Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Callback function invoked by Pcap.Net for every incoming packet
        private static void PacketHandler(Packet packet)
            string packSource = packet.Ethernet.Source.ToString();

            if (myDevices[0].IPAddress != packet.IpV4.Source.ToString() && myDevices[0].MacAddress != packSource && myDevices[1].MacAddress != packSource)
                //Console.WriteLine(packet.Timestamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.fff") + " length:" + packet.Length + "IP:" + packet.IpV4);

                int              threadID = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId; //fetch current thread ID
                MyDevice         devObj   = GetDevice(threadID, "mine");
                EthernetDatagram ed       = packet.Ethernet;

                if (ed.EtherType == EthernetType.Arp)//Checking if the packet type is arp
                    Console.WriteLine("ARP packet MAC src=" + packet.Ethernet.Source.ToString());

                    //Console.WriteLine("ARP Packet");
                    //Console.WriteLine("TARGET ADDRESS: " + packet.Ethernet.Arp.TargetProtocolIpV4Address);
                    //Console.WriteLine("DEST: " + packet.IpV4.Destination);
                    //IPAddress ipSrc = IPAddress.Parse(packet.Ethernet.Arp.TargetProtocolIpV4Address);
                    //Console.WriteLine("ipSrc: " + packet.Ethernet.Arp.TargetProtocolIpV4Address.ToString());

                    ////if (CheckAddress(packet, "Arp"))
                    //    ArpPoison(packet, devObj);

                    Console.WriteLine("A=" + RemoveDots(packet.Ethernet.Source.ToString()));
                    Console.WriteLine("B=" + devObj.MacAddress);
                    Console.WriteLine("C=" + GetDevice(threadID, "other").MacAddress);

                    if (!(RemoveDots(packet.Ethernet.Source.ToString()).Equals(devObj.MacAddress) || RemoveDots(packet.Ethernet.Source.ToString()).Equals(GetDevice(threadID, "other").MacAddress)))
                        ArpPoison(packet, devObj);
                else//packet type is icmp
                    if (ed.IpV4.Protocol == IpV4Protocol.InternetControlMessageProtocol)
                        Console.WriteLine("ICMP packet IP DEST=" + packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Destination.ToString());
                        HandleIcmp(packet, threadID);
                        if (packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Protocol == IpV4Protocol.Tcp)
                            Console.WriteLine("TCP packet");
                            HandleTcp(packet, threadID);
                        //    Console.WriteLine("Packet not recognized");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static void HandleIcmp(Packet packet, int threadID)
            //Console.WriteLine("ICMP Packet: " + packet.Length);
            MyDevice newDev = GetDevice(threadID, "other");

            CheckAddress(packet, "Icmp");

            if (!packet.IpV4.Source.ToString().Equals("") || !packet.IpV4.Destination.ToString().Equals(""))
                //Console.WriteLine("Device: " + newDev.ID + "ICMP Addresses list count: " + newDev.ComputerAddresses.Count);

                Address addr = GetTargetAddress(packet, newDev);

                IpV4Layer ipLayer = (IpV4Layer)packet.Ethernet.IpV4.ExtractLayer();

                string packetType = "REQUEST";
                    IcmpEchoLayer test = (IcmpEchoLayer)packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Icmp.ExtractLayer();
                    packetType = "REPLY";
                // PayloadLayer payload = (PayloadLayer)packet.Ethernet.Payload.ExtractLayer();
                //IcmpEchoLayer icmpLayer = (IcmpEchoLayer)packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Icmp.ExtractLayer();
                //Console.WriteLine("ETHER LAYER DESTINATION: " + ethLayer.Destination);

