3_0 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_CopyrightConsistent, W.name_W_CopyrightInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bCopyrightOk = false;

                    if (sWin3_1 != null)
                        if (sWin3_1.CompareTo(sMac) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(1,0,0,0)='" + sMac + "', (3,1,1033,0)='" + sWin3_1 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_CopyrightConsistent, W.name_W_CopyrightInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bCopyrightOk = false;

                    if (sWin3_10 != null)
                        if (sWin3_10.CompareTo(sMac) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(1,0,0,0)='" + sMac + "', (3,10,1033,0)='" + sWin3_10 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_CopyrightConsistent, W.name_W_CopyrightInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bCopyrightOk = false;

                if (sWin3_0 != null)
                    if (sWin3_1 != null)
                        if (sWin3_1.CompareTo(sWin3_0) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(3,0,1033,0)='" + sWin3_0 + "', (3,1,1033,0)='" + sWin3_1 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_CopyrightConsistent, W.name_W_CopyrightInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bCopyrightOk = false;

                    if (sWin3_10 != null)
                        if (sWin3_10.CompareTo(sWin3_0) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(3,0,1033,0)='" + sWin3_0 + "', (3,10,1033,0)='" + sWin3_10 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_CopyrightConsistent, W.name_W_CopyrightInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bCopyrightOk = false;

                if (sWin3_1 != null)
                    if (sWin3_10 != null)
                        if (sWin3_10.CompareTo(sWin3_1) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(3,1,1033,0)='" + sWin3_1 + "', (3,10,1033,0)='" + sWin3_10 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_CopyrightConsistent, W.name_W_CopyrightInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bCopyrightOk = false;

                if (bCopyrightOk)
                    v.Pass(T.name_CopyrightConsistent, P.name_P_CopyrightConsistent, m_tag);
                    //bRet = false;

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_TrademarkConsistent))
                bool bTrademarkOk = true;

                // get mac roman English Trademark string if present
                string sMac = GetString(1, 0, 0, 7);

                // get windows 3,0 English Trademark string if present
                string sWin3_0 = GetString(3, 0, 1033, 7);

                // get windows 3,1 English Trademark string if present
                string sWin3_1 = GetString(3, 1, 1033, 7);

                // get windows 3,10 English Trademark string if present
                string sWin3_10 = GetString(3, 10, 1033, 7);

                // compare strings

                if (sMac != null)
                    if (sWin3_0 != null)
                        if (sWin3_0.CompareTo(sMac) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(1,0,0,7)='" + sMac + "', (3,0,1033,7)='" + sWin3_0 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_TrademarkConsistent, W.name_W_TrademarkInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bTrademarkOk = false;

                    if (sWin3_1 != null)
                        if (sWin3_1.CompareTo(sMac) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(1,0,0,7)='" + sMac + "', (3,1,1033,7)='" + sWin3_1 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_TrademarkConsistent, W.name_W_TrademarkInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bTrademarkOk = false;

                    if (sWin3_10 != null)
                        if (sWin3_10.CompareTo(sMac) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(1,0,0,7)='" + sMac + "', (3,10,1033,7)='" + sWin3_10 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_TrademarkConsistent, W.name_W_TrademarkInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bTrademarkOk = false;

                if (sWin3_0 != null)
                    if (sWin3_1 != null)
                        if (sWin3_1.CompareTo(sWin3_0) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(3,0,1033,7)='" + sWin3_0 + "', (3,1,1033,7)='" + sWin3_1 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_TrademarkConsistent, W.name_W_TrademarkInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bTrademarkOk = false;

                    if (sWin3_10 != null)
                        if (sWin3_10.CompareTo(sWin3_0) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(3,0,1033,7)='" + sWin3_0 + "', (3,10,1033,7)='" + sWin3_10 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_TrademarkConsistent, W.name_W_TrademarkInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bTrademarkOk = false;

                if (sWin3_1 != null)
                    if (sWin3_10 != null)
                        if (sWin3_10.CompareTo(sWin3_1) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(3,1,1033,7)='" + sWin3_1 + "', (3,10,1033,7)='" + sWin3_10 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_TrademarkConsistent, W.name_W_TrademarkInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bTrademarkOk = false;

                if (bTrademarkOk)
                    v.Pass(T.name_TrademarkConsistent, P.name_P_TrademarkConsistent, m_tag);
                    //bRet = false;

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_DescriptionConsistent))
                bool bDescriptionOk = true;

                // get mac roman English Description string if present
                string sMac = GetString(1, 0, 0, 10);

                // get windows 3,0 English Description string if present
                string sWin3_0 = GetString(3, 0, 1033, 10);

                // get windows 3,1 English Description string if present
                string sWin3_1 = GetString(3, 1, 1033, 10);

