Ejemplo n.º 1
        public int WriteUserOptions([InAttribute] IStream pOptionsStream, [InAttribute] string pszKey)
            // This function gets called by the shell to let the package write user options under the specified key.
            // The key was declared in SaveUserOptions(), when the shell started saving the suo file.
            Debug.Assert(pszKey.CompareTo(_strSolutionUserOptionsKey) == 0, "The shell called to read an key that doesn't belong to this package");

            Hashtable hashProjectsUserData = new Hashtable();
            IVsSolution solution = (IVsSolution)GetService(typeof(SVsSolution));
            // get the list of controllable projects
            Hashtable hash = GetLoadedControllableProjectsEnum();
            // add the solution to the controllable projects list
            IVsHierarchy solHier = (IVsHierarchy)GetService(typeof(SVsSolution));
            hash[solHier] = true;
            // collect all projects that are controlled and offline
            foreach(IVsHierarchy pHier in hash.Keys)
                if(sccService.IsProjectControlled(pHier) &&
                    // The information we'll persist in the suo file needs to be usable if the solution is moved in a diffrent location
                    // therefore we'll store project names as known by the solution (mostly relativized to the solution's folder)
                    string projUniqueName;
                    if(solution.GetUniqueNameOfProject(pHier, out projUniqueName) == VSConstants.S_OK)
                        hashProjectsUserData[projUniqueName] = true;

            // The easiest way to read/write the data of interest is by using a binary formatter class
            // This way, we can write a map of information about projects with one call
            // (each element in the map needs to be serializable though)
            // The alternative is to write binary data in any byte format you'd like using pOptionsStream.Write
            DataStreamFromComStream pStream = new DataStreamFromComStream(pOptionsStream);
            BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            formatter.Serialize(pStream, hashProjectsUserData);

            return VSConstants.S_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public int ReadUserOptions([InAttribute] IStream pOptionsStream, [InAttribute] string pszKey)
            // This function is called by the shell if the _strSolutionUserOptionsKey section declared
            // in LoadUserOptions() as being written by this package has been found in the suo file.
            // Note this can be during opening a new solution, or may be during merging of 2 solutions.
            // A good source control provider may need to persist this data until OnAfterOpenSolution or OnAfterMergeSolution is called

            // The easiest way to read/write the data of interest is by using a binary formatter class
            DataStreamFromComStream pStream = new DataStreamFromComStream(pOptionsStream);
            Hashtable hashProjectsUserData = new Hashtable();
            if(pStream.Length > 0)
                BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
                hashProjectsUserData = formatter.Deserialize(pStream) as Hashtable;

            IVsSolution solution = (IVsSolution)GetService(typeof(SVsSolution));
            foreach(string projUniqueName in hashProjectsUserData.Keys)
                // If this project is recognizable as part of the solution
                IVsHierarchy pHier = null;
                if(solution.GetProjectOfUniqueName(projUniqueName, out pHier) == VSConstants.S_OK &&
                    pHier != null)

            return VSConstants.S_OK;