Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void DistrubuteEvent(Event @event, DistributionPolicy distributionPolicy)
            var session = _sessionProvider.GetCurrentSession();

            var eventId = (int) session.Save(@event);
            foreach (var receiverId in distributionPolicy.ReceiverIds)
                var id = session.Save(new Delivery(receiverId, eventId));
        public override void ConsumeEvent(IEventInfo eventInfo)
            Require.NotNull(eventInfo, nameof(eventInfo));

            var @event = new Event(eventInfo);

            var distributionPolicy = GetDistributionPolicyForEvent((dynamic) eventInfo);

            EventRepository.DistrubuteEvent(@event, distributionPolicy);

            SendOutEmailsAboutEvent(distributionPolicy.ReceiverIds, eventInfo);
        public override void ConsumeEvent(IEventInfo eventInfo)
            Require.NotNull(eventInfo, nameof(eventInfo));

            var @event = new Event(eventInfo);

            var distributionPolicy = DistributionPolicyFactory.GetAdminRelatedPolicy();

            EventRepository.DistrubuteEvent(@event, distributionPolicy);

            SendOutEmailsAboutEvent(distributionPolicy.ReceiverIds, eventInfo);
        public void EventIsStoredSuccessfully()
            var provider = new DatabaseSessionProvider();
            var repository = new EventRepository(provider);
            var eventInfo = new NewEmailConfirmedDeveloper(1);
            var @event = new Event(eventInfo);
            var receivers = new[] {30, 31, 32};
            var distributionPolicy = new DistributionPolicy(receivers);

            repository.DistrubuteEvent(@event, distributionPolicy);
            var receivedEvent = repository.GetEventsByUser(receivers[0], false).Single();

            Assert.AreEqual(@event.EventInfo, receivedEvent.EventInfo);
            Assert.AreEqual(@event.EventType, receivedEvent.EventType);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        //, string[] reccurrence)
        public string MoveEvent(DateTime Start, DateTime End, string Creator, string Organizer, string Location, string Title, string eventId, string destinationCalendar, string UserCalendar, int sequence, string description, string reccurrenceRule, bool isAllDay, string ColorId = "")
            string movedEventId = string.Empty;
                int orgId = 0;
                orgId = GetOrgId(UserCalendar, orgId);
                if (orgId == 0)
                    return movedEventId;
                //if (service == null)

                Event evnt = new Event();

                //if (ColorId == "")
                //{ evnt.ColorId = "5"; }
                if (ColorId != "")
                { evnt.ColorId = ColorId; }

                if (isAllDay)
                    evnt.Start = new EventDateTime

                        Date = Start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                        TimeZone = "Australia/Melbourne"//"Etc/UTC"
                    evnt.End = new EventDateTime
                        Date = End.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                        TimeZone = "Australia/Melbourne"//"Etc/UTC"
                    evnt.Transparency = "transparent";
                    evnt.Start = new EventDateTime
                        DateTime = Start,
                        TimeZone = "Australia/Melbourne"//"Etc/UTC"
                    evnt.End = new EventDateTime
                        DateTime = End,
                        TimeZone = "Australia/Melbourne"//"Etc/UTC"

                evnt.Created = DateTime.Today;
                evnt.Creator = new Event.CreatorData
                    DisplayName = Creator

                evnt.Organizer = new Event.OrganizerData
                    DisplayName = Organizer,
                //evnt.Location = Location;