                // get windows 3,10 English Description string if present
                string sWin3_10 = GetString(3, 10, 1033, 10);

                // compare strings

                if (sMac != null)
                    if (sWin3_0 != null)
                        if (sWin3_0.CompareTo(sMac) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(1,0,0,10)='" + sMac + "', (3,0,1033,10)='" + sWin3_0 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_DescriptionConsistent, W.name_W_DescriptionInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bDescriptionOk = false;

                    if (sWin3_1 != null)
                        if (sWin3_1.CompareTo(sMac) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(1,0,0,10)='" + sMac + "', (3,1,1033,10)='" + sWin3_1 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_DescriptionConsistent, W.name_W_DescriptionInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bDescriptionOk = false;

                    if (sWin3_10 != null)
                        if (sWin3_10.CompareTo(sMac) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(1,0,0,10)='" + sMac + "', (3,10,1033,10)='" + sWin3_10 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_DescriptionConsistent, W.name_W_DescriptionInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bDescriptionOk = false;

                if (sWin3_0 != null)
                    if (sWin3_1 != null)
                        if (sWin3_1.CompareTo(sWin3_0) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(3,0,1033,10)='" + sWin3_0 + "', (3,1,1033,10)='" + sWin3_1 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_DescriptionConsistent, W.name_W_DescriptionInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bDescriptionOk = false;

                    if (sWin3_10 != null)
                        if (sWin3_10.CompareTo(sWin3_0) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(3,0,1033,10)='" + sWin3_0 + "', (3,10,1033,10)='" + sWin3_10 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_DescriptionConsistent, W.name_W_DescriptionInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bDescriptionOk = false;

                if (sWin3_1 != null)
                    if (sWin3_10 != null)
                        if (sWin3_10.CompareTo(sWin3_1) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(3,1,1033,10)='" + sWin3_1 + "', (3,10,1033,10)='" + sWin3_10 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_DescriptionConsistent, W.name_W_DescriptionInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bDescriptionOk = false;

                if (bDescriptionOk)
                    v.Pass(T.name_DescriptionConsistent, P.name_P_DescriptionConsistent, m_tag);
                    //bRet = false;

Ejemplo n.º 3
         * public methods

        public bool Validate(Validator v, OTFontVal fontOwner)
            bool bRet = true;

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_FormatSelector))
                if (FormatSelector == 0)
                    v.Pass(T.name_FormatSelector, P.name_P_FormatSelector, m_tag);
                    v.Error(T.name_FormatSelector, E.name_E_FormatSelector, m_tag, FormatSelector.ToString());
                    bRet = false;

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_StringsWithinTable))
                bool bStringsWithinTable = true;

                uint tableLength = GetLength();
                for (uint i=0; i<NumberNameRecords; i++)
                    NameRecord nr = GetNameRecord(i);
                    if (nr != null)
                        if (nr.StringOffset + nr.StringLength > tableLength)
                            v.Error(T.name_StringsWithinTable, E.name_E_StringsWithinTable, m_tag, "string# " + i);
                            bStringsWithinTable = false;
                            bRet = false;
                        v.Warning(T.name_StringsWithinTable, W._TEST_W_OtherErrorsInTable, m_tag);
                        bStringsWithinTable = false;
                if (bStringsWithinTable)
                    v.Pass(T.name_StringsWithinTable, P.name_P_StringsWithinTable, m_tag);

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_NameRecordsSorted))
                bool bSortedOrder = true;

                if (NumberNameRecords > 1)
                    NameRecord CurrNR = GetNameRecord(0);
                    NameRecord NextNR = null;
                    for (uint i=0; i<NumberNameRecords-1; i++)
                        NextNR = GetNameRecord(i+1);

                        if (CurrNR == null || NextNR == null)
                            bSortedOrder = false;

                        if (CurrNR.PlatformID > NextNR.PlatformID)
                            bSortedOrder = false;
                        else if (CurrNR.PlatformID == NextNR.PlatformID)
                            if (CurrNR.EncodingID > NextNR.EncodingID)
                                bSortedOrder = false;
                            else if (CurrNR.EncodingID == NextNR.EncodingID)
                                if (CurrNR.LanguageID > NextNR.LanguageID)
                                    bSortedOrder = false;
                                else if (CurrNR.LanguageID == NextNR.LanguageID)
                                    if (CurrNR.NameID > NextNR.NameID)
                                        bSortedOrder = false;

                        CurrNR = NextNR;

                if (bSortedOrder)
                    v.Pass(T.name_NameRecordsSorted, P.name_P_NameRecordsSorted, m_tag);
                    v.Error(T.name_NameRecordsSorted, E.name_E_NameRecordsSorted, m_tag);
                    bRet = false;

