Ejemplo n.º 1
        private bool ConnectBlock(CBlockStoreItem cursor, ref CBlock block, bool fJustCheck = false)
            // Check it again in case a previous version let a bad block in, but skip BlockSig checking
            if (!block.CheckBlock(!fJustCheck, !fJustCheck, false))
                return false; // Invalid block found.

            bool fScriptChecks = cursor.nHeight >= HashCheckpoints.TotalBlocksEstimate;
            var scriptFlags = scriptflag.SCRIPT_VERIFY_NOCACHE | scriptflag.SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH;

            long nFees = 0;
            long nValueIn = 0;
            long nValueOut = 0;
            uint nSigOps = 0;

            var queuedMerkleNodes = new Dictionary<uint256, CMerkleNode>();
            var queuedOutputs = new Dictionary<COutPoint, TxOutItem>();

            for (var nTx = 0; nTx < block.vtx.Length; nTx++)
                var tx = block.vtx[nTx];
                var hashTx = tx.Hash;

                if (!queuedMerkleNodes.ContainsKey(hashTx))
                    var nTxPos = cursor.nBlockPos + block.GetTxOffset(nTx);
                    var mNode = new CMerkleNode(cursor.ItemID, nTxPos, tx);

                    queuedMerkleNodes.Add(hashTx, mNode);

                Dictionary<COutPoint, TxOutItem> txouts;
                if (GetOutputs(hashTx, out txouts))
                    // Do not allow blocks that contain transactions which 'overwrite' older transactions,
                    // unless those are already completely spent.
                    return false;

                nSigOps += tx.LegacySigOpCount;
                if (nSigOps > CBlock.nMaxSigOps)
                    return false; // too many sigops

                var inputs = new Dictionary<COutPoint, TxOutItem>();

                if (tx.IsCoinBase)
                    nValueOut += tx.nValueOut;
                    bool Invalid;
                    if (!FetchInputs(ref tx, ref queuedOutputs, ref inputs, true, out Invalid))
                        return false; // Unable to fetch some inputs.

                    // Add in sigops done by pay-to-script-hash inputs;
                    // this is to prevent a "rogue miner" from creating
                    // an incredibly-expensive-to-validate block.
                    nSigOps += tx.GetP2SHSigOpCount(ref inputs);
                    if (nSigOps > CBlock.nMaxSigOps)
                        return false; // too many sigops

                    long nTxValueIn = tx.GetValueIn(ref inputs);
                    long nTxValueOut = tx.nValueOut;

                    nValueIn += nTxValueIn;
                    nValueOut += nTxValueOut;

                    if (!tx.IsCoinStake)
                        nFees += nTxValueIn - nTxValueOut;

                    if (!ConnectInputs(ref tx, ref inputs, ref queuedOutputs, ref cursor, true, fScriptChecks, scriptFlags))
                        return false;

                for (var i = 0u; i < tx.vout.Length; i++)
                    var outKey = new COutPoint(hashTx, i);
                    var outData = new TxOutItem()
                        nMerkleNodeID = -1,
                        nValue = tx.vout[i].nValue,
                        scriptPubKey = tx.vout[i].scriptPubKey,
                        IsSpent = false,
                        nOut = i

                    queuedOutputs.Add(outKey, outData);

            if (!block.IsProofOfStake)
                long nBlockReward = CBlock.GetProofOfWorkReward(cursor.nBits, nFees);

                // Check coinbase reward
                if (block.vtx[0].nValueOut > nBlockReward)
                    return false; // coinbase reward exceeded

            cursor.nMint = nValueOut - nValueIn + nFees;
            cursor.nMoneySupply = (cursor.prev != null ? cursor.prev.nMoneySupply : 0) + nValueOut - nValueIn;

            if (!UpdateDBCursor(ref cursor))
                return false; // Unable to commit changes

            if (fJustCheck)
                return true;

            // Flush merkle nodes.
            var savedMerkleNodes = new Dictionary<uint256, CMerkleNode>();
            foreach (var merklePair in queuedMerkleNodes)
                var merkleNode = merklePair.Value;

                if (!SaveMerkleNode(ref merkleNode))
                    // Unable to save merkle tree cursor.
                    return false;

                savedMerkleNodes.Add(merklePair.Key, merkleNode);

            // Write queued transaction changes
            var newOutpointItems = new List<TxOutItem>();
            var updatedOutpointItems = new List<TxOutItem>();
            foreach (var outPair in queuedOutputs)
                var outItem = outPair.Value;

                if (outItem.nMerkleNodeID == -1)
                    // This outpoint doesn't exist yet, adding to insert list.

