public void Attendance_Insertion()
     ATT_Marker = new Attendance_Work();
     foreach (DataGridViewRow each_row in Data_Shower.Rows)
         for (int i = 1; i < each_row.Cells.Count - 1; i++)
             string Querry = "Insert into StaffsAttendance([Date],[Name],[Status],[Type],[Type_ID]) values ('" + Date + "', '" + each_row.Cells[0].Value + "', '" + each_row.Cells[1].Value + "', '" + each_row.Cells[2].Value + "', '" + each_row.Cells[3].Value + "')";
     MessageBox.Show("Attendance Data Saved!!!");
 public void Attendance_Insertion()
     ATT_Marker = new Attendance_Work();
     if (Combo_Loader.Text == "Primary-Students")
         foreach (DataGridViewRow each_row in Data_View.Rows)
             for (int i = 1; i < each_row.Cells.Count - 1; i++)
                 string Querry = "Insert into PrimaryStdAttendance([Date],[Name],[Status],[Type],[Type_ID]) values ('" + Date + "', '" + each_row.Cells[0].Value + "', '" + each_row.Cells[1].Value + "', '" + each_row.Cells[2].Value + "', '" + each_row.Cells[3].Value + "')";
     else if (Combo_Loader.Text == "Secondary-Students")
         foreach (DataGridViewRow each_row in Data_View.Rows)
             for (int i = 1; i < each_row.Cells.Count - 1; i++)
                 string Querry = "Insert into SecondaryStdAttendance([Date],[Name],[Status],[Type],[Type_ID]) values ('" + Date + "', '" + each_row.Cells[0].Value + "', '" + each_row.Cells[1].Value + "', '" + each_row.Cells[2].Value + "', '" + each_row.Cells[3].Value + "')";
     else if (Combo_Loader.Text == "Senior-Students")
         foreach (DataGridViewRow each_row in Data_View.Rows)
             for (int i = 1; i < each_row.Cells.Count - 1; i++)
                 string Querry = "Insert into SeniorStdAttendance([Date],[Name],[Status],[Type],[Type_ID]) values ('" + Date + "', '" + each_row.Cells[0].Value + "', '" + each_row.Cells[1].Value + "', '" + each_row.Cells[2].Value + "', '" + each_row.Cells[3].Value + "')";
     MessageBox.Show("Attendance Data Saved!!!");
        public void File_Loader()
            ATT_Marker = new Attendance_Work();
            OpenFileDialog File = new OpenFileDialog();              //Will open dialogbox to choose our desire file from where we want to import data..

            if (File.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)                //using this for if there is a file choosen by the user
                Path_of_File      = File.FileName;                   //this will get the path of the file
                Extension_of_File = Path.GetExtension(Path_of_File); // this will get the file extension
                if (Extension_of_File.CompareTo(".xls") == 0 || Extension_of_File.CompareTo(".xlsx") == 0)
                    DataTable dtExcel = new DataTable();
                    dtExcel              = ATT_Marker.ReadFile(Path_of_File, Extension_of_File);//read excel file
                    Data_View.Visible    = true;
                    Data_View.DataSource = dtExcel;
                    MessageBox.Show("Please choose .xls or .xlsx file only.");
                    //custom messageBox to show error