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_ReservedNameIDs))
                bool bReservedOk = true;

                for (uint i=0; i<NumberNameRecords; i++)
                    NameRecord nr = GetNameRecord(i);

                    if (nr != null)
                        if (nr.NameID >= 21 && nr.NameID <= 255)
                            string s = "platID = " + nr.PlatformID 
                                + ", encID = " + nr.EncodingID
                                + ", langID = " + nr.LanguageID
                                + ", nameID = " + nr.NameID;
                            v.Error(T.name_ReservedNameIDs, E.name_E_ReservedNameID, m_tag, s);
                            bReservedOk = false;
                        v.Warning(T.name_ReservedNameIDs, W._TEST_W_OtherErrorsInTable, m_tag);
                        bReservedOk = false;

                if (bReservedOk)
                    v.Pass(T.name_ReservedNameIDs, P.name_P_ReservedNameID, m_tag);

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_BothPlatforms))
                bool bMac = false;
                bool bMS = false;

                for (uint i=0; i<NumberNameRecords; i++)
                    NameRecord nr = GetNameRecord(i);
                    if (nr != null)

                        if (nr.PlatformID == 1)
                            bMac = true;
                        else if (nr.PlatformID == 3)
                            bMS = true;

                if (bMac && bMS)
                    v.Pass(T.name_BothPlatforms, P.name_P_BothPlatforms, m_tag);
                else if (!bMac)
                    v.Error(T.name_BothPlatforms, E.name_E_NoMacPlatform, m_tag);
					bRet = false;
                else if (!bMS)
                    v.Error(T.name_BothPlatforms, E.name_E_NoMSPlatform, m_tag);
					bRet = false;

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_VersionString))
                bool bFound = false;
                string sVersion = "";

                for (uint i=0; i<NumberNameRecords; i++)
                    NameRecord nr = GetNameRecord(i);
                    if (nr != null)
                        if (nr.PlatformID    == 3       // ms
                            && (nr.EncodingID == 1 /* unicode */ || nr.EncodingID == 0 /*symbol*/)
                            && nr.NameID     == 5)      // version string
                            bFound = true;

                            bool bVerStringValid = false;
                            byte [] buf = GetEncodedString(nr);

							string s = "";

                            if (buf != null)
                                sVersion = "";
                                for (int j=0; j<buf.Length/2; j++)
                                    char c = (char)(ushort)(buf[j*2]<<8 | buf[j*2+1]);
                                    sVersion += c;

                                if (sVersion.Length >= 11
                                    && sVersion.StartsWith("Version ")
                                    && Char.IsDigit(sVersion, 8))
                                    int j = 9;
                                    // advance past the digits in the major number
                                    while (j < sVersion.Length)
                                        if (Char.IsDigit(sVersion, j))

                                    // if major number is followed by a period
                                    if (sVersion[j] == '.')
                                        // advance past the period

                                        // check for a digit
                                        if (Char.IsDigit(sVersion, j))
                                            bVerStringValid = true;
							s = "platID = " + nr.PlatformID 
								+ ", encID = " + nr.EncodingID
								+ ", langID = " + nr.LanguageID
								+ ", \"" + sVersion + "\"";

							if (bVerStringValid)
								v.Pass(T.name_VersionString, P.name_P_VersionStringFormat, m_tag, s);
                                v.Error(T.name_VersionString, E.name_E_VersionStringFormat, m_tag, s);
                                bRet = false;

                            // compare to mac version string if present
                            string sMacVer = GetString(1, 0, 0xffff, 5);
                            if (sMacVer != null)
                                if (sVersion.CompareTo(sMacVer) != 0)
                                    v.Warning(T.name_VersionString, W.name_W_VersionMismatch_MS_MAC, m_tag);

							// compare to 3,10 version string if present
							string s310Ver = GetString(3, 10, nr.LanguageID, 5);
							if (s310Ver != null)
								if (sVersion.CompareTo(s310Ver) != 0)
									string s310 = "platID = 3, encID = 10, langID = " + nr.LanguageID
										+ ", \"" + s310Ver + "\"";
									v.Warning(T.name_VersionString, W.name_W_VersionMismatch_3_1_3_10, m_tag, s + " / " + s310);

                if (!bFound)
                    v.Error(T.name_VersionString, E.name_E_VersionStringNotFound, m_tag);
                    bRet = false;