                Console.WriteLine("ICMP MessageTYPE: " + packet.IpV4.Icmp.MessageType.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("ICMP TYPE: " + packet.IpV4.Icmp.GetType().ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("ICMP CODE: " + packet.IpV4.Icmp.Code);
                Console.WriteLine("PACKET LENGTH: " + packet.Length);

                if (addr != null && ipLayer != null && packet.Length != 70)
                    Packet newPacket = BuildIcmpPacket(new MacAddress(newDev.MacAddressWithDots()), new MacAddress(addr.Mac), packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Source, packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Destination, packetType);
                    //Packet newPacket = PacketBuilder.Build(DateTime.Now, ethLayer, ipLayer, icmpLayer);
                    if (newPacket.IsValid)
                        if (newPacket.Ethernet.Source != newPacket.Ethernet.Destination)
                            Console.WriteLine("Icmp Packet Sent");
                        Console.WriteLine("ICMP Packet Is Not Valid :(");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static EthernetLayer BuildEthernetLayer(MyDevice newDev, Address addr)
            EthernetLayer ethLayer = null;

            if (addr != null)
                //Console.WriteLine("ADDR: " + addr.Mac.ToString());
                ethLayer = new EthernetLayer {
                    Source = new MacAddress(newDev.MacAddressWithDots()), Destination = new MacAddress(addr.Mac)
                //Console.WriteLine("%%%%Src: " + newDev.MacAddressWithDots() + " Dst: " + addr.Mac);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static Address GetTargetAddress(Packet packet, MyDevice newDev) //get ping target address
            Address addr = null;

            foreach (Address address in newDev.ComputerAddresses)
                //Console.WriteLine("IP: " + address.Ip + " ARP: " + address.Mac + " packet ip: " + packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Destination + " Packet source: " + packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Source);
                //Console.WriteLine("IP:" + address.Ip);
                //Console.WriteLine("packet IP:" + packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Destination);

                if (address.Ip.Equals(packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Destination.ToString()))
                    Console.WriteLine("EQUALSS :>");
                    addr = address;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static void ArpPoison(Packet packet, MyDevice devObj) //bridge pretends to be target computer
            string          SrcMac = packet.Ethernet.Source.ToString();
            PhysicalAddress pySrc  = PhysicalAddress.Parse(devObj.MacAddress);
            PhysicalAddress pyDest = PhysicalAddress.Parse(RemoveDots(SrcMac));
            //IPAddress ipSrc = IPAddress.Parse(devObj.IPAddress);

            IPAddress ipSrc = null;

            IPAddress ipDest = IPAddress.Parse(packet.IpV4.Source.ToString());

                ipSrc = IPAddress.Parse(packet.Ethernet.Arp.TargetProtocolIpV4Address.ToString());
            catch (Exception e)

            //Console.WriteLine("PY-SRC: " + pySrc + ", PY-DST: " + pyDest + ", iP-SRC: " + ipSrc + ", IP-DST: " + ipDest);

            SendResponse(pySrc, pyDest, ipDest, ipSrc);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private static MyDevice GetDevice(int threadID, string type) //מחזיר את הרגל המתאימה לפי סוג הבקשה
            MyDevice newDev = null;

            foreach (MyDevice dev in myDevices)
                if (type.Equals("mine"))
                    if (dev.ID == threadID)
                        newDev = dev;
                    if (dev.ID != threadID)
                        newDev = dev;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        //adds parameters to device objects and start capture function
        //Capture thread
        public static void CaptureStarter()
            // Take the selected adapter
            PacketDevice selectedDevice = allDevices[deviceNumber];

            int threadID = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId; //fetch current thread ID

            CaptureDeviceList devices = CaptureDeviceList.Instance;

            string dName = selectedDevice.Name;
            dName = dName.Substring(dName.IndexOf('{') + 1, (dName.IndexOf('}') - dName.IndexOf('{') - 1));
            string dAddress = "";
            ICaptureDevice capDevice = null;
            foreach (ICaptureDevice dev in devices)

                string name = dev.Name;
                name = name.Substring(name.IndexOf('{') + 1, (name.IndexOf('}') - name.IndexOf('{') - 1));
                if (dName.Equals(name))
                    dAddress = dev.MacAddress.ToString();
                    capDevice = dev;

            string deviceIP = selectedDevice.Addresses[1].Address.ToString();
            deviceIP = deviceIP.Split(' ')[1];

