Ejemplo n.º 1
        private EntityInfo CreateEntityInfo <T>(IEnumerable <PropertyInfo> props)
            var t                  = typeof(T);
            var tableName          = NpgsqlHelper.GetTableName(context, t);
            var mappingInfo        = GetMappingInfo(t, tableName);
            var tableNameQualified = NpgsqlHelper.GetTableNameQualified(context, t);

            // filter by props
            var keyProps   = mappingInfo.Where(x => x.IsKey).Select(x => x.Property);
            var propToInfo = mappingInfo.ToDictionary(x => x.Property);

            mappingInfo = props.Union(keyProps).Select(x => propToInfo[x]).ToList();

            // key for partial coe builder
            var propNames = typeof(T).FullName + "_" +
                            string.Join("_", props.Select(x => $"{x.DeclaringType.Name}_{x.Name}"));
            NpgsqlBulkCodeBuilder <T> codeBuilder;

            if (partialCodeBuilders.TryGetValue(propNames, out object cb))
                codeBuilder = (NpgsqlBulkCodeBuilder <T>)cb;
                return(CreateEntityInfo <T>(tableName, tableNameQualified, mappingInfo, codeBuilder));
                codeBuilder = new NpgsqlBulkCodeBuilder <T>();
                var info = CreateEntityInfo <T>(tableName, tableNameQualified, mappingInfo, codeBuilder);
                codeBuilder.InitBuilder(info, ReadValue);
                partialCodeBuilders.TryAdd(propNames, codeBuilder);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void SetAutoGeneratedFields <T>(
            IEnumerable <T> entities,
            EntityInfo infos,
            NpgsqlBulkCodeBuilder <T> codeBuilders,
            EntityState state)
            if (infos.PropertyNameToGenerators == null || infos.PropertyNameToGenerators.Count == 0)

            var sm = ((IDbContextDependencies)context).StateManager;

            foreach (var item in entities)
                var entry = sm.TryGetEntry(item);
                if (entry == null)
                    entry = sm.GetOrCreateEntry(item);

                    //    item, new Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.EntityEntry(entry), infos.PropertyNameToGenerators);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void WriteInsertPortion <T>(
            IEnumerable <T> list,
            EntityInfo mapping,
            NpgsqlConnection conn,
            string tempTableName,
            NpgsqlBulkCodeBuilder <T> codeBuilder)
            // 2. Import into temp table
            using (var importer = conn.BeginBinaryImport($"COPY {tempTableName} ({mapping.CopyColumnsForInsertQueryPart}, __index) FROM STDIN (FORMAT BINARY)"))
                var opContext = new OperationContext(context, false);

                var index = 1;
                foreach (var item in list)
                    codeBuilder.WriterForInsertAction(item, importer, opContext);
                    importer.Write(index, NpgsqlDbType.Integer);

                // Temp solution!!!
                CompleteMethodInfo.Invoke(importer, null);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void SetAutoGeneratedFields <T>(
            IEnumerable <T> entities,
            EntityInfo infos,
            NpgsqlBulkCodeBuilder <T> codeBuilders)
            if (infos.PropertyNameToGenerators == null || infos.PropertyNameToGenerators.Count == 0)

#pragma warning disable EF1001 // Internal EF Core API usage.
            var sm = ((IDbContextDependencies)context).StateManager;
#pragma warning restore EF1001 // Internal EF Core API usage.

            foreach (var item in entities)
#pragma warning disable EF1001 // Internal EF Core API usage.
                var entry = sm.TryGetEntry(item);
#pragma warning restore EF1001 // Internal EF Core API usage.
                if (entry == null)
#pragma warning disable EF1001 // Internal EF Core API usage.
                    entry = sm.GetOrCreateEntry(item);
#pragma warning restore EF1001 // Internal EF Core API usage.

