Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void partDieEvent(Part part)
            BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("---------- partDieEvent ------------");

            // Get the launch that this part was from
            BCLaunchData launch =
                (from launchq in OATBeanCounterData.data.launches
                 where launchq.missionID == part.missionID
                 select launchq).SingleOrDefault();

            if (launch == null)
                BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Could not find launch for missionID {0}", part.missionID);

            // Get the VesselPartData for the part that died
            BCVesselPartData partdata =
                (from partq in launch.parts
                 where partq.uid == part.flightID
                 select partq).SingleOrDefault();

            if (partdata == null)
                BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Could not find part for flightID {0}", part.flightID);

            BCPartDestructionData destruction = new BCPartDestructionData();

            destruction.time = HighLogic.CurrentGame.UniversalTime;

            partdata.status      = BCVesselPartStatus.Destroyed;
            partdata.destruction = destruction;

            BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("--------- /partDieEvent ------------");
Ejemplo n.º 2
		/// <summary>
		/// Fires when a new vessel is created at the launch pad.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ship">The ship being rolled out.</param>
		public void vesselRolloutEvent(ShipConstruct ship)
			BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("------------- vesselRolloutEvent -------------");

			float dryCost, fuelCost, totalCost;
			totalCost = ship.GetShipCosts (out dryCost, out fuelCost);

			BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Rollout: {0}", ship.shipName);
			BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("launchID: {0}", HighLogic.fetch.currentGame.launchID);

			Vessel vessel = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel;
			BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("NEW VESSEL LAUNCH DETECTED: {0}", vessel.vesselName);
			BCLaunchData launch = new BCLaunchData(true);
			launch.vesselName = vessel.vesselName;
			launch.missionID = BCUtils.GetVesselMissionID(vessel);
			launch.dryCost = dryCost;
			launch.totalCost = totalCost;
			launch.launchTime = vessel.launchTime;

			// TODO move this to utils?
			List<BCVesselResourceData> resources = new List<BCVesselResourceData>();
			List<BCVesselPartData> parts = new List<BCVesselPartData>();
			float total_resource_cost = 0;
            // Iterate over each part so we can log the parts, calculate the vessel resources, and
            // calculate the actual cost of everything
			foreach (Part part in vessel.parts)
				BCVesselPartData part_data = new BCVesselPartData();
				part_data.partName = part.partInfo.name;
				float part_full_cost = part.partInfo.cost;
				float part_resource_cost_full = 0;
				float part_resource_cost_actual = 0;
				foreach (PartResource res in part.Resources)
					if (res.info.unitCost == 0 || res.amount == 0)
						// Don't need to keep track of free resources
						// Or maybe we should, in case the cost changes due to a mod/game update?
					part_resource_cost_full += (float)(res.info.unitCost * res.maxAmount);
					part_resource_cost_actual += (float)(res.info.unitCost * res.amount);
                    // Either create a new VesselResourceData, or add to the one we already have
                    // TODO perhaps this should be conbined in to a single static method on BCVesselResourceData?
					BCVesselResourceData vr = resources.Find(r => r.resourceName == res.resourceName);
					if (vr == null)
						resources.Add(new BCVesselResourceData(res.info, res.resourceName, res.amount, res.maxAmount));
				float part_dry_cost = part_full_cost - part_resource_cost_full;
				part_data.baseCost = part_dry_cost;
				part_data.moduleCosts = part.GetModuleCosts();
				part_data.status = BCVesselPartStatus.Active;
				part_data.uid = part.flightID;

				total_resource_cost += part_resource_cost_actual;
			launch.resources = resources;
			launch.parts = parts;
			launch.resourceCost = total_resource_cost;

            // Try to match this to the transaction
            BCTransactionData transaction =
                (from trans in OATBeanCounterData.data.transactions
                 where trans.time == HighLogic.CurrentGame.UniversalTime
                 && trans.reason == TransactionReasons.VesselRollout
                 select trans).SingleOrDefault();
            if (transaction != null)
                BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Found matching transaction for this rollout: {0}", transaction.id);
                launch.transactionID = transaction.id;
                transaction.dataID = launch.id;

			BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("------------ /vesselRolloutEvent -------------");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Fires when a new vessel is created at the launch pad.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ship">The ship being rolled out.</param>
        public void vesselRolloutEvent(ShipConstruct ship)
            BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("------------- vesselRolloutEvent -------------");

            float dryCost, fuelCost, totalCost;

            totalCost = ship.GetShipCosts(out dryCost, out fuelCost);

            BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Rollout: {0}", ship.shipName);
            BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("launchID: {0}", HighLogic.fetch.currentGame.launchID);

            Vessel vessel = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel;

            BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("NEW VESSEL LAUNCH DETECTED: {0}", vessel.vesselName);

            BCLaunchData launch = new BCLaunchData(true);

            launch.vesselName = vessel.vesselName;
            launch.missionID  = BCUtils.GetVesselMissionID(vessel);
            launch.dryCost    = dryCost;
            launch.totalCost  = totalCost;
            launch.launchTime = vessel.launchTime;

            // TODO move this to utils?
            List <BCVesselResourceData> resources = new List <BCVesselResourceData>();
            List <BCVesselPartData>     parts     = new List <BCVesselPartData>();
            float total_resource_cost             = 0;