            Console.WriteLine("DEVICE IP: " + deviceIP);

            // Open the device
            using (PacketCommunicator communicator =
                selectedDevice.Open(65536,                                  // portion of the packet to capture                                                                           // 65536 guarantees that the whole packet will be captured on all the link layers
                                    PacketDeviceOpenAttributes.Promiscuous, // promiscuous mode
                                    1000))                                  // read timeout
                MyDevice device = new MyDevice(selectedDevice, dAddress, deviceIP, threadID, capDevice, communicator);

                //Console.WriteLine("Dev ID:" + device.ID);
                //Console.WriteLine("Dev Name:" + device.Device.Name);
                //Console.WriteLine("Dev MAC: " + device.MacAddress);

                //using (BerkeleyPacketFilter filter = communicator.CreateFilter("icmp or arp"))
                //     //Set the filter
                //    communicator.SetFilter(filter);

                Console.WriteLine("Listening on device " + (deviceNumber + 1) + " out of " + allDevices.Count + " :  " + selectedDevice.Description + "...");

                // Start the capture
                communicator.ReceivePackets(0, PacketHandler);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        //get ping target address
        private static Address GetTargetAddress(Packet packet, MyDevice newDev)
            Address addr = null;
            foreach (Address address in newDev.ComputerAddresses)
                //Console.WriteLine("IP: " + address.Ip + " ARP: " + address.Mac + " packet ip: " + packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Destination + " Packet source: " + packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Source);
                //Console.WriteLine("IP:" + address.Ip);
                //Console.WriteLine("packet IP:" + packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Destination);

                if (address.Ip.Equals(packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Destination.ToString()))
                    Console.WriteLine("EQUALSS :>");
                    addr = address;
            return addr;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private static void DiscoverNetworkBroadcast(PacketCommunicator communicator, MyDevice device)
            // Supposing to be on ethernet, set mac source
            MacAddress source = new MacAddress(device.MacAddressWithDots());

            // set mac destination to broadcast
            MacAddress destination = new MacAddress("FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF");

            // Create the packets layers

            // Ethernet Layer
            EthernetLayer ethernetLayer = new EthernetLayer
                Source = source,
                Destination = destination

            // IPv4 Layer
            IpV4Layer ipV4Layer = new IpV4Layer
                Source = new IpV4Address(device.IPAddress),
                Ttl = 128,
                // The rest of the important parameters will be set for each packet

            // ICMP Layer
            IcmpEchoLayer icmpLayer = new IcmpEchoLayer();

            // Create the builder that will build our packets
            PacketBuilder builder = new PacketBuilder(ethernetLayer, ipV4Layer, icmpLayer);

            string ipBeg = device.IpWithoutEnd();
            //Send 100 Pings to different destination with different parameters
            for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                // Set IPv4 parameters
                ipV4Layer.CurrentDestination = new IpV4Address(ipBeg + i);
                ipV4Layer.Identification = (ushort)i;

                // Set ICMP parameters
                icmpLayer.SequenceNumber = (ushort)i;
                icmpLayer.Identifier = (ushort)i;

                // Build the packet
                Packet packet = builder.Build(DateTime.Now);