                    outItem.nMerkleNodeID = savedMerkleNodes[outPair.Key.hash].nMerkleNodeID;
                    // This outpount already exists, adding to update list.


            if (updatedOutpointItems.Count != 0 && !UpdateOutpoints(ref updatedOutpointItems))
                return false; // Unable to update outpoints

            if (newOutpointItems.Count != 0 && !InsertOutpoints(ref newOutpointItems))
                return false; // Unable to insert outpoints

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Update cursor in memory and on disk.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cursor">Block cursor</param>
 /// <returns>Result</returns>
 public bool UpdateMapCursor(CBlockStoreItem cursor)
     var original = blockMap[cursor.Hash];
     return blockMap.TryUpdate(cursor.Hash, cursor, original);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private bool AddItemToIndex(ref CBlockStoreItem newCursor, ref CBlock block)
            uint256 blockHash = newCursor.Hash;

            if (blockMap.ContainsKey(blockHash))
                // Already have this block.
                return false;

            // Begin transaction

            // Compute chain trust score
            newCursor.nChainTrust = (newCursor.prev != null ? newCursor.prev.nChainTrust : 0) + newCursor.nBlockTrust;

            if (!newCursor.SetStakeEntropyBit(Entropy.GetStakeEntropyBit(newCursor.nHeight, blockHash)))
                return false; // SetStakeEntropyBit() failed

            // compute stake modifier
            long nStakeModifier = 0;
            bool fGeneratedStakeModifier = false;
            if (!StakeModifier.ComputeNextStakeModifier(ref newCursor, ref nStakeModifier, ref fGeneratedStakeModifier))
                return false;  // ComputeNextStakeModifier() failed

            newCursor.SetStakeModifier(nStakeModifier, fGeneratedStakeModifier);
            newCursor.nStakeModifierChecksum = StakeModifier.GetModifierChecksum(newCursor);

            if (!ModifierCheckpoints.Verify(newCursor.nHeight, newCursor.nStakeModifierChecksum))
                return false; // Stake modifier checkpoints mismatch

            // Add to index
            if (block.IsProofOfStake)

                newCursor.prevoutStake = block.vtx[1].vin[0].prevout;
                newCursor.nStakeTime = block.vtx[1].nTime;

                // Save proof-of-stake hash value
                uint256 hashProofOfStake;
                if (!GetProofOfStakeHash(ref blockHash, out hashProofOfStake))
                    return false;  // hashProofOfStake not found
                newCursor.hashProofOfStake = hashProofOfStake;

            if (!newCursor.WriteToFile(ref fStreamReadWrite, ref block))
                return false;

            if (dbConn.Insert(newCursor) == 0)
                return false; // Insert failed

            // Get last RowID.
            newCursor.ItemID = dbPlatform.SQLiteApi.LastInsertRowid(dbConn.Handle);

            if (!blockMap.TryAdd(blockHash, newCursor))
                return false; // blockMap add failed

            if (newCursor.nChainTrust > ChainParams.nBestChainTrust)
                // New best chain

                if (!SetBestChain(ref newCursor))
                    return false; // SetBestChain failed.

            // Commit transaction

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Get merkle node cursor by output metadata.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">Output metadata object</param>
        /// <returns>Merkle node cursor or null</returns>
        public CMerkleNode GetMerkleCursor(TxOutItem item, out CBlockStoreItem blockCursor)
            blockCursor = null;

            // Trying to get cursor from the database.
            var QueryMerkleCursor = dbConn.Query<CMerkleNode>("select * from [MerkleNodes] where [nMerkleNodeID] = ?", item.nMerkleNodeID);

            if (QueryMerkleCursor.Count == 1)
                var merkleNode = QueryMerkleCursor[0];

                // Search for block
                var results = blockMap.Where(x => x.Value.ItemID == merkleNode.nParentBlockID).Select(x => x.Value).ToArray();

                blockCursor = results[0];

                return merkleNode;

            // Nothing found.
            return null;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Update cursor record in database.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cursor">Block cursor object</param>
 /// <returns>Result</returns>
 public bool UpdateDBCursor(ref CBlockStoreItem cursor)
     return dbConn.Update(cursor) != 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Set new top node or current best chain.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cursor"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool UpdateTopChain(CBlockStoreItem cursor)
            ChainParams.HashBestChain = cursor.Hash;
            ChainParams.nBestChainTrust = cursor.nChainTrust;
            ChainParams.nBestHeight = cursor.nHeight;

            return dbConn.Update(ChainParams) != 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public bool AcceptBlock(ref CBlock block)
            uint256 nHash = block.header.Hash;

            if (blockMap.ContainsKey(nHash))
                // Already have this block.
                return false;

