Ejemplo n.º 1
        public Mdia(FileStream fs, ulong maximumLength)
            Position = (ulong)fs.Position;
            while (fs.Position < (long)maximumLength)
                if (!InitializeSizeAndName(fs))

                if (Name == "minf" && IsTextSubtitle || IsVobSubSubtitle || IsClosedCaption || IsVideo)
                    UInt32 timeScale = 90000;
                    if (Mdhd != null)
                        timeScale = Mdhd.TimeScale;
                    Minf = new Minf(fs, Position, timeScale, HandlerType, this);
                else if (Name == "hdlr")
                    Buffer = new byte[Size - 4];
                    fs.Read(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length);
                    HandlerType = GetString(8, 4);
                    if (Size > 25)
                        HandlerName = GetString(24, Buffer.Length - (24 + 5)); // TODO: How to find this?
                else if (Name == "mdhd")
                    Mdhd = new Mdhd(fs, Size);
                fs.Seek((long)Position, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public Mdia(Stream fs, ulong maximumLength)
            HandlerType = string.Empty;
            Position    = (ulong)fs.Position;
            while (fs.Position < (long)maximumLength)
                if (!InitializeSizeAndName(fs))

                if (Name == "minf" && IsTextSubtitle || IsVobSubSubtitle || IsClosedCaption || IsVideo)
                    ulong timeScale = 90000;
                    if (Mdhd != null)
                        timeScale = Mdhd.TimeScale;

                    var tempMinf = new Minf(fs, Position, timeScale, HandlerType, this);
                    if (tempMinf.Stbl != null)
                        Minf = tempMinf;
                else if (Name == "hdlr")
                    Buffer = new byte[Size - 4];
                    fs.Read(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length);
                    HandlerType = GetString(8, 4);
                    if (Size > 25)
                        HandlerName = GetString(24, Buffer.Length - (24 + 5)); // TODO: How to find this?
                else if (Name == "mdhd")
                    Mdhd = new Mdhd(fs, Size);
                fs.Seek((long)Position, SeekOrigin.Begin);