                //evnt.Description = "SalesContact : " + SalesContact + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Required On :" + Convert.ToDateTime(RequiredDate).ToShortDateString() + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Product Description :" + ProductDescription + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Supplier Instructions :" + Comments.Replace("Supplier Instructions", "") + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Order Item (Please donot delete or update OrderItemId) :" + OrderId;
                evnt.Summary = Title;
                evnt.Description = description;
                //evnt.Id = eventViewModel.EventId;
                evnt.Location = Location;
                evnt.Sequence = sequence;
                if (reccurrenceRule.Trim() != string.Empty)
                    string recc = "RRULE:" + reccurrenceRule;// +"\r\n";//"DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:" + DateTime.Parse(StartDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd").Replace("-","") + "\r\n" + "DTEND;VALUE=DATE:" + DateTime.Parse(EndDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd").Replace("-", "") + "\r\n" +
                    List<string> reccurrence = new List<string>();
                    evnt.Recurrence = reccurrence;
                    //evnt.RecurringEventId = "1234";
                    //evnt.OriginalStartTime = evnt.Start;
                var test = service.Events.Move(UserCalendar, eventId, destinationCalendar).Execute();
                var updatedEvent = service.Events.Update(evnt, destinationCalendar, eventId).Execute();
                movedEventId = updatedEvent.Id;
                UpdateEventInDB(eventId, UserCalendar);
                InsertReturnedEventDetailsInDB(destinationCalendar, updatedEvent);

            catch (Exception ex)

                if (ex.Message.Contains("Cannot change the organizer of an instance. [400]"))
                    movedEventId = "CustomError400";

                File.AppendAllText("C:\\Google.txt", ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.InnerException + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace);
            return movedEventId;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public string CreateEvent(string Title, string Location, string SalesContact, DateTime StartDate, DateTime EndDate, string Comments, string ProductDescription, string OrderId, string RequiredDate, string ColorId, string UserCalendar, string description, string reccurrenceRule, bool isAllDay)
            string eventIdAndSequence = string.Empty;
                int orgId = 0;
                orgId = GetOrgId(UserCalendar, orgId);
                if (orgId == 0)
                    return eventIdAndSequence;
                Event evnt = new Event();
                if (ColorId != "")
                { evnt.ColorId = ColorId; }

                if (isAllDay)
                    evnt.Start = new EventDateTime

                        Date = StartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                        TimeZone = "Australia/Melbourne"
                    evnt.End = new EventDateTime
                        Date = EndDate.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                        TimeZone = "Australia/Melbourne"//TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id//"Etc/UTC"
                    evnt.Transparency = "transparent";
                    //string startFormat = StartDate;
                    evnt.Start = new EventDateTime

                        DateTime = StartDate,
                        TimeZone = "Australia/Melbourne"

                    evnt.End = new EventDateTime
                        DateTime = EndDate,
                        TimeZone = "Australia/Melbourne"

                evnt.Description = description;
                evnt.Summary = Title;
                evnt.Location = Location;

                if (reccurrenceRule.Trim() != string.Empty)
                    string recc = "RRULE:" + reccurrenceRule;
                    List<string> reccurrence = new List<string>();
                    evnt.Recurrence = reccurrence;

                var returnedEventDetailes = service.Events.Insert(evnt, UserCalendar).Execute();
                eventIdAndSequence = returnedEventDetailes.Id + "," + returnedEventDetailes.Sequence;
                InsertReturnedEventDetailsInDB(UserCalendar, returnedEventDetailes);

            catch (Exception ex)
                File.AppendAllText("C:\\Google.txt", ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.InnerException + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace);
            return eventIdAndSequence;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void InsertReturnedEventDetailsInDB(string UserCalendar, Event returnedEventDetailes, bool isAllDay = false)
            string Calendar = UserCalendar;
            string EventId = returnedEventDetailes.Id;
            string RecurringEventId = returnedEventDetailes.RecurringEventId;
            if (RecurringEventId == null) { RecurringEventId = ""; };
            var Attendees = returnedEventDetailes.Attendees;
            string Attendes = "";
            if (Attendees != null)