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_PlatformSpecificEncoding))
                bool bIDsOk = true;

                for (uint i=0; i<NumberNameRecords; i++)
                    NameRecord nr = GetNameRecord(i);
                    if (nr != null)
                        if (nr.PlatformID == 0) // unicode
                            if (nr.EncodingID > 3)
                                string s = "platID = " + nr.PlatformID 
                                    + ", encID = " + nr.EncodingID
                                    + ", langID = " + nr.LanguageID
                                    + ", nameID = " + nr.NameID;
                                v.Error(T.name_PlatformSpecificEncoding, E.name_E_PlatformSpecificEncoding, m_tag, s);
                                bIDsOk = false;
                                bRet = false;
                        else if (nr.PlatformID == 1) // mac
                            if (nr.EncodingID > 32)
                                string s = "platID = " + nr.PlatformID 
                                    + ", encID = " + nr.EncodingID
                                    + ", langID = " + nr.LanguageID
                                    + ", nameID = " + nr.NameID;
                                v.Error(T.name_PlatformSpecificEncoding, E.name_E_PlatformSpecificEncoding, m_tag, s);
                                bIDsOk = false;
                                bRet = false;
                        else if (nr.PlatformID == 2) // iso
                            if (nr.EncodingID > 2)
                                string s = "platID = " + nr.PlatformID 
                                    + ", encID = " + nr.EncodingID
                                    + ", langID = " + nr.LanguageID
                                    + ", nameID = " + nr.NameID;
                                v.Error(T.name_PlatformSpecificEncoding, E.name_E_PlatformSpecificEncoding, m_tag, s);
                                bIDsOk = false;
                                bRet = false;
                        else if (nr.PlatformID == 3) // MS
                            if (nr.EncodingID > 10)
                                string s = "platID = " + nr.PlatformID 
                                    + ", encID = " + nr.EncodingID
                                    + ", langID = " + nr.LanguageID
                                    + ", nameID = " + nr.NameID;
                                v.Error(T.name_PlatformSpecificEncoding, E.name_E_PlatformSpecificEncoding, m_tag, s);
                                bIDsOk = false;
                                bRet = false;
                        else if (nr.PlatformID == 4) // Custom

                        v.Warning(T.name_PlatformSpecificEncoding, W._TEST_W_OtherErrorsInTable, m_tag);
                        bIDsOk = false;

                if (bIDsOk)
                    v.Pass(T.name_PlatformSpecificEncoding, P.name_P_PlatformSpecificEncoding, m_tag);

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_MSLanguageIDs))
                bool bFound = false;
                bool bIDsOk = true;

                ushort [] MSLangIDs = // taken from Q224804
                        0x0401, 0x0402, 0x0403, 0x0404, 0x0405, 0x0406, 0x0407, 0x0408, 0x0409,
                        0x040a, 0x040b, 0x040c, 0x040D, 0x040e, 0x040F, 0x0410, 0x0411, 0x0412,
                        0x0413, 0x0414, 0x0415, 0x0416, 0x0417, 0x0418, 0x0419, 0x041a, 0x041b,
                        0x041c, 0x041D, 0x041E, 0x041f, 0x0420, 0x0421, 0x0422, 0x0423, 0x0424,
                        0x0425, 0x0426, 0x0427, 0x0429, 0x042a, 0x042b, 0x042c, 0x042D, 0x042e,
                        0x042f, 0x0430, 0x0431, 0x0432, 0x0433, 0x0434, 0x0435, 0x0436, 0x0437,
                        0x0438, 0x0439, 0x043b, 0x043d, 0x043e, 0x043f, 0x0441, 0x0443, 0x0444,
                        0x0445, 0x0446, 0x0447, 0x0448, 0x0449, 0x044a, 0x044b, 0x044c, 0x044d,
                        0x044e, 0x044f, 0x0457, 0x0459, 0x0461, 0x0801, 0x0804, 0x0807, 0x0809,
                        0x080a, 0x080c, 0x0810, 0x0812, 0x0813, 0x0814, 0x0816, 0x0818, 0x0819,
                        0x081a, 0x081d, 0x0820, 0x0827, 0x082c, 0x083e, 0x0843, 0x0860, 0x0861,
                        0x0C01, 0x0C04, 0x0c07, 0x0c09, 0x0c0a, 0x0c0c, 0x0c1a, 0x1001, 0x1004,
                        0x1007, 0x1009, 0x100a, 0x100c, 0x1401, 0x1404, 0x1407, 0x1409, 0x140a,
                        0x140c, 0x1801, 0x1809, 0x180a, 0x180c, 0x1C01, 0x1c09, 0x1c0a, 0x2001,
                        0x2009, 0x200a, 0x2401, 0x2409, 0x240a, 0x2801, 0x2809, 0x280a, 0x2C01,
                        0x2c09, 0x2c0a, 0x3001, 0x3009, 0x300a, 0x3401, 0x3409, 0x340a, 0x3801,
                        0x380a, 0x3C01, 0x3c0a, 0x4001, 0x400a, 0x440a, 0x480a, 0x4c0a, 0x500a

                for (uint i=0; i<NumberNameRecords; i++)
                    NameRecord nr = GetNameRecord(i);
                    if (nr != null)
                        if (nr.PlatformID == 3 && nr.EncodingID == 1)
                            bFound = true;