            // Iterate over each part so we can log the parts, calculate the vessel resources, and
            // calculate the actual cost of everything
            foreach (Part part in vessel.parts)
                BCVesselPartData part_data = new BCVesselPartData();
                part_data.partName = part.partInfo.name;

                float part_full_cost            = part.partInfo.cost;
                float part_resource_cost_full   = 0;
                float part_resource_cost_actual = 0;

                foreach (PartResource res in part.Resources)
                    if (res.info.unitCost == 0 || res.amount == 0)
                        // Don't need to keep track of free resources
                        // Or maybe we should, in case the cost changes due to a mod/game update?

                    part_resource_cost_full   += (float)(res.info.unitCost * res.maxAmount);
                    part_resource_cost_actual += (float)(res.info.unitCost * res.amount);

                    // Either create a new VesselResourceData, or add to the one we already have
                    // TODO perhaps this should be conbined in to a single static method on BCVesselResourceData?
                    BCVesselResourceData vr = resources.Find(r => r.resourceName == res.resourceName);
                    if (vr == null)
                        resources.Add(new BCVesselResourceData(res.info, res.resourceName, res.amount, res.maxAmount));

                float part_dry_cost = part_full_cost - part_resource_cost_full;
                part_data.baseCost    = part_dry_cost;
                part_data.moduleCosts = part.GetModuleCosts();
                part_data.status      = BCVesselPartStatus.Active;
                part_data.uid         = part.flightID;

                total_resource_cost += part_resource_cost_actual;

            launch.resources    = resources;
            launch.parts        = parts;
            launch.resourceCost = total_resource_cost;

            // Try to match this to the transaction
            BCTransactionData transaction =
                (from trans in OATBeanCounterData.data.transactions
                 where trans.time == HighLogic.CurrentGame.UniversalTime &&
                 trans.reason == TransactionReasons.VesselRollout
                 select trans).SingleOrDefault();

            if (transaction != null)
                BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Found matching transaction for this rollout: {0}", transaction.id);
                launch.transactionID = transaction.id;
                transaction.dataID   = launch.id;

            BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("------------ /vesselRolloutEvent -------------");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Fires every time our Funds change. Logs the transaction, and does some magic to determine
        /// if the transaction was modified by an active Strategy, and logs that as well.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newfunds">The new total Funds balance.</param>
        /// <param name="reason">The reason this change happened.</param>
        public void fundsChangedEvent(double newfunds, TransactionReasons reason)
            // TODO: funds CAN change without this event firing. WHAT TO DO?????

            BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("--------- fundsChangedEvent ------------");
//            BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Stack Trace? {0}", System.Environment.StackTrace);

            double diff = newfunds - OATBeanCounterData.data.funds;

            BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Funds changed. New funds: {0:f2}", newfunds);
            BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Change amount: {0:f2}", diff);

            BCTransactionData transaction = new BCTransactionData(true);

            transaction.time    = HighLogic.fetch.currentGame.UniversalTime;
            transaction.reason  = reason;
            transaction.amount  = diff;
            transaction.balance = newfunds;

            if (currencyModTime == HighLogic.CurrentGame.UniversalTime)
                BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("  Checking cached queries. Count: {0}", lastCurrencyMods.Count());

                // We now take in to account EVERY modifierquery run on this frame.
                //CurrencyModifierQuery modquery = lastCurrencyMods.Find(
                //    q => q.GetInput(Currency.Funds) + q.GetEffectDelta(Currency.Funds) == diff);

                if (lastCurrencyMods.Count() > 0)
                    // TODO: Record the reason for this transaction in addition to it being a strategy mod
                    float  delta    = lastCurrencyMods.Sum(q => q.GetEffectDelta(Currency.Funds));
                    double realcost = diff - delta;
                    BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("  Total modified by queries: Delta: {0}, Real Cost: {1}", delta, realcost);
                    transaction.amount  = realcost;
                    transaction.balance = OATBeanCounterData.data.funds - delta;

                    BCTransactionData modtrans = new BCTransactionData(true);
                    modtrans.time    = HighLogic.fetch.currentGame.UniversalTime;
                    modtrans.reason  = TransactionReasons.Strategies;
                    modtrans.balance = newfunds;
                    modtrans.amount  = delta;
            OATBeanCounterData.data.funds = newfunds;

            // TODO this is awful
            // Also, it doesn't work anymore? This used to fire after the required events, but now it is before
            switch (transaction.reason)
            case TransactionReasons.VesselRecovery:
                BCRecoveryData recovery =
                    (from rec in OATBeanCounterData.data.recoveries
                     where rec.time == HighLogic.fetch.currentGame.UniversalTime
                     select rec).SingleOrDefault();
                if (recovery != null)
                    recovery.transactionID = transaction.id;
                    transaction.dataID     = recovery.id;

            case TransactionReasons.VesselRollout:
                BCLaunchData launch =
                    (from l in OATBeanCounterData.data.launches
                     where l.launchTime == HighLogic.fetch.currentGame.UniversalTime
                     select l).SingleOrDefault();
                if (launch != null)
                    launch.transactionID = transaction.id;
                    transaction.dataID   = launch.id;
            BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("-------- /fundsChangedEvent ------------");