public List <executedProc> FCFS()
            executedList = new List <executedProc>();
            double Timer;

            Timer = 0.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < processesNumber; i++)
                executedProc timings = new executedProc();
                timings.procNumber  = temp[i].PID;
                timings.arrivalTime = temp[i].arrivalTime;
                timings.totalBT     = temp[i].burstTime;

                if (temp[i].arrivalTime > Timer)
                    timings.start = temp[i].arrivalTime;
                    timings.start = Timer;

                timings.end = timings.start + temp[i].burstTime;

                executedList.Insert(executedList.Count, timings);

                Timer = timings.end + ContextSwitch;
        public void adjustSRTN()
            List <executedProc> exProcs = new List <executedProc>();

            int count = executedList.Count();

            int iter = 0;

            while (iter < count)
                int    procID = executedList[iter].procNumber;
                double start  = executedList[iter].start;
                double AT     = executedList[iter].arrivalTime;
                double BT     = executedList[iter].totalBT;
                double endt   = start + 0.1;

                while (executedList[iter].procNumber == procID && iter < count)
                    if (iter < count)
                        if (iter + 1 == count)
                            endt = executedList[iter].end;
                        else if (executedList[iter + 1].procNumber != procID)
                            endt = executedList[iter].end;
                executedProc exP = new executedProc();
                exP.procNumber  = procID;
                exP.totalBT     = BT;
                exP.start       = start;
                exP.end         = endt;
                exP.arrivalTime = AT;
                exProcs.Insert(exProcs.Count(), exP);
            executedList = exProcs;
        public List <executedProc> executeSRTN()
            executedList = new List <executedProc>();

            readyQueue = new List <Process>();

            //       iterativeMerge(temp, processesNumber);                //Now the procs array is sorted according to arrival time...

            double time = 0;                                     //Timer will be incremented by 0.01 in each stage

            int i = 0;

            while (readyQueue.Count() != 0 || i < processesNumber)
                //If there are no processes in the ready queue, will take the first on in the array and set the timer to its AT
                if (i < processesNumber && readyQueue.Count() == 0)
                    time = temp[i].arrivalTime;

                    readyQueue.Insert(0, temp[i]);


                    while (time == temp[i].arrivalTime && i < processesNumber)
                        Process p = new Process();
                        p.PID           = temp[i].PID;
                        p.arrivalTime   = temp[i].arrivalTime;
                        p.burstTime     = temp[i].burstTime;
                        p.burstTimeCopy = temp[i].burstTimeCopy;
                        p.priority      = temp[i].priority;

                        int j     = 0;
                        int count = readyQueue.Count();
                        while (i < processesNumber && j < count)
                            if (p.burstTime < readyQueue[j].burstTime)
                                //Inserting the process in its place after the element that
                                //has BT greater than itself

                                readyQueue.Insert(j, p);



                            if (j == readyQueue.Count())                       //No more elements ==> Will be inserted
                                readyQueue.Insert(readyQueue.Count(), p);      //at the rear of the queue (Biggest BT left)

                if (i < processesNumber)
                    //There are elements in the ready queue and the arrival time of the next process
                    //hasn't been met yet

                    while (readyQueue.Count() != 0 && temp[i].arrivalTime > time)
                        Process p = new Process();

                        p.PID = readyQueue.First().PID;

                        p.arrivalTime = readyQueue.First().arrivalTime;

                        p.burstTime = readyQueue.First().burstTime;

                        p.burstTimeCopy = readyQueue.First().burstTimeCopy;

                        p.priority = readyQueue.First().priority;

                        p.burstTime -= 0.1;

                        executedProc ex = new executedProc();

                        ex.start = time;

                        ex.end = time + 0.1;

                        ex.arrivalTime = readyQueue.First().arrivalTime;

                        ex.procNumber = readyQueue.First().PID;

                        ex.totalBT = readyQueue.First().burstTimeCopy;

                        executedList.Insert(executedList.Count(), ex);


                        if (p.burstTime > 0)
                            readyQueue.Insert(0, p);

                        else if (readyQueue.Count() > 0)
                            time += ContextSwitch;

                        time = Math.Round(time + 0.1, 1);