                            bool bValidID = false;
                            for (uint j=0; j<MSLangIDs.Length; j++)
                                if (nr.LanguageID == MSLangIDs[j])
                                    bValidID = true;

                            if (!bValidID)
                                string s = "platID = " + nr.PlatformID 
                                    + ", encID = " + nr.EncodingID
                                    + ", langID = 0x" + nr.LanguageID.ToString("x4")
                                    + ", nameID = " + nr.NameID;
                                v.Error(T.name_MSLanguageIDs, E.name_E_MSLanguageID, m_tag, s);
                                bIDsOk = false;
                                bRet = false;

                if (bFound && bIDsOk)
                    v.Pass(T.name_MSLanguageIDs, P.name_P_MSLanguageID, m_tag);

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_unicode_length))
                bool bLengthsOk = true;

                for (uint i=0; i<NumberNameRecords; i++)
                    NameRecord nr = GetNameRecord(i);
                    if (nr != null)
                        if (nr.PlatformID == 0 || nr.PlatformID == 2 || // unicode or iso platform
                            (nr.PlatformID == 3 && nr.EncodingID == 1)) // microsoft platform, unicode encoding
                            if ((nr.StringLength & 1) == 1)
                                string s = "platID = " + nr.PlatformID 
                                    + ", encID = " + nr.EncodingID
                                    + ", langID = " + nr.LanguageID
                                    + ", nameID = " + nr.NameID
                                    + ", length = " + nr.StringLength;
                                v.Error(T.name_unicode_length, E.name_E_UnicodeLength, m_tag, s);
                                bLengthsOk = false;
                                bRet = false;
                        v.Warning(T.name_unicode_length, W._TEST_W_OtherErrorsInTable, m_tag);
                        bLengthsOk = false;

                if (bLengthsOk)
                    v.Pass(T.name_unicode_length, P.name_P_UnicodeLength, m_tag);

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_Postscript))
                bool bPostscriptOk = true;

                string sPostscriptMac = GetString(1, 0, 0, 6);
                if (sPostscriptMac != null)
                    if (sPostscriptMac.Length > 63)
                        v.Error(T.name_Postscript, E.name_E_Postscript_length, m_tag, "name string (1, 0, 0, 6) is " + sPostscriptMac.Length + " characters long");
                        bRet = false;
                        bPostscriptOk = false;

                    for (int i=0; i<sPostscriptMac.Length; i++)
                        char c = sPostscriptMac[i];
                        if (c < 33 || c > 126 || c=='[' || c==']' || c=='(' || c==')' || c=='{' || c=='}' || c=='<' || c=='>' || c=='/' || c=='%')
                            v.Error(T.name_Postscript, E.name_E_Postscript_chars, m_tag, "name string (1, 0, 0, 6) contains an illegal character at index " + i);
                            bRet = false;
                            bPostscriptOk = false;

                ushort nEncoding = 1;
                if (fontOwner.ContainsMsSymbolEncodedCmap())
                    nEncoding = 0;

                string sPostscriptMS = GetString(3, nEncoding, 0x409, 6); // ms
                if (sPostscriptMS != null)
                    if (sPostscriptMS.Length > 63)
                        v.Error(T.name_Postscript, E.name_E_Postscript_length, m_tag, "name string (3, " + nEncoding + ", 0x409, 6) is " + sPostscriptMS.Length + " characters long");
                        bRet = false;
                        bPostscriptOk = false;

                    for (int i=0; i<sPostscriptMS.Length; i++)
                        char c = sPostscriptMS[i];
                        if (c < 33 || c > 126 || c=='[' || c==']' || c=='(' || c==')' || c=='{' || c=='}' || c=='<' || c=='>' || c=='/' || c=='%')
                            v.Error(T.name_Postscript, E.name_E_Postscript_chars, m_tag, "name string (3, " + nEncoding + ", 0x409, 6) contains an illegal character at index " + i);
                            bRet = false;
                            bPostscriptOk = false;

                if (sPostscriptMac==null && sPostscriptMS!=null)
                    v.Error(T.name_Postscript, E.name_E_Postscript_missing, m_tag, "Mac Postscript string is missing, but MS Postscript string is present");
                    bRet = false;
                    bPostscriptOk = false;
                else if (sPostscriptMac!=null && sPostscriptMS==null)
                    v.Error(T.name_Postscript, E.name_E_Postscript_missing, m_tag, "MS Postscript string is missing, but Mac Postscript string is present");
                    bRet = false;
                    bPostscriptOk = false;
                if (sPostscriptMac!=null && sPostscriptMS!=null)
                    if (sPostscriptMac != sPostscriptMS)
                        v.Error(T.name_Postscript, E.name_E_Postscript_unequal, m_tag, "mac postscript = " + sPostscriptMac + ", MS postscript = " + sPostscriptMS );
                        bRet = false;
                        bPostscriptOk = false;

                if (sPostscriptMac!=null && sPostscriptMS!=null && bPostscriptOk)
                    v.Pass(T.name_Postscript, P.name_P_Postscript, m_tag);