#pragma warning disable EF1001 // Internal EF Core API usage.
                        item, new Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.EntityEntry(entry), infos.PropertyNameToGenerators);
#pragma warning restore EF1001 // Internal EF Core API usage.
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private async Task InsertPortionAsync <T>(
            IEnumerable <T> list,
            List <InsertQueryParts> insertParts,
            NpgsqlConnection conn,
            NpgsqlBulkCodeBuilder <T> codeBuilder,
            string tempTableName,
            object ignoreDuplicatesStatement,
            InsertConflictAction onConflict)
            // 3. Insert into real table from temp one
            foreach (var insertPart in insertParts)
                using (var cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
                    var baseInsertCmd = $"INSERT INTO {insertPart.TableNameQualified} ({insertPart.TargetColumnNamesQueryPart}) " +
                                        $"SELECT {insertPart.SourceColumnNamesQueryPart} FROM {tempTableName} ORDER BY __index {ignoreDuplicatesStatement}";

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(insertPart.ReturningSetQueryPart))
                        cmd.CommandText = baseInsertCmd;

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(insertPart.Returning))
                            cmd.CommandText  = $"WITH inserted as (\n {baseInsertCmd} RETURNING {insertPart.Returning} \n ), \n";
                            cmd.CommandText += $"source as (\n SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY {insertPart.Returning}) as __index FROM inserted \n ) \n";
                            cmd.CommandText += $"SELECT * FROM source ORDER BY __index";
                        cmd.CommandText  = $"WITH inserted as (\n {baseInsertCmd} RETURNING {insertPart.Returning} \n ), \n";
                        cmd.CommandText += $"source as (\n SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY {insertPart.Returning}) as __index FROM inserted \n ) \n";
                        cmd.CommandText += $"UPDATE {tempTableName} SET {insertPart.ReturningSetQueryPart} FROM source WHERE {tempTableName}.__index = source.__index\n";
                        cmd.CommandText += $"RETURNING {insertPart.Returning}";

                    using (var reader = (NpgsqlDataReader)(await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync()))
                        // 4. Propagate computed value
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(insertPart.Returning))
                            if (onConflict == null)
                                var readAction = codeBuilder.InsertIdentityValuesWriterActions[insertPart.TableName];
                                foreach (var item in list)
                                    await reader.ReadAsync();

                                    readAction(item, reader);
                                while (await reader.ReadAsync())
                                    // do nothing, for now...
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private EntityInfo CreateEntityInfo <T>(
            string tableName,
            string tableNameQualified,
            List <MappingInfo> mappingInfo,
            NpgsqlBulkCodeBuilder <T> codeBuilderOuter = null)
            var codeBuilder = codeBuilderOuter ?? new NpgsqlBulkCodeBuilder <T>();

            var info = new EntityInfo()
                TableNameQualified            = tableNameQualified,
                TableName                     = tableName,
                CodeBuilder                   = codeBuilder,
                MappingInfos                  = mappingInfo,
                PropToMappingInfo             = mappingInfo.Where(x => x.Property != null).ToDictionary(x => x.Property.Name),
                TableNames                    = mappingInfo.Select(x => x.TableName).Distinct().ToArray(),
                InsertClientDataInfos         = mappingInfo.Where(x => x.DoInsert).ToArray(),
                UpdateClientDataWithKeysInfos = mappingInfo.Where(x => x.DoUpdate || x.IsKey).ToArray(),
                MaxIsOptionalFlag             = mappingInfo.Max(x => x.IsSpecifiedFlag)

#if EFCore
            info.PropertyToGenerators = mappingInfo
                                        .Where(x => x.LocalGenerator != null)
                                        .ToDictionary(x => x.DbProperty, x => x.LocalGenerator);
            info.PropertyNameToGenerators = info.PropertyToGenerators.ToDictionary(x => x.Key.Name, x => x.Value);

            var tableNames = mappingInfo.Select(x => x.TableNameQualified).Distinct().ToList();
            //var grouppedByTables = mappingInfo.GroupBy(x => x.TableName)
            //    .Select(x => new
            //    {
            //        TableName = x.Key,
            //        x.First().TableNameQualified,
            //        KeyInfos = x.Where(y => y.IsKey).ToList(),
            //        ClientDataInfos = x.Where(y => y.DoInsert).ToList(),
            //        ReturningInfos = x.Where(y => y.ReadBack).ToList()
            //    })
            //    .ToList();

            info.InsertQueryParts    = new ConcurrentDictionary <long, List <InsertQueryParts> >();
            info.InsertQueryParts[0] = GetInsertQueryParts(mappingInfo, 0);