                    //Here we break out of the previous while due to one of 2 reasons:
                    //1- The count of the readyQueue is now zero ====> We know that there are still other processes to execute
                    //2- The arrival time of the next process has been met ===> will check if its BT is less than queue head or not

                    if (readyQueue.Count() == 0)
                        time = temp[i].arrivalTime;

                        readyQueue.Insert(0, temp[i]);


                        while (i < processesNumber && time == temp[i].arrivalTime)  //If more than one element have the same arrival time
                            Process p = new Process();
                            p.PID           = temp[i].PID;
                            p.arrivalTime   = temp[i].arrivalTime;
                            p.burstTime     = temp[i].burstTime;
                            p.burstTimeCopy = temp[i].burstTimeCopy;
                            p.priority      = temp[i].priority;

                            int j     = 0;
                            int count = readyQueue.Count();
                            while (j < count)
                                if (p.burstTime < readyQueue[j].burstTime)
                                    //Inserting the process in its place after the element that
                                    //has BT greater than itself

                                    readyQueue.Insert(j, p);



                                if (j == readyQueue.Count())                       //No more elements ==> Will be inserted
                                    readyQueue.Insert(readyQueue.Count(), p);      //at the rear of the queue (Biggest BT left)
                    else //Here the readyQueue is NOT empty and the next element's arrival time has come
                        //The readyQueue is sorted according to remaining burst time for all processes...
                        //If a process came and its burst time is less than the burst time of the queue head
                        //Therefore will have to insert it according to BT to maintain the queue

                        Process p = new Process();
                        p.PID           = temp[i].PID;
                        p.arrivalTime   = temp[i].arrivalTime;
                        p.burstTime     = temp[i].burstTime;
                        p.burstTimeCopy = temp[i].burstTimeCopy;
                        p.priority      = temp[i].priority;

                        int j     = 0;
                        int count = readyQueue.Count();
                        while (j < count)
                            if (p.burstTime < readyQueue[j].burstTime)
                                //Inserting the process in its place after the element that
                                //has BT greater than itself

                                readyQueue.Insert(j, p);

                                if (j == 0)                 //element was inserted at the beggining of the queue but the process
                                {                           //in the queue head has not finished processing yet due its larger BT
                                                            //Therefore a context switch must occur
                                    time += ContextSwitch;


                            if (j == readyQueue.Count())                       //No more elements ==> Will be inserted
                                readyQueue.Insert(readyQueue.Count(), p);      //at the rear of the queue (Biggest BT left)

                //The process list is empty and now we have a ready queue to empty
                    while (readyQueue.Count() != 0)
                        Process p = new Process();

                        p.PID = readyQueue.First().PID;

                        p.arrivalTime = readyQueue.First().arrivalTime;

                        p.burstTime = readyQueue.First().burstTime;

                        p.burstTimeCopy = readyQueue.First().burstTimeCopy;

                        p.priority = readyQueue.First().priority;

                        p.burstTime -= 0.1;

                        executedProc ex = new executedProc();

                        ex.start = time;

                        ex.end = time + 0.1;

                        ex.arrivalTime = readyQueue.First().arrivalTime;

                        ex.procNumber = readyQueue.First().PID;

                        ex.totalBT = readyQueue.First().burstTimeCopy;

                        executedList.Insert(executedList.Count(), ex);


                        if (p.burstTime > 0)
                            readyQueue.Insert(0, p);

                        else if (readyQueue.Count() > 0)
                            time += ContextSwitch;

                        time = Math.Round(time + 0.1, 1);
        public List <executedProc> executeRR()
            executedList = new List <executedProc>();

            readyQueue = new List <Process>();

            double time;
            //  MergeSort(temp, 0,processesNumber-1);              //Now the procs array is sorted according to arrival time...

            int i = 1;

            time = temp[0].arrivalTime;          //In case the arrival time of the 1st proc (after sorting) is not equal to zero

            readyQueue.Insert(0, temp[0]);

            while (readyQueue.Count != 0 || i < processesNumber)
                //check if there is any process that will arrive in this quantum. If so, will insert it at the end of the queue

                while (i < processesNumber && temp[i].arrivalTime > time && temp[i].arrivalTime <= (time + quantum))
                    readyQueue.Insert(readyQueue.Count(), temp[i]);

                double remainingTime = quantum;