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_Subfamily))
                string sStyle = GetStyleString();
                if (sStyle != null)
                    Table_OS2 OS2Table = (Table_OS2)fontOwner.GetTable("OS/2");
                    if (OS2Table != null)
                        bool bStyleOk = true;
                        string sStyleDetails = "";
                        string s = sStyle.ToLower();

                        bool bItalic = ((OS2Table.fsSelection & 0x01) != 0 );
                        bool bBold   = ((OS2Table.fsSelection & 0x20) != 0 );

                        if (bItalic)                            
                            if (s.IndexOf("italic") == -1 && s.IndexOf("oblique") == -1)
                                bStyleOk = false;
                                sStyleDetails = "OS/2.fsSelection italic bit is set, but subfamily string = '" + sStyle + "'";
                            if (s.IndexOf("italic") != -1 || s.IndexOf("oblique") != -1)
                                bStyleOk = false;
                                sStyleDetails = "OS/2.fsSelection italic bit is clear, but subfamily string = '" + sStyle + "'";

                        if (bBold)                            
                            if (s.IndexOf("bold") == -1)
                                bStyleOk = false;
                                sStyleDetails = "OS/2.fsSelection bold bit is set, but subfamily string = '" + sStyle + "'";
                            if (s.IndexOf("bold") != -1)
                                bStyleOk = false;
                                sStyleDetails = "OS/2.fsSelection bold bit is clear, but subfamily string = '" + sStyle + "'";

                        if (bStyleOk)
                            v.Pass(T.name_Subfamily, P.name_P_subfamily, m_tag);
                            v.Warning(T.name_Subfamily, W.name_W_subfamily_style, m_tag, sStyleDetails);

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_NoFormat14))
                bool bStringOK = true;
                for (uint i=0; i<NumberNameRecords; i++)
                    NameRecord nr = GetNameRecord(i);
                    if (nr != null &&
                        nr.NameID == 19 &&
                        nr.PlatformID == 0 &&
                        nr.EncodingID == 5 )
                        string sDetails = 
                            "name string(" + nr.PlatformID 
                            + ", " + nr.EncodingID
                            + ", 0x" + nr.LanguageID.ToString("x4")
                            + ", " + nr.NameID + 
                            ", offset=0x" + 
                            nr.StringOffset.ToString("x4") + ")";
                        v.Error( T.name_NoFormat14, 
                                 sDetails );
						bRet = false;
                        bStringOK = false;
                if ( bStringOK )
                    string sDetails = "PlatformID=0, EncodingID=5 is for " +
                        "Variation Sequences (Format 14)";
                    v.Pass(T.name_NoFormat14, P.name_P_NoFormat14, m_tag, 
                           sDetails );


            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_SampleString))
                Table_cmap cmapTable = (Table_cmap)fontOwner.GetTable("cmap");
                if (cmapTable != null)
                    for (uint i=0; i<NumberNameRecords; i++)
                        NameRecord nr = GetNameRecord(i);
                        if (nr != null)
                            if (nr.NameID == 19)
                                if ( nr.PlatformID == 0 &&
                                     nr.EncodingID == 5 ) 
                                    // Unicode platform encoding ID 5 can be 
                                    // used for encodings in the 'cmap' table 
                                    // but not for strings in the 'name' table. 
                                    // It has already been flagged as an error,
                                    // so we will just skip it here.
                                Table_cmap.Subtable CmapSubTable = cmapTable.GetSubtable(nr.PlatformID, nr.EncodingID);
                                if (CmapSubTable != null)
                                    bool bStringOk = true;

                                    byte[] strbuf = GetEncodedString(nr);
                                    for (uint j=0; j<strbuf.Length;)

                                        if (CmapSubTable.MapCharToGlyph(strbuf, j, true) == 0)
                                            string sDetails = "name string(" + nr.PlatformID 
                                                + ", " + nr.EncodingID
                                                + ", 0x" + nr.LanguageID.ToString("x4")
                                                + ", " + nr.NameID
                                                + "), character at index " + j + " is not mapped";
                                            v.Error(T.name_SampleString, E.name_E_sample, m_tag, sDetails);
                                            bStringOk = false;
                                            bRet = false;

                                        j += CmapSubTable.BytesInChar(strbuf, j);

