Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult Create(Mail mail, IEnumerable <HttpPostedFileBase> files = null)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                string   recipient_string = Request.Params["recipientlist"];
                string[] recipients;
                string   currentCourse = Request.Form["CurrentlySelectedCourse"];             //gets selected FROM courseid
                string   mailReply     = Request.Form["mailReply"];
                string   forwardedAttachmentsContextId = Request.Form["forwarded_contextId"]; //get forwarded attachments context id
                string   forwardedAttachmentsThreadId  = Request.Form["forwarded_threadId"];  //get forwarded attachments thread id
                bool     forwardedAttachments          = false;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(forwardedAttachmentsContextId) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(forwardedAttachmentsThreadId))
                    forwardedAttachments = true;

                if (mailReply == "" || mailReply == null)
                    mail.ContextID = Convert.ToInt16(currentCourse);
                // AJ: Keep the ContextID the same if this is a reply to avoid confusion

                mail.Context = db.Courses.Where(b => b.ID == mail.ContextID).FirstOrDefault();

                if (recipient_string != null)
                    recipients = recipient_string.Split(',');
                    int count    = 0;
                    int threadID = 0;
                    int dummyOut = 0;

                    bool attachmentsSaved = false;

                    foreach (string id in recipients)
                        if (Int32.TryParse(id, out dummyOut))
                            Mail newMail = new Mail();
                            newMail.FromUserProfileID = CurrentUser.ID;
                            newMail.Read             = false;
                            newMail.ToUserProfileID  = Convert.ToInt32(id);
                            newMail.Subject          = mail.Subject;
                            newMail.Message          = mail.Message;
                            newMail.ThreadID         = threadID;
                            newMail.ContextID        = mail.ContextID;
                            newMail.DeleteFromInbox  = false;
                            newMail.DeleteFromOutbox = false;

                            if (newMail.ContextID <= 0)
                                newMail.ContextID = ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourseID;

                            //need to create the mail before we can send the notification and set the threadID

                            // need to have an email created to get a valid id to set the thread ids to.
                            if (count == 0)
                                threadID         = newMail.ID;
                                newMail.ThreadID = newMail.ID;


                            //now that the message is saved, set up attachments.
                            //handle file attachments
                            if ((null != files && !attachmentsSaved) || forwardedAttachments)
                                MailAttachmentFilePath mfp = Directories.GetMailAttachment(mail.ContextID, newMail.ThreadID);
                                if (forwardedAttachments)
                                {   //we are also adding attachments from the forwarded mail
                                    MailAttachmentFilePath forwardedMfp = Directories.GetMailAttachment(Int32.Parse(forwardedAttachmentsContextId), Int32.Parse(forwardedAttachmentsThreadId));
                                    foreach (var item in forwardedMfp.AllFiles())
                                        mfp.AddFile(Path.GetFileName(item), forwardedMfp.OpenFileRead(Path.GetFileName(item)));

                                if (null != files && !attachmentsSaved)
                                    foreach (var file in files)
                                        if (null != file && file.ContentLength > 0)
                                            Regex  illegalInFileName = new Regex(@"[\\/:*?""<>|+#]");
                                            string fileName          = illegalInFileName.Replace(Path.GetFileName(file.FileName), "");
                                            mfp.AddFile(fileName, file.InputStream);
                                attachmentsSaved = true; //we only need to save attachments once for each mail thread

                            using (NotificationController nc = new NotificationController())
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult Create(Event e)
            // Set to current user and poster
            e.Poster = ActiveCourseUser;

            // Default to not Approved.
            e.Approved = false;

            if (!Request.Form.AllKeys.Contains("IncludeEndDate"))
                e.EndDate = null;
                //make sure that the end date happens after the start
                if ((DateTime)e.EndDate < e.StartDate)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("badDates", "The starting time must occur before the ending time");

            // Approve if instructor/leader, course is community, or approval is not required.
            if (ActiveCourseUser.AbstractRole.CanModify ||
                ((ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourse is Course) &&
                 !(ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourse as Course).RequireInstructorApprovalForEventPosting) ||
                (ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourse is Community)
                e.Approved = true;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //locate timezone offset
                //int courseOffset = (ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourse).GetType() != typeof(Community) ? ((Course)ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourse).TimeZoneOffset : 0;
                //CourseController cc = new CourseController();
                //TimeZoneInfo tz = cc.getTimeZone(courseOffset);

                //now convert the time to utc
                //if (e.EndDate != null)
                //    e.EndDate = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc((DateTime)e.EndDate, tz);