                for (int j = 0; j < Attendees.Count; j++)
                { Attendes = Attendes + "~" + Attendees[j]; };
            string ColorId = returnedEventDetailes.ColorId;
            if (ColorId == null) { ColorId = ""; };
            bool? AttendeesOmitted = returnedEventDetailes.AttendeesOmitted;
            if (AttendeesOmitted == null) { AttendeesOmitted = false; };
            bool? AnyoneCanAddSelf = returnedEventDetailes.AnyoneCanAddSelf;
            if (AnyoneCanAddSelf == null) { AnyoneCanAddSelf = false; };
            string Title = returnedEventDetailes.Summary;
            if (Title == null) { Title = ""; }
            string Location = returnedEventDetailes.Location;
            if (Location == null) { Location = ""; }
            string Description = returnedEventDetailes.Description;
            if (Description == null) { Description = ""; }
            string Kind = returnedEventDetailes.Kind;
            if (Kind == null) { Kind = ""; }

            DateTime StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/1900");

            if (returnedEventDetailes.Start != null)
                if (returnedEventDetailes.Start.DateTime != null)
                    StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(returnedEventDetailes.Start.DateTime);
                    StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(returnedEventDetailes.Start.Date);

            //    StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(returnedEventDetailes.Start.DateTime);

            if (StartDate != null && StartDate.ToString().Contains("0001")) { StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/1900"); }
            DateTime EndDate = Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/1900");
            if (returnedEventDetailes.End != null)
                if (returnedEventDetailes.End.DateTime != null)
                    EndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(returnedEventDetailes.End.DateTime);
                    EndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(returnedEventDetailes.End.Date);

            if (EndDate != null && EndDate.ToString().Contains("0001")) { EndDate = Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/1900"); }

            if (isAllDay)
                EndDate = EndDate.AddDays(-1);

            DateTime MovedOn = Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/1900");
            if (returnedEventDetailes.Created != null)
            { MovedOn = Convert.ToDateTime(returnedEventDetailes.Created); }
            if (MovedOn != null && MovedOn.ToString().Contains("0001")) { MovedOn = Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/1900"); }
            string Status = returnedEventDetailes.Status;
            var Recurrence = returnedEventDetailes.Recurrence;
            string Recurrences = "";
            if (Recurrence != null)

                for (int j = 0; j < Recurrence.Count; j++)
                { Recurrences = Recurrences + "~" + Recurrence[j]; };
            string Organizer = "";
            if (returnedEventDetailes.Organizer != null)
                Organizer = returnedEventDetailes.Organizer.DisplayName;
            if (Organizer == null) { Organizer = ""; }
            string Creator = "";
            if (returnedEventDetailes.Creator != null)
                Creator = returnedEventDetailes.Creator.DisplayName;
            if (Creator == null) { Creator = ""; }
            bool? Locked = false;
                Locked = returnedEventDetailes.Locked;
            catch { };
            Locked = false;
            //if (Locked == null) { Locked = false; };
            int Sequence = 0;
            if (returnedEventDetailes.Sequence != null)
            { Sequence = (int)returnedEventDetailes.Sequence; }
            string Transperancy = returnedEventDetailes.Transparency;
            if (Transperancy == null) { Transperancy = ""; }
            DateTime Updated = Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/1900");
            if (returnedEventDetailes.Updated != null)
            { Updated = Convert.ToDateTime(returnedEventDetailes.Updated); }
            if (Updated != null && Updated.ToString().Contains("0001")) { Updated = Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/1900"); }
            string Visibility = returnedEventDetailes.Visibility;
            if (Visibility == null) { Visibility = ""; }
            InsertOtherEvents(Calendar, EventId, RecurringEventId, ColorId, Attendes, AttendeesOmitted, AnyoneCanAddSelf, Locked, Title, Location, Description, Kind, StartDate, EndDate, MovedOn, Status, Recurrences, Organizer, Creator, Sequence, Transperancy, Updated, Visibility, isAllDay);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        //, string[] reccurrence)
        public string UpdateEvent(DateTime Start, DateTime End, string Creator, string Organizer, string Location, string Title, string eventId, string UserCalendar, int sequence, string description, string reccurrenceRule, bool isAllDay, string ColorId = "")
            string updatedEventId = string.Empty;
                int orgId = 0;
                orgId = GetOrgId(UserCalendar, orgId);
                if (orgId == 0)
                    return updatedEventId;
                //if (service == null)