            CBlockStoreItem prevBlockCursor;
            if (!blockMap.TryGetValue(block.header.prevHash, out prevBlockCursor))
                // Unable to get the cursor.
                return false;

            var prevBlockHeader = prevBlockCursor.BlockHeader;

            uint nHeight = prevBlockCursor.nHeight + 1;

            // Check timestamp against prev
            if (NetInfo.FutureDrift(block.header.nTime) < prevBlockHeader.nTime)
                // block's timestamp is too early
                return false;

            // Check that all transactions are finalized
            foreach (var tx in block.vtx)
                if (!tx.IsFinal(nHeight, block.header.nTime))
                    return false;

            // Check that the block chain matches the known block chain up to a checkpoint
            if (!HashCheckpoints.Verify(nHeight, nHash))
                return false;  // rejected by checkpoint lock-in

            // Enforce rule that the coinbase starts with serialized block height
            var expect = new CScript();

            byte[] expectBytes = expect;
            byte[] scriptSig = block.vtx[0].vin[0].scriptSig;

            if (!expectBytes.SequenceEqual(scriptSig.Take(expectBytes.Length)))
                return false; // coinbase doesn't start with serialized height.

            // Write block to file.
            var newCursor = new CBlockStoreItem()
                nHeight = nHeight,


            if (!AddItemToIndex(ref newCursor, ref block))

                return false;

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private bool SetBestChain(ref CBlockStoreItem cursor)
            uint256 hashBlock = cursor.Hash;

            if (genesisBlockCursor == null && hashBlock == NetInfo.nHashGenesisBlock)
                genesisBlockCursor = cursor;
            else if (ChainParams.nHashBestChain == (uint256)cursor.prevHash)
                if (!SetBestChainInner(cursor))
                    return false;
                // the first block in the new chain that will cause it to become the new best chain
                var cursorIntermediate = cursor;

                // list of blocks that need to be connected afterwards
                var secondary = new List<CBlockStoreItem>();

                // Reorganize is costly in terms of db load, as it works in a single db transaction.
                // Try to limit how much needs to be done inside
                while (cursorIntermediate.prev != null && cursorIntermediate.prev.nChainTrust > bestBlockCursor.nChainTrust)
                    cursorIntermediate = cursorIntermediate.prev;

                // Switch to new best branch
                if (!Reorganize(cursorIntermediate))
                    return false; // reorganize failed

                // Connect further blocks
                foreach (var currentCursor in secondary)
                    CBlock block;
                    if (!currentCursor.ReadFromFile(ref fStreamReadWrite, out block))
                        // ReadFromDisk failed

                    // errors now are not fatal, we still did a reorganisation to a new chain in a valid way
                    if (!SetBestChainInner(currentCursor))

            bestBlockCursor = cursor;
            nTimeBestReceived = Interop.GetTime();

            if (!UpdateTopChain(cursor))
                return false; // unable to set top chain node.

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private bool SetBestChainInner(CBlockStoreItem cursor)
            uint256 hash = cursor.Hash;
            CBlock block;
            if (!cursor.ReadFromFile(ref fStreamReadWrite, out block))
                return false; // Unable to read block from file.

            // Adding to current best branch
            if (!ConnectBlock(cursor, ref block) || !UpdateTopChain(cursor))
                return false;

            // Add to current best branch
            var prevCursor = cursor.prev;
            prevCursor.next = cursor;

            if (!UpdateDBCursor(ref prevCursor))
                return false; // unable to update

            // Delete redundant memory transactions
            foreach (var tx in block.vtx)
                CTransaction dummy;
                mapUnconfirmedTx.TryRemove(tx.Hash, out dummy);

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Init the block storage manager.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="IndexDB">Path to index database</param>
        /// <param name="BlockFile">Path to block file</param>
        public CBlockStore(string IndexDB = "blockstore.dat", string BlockFile = "blk0001.dat")
            strDbFile = IndexDB;
            strBlockFile = BlockFile;

            bool firstInit = !File.Exists(strDbFile);
            dbPlatform = new SQLitePlatformGeneric();
            dbConn = new SQLiteConnection(dbPlatform, strDbFile);

            fStreamReadWrite = File.Open(strBlockFile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

            Instance = this;

            if (firstInit)
                lock (LockObj)
                    // Create tables

