Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void FiresUpdate(ref List <Fire> bullets, MainPlane versus)// collision between all anemies fires and Plane
            for (int x = 0; x < bullets.Count; ++x)
                Fire fire = bullets[x];

                if (Events.pixelCollesion(versus.texturesCollection[versus.StandardImgFrame], fire.texturesCollection[fire.StandardImgFrame], new Vector2((float)versus.cordx, (float)versus.cordy), new Vector2((float)fire.cordx, (float)fire.cordy)))
                    fire.Exist     = false;
                    Events.health -= 20;

                if (fire.OutOfBorders(fire.width, fire.height) || !fire.Exist) // delete
                    fire.Exist = false;
                else // update
Ejemplo n.º 2
        bool whichin = false; // to reset the velocity
        public void Update(Fire fire)
            // Allows the game to exit
            // velocity_x = 0; velocity_y = 0;
            int radius = 200;

            if (fire != null)                                                                                                           // there is no fires
                if (Math.Sqrt(((cordx - fire.cordx) * (cordx - fire.cordx)) + ((cordy - fire.cordy) * (cordy - fire.cordy))) <= radius) // int the range
                    if (whichin == true)
                        velocity_x = cordx < fire.cordx ? -5 : 5; velocity_y = cordy < fire.cordy ? -5 : 5; //reset its max vel. according to plane's position
                    whichin = false;
                    // rate cosidered 2 b the acceleration

                    Avoid(new Vector2((float)fire.cordx, (float)fire.cordy), radius, true); // enemy avoids plane

                    if (Math.Abs(velocity_x) > 5)                                           // dont exceed max vel
                        velocity_x = velocity_x < 0 ? -5 : 5;
                    if (Math.Abs(velocity_y) > 5)
                        velocity_y = velocity_y < 0 ? -5 : 5;

                    cordx += (float)velocity_x; cordy += (float)velocity_y; // update position
                whichin = true;
                radius  = 80;
                Avoid(new Vector2((float)Game1.Airplane.cordx, (float)Game1.Airplane.cordy - 400), radius, false); // get closer to plane's position

                if (Math.Abs(velocity_x) > 5)                                                                      // dont exceed max vel
                    velocity_x = velocity_x < 0 ? -5 : 5;
                if (Math.Abs(velocity_y) > 5)
                    velocity_y = velocity_y < 0 ? -5 : 5;

                cordx += (float)velocity_x; cordy += (float)velocity_y; // update it

                // fire

                if ((int)fireeDelay <= 0 && Exist)                                                        // delay between fires
                    bullets.Add(new Fire("Images//2oo", new Vector2((float)cordx, (float)cordy), 0, -7)); // enemies fire image
                    fireeDelay = rand.Next(100, 300);
                Fire.FiresUpdate(ref bullets, Game1.Airplane); // update all the fires wth its collision wth the plane

            /*  if (OutOfBorders() == 1)
             *    velocity_x -= 10;
             * else if (OutOfBorders() == -1)
             *    velocity_x += 10;
             * else  if (OutOfBorders() == 2)
             *    velocity_x -= 10;
             * */
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void Update(float IncInAngle, float SpeedOfSeeking)
            velocity_y = SpeedOfSeeking;
            velocity_x = SpeedOfSeeking;
            float toolmosallas = Math.Abs((float)(cordx - GotoPosition.X));
            float ardmosallas  = Math.Abs((float)(cordy - GotoPosition.Y));

            if ((int)toolmosallas <= SpeedOfSeeking && (int)ardmosallas <= SpeedOfSeeking) // rotate when u rech ur position
                DoRotation = true;
            else if (toolmosallas == 0) // seek to this point (mosallasat w fithagorsat w kda) :D
                cordx += velocity_x;
            else if (ardmosallas == 0)
                cordy += velocity_y;
            else if (!(cordx == GotoPosition.X || cordy == GotoPosition.Y) && DoRotation == false)
                if ((toolmosallas) < (ardmosallas))
                    if (!(cordx == GotoPosition.X))
                        if (cordx < GotoPosition.X)
                            cordx += (toolmosallas / ardmosallas) * velocity_x;
                            cordx -= (toolmosallas / ardmosallas) * velocity_x;

                    if (!(cordy == GotoPosition.Y))
                        if (cordy < GotoPosition.Y)
                            cordy += velocity_y;
                            cordy -= velocity_y;
                    if (!(cordx == GotoPosition.X))
                        if (cordx < GotoPosition.X)
                            cordx += velocity_x;
                            cordx -= velocity_x;

                    if (!(cordy == GotoPosition.Y))
                        if (cordy < GotoPosition.Y)
                            cordy += (ardmosallas / toolmosallas) * velocity_y;
                            cordy -= (ardmosallas / toolmosallas) * velocity_y;

            if (!Exist)
                StandardImgFrame = 1; // one pixel img
            if ((int)fireeDelay <= 0 && Exist)                                                        // delay between fires
                bullets.Add(new Fire("Images//2oo", new Vector2((float)cordx, (float)cordy), 0, -7)); // enemies fire image
                fireeDelay = rand.Next(100, 1000);
            Fire.FiresUpdate(ref bullets, Game1.Airplane); // update all the fires wth its collision wth the plane

            if (bullets.Count <= 0 && Exist == false)
                DeleteIt = true;