                // CheckCalendarEvents("*****@*****.**");

                Event evnt = new Event();

                //if (ColorId == "")
                //{ evnt.ColorId = "5"; }
                if (ColorId != "")
                { evnt.ColorId = ColorId; }

                if (isAllDay)
                    evnt.Start = new EventDateTime

                        Date = Start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                        TimeZone = "Australia/Melbourne"//"Etc/UTC"

                    evnt.End = new EventDateTime
                        Date = End.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                        // Date = End.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), here we are adding one day becoz at google take less one day in all day event so we explicity adding one day
                        TimeZone = "Australia/Melbourne"//"Etc/UTC"

                    evnt.Transparency = "transparent";
                    evnt.Start = new EventDateTime
                        DateTime = Start,
                        TimeZone = "Australia/Melbourne"//"Etc/UTC"
                    evnt.End = new EventDateTime
                        DateTime = End,
                        TimeZone = "Australia/Melbourne"//"Etc/UTC"

                evnt.Created = DateTime.Today;
                evnt.Creator = new Event.CreatorData
                    DisplayName = Creator

                evnt.Organizer = new Event.OrganizerData
                    DisplayName = Organizer,
                //evnt.Location = Location;

                evnt.Description = description;//"SalesContact : " + SalesContact + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Supplier Instructions :" ;
                evnt.Summary = Title;
                //evnt.Description = Title + "Desc";
                evnt.Id = eventId;
                evnt.Location = Location;
                evnt.Sequence = sequence;
                if (reccurrenceRule.Trim() != string.Empty)
                    string recc = "RRULE:" + reccurrenceRule;// +"\r\n";//"DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:" + DateTime.Parse(StartDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd").Replace("-","") + "\r\n" + "DTEND;VALUE=DATE:" + DateTime.Parse(EndDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd").Replace("-", "") + "\r\n" +
                    List<string> reccurrence = new List<string>();
                    evnt.Recurrence = reccurrence;

                    //evnt.RecurringEventId = "1234";
                    //evnt.OriginalStartTime = evnt.Start;

                var updatedEvent = service.Events.Update(evnt, UserCalendar, eventId).Execute();
                eventId = updatedEvent.Id;
                InsertReturnedEventDetailsInDB(UserCalendar, updatedEvent, isAllDay);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.Message.Contains("Cannot turn an instance of a recurring event into a recurring event itself. [400]"))
                    updatedEventId = "CustomError401";

                File.AppendAllText("C:\\Google.txt", ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.InnerException + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace);
            return updatedEventId;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        //, string[] reccurrence)
        public string UpdateEvent(DateTime Start, DateTime End, string Creator, string Organizer, string Location, string Title, string eventId, string UserCalendar, int sequence, string description, string reccurrenceRule,bool isAllDay,string ColorId="")
            string updatedEventId = string.Empty;

            Event evnt = new Event();

            if (ColorId == "")
            { evnt.ColorId = "5"; }
            if (ColorId != "")
            { evnt.ColorId = ColorId; }

            if (isAllDay)
                evnt.Start = new EventDateTime

                    Date = Start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                    TimeZone = "Etc/UTC"
                evnt.End = new EventDateTime
                    Date = End.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                    TimeZone = "Etc/UTC"
                evnt.Transparency = "transparent";
                evnt.Start = new EventDateTime
                    DateTime = Start,
                    TimeZone = "Etc/UTC"
                evnt.End = new EventDateTime
                    DateTime = End,
                    TimeZone = "Etc/UTC"

            evnt.Created = DateTime.Today;
            evnt.Creator = new Event.CreatorData
                DisplayName = Creator

            evnt.Organizer = new Event.OrganizerData
                DisplayName = Organizer,
            //evnt.Location = Location;