                                    if (bStringOk)
                                        string sDetails = "name string(" + nr.PlatformID 
                                            + ", " + nr.EncodingID
                                            + ", 0x" + nr.LanguageID.ToString("x4")
                                            + ", " + nr.NameID
                                            + ")";
                                        v.Pass(T.name_SampleString, P.name_P_sample, m_tag, sDetails);

			if (v.PerformTest(T.name_PreferredFamily))
				bool bFound = false;

				for (uint i=0; i<NumberNameRecords; i++)
					NameRecord nr = GetNameRecord(i);
					if (nr != null)
						if (nr.NameID == 16)
							string sPrefFam = this.GetString(nr.PlatformID, nr.EncodingID, nr.LanguageID, 16);

							string s = "platID = " + nr.PlatformID 
									+ ", encID = " + nr.EncodingID
									+ ", langID = " + nr.LanguageID
									+ ", nameID = " + nr.NameID
									+ ", \"" + sPrefFam + "\"";
							v.Info(T.name_PreferredFamily, I.name_I_Preferred_family_present, m_tag, s);

							bFound = true;

				if (!bFound)
					v.Info(T.name_PreferredFamily, I.name_I_Preferred_family_not_present, m_tag);

			if (v.PerformTest(T.name_PreferredSubfamily))
				bool bFound = false;

				for (uint i=0; i<NumberNameRecords; i++)
					NameRecord nr = GetNameRecord(i);
					if (nr != null)
						if (nr.NameID == 17)
							string sPrefSubfam = this.GetString(nr.PlatformID, nr.EncodingID, nr.LanguageID, 17);

							string s = "platID = " + nr.PlatformID 
								+ ", encID = " + nr.EncodingID
								+ ", langID = " + nr.LanguageID
								+ ", nameID = " + nr.NameID
								+ ", \"" + sPrefSubfam + "\"";
							v.Info(T.name_PreferredSubfamily, I.name_I_Preferred_subfamily_present, m_tag, s);

							bFound = true;

				if (!bFound)
					v.Info(T.name_PreferredSubfamily, I.name_I_Preferred_subfamily_not_present, m_tag);

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_CopyrightConsistent))
                bool bCopyrightOk = true;

                // get mac roman English Copyright string if present
                string sMac = GetString(1, 0, 0, 0);

                // get windows 3,0 English Copyright string if present
                string sWin3_0 = GetString(3, 0, 1033, 0);

                // get windows 3,1 English Copyright string if present
                string sWin3_1 = GetString(3, 1, 1033, 0);

                // get windows 3,10 English Copyright string if present
                string sWin3_10 = GetString(3, 10, 1033, 0);

                // compare strings

                if (sMac != null)
                    if (sWin3_0 != null)
                        if (sWin3_0.CompareTo(sMac) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(1,0,0,0)='" + sMac + "', (3,0,1033,0)='" + sWin3_0 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_CopyrightConsistent, W.name_W_CopyrightInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bCopyrightOk = false;

                    if (sWin3_1 != null)
                        if (sWin3_1.CompareTo(sMac) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(1,0,0,0)='" + sMac + "', (3,1,1033,0)='" + sWin3_1 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_CopyrightConsistent, W.name_W_CopyrightInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bCopyrightOk = false;

                    if (sWin3_10 != null)
                        if (sWin3_10.CompareTo(sMac) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(1,0,0,0)='" + sMac + "', (3,10,1033,0)='" + sWin3_10 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_CopyrightConsistent, W.name_W_CopyrightInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bCopyrightOk = false;

                if (sWin3_0 != null)
                    if (sWin3_1 != null)
                        if (sWin3_1.CompareTo(sWin3_0) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(3,0,1033,0)='" + sWin3_0 + "', (3,1,1033,0)='" + sWin3_1 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_CopyrightConsistent, W.name_W_CopyrightInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bCopyrightOk = false;

                    if (sWin3_10 != null)
                        if (sWin3_10.CompareTo(sWin3_0) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(3,0,1033,0)='" + sWin3_0 + "', (3,10,1033,0)='" + sWin3_10 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_CopyrightConsistent, W.name_W_CopyrightInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bCopyrightOk = false;

                if (sWin3_1 != null)
                    if (sWin3_10 != null)
                        if (sWin3_10.CompareTo(sWin3_1) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(3,1,1033,0)='" + sWin3_1 + "', (3,10,1033,0)='" + sWin3_10 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_CopyrightConsistent, W.name_W_CopyrightInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bCopyrightOk = false;

                if (bCopyrightOk)
                    v.Pass(T.name_CopyrightConsistent, P.name_P_CopyrightConsistent, m_tag);
                    //bRet = false;


            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_TrademarkConsistent))
                bool bTrademarkOk = true;

                // get mac roman English Trademark string if present
                string sMac = GetString(1, 0, 0, 7);

                // get windows 3,0 English Trademark string if present
                string sWin3_0 = GetString(3, 0, 1033, 7);

                // get windows 3,1 English Trademark string if present
                string sWin3_1 = GetString(3, 1, 1033, 7);

                // get windows 3,10 English Trademark string if present
                string sWin3_10 = GetString(3, 10, 1033, 7);