                // Send down the packet
                //Console.WriteLine("172.16.1." + i);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 private static EthernetLayer BuildEthernetLayer(MyDevice newDev, Address addr)
     EthernetLayer ethLayer = null;
     if (addr != null)
         //Console.WriteLine("ADDR: " + addr.Mac.ToString());
         ethLayer = new EthernetLayer { Source = new MacAddress(newDev.MacAddressWithDots()), Destination = new MacAddress(addr.Mac) };
         //Console.WriteLine("%%%%Src: " + newDev.MacAddressWithDots() + " Dst: " + addr.Mac);
     return ethLayer;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        //bridge pretends to be target computer
        private static void ArpPoison(Packet packet, MyDevice devObj)
            string SrcMac = packet.Ethernet.Source.ToString();
            PhysicalAddress pySrc = PhysicalAddress.Parse(devObj.MacAddress);
            PhysicalAddress pyDest = PhysicalAddress.Parse(RemoveDots(SrcMac));
            //IPAddress ipSrc = IPAddress.Parse(devObj.IPAddress);

            IPAddress ipSrc = null;

            IPAddress ipDest = IPAddress.Parse(packet.IpV4.Source.ToString());

                ipSrc = IPAddress.Parse(packet.Ethernet.Arp.TargetProtocolIpV4Address.ToString());
            catch (Exception e)

            //Console.WriteLine("PY-SRC: " + pySrc + ", PY-DST: " + pyDest + ", iP-SRC: " + ipSrc + ", IP-DST: " + ipDest);

            SendResponse(pySrc, pyDest, ipDest, ipSrc);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        //Capture thread
        public static void CaptureStarter() //adds parameters to device objects and start capture function
            // Take the selected adapter
            PacketDevice selectedDevice = allDevices[deviceNumber];

            int threadID = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId; //fetch current thread ID

            CaptureDeviceList devices = CaptureDeviceList.Instance;

            string dName = selectedDevice.Name;

            dName = dName.Substring(dName.IndexOf('{') + 1, (dName.IndexOf('}') - dName.IndexOf('{') - 1));
            string         dAddress  = "";
            ICaptureDevice capDevice = null;

            foreach (ICaptureDevice dev in devices)

                string name = dev.Name;
                name = name.Substring(name.IndexOf('{') + 1, (name.IndexOf('}') - name.IndexOf('{') - 1));
                if (dName.Equals(name))
                    dAddress  = dev.MacAddress.ToString();
                    capDevice = dev;

            string deviceIP = selectedDevice.Addresses[1].Address.ToString();

            deviceIP = deviceIP.Split(' ')[1];

            Console.WriteLine("DEVICE IP: " + deviceIP);

            // Open the device
            using (PacketCommunicator communicator =
                       selectedDevice.Open(65536,                                  // portion of the packet to capture                                                                           // 65536 guarantees that the whole packet will be captured on all the link layers
                                           PacketDeviceOpenAttributes.Promiscuous, // promiscuous mode
                                           1000))                                  // read timeout
                MyDevice device = new MyDevice(selectedDevice, dAddress, deviceIP, threadID, capDevice, communicator);

                //Console.WriteLine("Dev ID:" + device.ID);
                //Console.WriteLine("Dev Name:" + device.Device.Name);
                //Console.WriteLine("Dev MAC: " + device.MacAddress);

                //using (BerkeleyPacketFilter filter = communicator.CreateFilter("icmp or arp"))
                //     //Set the filter
                //    communicator.SetFilter(filter);

                Console.WriteLine("Listening on device " + (deviceNumber + 1) + " out of " + allDevices.Count + " :  " + selectedDevice.Description + "...");

                // Start the capture
                communicator.ReceivePackets(0, PacketHandler);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private static void HandleTcp(Packet packet, int threadID)
            TcpLayer tcpLayer = (TcpLayer)packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Tcp.ExtractLayer();
            MyDevice newDev   = GetDevice(threadID, "other");

            IpV4Layer    ipLayer    = (IpV4Layer)packet.Ethernet.IpV4.ExtractLayer();
            PayloadLayer tcpPayload = (PayloadLayer)packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Tcp.Payload.ExtractLayer();