                //If the readyQueue is not empty and the quantum is not yet finished
                while (readyQueue.Count > 0 && remainingTime > 0)
                    //Process first process, 1st case if the process's BT is greater than the time of
                    //the quantum, will process it with what time is left, then insert at the rear..
                    if (remainingTime <= readyQueue.First().burstTime)
                        executedProc ex = new executedProc();

                        ex.procNumber = readyQueue.First().PID;

                        ex.arrivalTime = readyQueue.First().arrivalTime;

                        ex.totalBT = readyQueue.First().burstTimeCopy;

                        ex.start = time;

                        ex.end = time + remainingTime;

                        time += remainingTime;

                        executedList.Insert(executedList.Count, ex);

                        Process proc = new Process();

                        proc.PID = readyQueue.First().PID;

                        proc.burstTime = readyQueue.First().burstTime;

                        proc.priority = readyQueue.First().burstTime;

                        proc.arrivalTime = readyQueue.First().arrivalTime;

                        proc.burstTime -= remainingTime;

                        proc.burstTimeCopy = readyQueue.First().burstTimeCopy;


                        if (proc.burstTime > 0)
                            readyQueue.Insert(readyQueue.Count, proc);
                        if (readyQueue.Count() > 1)
                            time += ContextSwitch;
                        remainingTime = 0;

                    //2nd case is when the BT of the queue head is less than the remaining time (quantum)
                        remainingTime = 0;

                        executedProc ex = new executedProc();

                        ex.totalBT = readyQueue.First().burstTimeCopy;

                        ex.arrivalTime = readyQueue.First().arrivalTime;

                        ex.procNumber = readyQueue.First().PID;

                        ex.start = time;

                        ex.end = time + readyQueue.First().burstTime;

                        executedList.Insert(executedList.Count, ex);

                        time += readyQueue.First().burstTime;

                        if (readyQueue.Count() != 0)
                            time += ContextSwitch;


        public List <executedProc> HPF() //Non-Preemptive Highest Priority First.
            executedList = new List <executedProc>();
            double Timer = 0.0;

            Process [] arrivedList = new Process [processesNumber];

            Process [] temp2 = new Process[processesNumber];
            for (int i = 0; i < processesNumber; i++)
                temp2[i].arrivalTime = temp[i].arrivalTime;
                temp2[i].burstTime   = temp[i].burstTime;
                temp2[i].PID         = temp[i].PID;
                temp2[i].priority    = temp[i].priority;

            Timer = temp2[0].arrivalTime;

            int j = 0;

            int done = 0;

            while (processesNumber > done)
                bool x = false;
                for (int k = 0; k < processesNumber; k++)
                    if (temp2[k].arrivalTime <= Timer)
                        arrivedList[j].arrivalTime = temp2[k].arrivalTime;
                        arrivedList[j].burstTime   = temp2[k].burstTime;
                        arrivedList[j].PID         = temp2[k].PID;
                        arrivedList[j].priority    = temp2[k].priority;
                        temp2[k].arrivalTime       = 1000000;
                        x = true;

                if (x == false && j < processesNumber)
                    for (int k = 0; k < processesNumber; k++)
                        if (temp2[k].arrivalTime < 1000000)
                            Timer = temp2[k].arrivalTime;
                PrioritySort(arrivedList, 0, j - 1);

                if (j >= 0 && j > done)
                    executedProc timings = new executedProc();
                    timings.procNumber  = arrivedList[0].PID;
                    timings.arrivalTime = arrivedList[0].arrivalTime;
                    timings.totalBT     = arrivedList[0].burstTime;

                    if (arrivedList[0].arrivalTime > Timer)
                        timings.start = arrivedList[0].arrivalTime;
                        timings.start = Timer;

                    timings.end = timings.start + arrivedList[0].burstTime;
                    Timer       = timings.end + ContextSwitch;
                    executedList.Insert(executedList.Count, timings);
                    arrivedList[0].priority = -1;