            //info.InsertQueryParts = grouppedByTables.Select(x =>
            //    var others = grouppedByTables.Where(y => y.TableName != x.TableName)
            //        .SelectMany(y => y.ClientDataInfos)
            //        .Select(y => new
            //        {
            //            My = y,
            //            Others = x.ReturningInfos.FirstOrDefault(ri => ri.Property.Name == y.Property.Name)
            //        })
            //        .Where(y => y.Others != null)
            //        .ToList();

            //    return new InsertQueryParts()
            //    {
            //        TableName = x.TableName,
            //        TableNameQualified = x.TableNameQualified,
            //        TargetColumnNamesQueryPart = string.Join(", ", x.ClientDataInfos.Select(y => NpgsqlHelper.GetQualifiedName(y.ColumnInfo.ColumnName))),
            //        SourceColumnNamesQueryPart = string.Join(", ", x.ClientDataInfos.Select(y => NpgsqlHelper.GetQualifiedName(y.TempAliasedColumnName))),
            //        Returning = string.Join(", ", x.ReturningInfos.Select(y => NpgsqlHelper.GetQualifiedName(y.ColumnInfo.ColumnName))),
            //        ReturningSetQueryPart = string.Join(", ", others.Select(y => $"{NpgsqlHelper.GetQualifiedName(y.My.TempAliasedColumnName)} " +
            //            $" = source.{NpgsqlHelper.GetQualifiedName(y.Others.ColumnInfo.ColumnName)}"))
            //    };

            info.SelectSourceForInsertQuery = "SELECT " +
                                              string.Join(", ", info.InsertClientDataInfos
                                                          .Select(x => $"{x.QualifiedColumnName} AS {x.TempAliasedColumnName}")) +
                                              " FROM " + string.Join(", ", tableNames);
            info.CopyColumnsForInsertQueryPart = string.Join(", ", info.InsertClientDataInfos
                                                             .Select(x => x.TempAliasedColumnName));

            info.InsertDbGeneratedInfos = info.MappingInfos.Where(x => x.ReadBack && x.Property != null).ToArray();

            // Now time for updates
            var grouppedByTables = mappingInfo.GroupBy(x => x.TableName)
                                   .Select(x => new
                TableName = x.Key,
                KeyInfos        = x.Where(y => y.IsKey).ToList(),
                ClientDataInfos = x.Where(y => y.DoUpdate).ToList(),
                ReturningInfos  = x.Where(y => y.ReadBack).ToList()

            info.UpdateQueryParts = grouppedByTables.Select(x =>
                var updateableInfos = x.ClientDataInfos;
                updateableInfos     = updateableInfos
                                      .Where(y => y.DoUpdate)
                                      .Where(y => y.ModifierAttributes == null || y.ModifierAttributes.All(m => m.Modification != BulkOperationModification.IgnoreForUpdate))

                return(new UpdateQueryParts()
                    TableName = x.TableName,
                    TableNameQualified = x.TableNameQualified,
                    SetClause = string.Join(", ", updateableInfos.Select(y =>
                        var colName = NpgsqlHelper.GetQualifiedName(y.ColumnInfo.ColumnName);
                        return $"{colName} = source.{y.TempAliasedColumnName}";
                    WhereClause = string.Join(" AND ", x.KeyInfos.Select(y =>
                        var colName = NpgsqlHelper.GetQualifiedName(y.ColumnInfo.ColumnName);
                        var clause = $"{colName} = source.{y.TempAliasedColumnName}";

                        if (y.IsNullableInClr)
                            clause = $"({clause} OR ({colName} IS NULL AND source.{y.TempAliasedColumnName} IS NULL))";