                    ChainParams = new ChainState()
                        nBestChainTrust = 0,
                        nBestHeight = 0,
                        nHashBestChain = 0


                    var genesisBlock = new CBlock(
                            "01000000" + // nVersion=1
                            "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" + // prevhash is zero
                            "7b0502ad2f9f675528183f83d6385794fbcaa914e6d385c6cb1d866a3b3bb34c" + // merkle root
                            "398e1151" + // nTime=1360105017
                            "ffff0f1e" + // nBits=0x1e0fffff
                            "d3091800" + // nNonce=1575379
                            "01" +       // nTxCount=1
                            "01000000" + // nVersion=1
                            "398e1151" + // nTime=1360105017
                            "01" +       // nInputs=1
                            "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" + // input txid is zero
                            "ffffffff" + // n=uint.maxValue
                            "4d" +       // scriptSigLen=77
                            "04ffff001d020f274468747470733a2f2f626974636f696e74616c6b2e6f72672f696e6465782e7068703f746f7069633d3133343137392e6d736731353032313936236d736731353032313936" + // scriptSig
                            "ffffffff" + // nSequence=uint.maxValue
                            "01" +       // nOutputs=1
                            "0000000000000000" + // nValue=0
                            "00" +       // scriptPubkeyLen=0
                            "00000000" + // nLockTime=0
                            "00"         // sigLen=0

                    // Write block to file.
                    var rootCursor = new CBlockStoreItem()
                        nHeight = 0


                    if (!AddItemToIndex(ref rootCursor, ref genesisBlock))
                        throw new Exception("Unable to write genesis block");
                var blockTreeItems = dbConn.Query<CBlockStoreItem>("select * from [BlockStorage] order by [ItemId] asc");

                // Init list of block items
                foreach (var item in blockTreeItems)
                    item.nStakeModifierChecksum = StakeModifier.GetModifierChecksum(item);

                    blockMap.TryAdd(item.Hash, item);

                    if (item.IsProofOfStake)
                        // build mapStakeSeen
                        mapStakeSeen.TryAdd(item.prevoutStake, item.nStakeTime);

                // Load data about the top node.
                ChainParams = dbConn.Table<ChainState>().First();

                genesisBlockCursor = dbConn.Query<CBlockStoreItem>("select * from [BlockStorage] where [Hash] = ?", (byte[])NetInfo.nHashGenesisBlock).First();
                bestBlockCursor = dbConn.Query<CBlockStoreItem>("select * from [BlockStorage] where [Hash] = ?", ChainParams.HashBestChain).First();
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private bool Reorganize(CBlockStoreItem cursorIntermediate)
            // Find the fork
            var fork = bestBlockCursor;
            var longer = cursorIntermediate;

            while (fork.ItemID != longer.ItemID)
                while (longer.nHeight > fork.nHeight)
                    if ((longer = longer.prev) == null)
                        return false; // longer.prev is null

                if (fork.ItemID == longer.ItemID)

                if ((fork = fork.prev) == null)
                    return false; // fork.prev is null

            // List of what to disconnect
            var disconnect = new List<CBlockStoreItem>();
            for (var cursor = bestBlockCursor; cursor.ItemID != fork.ItemID; cursor = cursor.prev)

            // List of what to connect
            var connect = new List<CBlockStoreItem>();
            for (var cursor = cursorIntermediate; cursor.ItemID != fork.ItemID; cursor = cursor.prev)

            // Disconnect shorter branch
            var txResurrect = new List<CTransaction>();
            foreach (var blockCursor in disconnect)
                CBlock block;
                if (!blockCursor.ReadFromFile(ref fStreamReadWrite, out block))
                    return false; // ReadFromFile for disconnect failed.
                if (!DisconnectBlock(blockCursor, ref block))
                    return false; // DisconnectBlock failed.

                // Queue memory transactions to resurrect
                foreach (var tx in block.vtx)
                    if (!tx.IsCoinBase && !tx.IsCoinStake)

            // Connect longer branch
            var txDelete = new List<CTransaction>();
            foreach (var cursor in connect)
                CBlock block;
                if (!cursor.ReadFromFile(ref fStreamReadWrite, out block))
                    return false; // ReadFromDisk for connect failed

                if (!ConnectBlock(cursor, ref block))
                    // Invalid block
                    return false; // ConnectBlock failed

                // Queue memory transactions to delete
                foreach (var tx in block.vtx)

            if (!UpdateTopChain(cursorIntermediate))
                return false; // UpdateTopChain failed

            // Resurrect memory transactions that were in the disconnected branch
            foreach (var tx in txResurrect)
                mapUnconfirmedTx.TryAdd(tx.Hash, tx);

