public static async Task Test0Async(string[] args)
            const string V2FeedCountQuery = "/Packages/$count";
            Console.WriteLine("Simple count test for distinct package ids and version between v2 feed and catalog");

            if (args.Length != 2)
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter only 2 arguments. First v2gallery feed url, and second catalog index.json url");
                string v2FeedUrl = args[0].TrimEnd('/');
                string v2FeedCountUrl = v2FeedUrl.TrimEnd('/') + V2FeedCountQuery;
                int v2FeedCount = 0;
                using (var client = new HttpClient())
                    var response = await client.GetAsync(v2FeedCountUrl);
                    string v2FeedCountString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
                    v2FeedCount = Int32.Parse(v2FeedCountString);

                string catalog = args[1];
                Uri catalogIndex = new Uri(catalog);

                CatalogIndexReader reader = new CatalogIndexReader(catalogIndex);

                var task = reader.GetEntries();

                var entries = task.Result;
                Console.WriteLine("Total packages count from catalog is " + entries.Count());
                var distinctCatalogPackages = entries.Distinct(new CatalogIndexEntryIdVersionComparer());
                int v3CatalogPackagesCount = distinctCatalogPackages.Count();
                Console.WriteLine("Distinct packages count from catalog is " + v3CatalogPackagesCount);
                Console.WriteLine("Distinct packages count from " + v2FeedUrl + " is " + v2FeedCount);

                Console.WriteLine("Current difference between v2Feed and v3 catalog is " + (v2FeedCount - v3CatalogPackagesCount));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private async Task PrepareAsync()
            _log.WriteLine("Making sure folder {0} exists.", _outputFolder);
            if (!Directory.Exists(_outputFolder))

            // Create reindex file
            _log.WriteLine("Start preparing lightning reindex file...");

            var latestCommit = DateTime.MinValue;
            int numberOfEntries = 0;
            string indexFile = Path.Combine(_outputFolder, "index.txt");
            using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(indexFile, false))
                var collectorHttpClient = new CollectorHttpClient();
                var catalogIndexReader = new CatalogIndexReader(new Uri(_catalogIndex), collectorHttpClient);

                var catalogIndexEntries = await catalogIndexReader.GetEntries();

                foreach (var packageRegistrationGroup in catalogIndexEntries
                    .OrderBy(x => x.CommitTimeStamp)
                    .ThenBy(x => x.Id)
                    .ThenBy(x => x.Version)
                    .GroupBy(x => x.Id))
                    streamWriter.WriteLine("Element@{0}. {1}", numberOfEntries++, packageRegistrationGroup.Key);

                    var latestCatalogPages = new Dictionary<string, Uri>();

                    foreach (CatalogIndexEntry catalogIndexEntry in packageRegistrationGroup)
                        string key = catalogIndexEntry.Version.ToNormalizedString();
                        if (latestCatalogPages.ContainsKey(key))
                            latestCatalogPages[key] = catalogIndexEntry.Uri;
                            latestCatalogPages.Add(key, catalogIndexEntry.Uri);

                        if (latestCommit < catalogIndexEntry.CommitTimeStamp)
                            latestCommit = catalogIndexEntry.CommitTimeStamp;

                    foreach (var latestCatalogPage in latestCatalogPages)
                        streamWriter.WriteLine("{0}", latestCatalogPage.Value);

            _log.WriteLine("Finished preparing lightning reindex file. Output file: {0}", indexFile);

            // Write cursor to storage
            _log.WriteLine("Start writing new cursor...");

            var account = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(_storageAccount);
            var storageFactory = (StorageFactory)new AzureStorageFactory(account, _storageContainer);
            var storage = storageFactory.Create();
            var cursor = new DurableCursor(storage.ResolveUri("cursor.json"), storage, latestCommit);
            cursor.Value = latestCommit;
            await cursor.Save(CancellationToken.None);

            _log.WriteLine("Finished writing new cursor.");