                        return clause;
                                    .Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.SetClause))

            info.SelectSourceForUpdateQuery = "SELECT " +
                                              string.Join(", ", info.UpdateClientDataWithKeysInfos
                                                          .Select(x => $"{x.QualifiedColumnName} AS {x.TempAliasedColumnName}")) +
                                              " FROM " + string.Join(", ", grouppedByTables.Select(x => x.TableNameQualified));
            info.CopyColumnsForUpdateQueryPart = string.Join(", ", info.UpdateClientDataWithKeysInfos
                                                             .Select(x => x.TempAliasedColumnName));

            info.UpdateDbGeneratedInfos = info.MappingInfos.Where(x => x.ReadBack && x.Property != null).ToArray();

            // Rest info
            info.KeyInfos = info.MappingInfos.Where(x => x.IsKey).ToArray();

            info.KeyColumnNames = info.KeyInfos.Select(x => x.ColumnInfo.ColumnName).ToArray();

            if (codeBuilderOuter == null)
                codeBuilder.InitBuilder(info, ReadValue);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        private EntityInfo CreateEntityInfo <T>(
            string tableName,
            string tableNameQualified,
            List <MappingInfo> mappingInfo,
            NpgsqlBulkCodeBuilder <T> codeBuilderOuter = null)
            var codeBuilder = codeBuilderOuter ?? new NpgsqlBulkCodeBuilder <T>();

            var info = new EntityInfo()
                TableNameQualified      = tableNameQualified,
                TableName               = tableName,
                CodeBuilder             = codeBuilder,
                MappingInfos            = mappingInfo,
                PropToMappingInfo       = mappingInfo.ToDictionary(x => x.Property),
                TableNames              = mappingInfo.Select(x => x.TableName).Distinct().ToArray(),
                ClientDataInfos         = mappingInfo.Where(x => !x.IsDbGenerated).ToArray(),
                ClientDataWithKeysInfos = mappingInfo.Where(x => !x.IsDbGenerated || x.IsKey).ToArray()

            info.PropertyToGenerators     = mappingInfo.Where(x => x.LocalGenerator != null).ToDictionary(x => x.Property, x => x.LocalGenerator);
            info.PropertyNameToGenerators = info.PropertyToGenerators.ToDictionary(x => x.Key.Name, x => x.Value);

            var grouppedByTables = mappingInfo.GroupBy(x => x.TableName)
                                   .Select(x => new
                TableName = x.Key,
                KeyInfos        = x.Where(y => y.IsKey).ToList(),
                ClientDataInfos = x.Where(y => !y.IsDbGenerated).ToList(),
                ReturningInfos  = x.Where(y => y.IsDbGenerated).ToList()

            info.InsertQueryParts = grouppedByTables.Select(x =>
                var others = grouppedByTables.Where(y => y.TableName != x.TableName)
                             .SelectMany(y => y.ClientDataInfos)
                             .Select(y => new
                    My     = y,
                    Others = x.ReturningInfos.FirstOrDefault(ri => ri.Property.Name == y.Property.Name)
                             .Where(y => y.Others != null)

                return(new InsertQueryParts()
                    TableName = x.TableName,
                    TableNameQualified = x.TableNameQualified,
                    TargetColumnNamesQueryPart = string.Join(", ", x.ClientDataInfos.Select(y => NpgsqlHelper.GetQualifiedName(y.ColumnInfo.ColumnName))),
                    SourceColumnNamesQueryPart = string.Join(", ", x.ClientDataInfos.Select(y => NpgsqlHelper.GetQualifiedName(y.TempAliasedColumnName))),
                    Returning = string.Join(", ", x.ReturningInfos.Select(y => NpgsqlHelper.GetQualifiedName(y.ColumnInfo.ColumnName))),
                    ReturningSetQueryPart = string.Join(", ", others.Select(y => $"{NpgsqlHelper.GetQualifiedName(y.My.TempAliasedColumnName)} " +
                                                                            $" = source.{NpgsqlHelper.GetQualifiedName(y.Others.ColumnInfo.ColumnName)}"))