                // compare strings

                if (sMac != null)
                    if (sWin3_0 != null)
                        if (sWin3_0.CompareTo(sMac) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(1,0,0,7)='" + sMac + "', (3,0,1033,7)='" + sWin3_0 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_TrademarkConsistent, W.name_W_TrademarkInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bTrademarkOk = false;

                    if (sWin3_1 != null)
                        if (sWin3_1.CompareTo(sMac) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(1,0,0,7)='" + sMac + "', (3,1,1033,7)='" + sWin3_1 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_TrademarkConsistent, W.name_W_TrademarkInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bTrademarkOk = false;

                    if (sWin3_10 != null)
                        if (sWin3_10.CompareTo(sMac) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(1,0,0,7)='" + sMac + "', (3,10,1033,7)='" + sWin3_10 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_TrademarkConsistent, W.name_W_TrademarkInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bTrademarkOk = false;

                if (sWin3_0 != null)
                    if (sWin3_1 != null)
                        if (sWin3_1.CompareTo(sWin3_0) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(3,0,1033,7)='" + sWin3_0 + "', (3,1,1033,7)='" + sWin3_1 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_TrademarkConsistent, W.name_W_TrademarkInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bTrademarkOk = false;

                    if (sWin3_10 != null)
                        if (sWin3_10.CompareTo(sWin3_0) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(3,0,1033,7)='" + sWin3_0 + "', (3,10,1033,7)='" + sWin3_10 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_TrademarkConsistent, W.name_W_TrademarkInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bTrademarkOk = false;

                if (sWin3_1 != null)
                    if (sWin3_10 != null)
                        if (sWin3_10.CompareTo(sWin3_1) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(3,1,1033,7)='" + sWin3_1 + "', (3,10,1033,7)='" + sWin3_10 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_TrademarkConsistent, W.name_W_TrademarkInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bTrademarkOk = false;

                if (bTrademarkOk)
                    v.Pass(T.name_TrademarkConsistent, P.name_P_TrademarkConsistent, m_tag);
                    //bRet = false;

            if (v.PerformTest(T.name_DescriptionConsistent))
                bool bDescriptionOk = true;

                // get mac roman English Description string if present
                string sMac = GetString(1, 0, 0, 10);

                // get windows 3,0 English Description string if present
                string sWin3_0 = GetString(3, 0, 1033, 10);

                // get windows 3,1 English Description string if present
                string sWin3_1 = GetString(3, 1, 1033, 10);

                // get windows 3,10 English Description string if present
                string sWin3_10 = GetString(3, 10, 1033, 10);

                // compare strings

                if (sMac != null)
                    if (sWin3_0 != null)
                        if (sWin3_0.CompareTo(sMac) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(1,0,0,10)='" + sMac + "', (3,0,1033,10)='" + sWin3_0 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_DescriptionConsistent, W.name_W_DescriptionInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bDescriptionOk = false;

                    if (sWin3_1 != null)
                        if (sWin3_1.CompareTo(sMac) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(1,0,0,10)='" + sMac + "', (3,1,1033,10)='" + sWin3_1 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_DescriptionConsistent, W.name_W_DescriptionInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bDescriptionOk = false;

                    if (sWin3_10 != null)
                        if (sWin3_10.CompareTo(sMac) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(1,0,0,10)='" + sMac + "', (3,10,1033,10)='" + sWin3_10 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_DescriptionConsistent, W.name_W_DescriptionInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bDescriptionOk = false;

                if (sWin3_0 != null)
                    if (sWin3_1 != null)
                        if (sWin3_1.CompareTo(sWin3_0) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(3,0,1033,10)='" + sWin3_0 + "', (3,1,1033,10)='" + sWin3_1 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_DescriptionConsistent, W.name_W_DescriptionInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bDescriptionOk = false;

                    if (sWin3_10 != null)
                        if (sWin3_10.CompareTo(sWin3_0) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(3,0,1033,10)='" + sWin3_0 + "', (3,10,1033,10)='" + sWin3_10 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_DescriptionConsistent, W.name_W_DescriptionInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bDescriptionOk = false;

                if (sWin3_1 != null)
                    if (sWin3_10 != null)
                        if (sWin3_10.CompareTo(sWin3_1) != 0)
                            string sDetails = "(3,1,1033,10)='" + sWin3_1 + "', (3,10,1033,10)='" + sWin3_10 + "'";
                            v.Warning(T.name_DescriptionConsistent, W.name_W_DescriptionInconsistent, m_tag, sDetails);
                            bDescriptionOk = false;

                if (bDescriptionOk)
                    v.Pass(T.name_DescriptionConsistent, P.name_P_DescriptionConsistent, m_tag);
                    //bRet = false;


            return bRet;