            // Write command files
            _log.WriteLine("Start preparing lightning reindex command files...");

            string templateFileContents;
            using (var templateStreamReader = new StreamReader(_templateFile))
                templateFileContents = await templateStreamReader.ReadToEndAsync();

            int batchNumber = 0;
            int batchSizeValue = int.Parse(_batchSize);
            for (int batchStart = 0; batchStart < numberOfEntries; batchStart += batchSizeValue)
                var batchEnd = (batchStart + batchSizeValue - 1);
                if (batchEnd >= numberOfEntries)
                    batchEnd = numberOfEntries - 1;

                var cursorCommandFileName = "cursor" + batchNumber + ".cmd";
                var cursorTextFileName = "cursor" + batchNumber + ".txt";

                using (var cursorCommandStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(_outputFolder, cursorCommandFileName)))
                    using (var cursorTextStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(_outputFolder, cursorTextFileName)))
                        var commandStreamContents = templateFileContents
                            .Replace("[index]", indexFile)
                            .Replace("[cursor]", cursorTextFileName)
                            .Replace("[contentbaseaddress]", _contentBaseAddress)
                            .Replace("[storageaccount]", _storageAccount)
                            .Replace("[storagecontainer]", _storageContainer)
                            .Replace("[storagebaseaddress]", _storageBaseAddress)
                            .Replace("[compress]", _compress.ToString().ToLowerInvariant());

                        await cursorCommandStreamWriter.WriteLineAsync(commandStreamContents);
                        await cursorTextStreamWriter.WriteLineAsync(batchStart + "," + batchEnd);


            _log.WriteLine("Finished preparing lightning reindex command files.");

            _log.WriteLine("You can now copy the {0} file and all cursor*.cmd, cursor*.txt", indexFile);
            _log.WriteLine("to multiple machines and run the cursor*.cmd files in parallel.");
        public override async Task RunCore(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            int nextMasterRegId = 0;

            DateTime position = Cursor.Position;

            JToken nextMasterRegIdToken = null;
            if (Cursor.Metadata.TryGetValue("nextMasterRegId", out nextMasterRegIdToken))
                nextMasterRegId = nextMasterRegIdToken.ToObject<int>();

            // Get the catalog index
            Uri catalogIndexUri = new Uri(Config.GetProperty("CatalogIndex"));

            Log("Reading index entries");

            var indexReader = new CatalogIndexReader(catalogIndexUri);

            var indexEntries = await indexReader.GetRolledUpEntries();

            var context = indexReader.GetContext();

            Log("Finding new or editted entries");

            var changedEntries = new HashSet<string>(indexEntries.Where(e => e.CommitTimeStamp.CompareTo(position) > 0)
                                                                    .Select(e => e.Id.ToLowerInvariant()), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            DateTime newPosition = indexEntries.Select(e => e.CommitTimeStamp).OrderByDescending(e => e).FirstOrDefault();

            ConcurrentDictionary<string, ConcurrentBag<Uri>> batches = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, ConcurrentBag<Uri>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            ParallelOptions options = new ParallelOptions();
             options.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 8;

            Parallel.ForEach(indexEntries, options, entry =>
                if (changedEntries.Contains(entry.Id))
                    batches.AddOrUpdate(entry.Id, new ConcurrentBag<Uri>() { entry.Uri }, (id, uris) =>
                        return uris;

            Uri contentBaseAddress = new Uri(Config.GetProperty("ContentBaseAddress"));

            if (batches.Count > 0)
                Log("Building registrations from: " + position.ToString("O"));
                options.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 4;

                for (int i = 0; i < 3 && batches.Count > 0; i++)
                    if (i != 0)
                        options.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1;
                        Console.WriteLine("Single batch run.");

                    var ids = batches.Keys.OrderBy(s => s).ToArray();

                    Stopwatch buildTimer = new Stopwatch();
                    int startingCount = ids.Length;

                    Parallel.ForEach(ids, options, id =>
                            BatchRegistrationCollector regCollector = new BatchRegistrationCollector(null, _factory);
                            regCollector.ContentBaseAddress = contentBaseAddress;

                            Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();

                            var uriGroup = batches[id].ToArray();

                            regCollector.ProcessGraphs(_client, id, uriGroup, context, cancellationToken).Wait();

                            int rem = batches.Count;

                            string log = String.Format("Completed: {0} Duration: {1} Uris: {2} Remaining Ids: {3} Loop: {4}", id, timer.Elapsed, uriGroup.Length, rem, i);

                            // stats
                            double perPackage = buildTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds / (double)(startingCount - rem + 1);
                            DateTime finish = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(Math.Ceiling(perPackage * rem));

                            Console.WriteLine("Estimated Finish: " + finish.ToString("O"));

                            ConcurrentBag<Uri> vals;
                            if (!batches.TryRemove(id, out vals))
                                Console.WriteLine("Unable to remove!");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            LogError("Registration failed: " + id + " " + ex.ToString());

                // mark this with the last commit we included
                Cursor.Position = newPosition;

                await Cursor.Save();

                Log("Finished registrations: " + newPosition.ToString("O"));