            info.SelectSourceForInsertQuery = "SELECT " +
                                              string.Join(", ", info.ClientDataInfos
                                                          .Select(x => $"{x.QualifiedColumnName} AS {x.TempAliasedColumnName}")) +
                                              " FROM " + string.Join(", ", grouppedByTables.Select(x => x.TableNameQualified));
            info.CopyColumnsForInsertQueryPart = string.Join(", ", info.ClientDataInfos
                                                             .Select(x => x.TempAliasedColumnName));

            info.UpdateQueryParts = grouppedByTables.Select(x =>
                var updateableInfos = x.ClientDataInfos;
                updateableInfos     = updateableInfos.Where(
                    y => y.ModifierAttributes == null ||
                        m => m.Modification != BulkOperationModification.IgnoreForUpdate)

                return(new UpdateQueryParts()
                    TableName = x.TableName,
                    TableNameQualified = x.TableNameQualified,
                    SetClause = string.Join(", ", updateableInfos.Select(y =>
                        var colName = NpgsqlHelper.GetQualifiedName(y.ColumnInfo.ColumnName);
                        return $"{colName} = source.{y.TempAliasedColumnName}";
                    WhereClause = string.Join(" AND ", x.KeyInfos.Select(y =>
                        var colName = NpgsqlHelper.GetQualifiedName(y.ColumnInfo.ColumnName);
                        var clause = $"{colName} = source.{y.TempAliasedColumnName}";

                        if (y.IsNullableInClr)
                            clause = $"({clause} OR ({colName} IS NULL AND source.{y.TempAliasedColumnName} IS NULL))";

                        return clause;
                                    .Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.SetClause))

            info.SelectSourceForUpdateQuery = "SELECT " +
                                              string.Join(", ", info.ClientDataWithKeysInfos
                                                          .Select(x => $"{x.QualifiedColumnName} AS {x.TempAliasedColumnName}")) +
                                              " FROM " + string.Join(", ", grouppedByTables.Select(x => x.TableNameQualified));
            info.CopyColumnsForUpdateQueryPart = string.Join(", ", info.ClientDataWithKeysInfos
                                                             .Select(x => x.TempAliasedColumnName));

            info.ClientDataColumnNames = string.Join(", ",
                                                     info.ClientDataInfos.Select(x => NpgsqlHelper.GetQualifiedName(x.ColumnInfo.ColumnName)));

            info.KeyInfos = info.MappingInfos.Where(x => x.IsKey).ToArray();

            info.KeyColumnNames = info.KeyInfos.Select(x => x.ColumnInfo.ColumnName).ToArray();

            info.ClientDataWithKeysColumnNames = string.Join(", ",
                                                             info.ClientDataWithKeysInfos.Select(x => NpgsqlHelper.GetQualifiedName(x.ColumnInfo.ColumnName)));

            info.DbGeneratedInfos = info.MappingInfos.Where(x => x.IsDbGenerated).ToArray();

            info.DbGeneratedColumnNames = string.Join(", ",
                                                      info.DbGeneratedInfos.Select(x => NpgsqlHelper.GetQualifiedName(x.ColumnInfo.ColumnName)));

            if (codeBuilderOuter == null)
                codeBuilder.InitBuilder(info, ReadValue);

Ejemplo n.º 8
        private EntityInfo CreateEntityInfo <T>()
            var t           = typeof(T);
            var tableName   = GetTableName(t);
            var mappingInfo = GetMappingInfo(t, tableName);
            var codeBuilder = new NpgsqlBulkCodeBuilder <T>();

            var info = new EntityInfo()
                TableNameQualified      = GetTableNameQualified(t),
                TableName               = tableName,
                CodeBuilder             = codeBuilder,
                MappingInfos            = mappingInfo,
                TableNames              = mappingInfo.Select(x => x.TableName).Distinct().ToArray(),
                ClientDataInfos         = mappingInfo.Where(x => !x.IsDbGenerated).ToArray(),
                ClientDataWithKeysInfos = mappingInfo.Where(x => !x.IsDbGenerated || x.IsKey).ToArray()

            var grouppedByTables = mappingInfo.GroupBy(x => x.TableName)
                                   .Select(x => new
                TableName       = x.Key,
                KeyInfos        = x.Where(y => y.IsKey).ToList(),
                ClientDataInfos = x.Where(y => !y.IsDbGenerated).ToList(),
                ReturningInfos  = x.Where(y => y.IsDbGenerated).ToList()