            // Delete redundant memory transactions that are in the connected branch
            foreach (var tx in txDelete)
                CTransaction dummy;
                mapUnconfirmedTx.TryRemove(tx.Hash, out dummy);

            return true; // Done
Ejemplo n.º 12
 private void InvalidChainFound(CBlockStoreItem cursor)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 13
 private bool DisconnectBlock(CBlockStoreItem blockCursor, ref CBlock block)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private bool ConnectInputs(ref CTransaction tx, ref Dictionary<COutPoint, TxOutItem> inputs, ref Dictionary<COutPoint, TxOutItem> queued, ref CBlockStoreItem cursorBlock, bool fBlock, bool fScriptChecks, scriptflag scriptFlags)
            // Take over previous transactions' spent items
            // fBlock is true when this is called from AcceptBlock when a new best-block is added to the blockchain

            if (!tx.IsCoinBase)
                long nValueIn = 0;
                long nFees = 0;
                for (uint i = 0; i < tx.vin.Length; i++)
                    var prevout = tx.vin[i].prevout;
                    var input = inputs[prevout];

                    CBlockStoreItem parentBlockCursor;

                    if (input.nMerkleNodeID == -1)
                        // This input seems as is confirmed by the same block.

                        if (!queued.ContainsKey(prevout))
                            return false; // No such output has been queued by this block.

                        // TODO: Ensure that neither coinbase nor coinstake outputs are
                        //    available for spending in the generation block.
                        // This input has been confirmed by one of the earlier accepted blocks.

                        var merkleItem = GetMerkleCursor(input, out parentBlockCursor);

                        if (merkleItem == null)
                            return false; // Unable to find merkle node

                        // If prev is coinbase or coinstake, check that it's matured
                        if (merkleItem.IsCoinBase || merkleItem.IsCoinStake)
                            if (cursorBlock.nHeight - parentBlockCursor.nHeight < NetInfo.nGeneratedMaturity)
                                return false; // tried to spend non-matured generation input.

                        // check transaction timestamp
                        if (merkleItem.nTime > tx.nTime)
                            return false; // transaction timestamp earlier than input transaction

                    // Check for negative or overflow input values
                    nValueIn += input.nValue;
                    if (!CTransaction.MoneyRange(input.nValue) || !CTransaction.MoneyRange(nValueIn))
                        return false; // txin values out of range


                // The first loop above does all the inexpensive checks.
                // Only if ALL inputs pass do we perform expensive ECDSA signature checks.
                // Helps prevent CPU exhaustion attacks.
                for (int i = 0; i < tx.vin.Length; i++)
                    var prevout = tx.vin[i].prevout;
                    var input = inputs[prevout];

                    // Check for conflicts (double-spend)
                    if (input.IsSpent)
                        return false;

                    // Skip ECDSA signature verification when connecting blocks (fBlock=true)
                    // before the last blockchain checkpoint. This is safe because block merkle hashes are
                    // still computed and checked, and any change will be caught at the next checkpoint.
                    if (fScriptChecks)
                        // Verify signature
                        if (!ScriptCode.VerifyScript(tx.vin[i].scriptSig, input.scriptPubKey, tx, i, (int)scriptflag.SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH, 0))
                            return false; // VerifyScript failed.

                    // Mark outpoint as spent
                    input.IsSpent = true;
                    inputs[prevout] = input;

                    // Write back
                    if (fBlock)
                        if (input.nMerkleNodeID != -1)
                            // Input has been confirmed earlier.
                            queued.Add(prevout, input);
                            // Input has been confirmed by current block.
                            queued[prevout] = input;

                if (tx.IsCoinStake)
                    if (HashCheckpoints.LastCheckpointTime < tx.nTime)
                        // Coin stake tx earns reward instead of paying fee
                        long nCoinAge;
                        if (!tx.GetCoinAge(ref inputs, out nCoinAge))
                            return false; // unable to get coin age for coinstake

                        long nReward = tx.nValueOut - nValueIn;
                        long nCalculatedReward = CBlock.GetProofOfStakeReward(nCoinAge, cursorBlock.nBits, tx.nTime) - tx.GetMinFee(1, false, CTransaction.MinFeeMode.GMF_BLOCK) + CTransaction.nCent;

                        if (nReward > nCalculatedReward)
                            return false; // coinstake pays too much
                    if (nValueIn < tx.nValueOut)
                        return false; // value in < value out

                    // Tally transaction fees
                    long nTxFee = nValueIn - tx.nValueOut;
                    if (nTxFee < 0)
                        return false; // nTxFee < 0

                    nFees += nTxFee;

                    if (!CTransaction.MoneyRange(nFees))
                        return false; // nFees out of range


            return true;