public void checkForNewlyAddedFolders(string currentDir)
            Console.WriteLine("Checking for any new directories...");

            var directories = DirectorySearch.GetDirectories(currentDir, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

            foreach (string dir in directories)
                //Check if any of the dirs we're going through are in the old integrity file
                ChangeSets.MatchesResult flags = DoesFileHashMatch(ChangeSets.CHANGESET_TYPES.CHANGESET_INTEGRITY_OLD, dir, "");
                bool matches_dirname           = (flags & ChangeSets.MatchesResult.matches_filename) != 0; //See if it matches the dir name
                //If it doesn't match, it means it's new
                if (!matches_dirname)
                    //Add the newly created folder
                    AddToChangeSet(ChangeSets.CHANGESET_TYPES.CHANGESET_NEW, "", dir, "directory", "0", "add-dir");
         * Loop through the entire directory structure passed by sDir and generate an info.xml containing all the hashes.
         * Generating an update
         *  - Read files (recursively, go into the dirs) from the folder which will contain all the diffs, this is a separate folder
         *  - Compare against the old change set (if there is one, if not just add all the files and create the changeset_1.xml)
         *  - Create a list in the following format:
         * <ContentFile hash="13179176312914318240461532918490631599201219143227" filename="nightfiresource\base1.fgd" filesize="339355" mode="add" type="file" />
         *  - Generate the integrity file which will contain all the files and their hashes.
         *  - Keep track of deleted / created folders.
        private void DirGenerateCaches(string origDir, int version)
            var chSet           = ChangeSets.getChangeSetsClassPtr(origDir);
            var chSetFolderName = BuildCache.getMainCacheDirectory(chSet.getMainChangeSetDir());

            if (version > minimal_ver)
                if (!chSet.LoadIntegrityfile(chSetFolderName))
                    Console.WriteLine("No integrity file yet...");

            bool changeSetExists = chSet.DoesChangeSetExist(ChangeSets.CHANGESET_TYPES.CHANGESET_INTEGRITY_OLD);

            BuildCache.VerifyBootstrapper(chSetFolderName); //First and foremost check the bootstrapper version

            DiscordNotify.FormatDiscordPost($"\ud83d\udd27 Building a new {chSetFolderName} update!");
            DiscordNotify.SendDiscordPost(DiscordNotify.discordId, DiscordNotify.discordToken).Wait();

                IEnumerable <string> files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(origDir, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                foreach (string file in files)
                    var    hashFuncs = new Hashing();
                    string SHA1Hash  = hashFuncs.genFileHash(file); //Generate our sha1 file hash which we'll use later on

                    string fileSize = new System.IO.FileInfo(file).Length.ToString();
                    //If the changeset list exists
                    if (changeSetExists)
                        //Huge perf hit, requires optimization... Although I can't see a better way to optimize this right now...
                        ChangeSets.MatchesResult flags = chSet.DoesFileHashMatch(ChangeSets.CHANGESET_TYPES.CHANGESET_INTEGRITY_OLD, file, SHA1Hash);
                        bool matches_hash     = (flags & ChangeSets.MatchesResult.matches_hash) != 0;
                        bool matches_filename = (flags & ChangeSets.MatchesResult.matches_filename) != 0;
                        //If there was a change from the previous changeset to now
                        if (!matches_hash)
                            //Add the change as an edit if it matches the filename in the hashes file, if not, it means we've added a file.
                            if (matches_filename)
                                chSet.AddToChangeSet(ChangeSets.CHANGESET_TYPES.CHANGESET_NEW, SHA1Hash, file, "file", fileSize, "edit");
                                chSet.AddToChangeSet(ChangeSets.CHANGESET_TYPES.CHANGESET_NEW, SHA1Hash, file, "file", fileSize, "add");
                        //If there's no changeset we're on the first revision
                        chSet.AddToChangeSet(ChangeSets.CHANGESET_TYPES.CHANGESET_NEW, SHA1Hash, file, "file", fileSize, "add");
                    chSet.AddToChangeSet(ChangeSets.CHANGESET_TYPES.CHANGESET_INTEGRITY_CURRENT, SHA1Hash, file, "file", fileSize, "add");

                //Get the directory structure
                var directories = DirectorySearch.GetDirectories(origDir, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                foreach (string dir in directories)
                    //Add every single directory to our current integrity file
                    chSet.AddToChangeSet(ChangeSets.CHANGESET_TYPES.CHANGESET_INTEGRITY_CURRENT, "", dir, "directory", "0", "add-dir");

                //Check for newly added folders
                if (File.Exists(chSet.genSetName(chSetFolderName, "integrity.xml")))

                //Check for any deleted files and folders by comparing the last integrity file to the actual directory structure (Adds to the new changeset list only)
                if (File.Exists(chSet.genSetName(chSetFolderName, "integrity.xml")))
                    chSet.checkForDeletedFiles_Dirs(chSet.genSetName(chSetFolderName, "integrity.xml"));

                //Create the directory (if it doesn't exist) where we'll have our changesets

                chSet.WriteChangeSetToXML(chSet.genSetName(chSetFolderName, $"changeset_{version}.xml"), ChangeSets.CHANGESET_TYPES.CHANGESET_NEW);
                chSet.WriteChangeSetToXML(chSet.genSetName(chSetFolderName, "integrity.xml"), ChangeSets.CHANGESET_TYPES.CHANGESET_INTEGRITY_CURRENT);

                /* Once everything's done, call BuildCache.Init to compress and copy the files over to the new directory.
                 *  Evaluate if we're copying from the new changeset or the entire integrity file, it should always be CHANGESET_NEW since full integrity is added on it at first but whatever...
                BuildCache.GenerateCacheFromChangeset(chSet, changeSetExists);

                //And last but not least, tell cloudflare to get rid of caches...
                CloudflarePurge cf = CloudflarePurge.getCloudflarePurgeClassPtr();
                if (cf.getAPIShouldPurgeCloudflare())
                    cf.PurgeCache(cf.getAPIEmail(), cf.getAPIKey());

                //Optionally, notify on discord
                TryReadAndSendDiscordUpdateChangelog(chSet, chSetFolderName, version);
            catch (System.Exception ex)