            info.InsertQueryParts = grouppedByTables.Select(x =>
                var others = grouppedByTables.Where(y => y.TableName != x.TableName)
                             .SelectMany(y => y.ClientDataInfos)
                             .Select(y => new
                    My     = y,
                    Others = x.ReturningInfos.FirstOrDefault(ri => ri.Property.Name == y.Property.Name)
                             .Where(y => y.Others != null)

                return(new InsertQueryParts()
                    TableName = x.TableName,
                    TargetColumnNamesQueryPart = string.Join(", ", x.ClientDataInfos.Select(y => y.ColumnInfo.ColumnName)),
                    SourceColumnNamesQueryPart = string.Join(", ", x.ClientDataInfos.Select(y => y.TempAliasedColumnName)),
                    Returning = string.Join(", ", x.ReturningInfos.Select(y => y.ColumnInfo.ColumnName)),
                    ReturningSetQueryPart = string.Join(", ", others.Select(y => $"{y.My.TempAliasedColumnName} = source.{y.Others.ColumnInfo.ColumnName}"))

            info.SelectSourceForInsertQuery = "SELECT " +
                                              string.Join(", ", info.ClientDataInfos
                                                          .Select(x => $"{x.QualifiedColumnName} AS {x.TempAliasedColumnName}")) +
                                              " FROM " + string.Join(", ", grouppedByTables.Select(x => x.TableName));
            info.CopyColumnsForInsertQueryPart = string.Join(", ", info.ClientDataInfos
                                                             .Select(x => x.TempAliasedColumnName));

            info.UpdateQueryParts = grouppedByTables.Select(x =>
                var updateableInfos = x.ClientDataInfos;
                updateableInfos     = updateableInfos.Where(
                    y => y.ModifierAttributes == null ||
                        m => m.Modification != BulkOperationModification.IgnoreForUpdate)

                return(new UpdateQueryParts()
                    TableName = x.TableName,
                    SetClause = string.Join(", ", updateableInfos.Select(y =>
                        var colName = NpgsqlHelper.GetQualifiedName(y.ColumnInfo.ColumnName);
                        return $"{colName} = source.{y.TempAliasedColumnName}";
                    WhereClause = string.Join(", ", x.KeyInfos.Select(y =>
                        var colName = NpgsqlHelper.GetQualifiedName(y.ColumnInfo.ColumnName);
                        return $"{colName} = source.{y.TempAliasedColumnName}";

            info.SelectSourceForUpdateQuery = "SELECT " +
                                              string.Join(", ", info.ClientDataWithKeysInfos
                                                          .Select(x => $"{x.QualifiedColumnName} AS {x.TempAliasedColumnName}")) +
                                              " FROM " + string.Join(", ", grouppedByTables.Select(x => x.TableName));
            info.CopyColumnsForUpdateQueryPart = string.Join(", ", info.ClientDataWithKeysInfos
                                                             .Select(x => x.TempAliasedColumnName));

            info.ClientDataColumnNames = string.Join(", ",
                                                     info.ClientDataInfos.Select(x => NpgsqlHelper.GetQualifiedName(x.ColumnInfo.ColumnName)));

            info.KeyInfos = info.MappingInfos.Where(x => x.IsKey).ToArray();

            info.KeyColumnNames = info.KeyInfos.Select(x => x.ColumnInfo.ColumnName).ToArray();

            info.ClientDataWithKeysColumnNames = string.Join(", ",
                                                             info.ClientDataWithKeysInfos.Select(x => NpgsqlHelper.GetQualifiedName(x.ColumnInfo.ColumnName)));

            info.DbGeneratedInfos = info.MappingInfos.Where(x => x.IsDbGenerated).ToArray();

            info.DbGeneratedColumnNames = string.Join(", ",
                                                      info.DbGeneratedInfos.Select(x => NpgsqlHelper.GetQualifiedName(x.ColumnInfo.ColumnName)));