            TcpSessionKey tcpKey1 = new TcpSessionKey(ipLayer.Source.ToString(), tcpLayer.SourcePort, ipLayer.Destination.ToString(), tcpLayer.DestinationPort);
            TcpSessionKey tcpKey2 = new TcpSessionKey(ipLayer.Destination.ToString(), tcpLayer.DestinationPort, ipLayer.Source.ToString(), tcpLayer.SourcePort);

            bool newSession = false;

            TcpSessionValue currentSession = null;

                currentSession = sessionDic[tcpKey1];
                    currentSession = sessionDic[tcpKey2];
                    newSession = true;
                    TcpSessionKey   tcpKeyN   = new TcpSessionKey(ipLayer.Source.ToString(), tcpLayer.SourcePort, ipLayer.Destination.ToString(), tcpLayer.DestinationPort);
                    TcpSessionValue tcpValueN = new TcpSessionValue(tcpLayer.SequenceNumber, tcpLayer.AcknowledgmentNumber, 64000, tcpLayer.SequenceNumber);
                    currentSession = tcpValueN;
                    sessionDic.Add(tcpKeyN, tcpValueN);

            if (!newSession)
                int prevAckNum = (int)currentSession.ackNum;
                int prevSeqNum = (int)currentSession.seqNum;
                int curAckNum  = (int)tcpLayer.AcknowledgmentNumber;
                int curSeqNum  = (int)tcpLayer.SequenceNumber;
                int oldSeqNum  = (int)currentSession.prevseq;

                if (curSeqNum - oldSeqNum < currentSession.windowSize && curSeqNum - oldSeqNum >= 0 && (curSeqNum == prevSeqNum || curAckNum == prevSeqNum))
                    currentSession.prevseq = currentSession.seqNum;
                    currentSession.ackNum  = tcpLayer.AcknowledgmentNumber;
                    currentSession.seqNum  = tcpLayer.SequenceNumber;

                    Packet newPacket = null;

                    string targetMac = null;

                    targetMac = GetTargetAddress(packet, newDev).Mac;

                    if (targetMac != null)
                        newPacket = BuildTcpPacket(new MacAddress(newDev.MacAddressWithDots()), new MacAddress(targetMac), ipLayer, tcpLayer, tcpPayload);
                        Console.WriteLine("No target MAC found");

                    Console.WriteLine("packet built");

                    if (newPacket.IsValid)
                        Console.WriteLine("TCP packet sent");
                        Console.WriteLine("Packet not valid");
                    Console.WriteLine("TCP packet not valid");
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private static void DiscoverNetworkBroadcast(PacketCommunicator communicator, MyDevice device)
            // Supposing to be on ethernet, set mac source
            MacAddress source = new MacAddress(device.MacAddressWithDots());

            // set mac destination to broadcast
            MacAddress destination = new MacAddress("FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF");

            // Create the packets layers

            // Ethernet Layer
            EthernetLayer ethernetLayer = new EthernetLayer
                Source      = source,
                Destination = destination

            // IPv4 Layer
            IpV4Layer ipV4Layer = new IpV4Layer
                Source = new IpV4Address(device.IPAddress),
                Ttl    = 128,
                // The rest of the important parameters will be set for each packet

            // ICMP Layer
            IcmpEchoLayer icmpLayer = new IcmpEchoLayer();

            // Create the builder that will build our packets
            PacketBuilder builder = new PacketBuilder(ethernetLayer, ipV4Layer, icmpLayer);

            string ipBeg = device.IpWithoutEnd();

            //Send 100 Pings to different destination with different parameters
            for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                // Set IPv4 parameters
                ipV4Layer.CurrentDestination = new IpV4Address(ipBeg + i);
                ipV4Layer.Identification     = (ushort)i;

                // Set ICMP parameters
                icmpLayer.SequenceNumber = (ushort)i;
                icmpLayer.Identifier     = (ushort)i;

                // Build the packet
                Packet packet = builder.Build(DateTime.Now);

                // Send down the packet
                //Console.WriteLine("172.16.1." + i);