            evnt.Description = description;//"SalesContact : " + SalesContact + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Supplier Instructions :" ;
            evnt.Summary = Title;
            //evnt.Description = Title + "Desc";
            evnt.Id = eventId;
            evnt.Location = Location;
            evnt.Sequence = sequence;
            if (reccurrenceRule.Trim() != string.Empty)
                string recc = "RRULE:" + reccurrenceRule;// +"\r\n";//"DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:" + DateTime.Parse(StartDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd").Replace("-","") + "\r\n" + "DTEND;VALUE=DATE:" + DateTime.Parse(EndDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd").Replace("-", "") + "\r\n" +
                List<string> reccurrence = new List<string>();
                evnt.Recurrence = reccurrence;
                //evnt.RecurringEventId = "1234";
                //evnt.OriginalStartTime = evnt.Start;
            var updatedEvent = service.Events.Update(evnt, UserCalendar, eventId).Execute();
            eventId = updatedEvent.Id;
            InsertReturnedEventDetailsInDB(UserCalendar, updatedEvent);
            return updatedEventId;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public string CreateEvent(string Title, string Location, string SalesContact, DateTime StartDate, DateTime EndDate, string Comments, string ProductDescription, string OrderId, string RequiredDate, string ColorId, string UserCalendar,string description, string reccurrenceRule,bool isAllDay)
            string eventId = string.Empty;
                string text = File.ReadAllText("C://Google.txt");
                text = text + Environment.NewLine + "Set Calendar Called";
                File.WriteAllText("C://Google.txt", text);
                text = text + Environment.NewLine + "Set Calendar Passed";
                File.WriteAllText("C://Google.txt", text);
                Event evnt = new Event();
                if (ColorId == "")
                { evnt.ColorId = "5"; }
                if (ColorId != "")
                { evnt.ColorId = ColorId; }

                if (isAllDay)
                    evnt.Start = new EventDateTime

                        Date = StartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                        TimeZone = "Etc/UTC"
                    evnt.End = new EventDateTime
                        Date = EndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                        TimeZone = "Etc/UTC"
                    evnt.Transparency = "transparent";
                    //string startFormat = StartDate;
                    evnt.Start = new EventDateTime

                        DateTime = StartDate,
                        TimeZone = "Etc/UTC"

                    evnt.End = new EventDateTime
                        DateTime = EndDate,
                        TimeZone = "Etc/UTC"

                evnt.Description = description;// "SalesContact : " + SalesContact + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Required On :" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Product Description :" + ProductDescription + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Supplier Instructions :" + Comments.Replace("Supplier Instructions", "") + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Order Item (Please donot delete or update OrderItemId) :" + OrderId;
                evnt.Summary = Title;
                evnt.Location = Location;

                if (reccurrenceRule.Trim() != string.Empty)
                    string recc = "RRULE:" + reccurrenceRule;// +"\r\n";//"DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:" + DateTime.Parse(StartDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd").Replace("-","") + "\r\n" + "DTEND;VALUE=DATE:" + DateTime.Parse(EndDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd").Replace("-", "") + "\r\n" +
                    List<string> reccurrence = new List<string>();
                    evnt.Recurrence = reccurrence;
                    //evnt.RecurringEventId = "1234";
                    //evnt.OriginalStartTime = evnt.Start;

                var returnedEventDetailes = service.Events.Insert(evnt, UserCalendar).Execute();
                eventId = returnedEventDetailes.Id;
                InsertReturnedEventDetailsInDB(UserCalendar, returnedEventDetailes);
                File.WriteAllText("C://Google.txt", "Event added");
                //service.Events.Insert(evnt, "*****@*****.**").Execute();
                //  service.Events.Insert(evnt, "*****@*****.**").Execute();

            catch (Exception ex)
                File.AppendAllText("C:\\Google.txt",ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.InnerException + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace);
            return eventId;