                //e.StartDate = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(e.StartDate, tz);

                if (e.EndDate != null)
                    e.EndDate = ((DateTime)e.EndDate).CourseToUTC(ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourseID);

                e.StartDate = e.StartDate.CourseToUTC(ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourseID);


                if (!e.Approved)
                    using (NotificationController nc = new NotificationController())

                //rebuilds course calendar file upon creating of a new event ICAL
                using (iCalendarController ical = new iCalendarController())


Ejemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult NewReply(DashboardReply dr)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                dr.CourseUser = ActiveCourseUser;
                dr.Posted     = DateTime.UtcNow;

                int replyTo = 0;
                if (Request.Form["reply_to"] != null)
                    replyTo = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["reply_to"]);

                int latestReply = 0;
                if (Request.Form["latest_reply"] != null)
                    latestReply = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["latest_reply"]);

                DashboardPost replyToPost = db.DashboardPosts.Find(replyTo);
                if (replyToPost != null)
                { // Does the post we're replying to exist?
                    // Are we a member of the course we're replying to?
                    CourseUser cu = (from c in currentCourses
                                     where c.AbstractCourseID == replyToPost.CourseUser.AbstractCourseID
                                     select c).FirstOrDefault();

                    AbstractCourse ac = null;
                    if (cu != null)
                        ac = cu.AbstractCourse;
                    if ((cu != null) && (cu.AbstractRole.CanGrade || ((ac != null) && (ac.AllowDashboardPosts))))

                        //construct the subject & body
                        string             subject   = "";
                        string             body      = "";
                        List <MailAddress> addresses = new List <MailAddress>();

                        ViewBag.dp = replyToPost;
                        List <DashboardReply> replys = replyToPost.Replies.Where(r => r.ID > latestReply).ToList();

                        //slightly different messages depending on course type
                        if (ac is Course && (ac as Course).AllowDashboardReplies)
                            Course course = (Course)ac;
                            subject = "[" + course.Prefix + " " + course.Number + "] Reply from " + CurrentUser.FirstName + " " + CurrentUser.LastName;
                            body    = CurrentUser.FirstName + " " + CurrentUser.LastName + " sent the following reply to the Dashboard post " + replyToPost.DisplayTitle + " at " + dr.Posted.UTCToCourse(ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourseID).ToString() + ":";
                        else if (ac is Community)
                            Community community = ac as Community;
                            subject = "[" + community.Nickname + "] Reply from " + CurrentUser.FirstName + " " + CurrentUser.LastName;
                            body    = CurrentUser.FirstName + " " + CurrentUser.LastName + " sent the following reply to the Dashboard post " + replyToPost.DisplayTitle + " at " + dr.Posted.UTCToCourse(ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourseID).ToString() + ":";
                            //this should never execute, but just in case...
                            subject = "OSBLE Activity Post";
                            body    = CurrentUser.FirstName + " " + CurrentUser.LastName + " sent the following message at " + dr.Posted.UTCToCourse(ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourseID).ToString() + ":";
                        body += "<br /><br />";
                        body += dr.Content.Replace("\n", "<br />");
                        body += string.Format("<br /><br /><a href=\"http://plus.osble.org/Home/Course?courseId={0}&postId={1}\">View and reply to post in OSBLE</a>",

                        //List<CoursesUsers> courseUsers = db.CoursesUsers.Where(c => (c.AbstractCourseID == ac.ID && c.UserProfile.EmailAllActivityPosts)).ToList();
                        List <CourseUser> courseUsers = (from c in db.CourseUsers
                                                         where c.AbstractCourseID == ac.ID &&
                                                         c.UserProfile.EmailAllActivityPosts &&
                                                         c.UserProfileID != CurrentUser.ID
                                                         select c).ToList();

                        foreach (CourseUser member in courseUsers)
                            if (member.UserProfile.UserName != null) // Ignore pending users
                                addresses.Add(new MailAddress(member.UserProfile.UserName, member.UserProfile.FirstName + " " + member.UserProfile.LastName));

                        //Send the message
                        Email.Send(subject, body, addresses);

                        foreach (DashboardReply r in replys)

                        ViewBag.DashboardReplies = replys;

                        // Post notification to other thread participants
                        using (NotificationController nc = new NotificationController())
                            nc.SendDashboardNotification(dr.Parent, dr.CourseUser);
                        Response.StatusCode = 403;
                    Response.StatusCode = 403;
