Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the response to the NNTP request
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="asyncRequest">Indicates whether this method is being called as part of
        /// an async request. This tells us whether to use the Timeout value or not.</param>
        /// <returns>The NNTP response</returns>
        private WebResponse GetResponse(bool asyncRequest)
            NntpWebResponse response;
            MemoryStream    newsgroupListStream;

            //The stream is not closed on purpose in this method
            StreamWriter sw;

            using (NntpClient client = this.Connect())
                if (!asyncRequest)
                    client.Timeout = this.Timeout;

                switch (this.method)
                case "POST":
                    requestStream.Position = 0;
                    client.Post(new UTF8Encoding().GetString(this.requestStream.ToArray()));
                    response = new NntpWebResponse(NntpStatusCode.OK, RequestUri);

                case "LIST":
                    newsgroupListStream = new MemoryStream();
                    sw = new StreamWriter(newsgroupListStream);
                    newsgroupListStream.Position = 0;
                    response = new NntpWebResponse(NntpStatusCode.OK, newsgroupListStream, RequestUri);

                case "NEWNEWS":
                    IList <MimeMessage> msgs = client.GetNntpMessages(ifModifiedSince, downloadCount);
                    response          = new NntpWebResponse(NntpStatusCode.OK, Stream.Null, RequestUri);
                    response.Articles = msgs;

                    throw new NotSupportedException(method);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Connects to the server and returns the connected NntpClient
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>the connected NntpClient</returns>
        private NntpClient Connect()
            NntpClient client = new NntpClient(requestUri.Host, requestUri.Port);

            if ((this.credentials != null))
                NetworkCredential nc = this.credentials as NetworkCredential;

                if (nc == null)
                    throw new NntpWebException("Credentials property not an instance of NetworkCredential");

                bool authOK;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nc.Domain))
                    authOK = client.AuthInfo(nc.UserName, nc.Password);
                    authOK = client.AuthInfo(nc.Domain + "\\" + nc.UserName, nc.Password);

                if (!authOK)
                    throw new NntpWebException(String.Format(ComponentsText.ExceptionNntpServerAuthenticationFailed, requestUri.Host));

            if (proxy != null)
                //TODO: to be impl. in the NntpClient

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the list of articles from the stream and returns the feed item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="f">Information about the feed. This information is updated based
        /// on the results of processing the feed.</param>
        /// <param name="newsgroupListStream">A stream containing an nntp news group list.</param>
        /// <param name="response">The response.</param>
        /// <param name="cacheDataService">The cache data service to store embedded binary content.</param>
        /// <param name="cachedStream">Flag states update last retrieved date on feed only
        /// if the item was not cached. Indicates whether the lastretrieved date is updated
        /// on the NewsFeed object passed in.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A FeedInfo containing the NewsItem objects
        /// </returns>
        internal static FeedInfo GetItemsForNewsGroup(INewsFeed f, Stream newsgroupListStream, WebResponse response, IUserCacheDataService cacheDataService, bool cachedStream)
            int readItems          = 0;
            List <INewsItem> items = new List <INewsItem>();
            NewsItem         item;

            StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();

            // just to have the source for the item to build to track down issues:
            StringBuilder itemSource = new StringBuilder();
            NntpWebResponse nntpResponse = (NntpWebResponse)response;

            FeedInfo fi = new FeedInfo(f.id, f.cacheurl, items, f.title, f.link, String.Empty);

                foreach (MimeMessage msg in nntpResponse.Articles)
                    string   parentId;
                    string   id;
                    string   author  = parentId = id = null;
                    DateTime pubDate = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    content.Length = 0;

                    string title;
                    if (msg.Subject != null)
                        title = EscapeXML(msg.Subject.Value);
                        title = "";

                    UnstructuredField fld = msg.Header.GetField(MimeField.MessageID) as UnstructuredField;
                    if (fld != null)
                        id = fld.Value;

                    MailboxListField mfld = msg.Header.GetField(MimeField.From) as MailboxListField;
                    if (mfld != null && mfld.MailboxList.Count > 0)
                        author = mfld.MailboxList[0].AddressString;

                    fld = msg.Header.GetField(MimeField.References) as UnstructuredField;
                    if (fld != null)
                        // returns the hierarchy path: the last one is our real parent:
                        string[] singleRefs = fld.Value.Split(' ');
                        if (singleRefs.Length > 0)
                            parentId = CreateGoogleUrlFromID(singleRefs[singleRefs.Length - 1]);
                    DateTimeField dfld = msg.Header.GetField(MimeField.Date) as DateTimeField;
                    if (dfld != null)
                        pubDate = dfld.DateValue;

                    ITextBody txtBody = msg.Body as ITextBody;
                    if (txtBody != null)

                        content = NntpClient.DecodeBody(content,
                                                        (fileName, bytes) =>
                            string name = PrepareEmbeddedFileUrl(fileName, id, nntpResponse.ResponseUri);
                            // we replace the uuencoded/yencoded binary content with a clickable link:
                            if (IsImage(fileName))
                                return(String.Format("<img src='{1}' alt='{0}'></img>", fileName,
                                                     cacheDataService.SaveBinaryContent(name, bytes).AbsoluteUri));
                            return(String.Format("<a href='{1}'>{0}</a>", fileName,
                                                 cacheDataService.SaveBinaryContent(name, bytes).AbsoluteUri));
                                                        line =>
                            // escape HTML/XML special chars:
                            return(line.Replace("<", "&lt;").Replace("]]>", "]]&gt;"));

                        content = content.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br>");

                    if (id != null)
                        item              = new NewsItem(f, title, CreateGoogleUrlFromID(id), content.ToString(), author, pubDate, id, parentId);
                        item.FeedDetails  = fi;
                        item.CommentStyle = SupportedCommentStyle.NNTP;
                        item.Enclosures   = Collections.GetList <IEnclosure> .Empty;
                        _log.Warn("No message-id header found for item:\r\n" + itemSource.ToString());
                        _log.Warn("No message-id header found for item.");

                //update last retrieved date on feed only if the item was not cached.)
                if (!cachedStream)
                    f.lastretrieved          = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Ticks);
                    f.lastretrievedSpecified = true;

                //any new items in feed?
                if ((items.Count == 0) || (readItems == items.Count))
                    f.containsNewMessages = false;
                    f.containsNewMessages = true;

            catch (Exception e)
                _log.Error("Retriving NNTP articles from " + nntpResponse.ResponseUri + " caused an exception", e);
